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Ibrance (Palbociclib)



  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,665
    edited June 2021

    thebar1957- you are lucky your neutrophils are staying so high! I was immediately dropped a dose after my first month as they were below 0.9 and routinely have difficulty getting them up to 1 before my next cycle. Usually a dose reduction won't occur unless you are in the really low figures like 0.5 or routinely around 0.7-08 to start. 3.2 is amazing for being on this drug!

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,900
    edited June 2021

    Those drops are awesome, prairiesea. My 15-3 was at 220 the first time and is currently 107. My 27-29 was 490 and is 285. My CEA has been as high as 8.4 and is now 7.3. I asked for my CA125 to be tested, and it was 1446. They didn’t seem concerned about that number. I just kind of brushed it off because it can be from all the cancer I have. I may ask for another one to see if it’s still that high. I’m so happy for you they’ve come down so much. My numbers are from beginning to now, which is exactly two years. Mine will never be 0. I’m grateful they’ve been staying pretty steady, up and down a few points each month.

  • ciaci
    ciaci Member Posts: 315
    edited June 2021

    FGodmother, I've gotten my Ibrance from Accredo for almost four years now; it's always sent overnight, and in hot weather, it comes with a cold pack in the box/padded bag. Never had a problem, even with the capsules.

    I get PET scans every six months, but they only go from base of skull to mid-thigh. I asked about the brain (three years ago, my cousin died of liver cancer that had spread to her brain, so it's been at the back of my mind), and I was told that without symptoms, they prefer not to subject the brain to scans. Also, apparently lower limb involvement is rare with bone mets, so that too is excluded unless there are symptoms.

  • PatgMc
    PatgMc Member Posts: 1,312
    edited July 2021

    GoKale, it makes sense that some kind of massage would help. You might ask for a consult with a physical therapist. They seem to be underused by people with cancer.

    I found a good, gentle roller at but your kitchen rolling pin will work.

    This one looks even better than mine:

    I wish you the best.

    Love from PatGMc

  • sharware
    sharware Member Posts: 72
    edited July 2021

    Hi FGodmother - I just read your post and wanted to chime in - my insurance does not approve PET scans for me either, my MO would have to fight with them over the phone to obtain one, so he orders CT scans of my chest and abdomen plus nuclear bone scans from head to toe. I have bone mets in my spine, two ribs, and on the top of my skull. These scans have been done every 6 months and, so far, thankfully Ibrance, Faslodex and Xgeva are keeping me stable. Tumor markers go up one month and come down the next like a roller coaster but remain stable. I’m having more scans on July 12 and hopefully they will show stability. And I don’t remember who has the notation at the bottom of their diagnosis, but I truly love “You can do it like it is a heavy weight on your shoulders or you can do it like it’s part of the dance”....something close. Thank you.

    PatgMc - you inspire me. ♥️ Let’s keep dancing!

  • aprilgirl1
    aprilgirl1 Member Posts: 794
    edited July 2021

    Sharware, that is my quote<3 <3<3 ! Other's may have the same quote but it really speaks to me. All of us on here are living life the best we can, currently dancing on or to Ibrance. The unknown for me (how long will this tx last, how much time , etc) is incredibly heavy, and I can't shake it. You are all part of the tapestry of my life and I choose us and this stage IV reality to be a glittery gold silk thread (NOT PINK!). Silk is incredibly strong, but also soft and beautiful. Some days, I have to take a deep breath and resume the dance. I love music and need to dance, often! Often I am mistaken at my cancer center as either a caregiver or employee of the cancer center (while in the waiting room or in the cafe, strangers often strike up conversations with me). "You look like the picture of health?! " a nice older man told me recently when he asked me what floor I worked on at the cancer center. Hmm. We just never know!

    RE Petscans/ insurance. I find the control that insurance companies have over our treatment in the US really shocking and horrifying. My oncologist likes to do both CT Scans and Pet Scans - they show different things. I imagine at some point she will alternate?

    Sharware - in your pocket for scans on 7/12!

