IF YOU ARE WAITING, please let me to share my experience



  • Post Chemo Update-

    It's been exactly 12 weeks since. Hair's growing very nicely, and all bodily hairs have returned (underarms, nose hairs, ear hairs, lower legs hair, and even those in our private region).

    I found out, after talking to a hair specialist, that the stickiness on my scalp before hair growth were due to the sebaceous glands that are associated with each hair follicle that produce an oily secretion to help condition the hair and surrounding skin.

    Most chemotherapy drugs work by attacking fast-replicating cells. Rapid cell replication is one of the hallmarks of cancer; however, hair follicle cells also grow and divide quickly. Consequently, the chemotherapy drugs usually inhibit hair growth. The dose and type of medicine determine the severity of hair loss, but once the chemotherapy has ended, new hair growth may begin after 3 to 10 months ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_hair_growth)

    So, I'm not sure if there are any fellow members out there who've also experience that sticky, oily feeling. Still, this lasted about 2+ weeks in my case. However, after the hair stubbles started coming in, and when the entire head is covered with new hair growth, which is about 10 weeks post chemo for me, that sticky-oily feeling has now disappeared. All I have now is just the waiting-for-the-hair to continue growing time... my hair has a little curliness in it too..

    Post RADs Update:

    It's been exactly 3 weeks after radiation. Since a week ago, my right breast has suddenly became mildly reddish. I've been applying 100% Fruit of the Loom Aloe Vera as much as possible.. It really does soothe the skin.. Was kind of surprise to see it because there weren't any reddish sunburned tinge during and up until a week after radiation...I mean I've read about it....it is strange to see it happening after all - it's as if the radiation effect continues on its own..

    Furthermore, the swelling that has caused my right breast to become a size bigger than my left during radiation is now subsided such that after shower today, I noticed it being a size smaller now. AND VISIBLY so...-:(( But, it still looks good though...and no one to appreciate it with. LOL

    Every now and then, the breast does hurts a little.....I onder if this has anything to do with the 6 titanium clips inside my right breat tumor base.. .I'm wondering if I should have it removed ..sigh...I'll have to decide when I go on a follow up visit with my SO on November 2nd....Wow, time has surely fly....and decisions...decisions..decisions...to be made as well.

    Other than all these, everything else have gone back to normal. In fact, I shall be leaving for Chiangmai, Thailand for a 5 weeks training course. I'm really looking forward to it. Heard it's a beautiful city. Of course I do intend to take lots of pictures like I always wherever I travel so I can look back on them.....and then off to another part of DA WORLD ..to resume the life, and working towards that many yet unaccomplish goals I have been planning all along ... So, L-I-F-E here I come !!!



    With that, I like to send a VERY, VERY, VERY best wishes to you, my dear fellow members,

    OVERCOME, STAY STRONG & THEN HAVE A G O O D L I F E , wherever you are...SmileSmileSmile

    >>I'll only come back to give new updates that I will come across.

    >> You will notice that throughout this journey, I have walked most of it by myself....sometimes it can be a lonely journey. But keeping positivity is especially important... If anyone I will meet from this point forward are either negative, critical, nasty, non-communicative, easily offended, condescending and so forth, I shall stay away from them... I do not wish nor would I want to expand any energy in that direction. I just want to BE HAPPY, and CELEBRATE THE LIFE THAT IS GIVEN TO ME EVERY DAY !!!


  • Hello dear fellow members;

    It's been 8 1/2 months since my lumpectomy (03/25/2015) , 5 1/2 months since my 10 weeks weekly chemotherapy (06/30/2015) and 3 1/2 months since the end of my 3 weeks daily radiation (09/02/2015). So, I just want to come back and report the following:

    1) My hair has grown to about 2 inches long, wavy and nice;

    2) The lumpectomy and re-constructive round block surgery on my right breast where the areola was cut around and out to take out the cancerous 2.5 cm tumor + another 1 cm all around margins from that position, and then stitched back, has completely healed!! I am pleased to report that the the scars around it have nicely disappeared. Although I was a little concerned last week about a pea-size lump under my breast that turned out to be a pimple, wheeew !!!

