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Starting chemo July 2014



  • pinkninja9560
    pinkninja9560 Member Posts: 178

    Holy cow Puffin!!! I have total hair envy! I wouldn't care if mine came back green if it looked like yours!

    You lucky duck!

  • nancy2581
    nancy2581 Member Posts: 408

    I am with pinkninja on this one puffin. I would be thrilled if my hair came back like that. You lucky dog.

    Pinkninja you crack me up. You look great in all of those hats. They are hysterical.

    AJ my hair looks just like your's. At least we are not alone lol


  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    Thanks gals. Lew says it's growing because I pat my head and pet my hair so much! It's so soft and I love how it feels.

  • Puffin your hair looks great.  Mine is patchy but starting to grow back.  

    PinkNinja, I love your hats! 

    JenKay, glad your surgery went well and wishing you a speedy recovery.

    Mags, can you get a 2nd opinion for RO? Maybe there's one who doesn't use ct scan. They need to listen to you and they take an oath to do no harm. Sometimes think they forget we are people with other issues, not just cancer patients.

  • CoyoteNV
    CoyoteNV Member Posts: 286

    Yes Puffin. Envy. Pat and Pet, huh?  OK.  Is that "Use morning and night?"  Or just " at bedtime?"  I'm in. 

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    Coyote, it's more like pat and pet every couple of hours!

  • nancy2581
    nancy2581 Member Posts: 408

    I'm done . I'm done. I'm done. Hooray hooray hooray lol. What a relief this is.


  • elainetherese
    elainetherese Member Posts: 1,636

    Yay! Nancy! All twelve done and no delays. Yes, it's a relief.

    Puffin -- your hair looks great! It's so thick and filled in!

    Pinkninja -- You have quite a hat collection! They look warmer than my wig, that's for sure.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    Nancy, yeah, yeah, yeah!

  • CoyoteNV
    CoyoteNV Member Posts: 286

    Hooray for Nancy!  Our July team is definitely heading for the finish line.  Who's next? 

  • pinkninja9560
    pinkninja9560 Member Posts: 178

    woohoo Nancy!!!

  • nancy2581
    nancy2581 Member Posts: 408

    thanks ladies. Such a sigh of relief. I still have to go in for 3 neupogen shots but oh well

    Happy New Year to all my chemo sisters. Here's to a much better healthier new year. May we all never see this beast again!

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062

    Yay, Nancy! Not a moment too soon!

    I want to finish off this year on a positive note. Returned a bit ago from MO's office where he gave me the whole scoop on my PET scan yesterday. All clear. All the swollen nodes are now normal (even those that were enlarged in 2011) and even the lesions in my lungs (probably either from 20+ years of smoking and/or childhood asthma and/or chronic bronchitis) are also either the same, reduced, or gone. He reluctantly agreed to wait on rads until we see what the pain management doc says, but that if it's more than a couple of weeks he wants me to start the antihormonals.

    I know I should be ecstatic, but right now I'm just numb. I want to be optimistic. This is good news, really, and I wanted to share it with you.

    Happy New Year!

  • nancy2581
    nancy2581 Member Posts: 408

    Mags that is wonderful news about your pet. Hooray. I am so glad you continue to try to make rads work for you. Fingers crossed it can work and good luck on Jan 7th. Any reason you cannot start the antihormals now instead of waiting any longer?


  • knmtwins
    knmtwins Member Posts: 438

    Dag Puffin, look at all that hair. What seems to be coming in on my is white fluffy, but I still have my 3% of brown that I cut to 1 - 2", so I can't tell, but that seems to be falling out, as do my lower lashes this week. My husband said, see honey, it will be blond.... what platnum??? Guess he doesn't know the difference between yellow and white???

    Pink - is that a Walmart cami??? I think I have that one. I just sewed up the ones I cut the armpits down on so they wouldn't rub on my drains.

    Someone asked a while ago how am I. No evidence of cancer found when they did the BMx, so the pre surgery chemo worked!!!!! Still sore and amazed at what I cannot do. Tried to lift the crockpot's ceramic pot out of the part that heats up. NOPE, pecs don't work so well. Swollen under arms, PS's nurse says normal, as I was wide breasted, drives me bananas, and now it is a bit worse, so she didn't do a fill today. Hope it is OK, I keep telling myself, it is a marathon not a sprint, but... I'm tired of being tired.