  • snow-drop
    snow-drop Member Posts: 544
    edited July 2021

    Ref ct vs pet scans: my MO prefers ct scans with both iv& oral contrast for studying soft tissues and bone scan for monitoring bones and joints instead of pet. her nurse gave me a reason “a pet scan shows those cells that are hungry to sugar while scans provide size of tumors”. [I guess she meant active tumors/ sensitive to glucose] So really depends on what your MO is looking at and individual conditions, and I think ct scans are good replacement for pet if you don’t want to fight with useless insurance.

    Candy thanks for asking, scans reports said lymph nodes ( axillary lymph node is still pretty big) and thoracic lesions are stable, gladlI’ll take it! It also showed some other diseases like Calcified granuloma and pleural tethering of lungs, sound a bit of concern. I still feel heavy on my left side of my chest so sent a message to MO office, her nurse called me back, for heavy chest she said it is scan anxiety (!!!) for all other things she said we wait for next scans if they change then we take actions. and she said because you took scans you see them otherwise you wouldn’t! I hate it when a health care professional made a cheap comment like this, I chose not to push her further to avoid any future consequences, I don't have access in any way to my MO,my next appointment in 2 months, I hope I will be able to ask all my questions about scans results.

    Congratulations to all stable dancers, and best luck to all for upcoming scans. (((Hugsss)))

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,166
    edited July 2021

    Cross- posting-----

    So, I am a list maker.

    I cannot really list pros/cons of local liver therapies until I know what the liver tumor board recommends for my case. Then I will hopefully meet with an RO or IR and I can listen to what the procedure entails, risks/benefits, and ask my questions. Talking about ablations or radiation.

    But, I am making a list of systemic treatments that we could try next. I am still on first line therapy of Ibrance/ Letrozole. My MO wants a PARP next, due to the BRCA 2 mutation on the liver biopsy. But.... with the increased risk of leukemia with PARP's, I want to try something less risky as my 2nd line therapy. Save the risky PARP's for later. Why take such a chance now when I have been doing so well (first line therapy still at 3 1/2 years into this).

    So... am I thinking of all options. Do these sound like all of them??

    1. Change to Verzenio (works a little differently, and good for visceral disease) + Fulvestrant------- if insurance will ok Verzenio with progression on Ibrance

    2. Everolimus/ Exemestane-- if my MO wants to continue an AI for the PR+ (ER- now)

    3. Xeloda

    Anything else you can think of? Thanks for your input. I can also ask about clinical trials at my facility--- I cannot travel to other sites for their trials

  • cure-ious
    cure-ious Member Posts: 2,854
    edited July 2021

    Pat, Great point about a roller, will try it! Keep posting about your friends, my BP drops 10 points every time I read something great like ten years surviving on Faslodex- easy to forget that these are potent drugs.

  • FGodmother
    FGodmother Member Posts: 32
    edited July 2021

    I really appreciate all of you Ibrance sisters chiming in regarding types of scans. I am still awaiting the call to be scheduled for CT and MRI I will see my MO on the 13th of this month for bloodwork and Zometa infusion right after I start cycle four of Ibrance 100 mg, and was supposed to be scanned prior to that. Maybe she thinks the CEA tumor markers going from 34.5 to 11 in June is enough proof that I/L is working.

    My thoughts are often with you all who have a bit more experience with Mets and treatment. You all give me hope. Have a fantastic weekend celebrating either Canada Day or Independence Day, or anything else that is deserving of celebration.

    Fairy Godmothe

  • bestbird
    bestbird Member Posts: 232
    edited July 2021

    candy-678, I am sorry to hear you are looking at a treatment change. There are many options to choose from. Below from my book, "The Insider's Guide to Metastatic Breast Cancer" (which is also available as a complimentary .pdf) is a list of FDA-approved treatments for HR_, HER2- postmenopausal patients. For more information, please visit:

    First Line Hormonal and Targeted Treatment Options:

    The combination of a CDK4/6 inhibitor such as Ibrance (Palbociclib), Kisqali (Ribociclib) or Verzenio (Abemaciclib) with either an Aromatase Inhibitor (Letrozole [Femara], Arimidex [Anastrozole], or Aromasin [Exemestane]) or with Faslodex (Fulvestrant) is the current standard-of-care as initial treatment.

