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Warm & fuzzy owls, goats, kitties, dogs, birds ETC. PICS &LINKS



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,890
    edited August 2015


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,890
    edited August 2015


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,890
    edited August 2015


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,890
    edited August 2015


    We have so many analogies to this.............................

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,890
    edited August 2015


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,890
    edited August 2015


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,890
    edited August 2015

    Image result for funniest joke ever and breast cancer

    Has he created a target........bow & arrow, gun, javelin. You're choice of weapon is?

  • susan3
    susan3 Member Posts: 2,631
    edited August 2015

    Chevy, we bought Claire a fold and fun Barbie house for Christmas. Like you, putting it together the night before. It was actually called....fold and fun. Suppose to be portable. Fun wasn't the "F" word we were using setting it up. And it never ever got folded up...weren't putting it together ever again.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,890
    edited August 2015


  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Member Posts: 4,243
    edited August 2015

    LOL Ms Sas, you got me with the "10 facts about you"! Let see how many people fall for it. Yeah, and my youngerdaughter can relate to the bored little boy.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,890
    edited August 2015


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,890
    edited August 2015

    This one's for you Blondie :)


  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145
    edited August 2015

    Wow sparking a whole lot of memories here some good some not so good.

    DD was a VERY tactile toddler and used to love to go under our bed and squeeze entire tubes of toothpaste onto the carpet, We were using the turquoise coloured colgate at the time...

    She also rubbed an entire block of cheese over the sittingroom wall

    Sudocreme, an Irish nappy rash type product (think a combo of Vaseline and white tar) was the CLEANEST hard mess she ever made

    The worst was 2 litres of milk poured artistically in pools all over the sittingroom - sofa, table, even down the walls! This happened while I was on phone to mechanic AND she got past BOTH my Mother and me with the milk...

    Sas a few months ago DD and I were in car near home when we saw an extraordinary rainbow ball of light in the sky on the right hand side of the sun - it was so bright it was like a second rainbow-coloured sun. I pulled off the motorway and tried to take a pic but my phone has a poor camera and I knew it was unlikely to record the phenomenon. Sure enough it totally overexposed so I got a white sky and nothing else. I googled the phenomenon and it was a "sun dog" caused by the sun reflecting off ice crystals in the clouds. Never saw one before but would love to see one again.

    this is exactly what it looked like:



    Chevy and susan3 - getting the chills thinking of Barbie houses - have done 2 in my life, one that DD got for her birthday and one that she bought with a gift voucher prize she won. Both were Barbie MANSIONS. Together they sort of make a Barbie metropolis - Definitely a qualifier in the Flat Pack Olympics


  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145
    edited August 2015

    Found a picture of the metropolis


    I will add that the 2nd house did not improve Barbie and Ken's usual behaviour, they still spend most of their time naked in one mansion or the other and never a sign of a wedding.

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618
    edited August 2015

    this is what my daughter had in 1970s. We had to go 100 miles to pick it up, our local stores were out of stock and I wanted for Christmas. It went to several others girls in the family when she out grew it. Don't know if we got rid of it or it's still up in the loft


  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145
    edited August 2015

    Ireland in the 1970's we didn't have Barbies, we had Sindys - a UK fashion doll with a bigger face and less skinny body. I couldn't tell you when Barbie first emigrated to Europe but it was after my childhood and she totally killed Sindy when she did make the move.

    My Sindys had to be content with this Sindy house


    not too much difficulty putting this one together!

    Absolutely spooky seeing it again on Google images. My Sindys and their furniture are in my loft, but the 4 room condo is long gone.

  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145
    edited August 2015



  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145
    edited August 2015


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2015

    Is this it DSgirl??



  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360
    edited August 2015


  • dsgirl
    dsgirl Member Posts: 193
    edited August 2015

    Hi CHEVY, long time no "see" - no that was not it, but those will do.


    I received it in an e-mail, and copied, then got here, clicked paste and it showed up, Yeah, but short lived, when I hit submit it was just a tiny square box. I will go back and read some of the posts Sassy's said would teach me all about it. Meantime I enjoy reading this thread.


    Edited to delete Chevy's real name, we used to chat on the older women's thread and PM some, my son lived in Denver at the time and we tried to make a plan for a meet, but did not make it, so I just forgot that we do not use our real names on threads.

  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145
    edited August 2015

    Julie I am going to repost the "cat people" on the cats, cats, cats thread as there are many ladies on there who are not on warm fuzzies and I think they would enjoy it too

  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145
    edited August 2015


  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145
    edited August 2015


  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145
    edited August 2015


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2015
  • ChicagoReader
    ChicagoReader Member Posts: 54
    edited August 2015

    Funny video about the French cat who came to Chicago as an exchange student:

  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360
    edited August 2015

    Feelingfeline ThumbsUp


  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360
    edited August 2015


  • OncoWarrior
    OncoWarrior Member Posts: 3,326
    edited August 2015

    Warm and fuzzy fake pets "Wake" and "Sleep" on this TV commercial.

    I think they are cute and cleverly done

    I think the commercial has a commercial so you may have to click on "Skip Ad"

    Belsomra commercial