    3) I have lost the weight I had gained during chemo. My daily weight training has also helped to build muscles back into my arms and body. I try to maintain a healthy diet nowadays, with lots of juices and vegetables.

    4) I even went mountain biking and white water rafting, as well as attending a 4 weeks super intensive course in Chiangmai, Thailand that drove all attendees to near exhaustion, sleeplessness and no time to eat as well as we wanted. But it was gratifying in the end that we all pass the course.

    So, I'm looking forward to being back in the job market soon. Also want to you each and everyone out there all the very best in your journey. Please take very good care of yourself. Have a good life!!

    P.S. I wish to recommend to everyone to consider buying and taking this medicinal mushroom supplement called the Agaricus Blazei. It is believe to boost your immunue system, especially if you plan on doing chemotheraphy. I took this from the very beginning, after my surgery, throughout my chemo (except on the day of chemo) and during radiation. I believe it has prevented me from getting or experiencing any major side effects of these treatments. I should mention that both my MO and RO advised me against taking any supplements, but I informed them that I do not intend to follow their advice..

    I met and spoke to a retired air force pilot whose mother had cancer too. He told me that she had late stage cancer, that her doctor informed his family that she has about 3 weeks to a month to live. She was not only bed-ridden, but had deteriorating mental faculties. Then he was introduced to the more potent (and expensive) version of the Agaricus Blazei. He fed it to his mom in her feeding tubes 3X/day, two capsules each. Within two weeks, his mother could walk and some of her mental faculties returned. Her doctors were taken aback by her recovery, and he showed this supplement to her doctors. It seems this supplement is now approved and recommended to patients in Singapore. Nevertheless, she passed away 6 months later, not from cancer, but from catching pneumonia (according to my friend).. Since then, he would buy this medicinal mushroom in bulk and his entire family has been taking them. I only wanted to share this information because it is herbal medicine. There are scientific evidence to it's potency. Below is the link you can read up on.


    or you can google, healing mushrooms, you can find much info about it too.

  • Hello again:

    Here's a video Big Think Panel Discussion on Cancer that's quite interesting.


    I'm posting this because one of the guest speakers was Dr. Harold Varmus, previously NIH and NCI Director, ex Nobel laureate and one of the most pro-active cancer researcher and charismatic public leaders whose many works benefit cancer patients. I've started following him since June 2015 this year after I was diagnose with cancer back in Feb 2015. A most brilliant, dynamic, extremely knowledgeable and non political leader/scientist, you'll learn much from whatever he has to say about cancer - because he's right in the middle of all these researches, clinical trials, innovations, using technologies to help cancer patients, policies and so forth versus those doctors who are more into the theoretical and academic.

    I was extremely sad when he left NCI back in March 2015 , The public, especially cancer patients, has really lost a leader who has fought passionately, and hard for cancer research funding during his many years at NIH and NCI. I certainly hope that he will be asked to come back again in a few years. For under his leadership, many exciting progress were made in research for cancer cure and/or alternative cancer cure.

    If you have the chance to find his cancer talks in youtube, it is always worth your time to watch because he usually discusses the issues, and solutions at hand and don't waste time talking nonsense.


    Below is a very enlightening interview with Dr. Varmus about NCI and cancer research. Only when we read do will we realize how funding at NIH and NCI can affect how all cancer will or will not get the benefits of this research. For this, everyone must be proactive in getting our politicians to increase funding towards our Healthcare.



  • Hello Dear Fellow Members:

    I hope this message finds everyone well.....Just wanted to stop by to say that 5 months after my last radiation and chemo, I am well. My hair has now grown to 3 inches long. So I do have a short hairdo curly hairdo now, which I really like. I continue to take my supplements such as agaricus blazei that strengthens one's immune system, continue to eat healthily, which are primarily lots of fruit salads and lean meat especially chicken breast, and occasionally indulge in some of my favorite fruits (maybe once month). I also continue to exercise. I've lost my 15.5 pounds of fat. So, I'm leaner and trimmer. I have another 15 pounds to lose so that I can get back to my ideal weight of 45-50 kgs.