    • An Aromatase Inhibitor alone.
    • Faslodex (Fulvestrant) with either Letrozole or Arimidex.
    • Faslodex alone.
    • Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) or Fareston (Toremifene) alone (rarely used as a first-line therapy).

    Second Line Hormonal and Targeted Treatment Options depend upon what endocrine therapy you have previously taken:

    • Possibly any of the above therapies.
    • Piqray (Alpelisib) in combination with Faslodex if your cancer has a PI3K mutation (more about this below).
    • Talzenna (Talazoparib) or Lynparza (Olaparib) if you have a germline (inherited) BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation (more about this below).
    • Afinitor (Everolimus) with either Aromasin, Faslodex, or Tamoxifen.
    • Third and Fourth Line Hormonal and Targeted Treatment Options depend upon what endocrine therapy you have previously taken:
    • Possibly any of the above therapies (although not all options are widely used in a third- or later-line setting).
    • Verzenio alone (after disease progression on endocrine therapy and prior chemotherapy for MBC).
    • Either Ethinyl Estradiol, Megace (Megestrol Acetate), or Halotestin (Fluoxymesterone).

    Chemotherapy is usually prescribed after 2 to 3 lines of endocrine-based therapies (and/or the targeted therapies above) have stopped working. A clinical trial may also be a consideration. Once the cancer has regressed or stabilized, it may be possible to go back on a previous therapy if sufficient time has elapsed and if the initial response to the therapy had been favorable.

    If you have bone metastases, you should receive a bone-directed therapy such as Xgeva (Denosumab) or Zometa (Zoledronic acid) in addition to your other therapy.

    If your cancer has progressed on first-line hormonal therapy and has a PI3K mutation, then you are eligible to take Piqray (Alpelisib) tablets along with Faslodex. Piqray is a PI3K inhibitor that has shown a clinically meaningful benefit in treating patients with this type of breast cancer. A diagnostic test called "Therascreen PI3KCA RGQ PCR Kit," has been FDA-approved to detect the mutation in a tissue and/or a liquid biopsy.

    If you have a germline BRCA mutation, you may want to speak with your doctor about taking a PARP inhibitor such as Talzenna (Talazoparib) or Lynparza (Olaparib), which are FDA-approved for HER2 negative MBC patients with a BRCA mutation. Talzenna or Lynparza is generally prescribed for hormone receptor positive, HER2 negative MBC patients with a BRCA mutation after first- or second-line therapy has failed.

    Although very rare, if your cancer has microsatellite instability-high (MSI-H) or mismatch repair deficient (dMMR) characteristics, or is Tumor Mutational Burden-High (TMB-H), and if you've progressed on prior therapy and have no satisfactory treatment options, then the PD-1 inhibitor Keytruda (Pembrolizumab) is an FDA-approved option.

    If your cancer has a Neurotrophic Receptor Tyrosine Kinase (NTRK) gene fusion without a known acquired resistance mutation, and if you've progressed on prior therapy and have no satisfactory treatment options, Vitrakvi (Larotrectinib) and Rozlytrek (Entrectinib) – oral tyrosine kinase inhibitors that act as an "on" or "off" switch in many cellular functions – are FDA-approved options. NTRK fusions are extremely rare, occurring in only about 0.5–1% of common cancers.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,166
    edited July 2021

    Thank you Bestbird.

  • sf-cakes
    sf-cakes Member Posts: 599
    edited July 2021

    I love the idea of this connection with other MBC folks being like tapestry made from golden silk thread, aprilgirl! I am going to try my first "in-person" (still virtual, for now) MBC support group next week, facilitated by UCSF, and am looking forward to talking in real time with other women (facilitator confirmed it is currently all women). Will probably get a wee bit teary.

    It's interesting how our doctors have different preferences - mine wants me to do CT and bone scans every three months, and I asked her about PET, she said she would only order that if something's ambiguous on the other scans. Also, she does not order tumor markers in my blood work, feels these are unreliable. I trust her, and she works closely with UCSF, which does a ton of research and clinical trials.

