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Ibrance (Palbociclib)



  • tinkerbell107
    tinkerbell107 Member Posts: 292
    edited January 2021

    Candy: Appreciate your response. I feel your MO has the best regime one week off before and after the vaccine. I plan to folllow your MO advice on the same.

  • snow-drop
    snow-drop Member Posts: 544
    edited January 2021

    I just received the same information from my MO office. Off ibrance one week before and one week after vaccine for each dose. Now I scare...

  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502
    edited January 2021


    Afternoon ladies!

    Mouth sores these were a problem for me on capsules at 125mg and tablets at 125mg. Only colgate peroxyl rinse, small blue bottle by the regular mouthwash worked for me. At 100mg on the tablets I have had little if any. This has been nice as I'd get sores all over my tongue and cheeks, the colgate stuff worked but the bottle is small and its 10 bucks a bottle and I was using it all the time. A drop down to 100 worked well for me and still holding things back for 4 or 5 months now. I'm just ending cycle 14.

    TMs. I've officially decided not to care about them anymore. They doubled last month then are back where they usually are this month. Whatever. I've decided to say dont tell me TMs, let's just continue to let scans speak, so much easier anxiety wise.

    Today I turned 39 :) Hubby finished work early today. We are both taking a nap and then grabbing our dinner out :) Cheesecake is a very real reality tonight. Beloved stopped by my favorite plant and garden small business and picked me up these today.

    Today is going to be a good good day.

    MO has not brought up covid vaccine at all. I declined flu vaccine before. Will decline covid vaccine. Practicing advise I was given at chemo class presently ie: stay away from sick people, if you see someone sneeze go the other direction, wash hands often and surfaces regularly and try not to hang out in big crowds too long on your lowest WBC days. Has worked well for me.

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,664
    edited January 2021

    Ladies - do be aware that the JnJ/Janssen vaccine is nearing review at the end of this month and it is a one-shot dose. If their efficacy looks comparable to the others then it may be worth holding out for that vaccine instead of Moderna/Pfizer the two dose regimen.

    Happy birthday Rabbit! Enjoy every bit of that cheesecake!

  • tinkerbell107
    tinkerbell107 Member Posts: 292
    edited January 2021

    Sondra: I haven’t had a chance to research the up incoming vaccines.Are JnJ/Janssen live vaccines?

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026
    edited January 2021

    On the Covid vaccine, I hope to get more specifics from my MO at my appt on Monday. I remember someone here (sorry, not sure who) said they talked to a pharmacist at Accredo who said ANC should be 1500 at the time of getting the vaccine. That makes sense to go in strong, but for me it would probably take 2 weeks off beforehand to get that.

    I did have a 4 week break and a 6 week break over the past year and nothing changed, but I get the hesitation to stop. The 4 week break was when I was scheduled for my lumpectomy and had a pretty bad cough, MO ordered a Z pack and said stop the Ibrance then, and add 2 more weeks post surgery. The 6 week break was last April/May and my counts were going very low and Covid was new so MO suggested a 6 week break. Little did we know how much worse the spread of cases would get. I eventually went down to 100 mg and feel better but still struggle with ANC.

    I think it will be a while until I am offered the vaccine. Ohio is including 65 and over with school employees in the 1B phase, and they already know they won't have enough to cover all of that group anytime soon, unless there are a lot of them not wishing to get vaccinated. (I'm 61.)

    Separate topic: Does anyone have a good solution to dry eyes? My optometrist said my watery eyes in the morning are actually dry and the tearing is the response of my eyes trying to compensate. I use eyedrops she recommended but they haven't really done the job.

    Edited to add: Happy bday, Rabbit. It sounds like a special day. Enjoy being 39!

  • pinestate51
    pinestate51 Member Posts: 3
    edited January 2021
    Hello from Maine, I went off list for a few months, and am back under another name. I have been in tx for metastatic disease for 7 years now. In the last 3 months I have felt a big drop in stamina. I've been on Ibrance and Faslodex pretty much for almost 3 years. My doses of both are low: Ibrance 75 and faslodex one shot. There are slight changes in small liver mets and some lung stuff, enough to be considering verzenio. However, my question is about hemoglobin. Its running around 9 lately, but doesn't mean anything as for transfusions or tx, since its well above 5. Can you share how you felt when your hemoglobin went down? Its gone as low as 8. I am hating this weak and dragged out feeling. I used to spring back eventually, but am not at this point. Many thanks. Marsh
  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2021


    Happy birthday!

