In panic need advice

Hello community of great ladies
I apologize for my English, it's not my first language.
I am 34 , have 2 kids, 3 and 5 years old
5 weeks ago found red spot on by breast 1 inch by 0.5 inch . Will include picture. Did not pay attention for a week. Then decided to check all bras that might cause it. Non of them seems to be a cause. Googled what it might be and my terror began. Week later my NP immediately refered me to a general surgery. Mammogram was done 2 days later and neg. surgeon decided to do punch biopsy cause I was concernd. Biopsy was done on a 5th day. No cancer cells found but signs of inflammation. Not specific to any dermatology condition. Next day after biopsy skin red spot almost disappeared. Now 4 weeks later red spot completely gone. No swelling, not hot, breast same size, not inching No discoloration no discharge
But right after biopsy I started to have breast, armpit shoulder and arm pains. I feel wired sensation in my nipple like burning and pulling, as well shouting pain in my nipple. My husband just finished med school and telling me that it's in my head and might be fibromyalgia. I determine to do breast mri. My breast and all left side pain killing me. I lost so much wight and going nuts. I feel like I have cancer. I am very tired, eat a lot but losing weight. Going nuts and crying all the time. Took my son on a playground today this nipple shouting pain always tells me that I might gave cancer. Do not know what should I do next. Sorry for a long post
Hello Mariala,
I understand what your going through and IBC can be hard to diagnosis. I had sharp pain in my nipple and breast for about 8 months but I have fibroids in my breast so I didn't worry to much until it started hurting daily. Then overnight seems like it my nipple and around it had dimples. Within a few weeks about my whole breast was inflammed and about 2 to 3 size bigger then the left breast. The red spot on your breast doesn't look like much and it went away. The pain is a different story only because they seem inflammation on your biopsy. Only thing you can do now is ask for a MRI and that should show something if anything. I think your find and try not to worry and enjoy life and your children!! Good luck
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Scheduled an MRI for next Wednesday4/2/13. I cannot think straight cause this pain just always there to remind me.How people cope, i have no clue. Thank you for response. And good luck too
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I can only speak for myself - I am IBC and I never had any pain associated with it.
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Thank you Kicks,
my doctor and my husband thinkthat I just paying too much attention to that breast and out of fear feel pain.honestly I examine it like 10 times a day. Will let everybody know my MRIresults next week.
You ladies inspired me and Idecided to volunteer for oncology patients and will be providing transportationto treatments.
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You MRI will turn out find, and it's nice of you to volunteer!!! :-)
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Just got my MRI results today,its negative. BUT i have pain in my breast, armpit pain radiating to my arm.Still worried.
Thank you everyone for supportand replies. God bless
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You're welcome Mariala and I'm happy your MRI was negative. Don't worry to much and I hope you find out what's causing the pain soon. Maybe you pulled a muscle.
God bless!