    Candy, thinking of you with trying to decide about treatment changes. I didn't know about the PARP increasing leukemia risk, holy cow. I would likely also want to wait on that. Hope the tumor board gets back to you quickly.

    I believe it was Rabbit who suggested a thread for general chatting and checking in, regardless of what treatment someone is on, and I really like that idea! There's a robust one on this site but that allows any stage to contribute, and hmmm, somehow that prevents me from wanting to join. I'm sure that's my own issue, definitely a bit of jealousy when I hear people freaking out about test results and then they get the all clear, nope, it isn't more cancer! That isn't my destiny, but damn I wanted it to be. I mean, obviously, didn't we all. Rats, cats, and bats.

    Starting fifth cycle of 75mg Ibrance, numbers holding steady! Tooted VERY LOUDLY during a Teams virtual meeting last week...looked out the window and said I think there might be some geese flying over my house. Which fooled exactly no one and we were all cracking up.

  • sorella
    sorella Member Posts: 54
    edited July 2021

    Is the hair thinning a side effect for anyone out there on ibrance (and faslodex)? I haven't been successful updating my dx but was diagnosed with MBC in Dec of 2020. I am in my 7th round but had a long break after neck surgery in February followed by rehab and then radiation. Having lost all my hair back in 2017 from chemo, I would think I'd be a bit hardened. But I find myself so upset and not knowing if the thinning will continue or not.

  • rk2020
    rk2020 Member Posts: 697
    edited July 2021

    SFCakes - OH my word, you literally had me crack up at your “toot” story. I had to fill my husband and son in on why I was laughing so loud.

    Sorella- when I first started 125 mg I was losing a lot of hair. Not sure if it was the dose reduction down to 75 or if my body just got used to it or if the extra gentle care I now give my hair is helping but it has slowed down considerably. Without any estrogen I definitely have no oil production to help protect my hair so I have to be extra gentle. I have thin hair to begin with so I don’t need to lose anymore!

    Happy Fourth everyone

  • sorella
    sorella Member Posts: 54
    edited July 2021

    Thank you RK2020! I am still on 125mg. I will try to be extra easy on my hair. I have PET scan Tuesday and treatment Wednesday and will meet with my MO. I will discuss it with her then. Again thanks for the support.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,166
    edited July 2021

    RRabbit- Did you have your bone scan last week? Any results?

    Katrose- How about your PET? Wasn't that last week? Results?

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,528
    edited July 2021

    Bestbird thank you so much for sharing your treatment options with Candy. So much information wow.

    Sorella this disease makes us cry no matter how tough we think we are.

    SF cakes those explosions are surprising. Nice goose try lol everyone always blames me now and they’re usually right.

    Have a great weekend all


  • sf-cakes
    sf-cakes Member Posts: 599
    edited July 2021

    Wow, unprepared for the emotional wallop of the 4th holiday. Was just one year ago that my Mom and I watched the neighbor's fireworks out my back window, one year ago I was still wrapped up tightly with drains from my mastectomy. One year ago that everyone, EVERYONE, was telling me I was going to be just fine after surgery, chemo, radiation. I believed it, too.

    Sigh. Now the fireworks bring on the waterworks. Good grief. I think a long nap later today is in order. Also, people who set off booming, window-frame-rattling fireworks at 2am are poopy pants doofuses.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited July 2021


    Not just pet owners.

  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502
    edited July 2021

    Yep finally checking in. Been waiting for everything to come back. Was a really long fourth of July weekend. This is going to be a very bizzarre reaction to the stable results I got for everything coming back. But I felt alot of guilt about my results. Alot. Even shame. Some of my friends on here are going through alot, one in particular hasn't gotten any tx to work longer than 3 months and is approaching 6th/7th (?) line in 2 years. Just doesn't seem fair we all can't get the same amount of time on things. I just despise the randomness of all this.