  • boxofrockstar
    boxofrockstar Member Posts: 54

    Happy New Year everyone! I've been so busy and tired so I haven't posted, but I've been keeping up as best I can. I don't miss chemo, but I do miss this thread! I started rads, but haven't posted in the rads thread at all, because I still feel like I 'live" here, lol. I've done 5 treatments so far and it's fine except I have to get up at 5:30 every day so I can go and come back before my husband leaves for work. Anyway, just wanted to say hi and I love seeing us cross the finish line, one after another.

    Hope 2015 is filled with nothing but good luck for all of us, and no more surprises!

  • CoyoteNV
    CoyoteNV Member Posts: 286

    boxofrockstar - I know what you mean...our roots are in July!  I come back here almost every day, but the rads info is important to me too.  I finished that treatment on 12/19, but stop by Winter Rads 2014/15 too because the information and support there is good too.  You are certainly welcome there too.  You are right... it's great seeing all of us finish the chemo ordeal!

    Mags - All of that is terrific news.  I'm really happy for you. 

  • RainDew
    RainDew Member Posts: 228

    hi everyone!!!

    Checking in to say Happy New Year! So excited to see our July sisters cross the finish line...

    Like boxofrockstar, this group is my home. I couldn't have asked for a more awesomely supportive group of women through what has been a pretty horrible time.

    So...2014? Good riddance! Bring on 2015! May it bring happy times to all. You deserve them!

  • verukany
    verukany Member Posts: 55

    wishing you all a most hopeful, healthy and joyous 2015! I don't post much, but I do check in and lurk...and am grateful for all of the knowledge and encouragement you all have shared. Thank you

  • CoyoteNV
    CoyoteNV Member Posts: 286

    It has to be 2015 somewhere. Happy New Year to my friends and chemo-sabes!

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    Coyote: chemo-sabes - that's a good one!

    Mags: I'm thrilled for your good Pet results, that has to be such a relief for you. Now I hope the pain clinic can come up with a game plan for you to be able to do radiation.

    Yes, I check this site every day even though I don't always post. Bonding with all you ladies has been the silver lining through this whole experience. Looking forward to moving on to a better 2015 with all of you.

  • nancy2581
    nancy2581 Member Posts: 408

    Happy New Year to all of my July chemo sisters. I too say good riddance to2014 (crappiest year of my life). Here's to a happy and healthy 2015. Love you all!!


  • knmtwins
    knmtwins Member Posts: 438

    Nancy Woo Hoo - about time I'd say!!!!!!! But, remember chemo is cumulative. For some reason, after that horrible 10 days post chemo, I thought I'd be done, but... my neuropathy and fatigue just kept getting worse. I couldn't figure it out, especially at 3 weeks post my last chemo. Dah... cumulative, so of course that would happen, but I had forgotten, as for so long every three weeks I got sick, and now I didn't. Then at week 5 I had a BMx, was on vicoden, flexeril and vallium, week 1, then vicoden and flexeri... Not sure if I got better or was / am just too drugged to know, but my MIL said I'm walking better now than I was over Thanksgiving, so I guess I am improving.... but I'm losing hair on my head (lost 99% in July, but cut the rest to 1" strands, instead of shaving and they are falling out), although my husband says I have a head of white fuzz (too blind to see that at 49, so I have to trust him), but my Brazillian (only 95% loss), seems to be growing back, but I'm losing eye lashes. So, why am I saying this... to scare you, NO, but so you don't think you are crazy. Also, I stopped the TCHP every 3 weeks, as you have been doing the weekly T, maybe you won't have this so much.

    July Sisters, we are so lucky to have each other and such clever ones too. Coyote - chemo-sabes; Nancy LOVE it, crappiest year of my life;

    Happy New Year to all of you, and Mags - there is something out there for your pain, I feel you will find it this year, not sure what it is.... but... the good karma you gave all of us during 2014 needs to come back to you, and in more that that FABULOUS PET scan. Although I thought Nancy finishing was great news, yours trumps it. WOO HOO!!!