    JACK5IE Member Posts: 654
    edited January 2021

    Happy Birthday Miss Rabbit! Beautiful flowers! Enjoy your day...and the cheesecake!

    10 Cute Happy Birthday Animations And Gifs | Happy birthday cake images, Cute happy birthday, Happy birthday cakes

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,890
    edited January 2021

    Happy birthday, Rabbit. I hope you had a wonderful day. Beautiful flowers.

    Pinestate, my hemoglobin has been low since October of 2018. The lowest it’s been is 9.8. I'm sorry, I can't help with your question per se. I have some days better than others. I hope you can figure out the cause.

  • aprilgirl1
    aprilgirl1 Member Posts: 794
    edited January 2021

    Happy birthday to RRabbit! The bouquet from your husband is gorgeous!!!! Have a wonderful weekend and please enjoy your cheesecake! :)

    Pinestate, I am sorry you are having low hemoglobin. I have not experienced that, yet so don't have any advice. Hope you can get an answer soon!

    Covid Vaccine: my state seems slow in doling these out, oncologist told me Monday she has no idea when patients like me will qualify for the vaccine (I am 56). I will try to be a patient patient. I would like the vaccine when it is available to me and will continue to social distance etc until then!

  • pinestate51
    pinestate51 Member Posts: 3
    edited January 2021

    Thanks, KBL. Are you gaining back energy after a cycle of Ibrance? Or in the week off

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,890
    edited January 2021

    The only difference I usually feel on my week off is I’m a little less patient, especially with my husband. Poor guy. It almost seems a little like PMS. I’m on 75mg and don’t see much of a difference in my energy level on or off. I know last month I was especially low energy. This month hasn’t been as bad.

  • cowgal
    cowgal Member Posts: 625
    edited January 2021

    In my state (Oklahoma) I will be emailed when I will be able to get the COVID vaccine. I asked my oncology nurse last Tuesday when I was getting my bloodwork, XGEVA and Faslodex shots if I would need to have the shots at a certain time in my Ibrance cycle and she said no to just get the vaccine as soon as I could get it. Also, my understanding with the vaccines is that we will not be able to pick which one we get so opting for the J/J one time vaccine may not be an option.

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783
    edited January 2021

    My oncologist also told me to get the vaccine as soon as it was offered to me. I am a healthcare worker. I had the first injection of the Pfizer vaccine January 8th.

  • tinkerbell107
    tinkerbell107 Member Posts: 292
    edited January 2021

    dutchris: Did you go off your ibrance? Just curious how your MO handled the situation. If I obtain my first dose of the vaccine next week then I will have a FDG pet ct scan right before my 2nd dose of the vaccine. I'm wondering if tracers can impact the vaccine only a few days apart. I'm leaning to waiting after my scan. Then I'll have to wait another cycle with Ibrance before obtaining the vaccine.

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783
    edited January 2021

    Tinkerbell; I really don't know about the PET scan.

  • Katrose
    Katrose Member Posts: 37
    edited January 2021

    Hi JACK5IE,

    Thanks for the well wishes!

    I think your MO is right. I talked to my case manager on Friday and she said she has been so busy due to the increase in COVID-19 cases.

  • Katrose
    Katrose Member Posts: 37
    edited January 2021

    Hi Dutchiris,

    My MO said the same thing, but I'm waiting until after I get my MRI brain and PET this week. I work in healthcare also, but work remotely, so I'm able to wait until its offered by my facility. I don't work in patient care, so I feel comfortable waiting.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,890
    edited January 2021

    Get to start back again. This is the third month in a row I've been above 1.0. The first time I had just gotten off a med pack of steroids, so I knew I'd be above a 1.0. The only thing I've done different is I take a probiotic, Florajen, because I was on an antibiotic, and once I stopped, I stayed on it, and the other is I had a few glasses of wine on my off week. Could either of those be the reason? I don't know, but I must try the few glasses of wine again before my next visit to see if it happens again. Lol

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850
    edited January 2021

    KBL-My hemoglobin which held strong (high11's) during 4 TX's even Taxal is now giving me cause for concern. I'm on A/A which has caused it to drop more each month. Last Fri. it was 9.4 even though I'm on half dose of Afinitor. This scares me so badly because I know low hemo is what took Frisky. ( chemo took hers to mid 3's She had transfusions but it would not go back up.) Explaining my feelings/fear to ONC he agreed I could take 1 week off to see if that helps any.