    On another side note, I'm dealing with delayed side effects now from the dense dose Adriamycin I did 3 years ago for early stage BC. Echo Ultrasound of my heart before AC tx showed a very strong heart, EF of 70. But it looks like now I'm showing signs of heart failure. Swelling in abdomen/fluid retention, SOB, fatigue on top of fatigue from Ibrance, heart makes occasion strange beats which causes me to cough etc. MO had said something awhile back she had wanted me to look into the SOB I had started getting around Christmas as scans haven't shown pleural effusion or Pneumonitis to account for it (still don't), but I told her no more additional doctors and no more pills, everything your doing for me now is palliative. Enough. I haven't had a single break from doctors since my early stage dx and frankly i'm tired of them. Ibrance hasn't failed me yet so I'll continue, just wondering which will take me out first, heart or cancer.

    During my bone scan somehow for some reason I had the wizard of oz in my head. And I began singing in my head "Follow the yellow brick road, follow the yellow brick road, follow, follow, follow the yellow brick road" as I watched the ceiling tiles come and go as i moved down the belt. While laying there I almost turned off the inner monologue and demonstrated the up and down voices of the munchkins telling Dorothy to "follow the yellow brick road" but caught myself. My bone scan happened to be a teaching scan as a young radiologist was learning how to scan her first patient. Both techs were great, the one who was teaching had done 2 of my scans prior and she's always nice and gentle. I did treat both techs to a hardy undisguised Ibrance belch upon sitting up after having laid there for a hr when they helped me sit up. I followed the Ibrance earthquake with "So, pretty exciting bone scan huh?? Lots to see, lotta cancer, lotta degenerative disease and arthritis, its a doozy eh?". I wish I had the geese excuse Cakes had lol. I apologize ahead of time Spookie for putting another song in your head :)

    Peckerheads were setting stuff off into the wee hours last night. Caught a couple rainbow sprays from my mini blinds as I attempted to sleep and not jolt awake at everytime it felt like a cannon was being fired off. The weather today is beautiful, need to catch up on this thread now that scanxiety can be put on the backburner for awhile. Love to you lades, going to spend the afternoon/evening catching up with just plain cold Iced Tea. Unsweetened, just the way I like it. :) Might chase it with some mint tea too. Thanking the Lord I let loose the kraken before my CT, no "artifacts" noted or "artifact congo lines" in the report either, the radiologist knows enough about my insides, too much in fact, last thing i need is for them to see is me full of...well..crap. :)

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,166
    edited July 2021

    Rabbit- Happy you are stable. I hear ya on the guilt thing. I just posted this morning on Mel's Thread about this. Wow, sorry you are now having heart issues. Good grief.

  • sf-cakes
    sf-cakes Member Posts: 599
    edited July 2021

    Rabbit, I am so happy that your cancer is currently stable, and yes, now I'm singing, if ever oh ever a wiz there was, the wizard of oz is one because, because because because because infinitum. Toot on that table, that's an excellent teaching moment for those interns.

    About your heart - dammit, can we just get a break?!? Can there be treatments that are effective yet gentle?? And not have potential long term serious damage? I'm so sorry, I'm pissed off that someone with such a good emotional heart like you has to deal with this, too. Sending you lots of virtual love and friendship, from my heart to yours.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited July 2021

    Rabbit and SF, you know that I'm going to have that song running through my head today, right??? I will walk to the mailbox and the grocery store later today, and it may even inspire me to skip my way there and back, singing at the top of my lungs. Wouldn't that give the neighbors something to talk about???

    Actually, the skipping isn't in my repertoire right now, but the singing??? Hmmm. Might be fun, just for the laughs.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited July 2021

    Not today Rabbit it’s more like rain rain GO AWAY. Else is moving up the west coast and I’m 1 block in from the Gulf. Everyone have a good day.

  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502
    edited July 2021

    Going through and catching up!