    Love you guys!!!!!!!

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062

    Nancy, I hear you about the crappiest year, I've never been so glad to see a year in the rear view mirror.

    Somehow I blew out my knee last night, wish I could say I at least had a good time, but I had just gotten up to let the dogs out and couldn't put my weight on that leg. So hobbling around with the cane today. Took a handful of ibuprofen and half a Percocet his morning. Went back to bed for a couple hours and am now up but still in jammies. Just feeling like I can't catch a break, but I know at least I've dodged the big one!

    Happy New Year to all of you, and may 2015 be immeasurably better than 2014 for all of us!

  • knmtwins
    knmtwins Member Posts: 438

    And, may the cheer for 2015 be NED, NED, NED, or for anyone who still is waiting for surgery, PCR, PCR, PCR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • CoyoteNV
    CoyoteNV Member Posts: 286

    Well - the only cleverness about the chemo-sabe phrase is that I remembered it!   It was one of my July sisters that came up with that originally.  And yes, I thought it was very clever too!  Someone needs to come forward and admit to being so creative! 

  • RainDew
    RainDew Member Posts: 228

    I think chemo-sabe was me, but I confess I stole it from an offline friend, so don't think I can take credit.

    Btw, it took about 8 weeks for my eyelashes to start growing back...I was panicking they maybe wouldn't at all. Was so happy to see little itty bitty teeny ones start to appear...and now they are better than ever (thanks latisse!). So I now look totally 'normal' - eyelashes and eyebrows (and yes, bye-bye Brazilian!) and still have my hair thanks to cold caps...but I don't feel normal at all. So it's weird to have people assume everything is as it was.

    And boy am I ready for my swap surgery...I keep getting infections in tissue expanders tho, so it keeps getting postponed. So done with these rocks in my chest!!

    Mags - sorry about the knee :-( but awesome news on PET!!

    Again, a big giant virtual middle finger to 2014. And a very happy welcome to 2015.


  • CoyoteNV
    CoyoteNV Member Posts: 286

    I wondered about that shirt thing. 

    I thought it might have been you, RainDew - You or ChaosRains.  "Rain" came to mind, but I was too lazy to go back and look. 

    Hmmm. Hair. Hair anywhere would be nice - except for my chin, which is doing fine.  It is the same way as last time. Chin hair came back first.  Why???

    Mags, so sorry to hear about the knee.  My first thought was that you were out wild dancing in celebration.  So sorry that it wasn't all the much fun.  Hope it heals up quickly.

  • pinkninja9560
    pinkninja9560 Member Posts: 178

    Happy New Year everyone!! This is going to be an awesome year for all of us, I know it! Last year my verse was Romans 12:12, Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful to prayer and it got me through my cancer. As I was praying this morning about the new year coming up, I remembered another verse I love and it's going to be y 2015 verse. It's in Isaiah 43:18-19, Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.
    See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.

    I love how it says, do you not perceive it? I am perceiving a whole lot of good things for this new year. A healthy woman after God's heart and I'm going to do my best to not waste my cancer. I want to help women going through it and help them realize that they can make to the other side like almost all of us have done. I don't think I would have emotionally been as ok as I was without each one of you ladies. We shared out best moments and worst and it felt good to just be understood because I don't think anyone can know what it feels like unless they've gone through it like we have.

    On a less spiritual note...I've lost all but 2 eyelashes but I know it's only because the new baby ones are coming in and kicking out the old ones I had left (which were only about 6 on each side). My mustache is coming back and I plucked 2 hairs off my chin the other day. I also had to shave my legs and underarms. It's so unfair, the hair on our head should grow back first!

    Well, I hope everyone has a very blessed new year.

  • slappy-squirrel
    slappy-squirrel Member Posts: 200

    chemo-sabe!! Love it! I still check in here every day though I don't post as often. Had an MRI done on my right shoulder to make sure the breast cancer wasn't moving in there; it wasn't woo-hoo! Did tear something in there that the surgeon doesn't want to touch 4 fear of causing Lymphedema. And of course arthritis.

    But I'm still here and trying to figure out what I'm up to doing to celebrate my birthday later this month. Here's to a much better 2015 for us all!

    God bless us, everyone!