    But the real delimia is my thoracic vein in my chest, it has a 3.8cm area full of plaque. They've been watching it and it hasn't gotten larger in three years. But I'm ripe for an aneurism. They now want me to go to a vaincular(sp) surgeon to see what he recommends. My sister is a nurse and worked for years with the heart team at her hospital. I asked her the "likely" verdict. She said, if your real lucky they will try to stent it. (had stent in my hip area years ago, it was 90% closed)

    She said other option is open heart surgery. I spoke openly with my Onc, asking long would I have to be off all cancer meds. He said yes for weeks.

    I said well cancel the appointment with the V surgeon. I can't make that choice. Am I understanding this correctly? I can chose to die of a burst aneurysm or cancer? He sadly shook his head up and down.

    I haven't told a soul until just now. I seem to be in the preverbal rock and a hard space. Right now I'm soul searching and praying that Jesus will tell me the answer. The reason I'm telling all of you --I'm asking for all your prayers that GOD gives me wisdom.


    PS does anyone know why the A/A thread is lifeless?

  • cowgal
    cowgal Member Posts: 625
    edited January 2021

    Prayers for you snooky1954.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,890
    edited January 2021

    snooky, I’m so sorry you have to make a very hard decision. I can’t give you any advice, but I want you to know I’m thinking of you. My hemoglobin goes up and down and has since before I was on medication. The lowest has been 9.8. It hovers around 10. I hope yours will pop back up. The anemia is not fun. I’m sure it causes my weakness here and there. It really sucks that you have to make these choices. Hugs.

  • cure-ious
    cure-ious Member Posts: 2,854
    edited January 2021

    Snooky- Maybe its worth consulting with the vasular vein surgeon anyway, given that there could be new procedures developed in the past couple of years? Good luck!!

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,166
    edited January 2021

    Snooky-- Praying.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,026
    edited January 2021

    Snooky-You will be in my prayers. I agree with Cure-ious. Why not at least go see the vascular surgeon? Maybe you will be able to have just a stent. Better to have all the information available as you discern what God would have you do. Peace to you as you wait for guidance.

  • nkb
    nkb Member Posts: 1,561
    edited January 2021

    Snooky- I agree with Cure- ious. Get the consult and then weigh your options. I don’t know why the AA thread is quiet, maybe more people going to piqray and other options these days. I did not have anemia on AA like I did with ibrance. I was only on it 10 months- perhaps it is cumulative. I wonder if you are depleted in B12 or iron or something. Hugs to you

  • Hopfull2
    Hopfull2 Member Posts: 287
    edited January 2021

    snooky, you will be in my prayers. My hemoglobin has been crazy too since the end of September until beginning of December. I’ve needed 4 blood transfusions. My numbers got as low as in the 5’s. I think it was te radiation that sus it then I got on Ibrance so . My Onc took me off Ibrance. My numbers went back up and I course no longer on radiation. Now I’m starting verzenio.this week. Maybe Troy can ask about that.

  • PatgMc
    PatgMc Member Posts: 1,312
    edited January 2021

    Snooky, I just popped in and hate so much to hear you're having to make a big decision. I agree with the others that seeing the vascular surgeon is a wise move. He may have a solution the MOs haven't even heard about.

    Once you've learned what all your choices are you can just write them down with their pros and cons, pray about it and go with what you have peace about in the morning. That always works for me.

    I'll be here praying for you and for all the rest of you friends. I'm sorry to be so absent but have been working on art projects which are keeping me somewhat sane in light of the news on TV!

    Much love from PatGMc

    JACK5IE Member Posts: 654
    edited January 2021're in my thoughts and prayers.