    Aprilgirl - congrats on being unremarkable in the cancer regard, (your pretty awesome in the homo sapien regard tho!), I think lucky 3 gave you, me and candy pretty good results! Lets see if we can do that again. I wish we could all time it for the same time next time, 10+ leaf clover anyone?? :) Imagine the good luck from that sucker! I like when the recorded voice tells you to "start breathing again" - well duh, thank you, I would like to breathe again. I'm glad i remembered to breathe frequently before it asks you to hold your breathe because sometimes the window from when it asks you to breathe in to when it starts moving is a pretty slim margin and it has happened where my eyes feel like they want to pop out from trying not to let anything escape that i hurriedly sucked in there. Girl you said it all, "You are all part of the tapestry of my life" - exactly and so well put, in the weightiness of everything even watching each other struggle with things or visit funkytown - i choose us, all of us together. :)

    GoKale - I know i'm late to the party but never hesitate to refrigerate that chalky blech stuff they give us to drink. Much easier to go down. Also see if you can try the 2 flavor approach. One flavor the night before, another flavor in the morning, that way i'm changing up the flavor if one is harder to get down than the other for whatever reason. I've asked for 2 flavors when picking up my oral contrast and have had no problem with then agreeing to that approach, some of the techs said they'd recommend my approach to frequent drinkers who have trouble. Sorry info is late, but maybe it will help next go around :) MO always told me we would watch TMs but go by scans as scans are more reliable.

    Scan days are like this for me: CT scan - drink one bottle at bedtime, drink another bottle 1 hr before scan. Go through a circus show to get in the building, usually have me drink a small cup of water just before scan and then I go in. 2 passes in and out and I'm done. Bone Scan - come in for injection early am - depending on tech they have me come back 2 to 3 hrs afterwards. Have me empty bladder. On the belt I go. 25 mins or so head to toe. Then 5 or 6 different 5 min close up sessions - pelvis left/right, chest left/right, skull, and then sometimes they spin it so both cameras are on either side of my body for the spine close up. Viola! I have 2 shirts I now refer to as my lucky shirts. One i wear to the CT, the other I wear to the Bone. Easy on and off pants. Things that are comfy, easy to get out of and good for wearing for a nap when i get home! Both scans every 3 to 4 months.

    Candy - is there a chance you could do a local therapy, an easier one like cryoablation on the liver mets and then just proceed with Ibrance still and maybe add faslodex or a different AI than what your taking like Exemestane? You've gotten alot of mileage out of it (Ibrance) and the progression is very small and nothing new has shown up yet. I would try to wring the Ibrance benefits dry before moving on to save or push back other tx. What are your thoughts now? MO's thoughts?

    FGodmother - welcome! Here's to many many cycles on Ibrance and that it treats you very well!

    Anyone's specialty pharmacy changing their name every 5 mins? I was originally with Briova, Then they called themselves Optum, and now they are rotating calling themselves Optum or Diplomat which is part of Optum. Make up your minds people sheesh!

    prairiesea- that marker drop is really good news, congrats! May Ibrance continue to serve you well!

    thebar - welcome! Congrats on getting through your first couple cycles! Taking with food is a good idea, always found taking with food less irritated my stomach. Here's to racking up cycle #'s :)

    Sending love to RK aka bee charmer, Jackie, Jaycee, Cakes, et all. Lurkers, Newbies "Come out, Come out wherever you are, and meet all the ladies made of gas like a star..." :) I firmly believe Ibrance dancers are the creators of stars - after all they are balls of gas burning millions of miles away. A shooting star is just another Ibrancer adding to the backdrop :) If I only had a brain like Cure-ious'.

    Sunshine - always happy to help! Hehe. My beloved's friend once said to him "You know, the older I get the more I realize I have less to lose!" Belt it out girl!

    Spookie- send the rain this way! :)

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,166
    edited July 2021

    Rabbit- Honestly I don't know where I am with all this. I have not heard back from MO yet--- but the July 4th Holiday put things back I guess. I had MO appointment on June 28 and this is July 6. I am waiting to hear what recommendations, if any, that the liver tumor board has for me. Back in March they didn't have any recommendations. Yes, the growth is small (1-6mm each of the 4 liver lesions each scan), but they add up. I wrote down the measurements from last Sept 2020 thru now. All 4 have grown 1/2-1cm since then, 9 months. So, if I kept status quo, and they don't speed up any (which is what scares me), and they grow unchecked, then I could have a problem. The 4 liver lesions are all measuring 1-2cm in size now.

