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Ibrance (Palbociclib)



  • Romansma
    Romansma Member Posts: 650
    edited June 2015

    I see my earlier post says aromatherapy inhibitors. If only! Sometimes I really hate autocorrect. I meant to say aromotase inhibitors!

  • VivianS
    VivianS Member Posts: 43
    edited June 2015

    Aromatherapy inhibitor? That would describe my nose during hayfever season!

  • ShetlandPony
    ShetlandPony Member Posts: 3,063
    edited June 2015

    I think a clothespin would be an aromatherapy inhibitor, too. (I knew it was autocorrect, Romansma, but thanks for the giggle.

  • Adnerb
    Adnerb Member Posts: 727
    edited June 2015

    I was wondering if the Ibrance/Femara combo has worked on breast cancer that has never responded to Femara alone? Does anyone know?

  • Romansma
    Romansma Member Posts: 650
    edited June 2015

    I know the original trial that got Ibrance FDA approved was first line treatment, so that wouldn't help. We'd have to research the ongoing trials to get answers to that question. However, in theory, it might work because it works as a pathway inhibitor. The pathway it is inhibiting is one that makes the tumor resistant to the Femara. But, that's just a theory/guess. I think it's important to remember that Ibrance doesn't do much on its own. It was developed to make existing drugs more effective by inhibiting pathways that are causing drug resistance.

    Love the clothespin aromatherapy inhibitor. Too bad treating cancer wasn't as easy as pinching your nose so you can't smell!

  • car2tenn
    car2tenn Member Posts: 132
    edited June 2015

    Hello Ibrance users.. I started Ibrance almost three months ago.

    2 months on and one month off due to Neutropenia (severe). Now yesterday I had a CT/PET scan at Florida Proton . Today the lead radiologic oncologist went over in detail all the results. His name is Dr. Roi Dagan and he gives me such meticulous explanations that I am so appreciative of his time. Anyway: Ibrance is working...I do not need VERO radiation due to the fact that the small metastasis to the liver is stable or regressing based on the scans.. True, I am now reduced to 100 mg Ibrance but I am thrilled and so happy that I am stable on Ibrance. Thanks Dr. Roi Dagan for such a detailed analysis which has given me new confidence. Carolyn

  • Romansma
    Romansma Member Posts: 650
    edited June 2015

    That's awesome news Carolyn! Enjoy your weekend!

  • sandilee
    sandilee Member Posts: 436
    edited June 2015

    Carolyn, that's wonderful news! Great for you and hopeful for the rest of us!

  • RosesToeses
    RosesToeses Member Posts: 244
    edited June 2015

    Carolyn, that is wonderful, I'm so happy for you!

    And, honestly, today it was just what I needed to hear--turns out my neutrophils are down around 800, which probably explains the frequent colds and generaly feeling bad and not getting better, so I'm now off Ibrance till they bounce back up and then it will be on the 100mg capsules. It's such a relief to hear that dose and some time off have been good to you!

  • Romansma
    Romansma Member Posts: 650
    edited June 2015

    I'm also relieved to hear that someone else is feeling off with these low counts. My Neutrophils have often been in the 600-800 range, so I'm looking forward to a little break this month.'s the dreaming? Anyone still having vivid, technicolor dreams on this combo?

  • Myra1211
    Myra1211 Member Posts: 532
    edited June 2015

    congrats Carolyn. Last nite I had very weird dreams. Don't know if it is meds or stress. My lt side still hurts so I am getting worried. Going to meet Dorothy for brunch "pearl lady" while we are on a long weekend to NYC. Can't wait. Myra.

  • Romansma
    Romansma Member Posts: 650
    edited June 2015

    I'm 'dreaming' up a new thread where we share these weird, sometimes scary dreams. K, no. Writing them down will preserve them and as it stands now, I've usually forgotten them way before lunchtime!

  • susan_02143
    susan_02143 Member Posts: 2,394
    edited June 2015

    Carolyn, That is great news!!!

    But this has me wondering if starting at 100mg will get us all to the same place without as many blood count level issues. In line with starting Xeloda on the 7/7 schedule which is becoming common at my hospital. Just random thoughts.


  • sandilee
    sandilee Member Posts: 436
    edited June 2015

    susan, good to hear from you! Any news yet on approval? It seems like you should be getting some kind of news soon!

    I think that the 100mg is where a lot of doctors will start this drug after awhile. My own dropped me down after the first cycle and two weeks off. I don't know yet if my counts have improved with the lower dose, but I'll find out next Thursday. I do know that I feel stronger; no nosebleeds, no fatigue. So my reds are probably ok, anyway.

  • jjski62
    jjski62 Member Posts: 43
    edited June 2015

    Carolyn - congratulations on your results!

    I just had a CT scan and I'm currently stable, but I had it done as a baseline since I just started Ibrance. I guess it means the Arimidex and subsequentFemara were working on their own. Hopefully the Ibrance will amplify the effects of the Femara. I do have a bone scan next week, so we will see what that says as well. I have to get blood work again tomorrow to see how low my numbers dropped in week 3 of Ibrance. I'm expecting they tanked since that seems to be the norm. I'll keep you posted.

    Hope, you reminded me of a vivid dream I had the other night. It involved mice. I won't say more;)


  • 3Holly
    3Holly Member Posts: 201
    edited June 2015

    Carolyn, So happy to hear your great news! Myra, I hope you get some relief from your pain and can get some sleep. Have fun in NYC!

    Susan and those waiting to hear on approval, I hope you get approval soon. I know how anxious it made me being in limbo - I had to wait over a month to get the doctor's and the insurance approval, but that was early on, and hopefully with the recent positive trial results, and with more and more people starting the drug, the approval process will be quicker. Good Luck!

