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BX Protocol for Stage IV



  • bethjohn8
    bethjohn8 Posts: 1
    edited May 2017

    Some people on here seem to have had good results but here is another side to the story. My dad tried the bx protocol for esophageal cancer and the people at bx gave him a 60-70 percent chance of survival and gave told my parents what they wanted to hear, he paid the $17,000 and started the protocol. It caused a horrible burning sensation under his tongue and caused diarrhea so bad that he was dehydrated which shortened the time he was able to fight his cancer. He passed away 2 weeks after starting the protocol. I am very angry with them for giving my parents so much hope and telling stories of people on hospice who were able to survive. There are no refunds and they paid all that money to shorten his life and make his last days miserable.

  • GoddessMorticia
    GoddessMorticia Posts: 2
    edited January 2018

    I am a retired alt med doc and while I heard of the bx protocol, I really didn't treat cancer patients - specialized in aging - but my naturopath friend does. I would like to know where your alt med doc gets the bx spray. Delta Institute tried to get me to sign on as a provider a few years ago, but I declined.

  • chris4jp
    chris4jp Posts: 2
    edited October 2018

    Are there any latest 2018 posts on the BX Protool?

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,856
    edited October 2018

    chris4jp, there doesn't appear to be an additional conversations in our community on the alternative treatment, BX Protocol, after using the Search function. What brings you here?

  • chris4jp
    chris4jp Posts: 2
    edited October 2018

    I am looking into bx protocol. It looks pretty good. Have you thought any more or wanted to talk about it to me?

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Posts: 1,568
    edited October 2018

    Chris - what have you read or heard that suggests this is pretty good? Those phantom testimonials are just that - phantom.

    I have a friend with Stage IV BC. Everything she has discovered about this is negative, expensive and frankly a scam bilking desperate people out of thousands all the while promising cures.

    Check out the credentials of the creators of BX protocol. They are scam artists.

    I understand the desperate need for people with advanced cancer to find an alternative to treatments but this is not it.


  • Shawal41
    Shawal41 Posts: 2
    edited November 2018

    I am considering using the BX. Have you or someone you know used it? I have breast cancer and am looking into it. There are some testimonials on here, but are no longer active. Any information would be appreciated.

  • Shawal41
    Shawal41 Posts: 2
    edited November 2018

    Did you decide to try it? IF so what is your opinion on it?

  • 11newgirl11
    11newgirl11 Posts: 1
    edited January 2019

    Hello! New to this board, I have stage 1 breast cancer and am not doing standard of care. Did you do the BX Pro?

    If so, did you like it, and what are your results?

    Regards, Janice

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,856
    edited January 2019

    Hi Janice, and welcome to! We are so sorry that you have to be here for this, but at the same time we are glad you found this great community for information and support. If you want, you can also contact members via the private message function in case you have specific question for them or the thread has been inactive for a while. For that, follow these steps:

    1. Click on the user name of the Community member to whom you would like to send a private message.
    2. Click on "Send member a Private Message".
    3. Fill in the Subject line and your message.
    4. Click "Send Message".

    Hope this helps! Hope to see you again on the boards!

    The Mods

  • Tmbooker0327
    Tmbooker0327 Posts: 1
    edited July 2019

    I started the protocol a few months ago; have no evidence of disease at this point so am hoping it will help prevent a recurrence. My question is how did you use the catalyst? The recommendation to me was to start with 10 sprays, then go to 2 per day; I felt a little sick the day after the 10 sprays, but nothing major. I then went to 10 one day, 5 each day for the rest of the week. I’m only paying for the catalyst, so cost was significantly lower, and affordable. Can’t say that it’s working or not yet. I’m having circulating tumor cell counts redone in August; hoping for a decrease. My girlfriend with lymphoma is also taking it, her circulating tumor cells dropped about 20%, much better response then she had with other treatments but it’s early yet. I wouldn’t be comfortable doing it as a stand-alone treatment or instead of conventional treatments at this point, so curious about your experience

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,856
    edited July 2019

    Hi Tmbooker, and welcome to!

    Thank you for sharing your experiences with BX Protocol. Same as Janice, if you want to contact any of our members, feel free to send them a private message following the steps detailed in our previous post. Let us know if you need help with that!


    The Mods