    Sending everyone lots of love and wishes in your journey towards recovery.image

    Please feel free to private message me.

    NATSGSG Posts: 64


    Just wanted to say "Hi" to everyone and to send these to you all...


    I have been taking classes, and finally found a job in the field that I love - education! At my age, it was hard getting a job and so my persistence paid off. Just like the journey I took above. You too will be fine. Stay positive. Drink lots of fluids (must to detoxify - water, juices, soups, any combination thereof).

    Sending the very best health wishes your way, my dear friends... Take care.

  • Thank you for sharing your experience. I am waiting and going crazy, so this helped me to become proactive and find out as much as I can and go ahead and "discuss" things with my Doctor. I haven't even seen a Dr. yet, only had the tests.

  • Dear Licata519 - Glad to be of help....great that you are taking the proactive route...when it's finally over,.you will be so very very glad you did. If you have more questions, please feel free to PM me.

    Take care, and sending you all the best wishes towards your treatment and the completion of your journey.

    Warnest regards


  • Greetings Everybody:

    Feb 26, 2018 will be my 3rd anniversary since my right breast cancer was diagnosed, followed by round-block method lumpectomy surgery, chemotherapy and finally radiation (with several weeks recovery time in between each segment). All of these were done over a 6 months period, from March - early September, 2015. By December, I was well enough to take the intensive 4 weeks CELTA course in Chiangmai, Thailand. I even did many exciting outdoor activities such as white water rafting, canoeing and mountain climbing!!!!!

    Since then each year, I am grateful to be alive...^!^ I have gone on to work and to accomplish as many of the goals I have set out for myself. Having and recovering from cancer certainly changed my perspectives and my priorities in life..... LIFE is such a beautiful thing,.. I am quite determine to make it positive, constructive and beautiful.

    I have been both working and playing hard... Just this past Thursday, on Feb 1st 2018, I went in to see my surgical oncologist, Dr. BT. So far so good... I love her charm, her accessibility, her smiles, but most of all her caring. No matter how busy Dr. BT is, wherever she may be, she will always, always, always either return my calls or email to reply to my questions. I am very fortunate to be under her care, then and now. Later today, I shall be flying out to Phuket for my 7 days vacation of deep sea fishing, snorkeling, motor cycling and doing whatever I fancy...

    Today, I want to stop by to wish you, my fellow members a speedy recovery...regardless of the stage of journey you are now at, please be positive and strong at all times. Take very good care of yourself, drink often to hydrate if you are doing chemo. Green bean soup worked well for me, In TCM, it has detoxifying properties. I drank 1.5 to 2 litres each day.... Your journey is understandably a difficult - but one that is NOT impossible to walk...

    Again, the National Cancer Institute and the National Library of Medicine are truly worthwhile sources, with scientific information that may help you. That was how I found mine. It took many hours of researching and downloading. Oh, please do not forget to look for new updates and clinical trials of the most exciting new cancer treatment "Immunotherapy" from the NCI website.

    Sending everyone tons and tons of best wishes daily.... Love, NAT

  • NATSGSG, thank you for the post. It's great to hear about your journey and how well you're doing. I'm new to the forum, but I noticed one of your posts on medicinal mushrooms, as I've been taking that as well as a mix of other herbal and vitamin remedies. Thank you again for the inspiring post!

  • Dear NATSGSG,

    thanks for sharing. It is very useful. I am now receiving the treatment in the same centre as you.

    All the best to you too !

  • Dear NATSGSG,

    Thanks for your sharing. Good to hear that you are well. I have completed my treatments at NCC Singapore in Sep 2017and am now back to work.

    Dear sesame246, are you receiving treatment at NCCS? Do feel free to pm me if you would like to know about anything regarding the treatments.

  • Dear Fellow Members,

    I'm back to wish everyone HAPPY HOLIDAYS. If you are recovering, may it move quickly for u. If you are starting on your cancer journey, BE STRONG, BE POSITIVE, BE PROACTIVE in Educating yourself by reading as much as possible & research clinical trials from www.nlm.gov website under pubmed.