  • tina2
    tina2 Member Posts: 758
    edited June 2015

    I'm not too sure where to post this question, so I'm going to put it here and in the Faslodex thread.

    Are there any longtime Faslodex users here who have begun taking Ibrance as well? If so, did you initiate the prospect with your doctors or did they?


  • sandilee
    sandilee Member Posts: 436
    edited June 2015

    Hi Tina,

    How are you doing? I understand where your question is coming from. I don't think anyone on the board fits your description but they will speak up if so. Why not ask your onc what he thinks?

    I hope Faslodex is still beating this beast for you!

  • Romansma
    Romansma Member Posts: 650
    edited June 2015

    I see my MO next week and I am going to bring up Faslodex. I failed it quickly about a yer and a half ago, but it may be very different with the Ibrance. The trials seem to support this. I'm all for exhausting these avenues before signing up for another harsh chemo that isn't proven to give much OS benefit. There is someone on a different thread just starting Falodex and Ibrance, but not sure she has the Ibrance in her hands yet.....really watching to see if insurance gets on board to this combo before an official FDA approval of the combination.

  • susan_02143
    susan_02143 Member Posts: 2,394
    edited June 2015


    Based on this week's presentation, I would bring this up with Dr. Oncologist. Perhaps with a copy of the study in hand so he can study it. :-) I only wish that Faslodex hadn't just failed me!


  • kaydeesmiles
    kaydeesmiles Member Posts: 201
    edited June 2015

    Carolyn, what fantastic news! So glad to hear it and hoping for a flood of similar reports from more people in the thread soon.

  • Adnerb
    Adnerb Member Posts: 727
    edited June 2015

    Thanks, Hope, for your response.

    So am I right in assuming that every lady in this thread who is on the Ibrance/Femara (aka Letrozole) combo is doing this as a first line treatment for MBC OR Femara(Letrozole) has worked before but stopped working on its own?

    Thanks again and hoping everyone is having a good weekend!

  • sandilee
    sandilee Member Posts: 436
    edited June 2015

    Adnerb -

    Hi, no, I don't think it's right to say most of us are first line, with or without having taken Femara. Many of us have had other therapies, and are probably second line (or more). This is my first time with Letrozole. I progressed from Aromasin to stage IV, and then had three and a half stable years with Faslodex. So, this combo is second line for me as a mets patient.

  • Myra1211
    Myra1211 Member Posts: 532
    edited June 2015

    not at all adnerb..Most of us have failed femsra and in mine (and many others) have failed fasolodex. Please read the thread, it tells all. Myra.

  • RosesToeses
    RosesToeses Member Posts: 244
    edited June 2015

    Like others, not first line for me, either. It is my first time on an AI, but I've already failed tamoxifen and Faslodex.

  • Romansma
    Romansma Member Posts: 650
    edited June 2015

    This is my 4th line treatment for MBC, but I'm still hopeful there is something, somewhere that can stabilize things for me. It was really great to hear Carolyn's news and I am really looking forward to hearing more ladies with the same news as we all get several cycles under our belts.

  • sandilee
    sandilee Member Posts: 436
    edited June 2015

    Vague anxiety, anyone? For the last few days I've been waking up with a kind of anxious feeling, which isn't really like me. It's not about cancer, but just about whatever I have going on that day. Going out to lunch, worrying about a conversation I'm needing to have. Planning an event later, worrying about how it will go. Responding to a text from my daughter, wondering if I was too abrupt. Just general worry about little stuff. But it's kind of a physical feeling in my body- not just something in my head.

    I'm wondering if it's a side effect of either medication- Letrozole or Ibrance. Anyone else notice an increase of anxiety on these meds? It seems I can't really relax.

  • Myra1211
    Myra1211 Member Posts: 532
    edited June 2015

    OMG Sandilee, in NYC on a short vaca and I worried about it incessantly. I thought it was my anxiety about being away from my usual medical care and then it was reaching into work and friends etc. this med seems to be doing this, I am even starting to have those strange dreams Hope is talking about. On a good note, back pain easing, perhaps that was anxiety too?

    Watch Holly's video , it is the Mission Statement I want for LETS GET ORGANIZED! Have a wonderful day, Myra.

  • 3Holly
    3Holly Member Posts: 201
    edited June 2015

    Hi Myra,

    Glad your back pain is easing. I didn't post any video, but maybe you are talking about the video that JJSKI was posting? The person in the link she posted is a patient at Dana Farber (like me) and I think she is on a trial similar to the LEE01 trial I was offered but declined (only her trial is only 2 drugs, the trial I was offered involved 3 drugs). I was unable to open it the video, but I thought the article was interesting since she is just doing just the pills, not chemo or surgery. Also it was very positive, maybe that's why you want it as a mission statement? sounds like a good one.

    Sandilee, I do get anxious sometimes, but I don't think it's the Ibrance (in fact, I am sometimes very tired with the low blood counts on Ibrance, so when I'm exhausted, I am too tired to be stressed) - I find that music helps, and getting outside is important (beach or garden helps me), and exercise helps, and eating the right things. Try to do something to ease it - I know that managing stress is critical so I wish I was better at it.

  • sandilee
    sandilee Member Posts: 436
    edited June 2015

    I think I'm going to try for more exercise. I haven't been tired on my reduced dosage--yet. I'm only a week and a half in, so it may be coming. I think I'll take a very long walk this morning and get rid of some of the antsyness.

    Another thought: I do know that this med combo raises my blood pressure a bit, as well as my glucose levels. Either of those things could make me feel a bit wired. ( I was stunned how high my glucose was at my first blood draw after a month of this. Never been high before, but came in 108! Back down after my break, fortunately.)