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Warm & fuzzy owls, goats, kitties, dogs, birds ETC. PICS &LINKS



  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2016

    Great ones!!! 😍

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,691
    edited January 2016

    The cat ones are hilarious. Loved the cowsies too!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2016

    Yes, the pictures are great! Hopefully none of you are not out in ANY of that weather! It's pretty to look at, but MAN, I can't believe what a storm that was! That's all that's on the news... but saw a guy riding down a snow-covered street riding a bicycle! And how much fun hundreds were having yesterday sliding down the "Rocky" steps in Philly!

  • Hernie
    Hernie Member Posts: 664
    edited January 2016


  • Hernie
    Hernie Member Posts: 664
    edited January 2016


  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360
    edited January 2016


  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360
    edited January 2016


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,890
    edited January 2016


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,890
    edited January 2016


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,890
    edited January 2016


  • KiwiCatMom
    KiwiCatMom Member Posts: 2,337
    edited January 2016

    Great photos! Love the snow's summer here in NZ, so I can feel secretly superior. :) Seriously, hope you are all safe and warm.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2016

    Oh Kiwi! I know we all wish it were Summer HERE! Ha.... Great pictures!

  • KiwiCatMom
    KiwiCatMom Member Posts: 2,337
    edited January 2016

    We went to the API show this weekend; similar to a county or state fair in the US. My favourite event is the sheep dog trials, but I love looking at all the animals.

    If you're interested, photos are at:

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,920
    edited January 2016

    Kiwi, I was in London and flipped on the TV. It was the national sheep dog trials. The winners were an older man and his seasoned dog. I think they could read each other's minds. It was wonderful to watch. I would love to see one in person someday.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2016

    There are sheepdog exhibits at our Highland Games. I love to watch them give "eye", and make the sheep move.

    I had an Australian Shepherd. I took him to be herding instinct tested. He thought sheep were funny looking dogs. The light bulb finally went on, but I never pursued herding with him. Yes, even in Florida there are herding trials.

    He didn't like my son in laws dog to close to me, and would give eye to make Timber move.

    Vulfie was better at agility, so that's what we did.

  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360
    edited January 2016




  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360
    edited January 2016


  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Member Posts: 4,243
    edited January 2016


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2016

    not real warm today, hate us if you must

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited January 2016

    Gotcha, Spookie... Winking


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2016

    Julie did it!!!!! National hate Florida Day. Let's make it hate Phoenix Day!!! 66 sounds wonderful!!!!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,691
    edited January 2016

    Sas- loved the Star Wars funny! Could have used a Tauntaun in the storm yesterday!

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited January 2016


  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,691
    edited January 2016


  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited January 2016


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2016


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2016


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2016


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2016


  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618
    edited January 2016