    My question is why stay on I/L? It doesn't seem to have the tight hold that it used to, as it is allowing the tumors to slowly grow. IF I have a local treatment--- SBRT or ablation-- and stay on I/L, as my MO mentioned, then won't they grow again, or the bone mets grow, or another tumor pop up? Seems we need to change systemic therapy too in my opinion. Maybe keep Ibrance and change the AI or change to Faslodex. My MO wants a PARP next. I am going to say NO to that for now. Try something like Ibrance/Faslodex or a mTOR/AI or change to Verzenio/ Faslodex. Other choices but the PARP.

    Just waiting to hear from MO. I feel I am in limbo. Not stable. Progressing slowly. And my MO doesn't seem in a hurry to treat this. Am I stressing too much or is my MO slacking in my care?

    Edited- June 28th MO appointment was only 1 week ago. Seems so much longer.

  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502
    edited July 2021

    Cakes didn't want to forget you, yes yes yes to your posts. Everyone told me in the beginning this is just temporary you'll move on with your life. My temporary MO (4 months) even used the words "Can be cured". They never told me recurrence rates or that i could recur even metastatically so quick. I found out that via my own research. They did buck at me wanting to take out my port at mastectomy surgery because "they like to keep them in at least a year after your done"...Hmmm, what was that about i wondered.. I kept thinking why didn't they tell me the odds, truly. Why use "cure"? "What if" became a pretty quick reality and not even getting to start rads at the tail end of treatment made me think what the heck is growing in me. We sign off on stuff because we just want to get it over with forgetting we are letting very powerful drugs enter us, probably why Oncotype is used when it can be, there can be serious consequences to treatment. I think maybe it isn't just the Adriamycin that is wreaking havoc on my heart tho it played a big part, i think my heart was just broken too from the great disappointment of it all. I felt lied to. I know a great many move on and do live full lives just didn't happen...for you, for me, for all of us...and that breaks my heart too.

    Candy - I know you've been wondering about your bones and whats going on there since no scans for that in a long while I think I remember (sorry forgot this detail). Steady small growth in the liver but no new tumors. I wish I had good advise. In order to prevent further delay in a plan coming together I'd try to stay with Ibrance and switch up the other drug your taking it with. Or do Verzenio combo or monotherapy. I like the idea of you staying on Ibrance since 3+ years on it is very good, but a switch up like Verzenio might hit differently plus it crosses BB barrier so I view it kinda like staying ahead of the game. Might be talking out my butt I don't know. Sticking with what works and tweaking a bit just seems logical but than again none of what we go through is logical, it redefines logic so again probably talking out my butt. My reasoning is eventually new stuff will pop up no matter what we do, it seems to matter how quickly and how quickly they grow. To me the less we have to do to maintain status quo or close to it that helps our bodies hang in for the marathon. Its been a week, your MO should have a plan together by now, I'd push MO to see what the hold up is. If your MO doesn't get back to you a couple days after you inquire, I'd roll the dice and you chose which direction you want to go and tell MO to put treatment you chose in stat. I don't understand this waiting around BS doctors want us to do all the time, its not easy to just sit and wait, especially in this setting.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,166
    edited July 2021

    Rabbit- Yeah, last PET was Nov 2019 and last bone scan was last summer 2020. So I am planning on asking about doing 1 or both of those scans to look at the bones. Another questionable thing is the change from ER+ to ER- (when we did the liver biopsy in April). But PR is still +, so MO thinks the hormone pathway is still active. So I am thinking switch up the hormone therapy--- to another AI or Faslodex.

    I will give it until next Monday--- the tumor board meets at the end of each week, but with the Holiday they may have changed up their schedule. Then I may message MO and ask if the tumor board has met yet and what is the verdict.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited July 2021

    Wish I could send you rain Rabbit, nobody wants a hurricane. Rates right down there with cancer. The critters and I are ready for this, all but cat have done this before. First time without DH to board up window. When, not if, I loose power, we will go to DDs home.