    Today is December 22nd, 2019. In about 3 months time, I shall reach my 5 year mark.

    After my surgery in March 2015, followed by a 10 weeks weekly chemo regiment (5 weeks after surgery), then a 5 weeks weekly 5 minutes radiation (6 weeks after chemo), I have not stopped living a full life. I feel free as a bird every moment of every day ever since.

    I have traveled to Italy, Greece, Spain, taken a cruise from Seattle to Alaska, been to the Yukon, made my 2nd visit to SFO, been to 20+ cities throughout China, including travelling along the ancient Silk Road, visited almost all southern islands in Thailand, visited Angkor Wat in Cambodia, went to Bali twice, and Maldives-like Besar Island in West Malaysia. I did all these on a budget while staying at highly rated youth hostels. I shall be travelling to Pattaya for a week in mid Jan 2020 for total beach, food, massage relaxation, and will then do a four-island hop along the east coast of West Malaysia in late Jan to early Feb.thereafter.

    Celebrated my birthday this past September by visiting ZhangJiaJie with its Avatar Mountains (in The Movie) tho the Tianci Mountain is breathtakingly beautiful than the Avatars. I can spend days looking out the 360 degree views. I have a teaching job in southern China, for 4 years now. that enables me to travel each weekend by high speed train to nearby historic cities and museums. Despite my age (at least a half century), I still dream of having my own Youth Hostel and Training Center :-)))

    What I'm saying is this - if we persist in being positive, and is determined not to give up on ourselves, after we recover, we can still do and enjoy the things we love.It is never too late.

    I've been a single mom for 22 years. I still meet men whose company I enjoy, and who enjoys my company because we can still be our attractive, cheerful self.

    So, please don't ever give up. Please read my story (u have to scroll up or down, to the section on (...And so The Journey Begins...). I know u will find info that can be of help to you.

    Take goooooood care. Love yourself at all times.

    Sending you many, many, many quick-healing charms & wishes :-)))

    From the bottom of my heart

    NATSGSG (& Merry Xmas to you and your family)

    P.S if you are in late stage cancer and feels your situation hopeless,, there is an Italian doctor** whose alternative treatment you may wish to consider.I'm not saying his method guarantees healing. I'm just saying it could be something to look into. He does online consult but one must be physically present there for treatment. Based on my reading of his treatment, he uses no chemical drugs at all.

    My ex colleague's wife cancer was of a less serious grade than mine. But she was given too much chemo that eventually turned her cancer into leukemia. I suggested to my colleague to get the amount of chemo dosage reduced during the initial treatment, but they'd rather leave everything in her doctor's hands. Sometimes, I think we cannot leave all decision to doctors. Sometimes we must make some decisions ourselves. Only today, I found out that his wife passed away this past August. I felt totally sad for his loss, a loss that, in my opinion, could have been prevented had they taken a more proactive control of her life....RIP Lily. May you have a good new life up in heaven.

    ** You need to decide if you find him trustworthy. I thought he was witch hunted for his boldness. Again, the final decision must be yours, and yours alone, regardless whether you decide to seek him out as a last resort or not (for those with late stage cancer.).

    Take great care, y"all. May lots of healing energy comes your way. Nat

  • jcp
    jcp Posts: 42

    THANK YOU Natsgsg! Well, no wonder why you're a recipient of a scholarship at an Ivy league college to get a Ph.D! This was a wonderful amount of information. I know where to go to find links from now on! Thank you again

    . It was so kind of you! JCP

  • rain88
    rain88 Posts: 162

    Dear Nat, thank you for sharing your journey. Your posts are informative and interesting. I hope you continue to get past many more 5 year milestones!

    NATSGSG Posts: 64

    Hello jcp:

    Great that you find moi's info useful. And correction. I didnt get the scholarship :-)

    Sending you lots of love, strength and healing. Overcome and have a great life every day.

    Best wishes, NAT

    NATSGSG Posts: 64

    Dear Rain98:

    Thank you for your wishes. May your cancer journey be even more productive and interesting. Sending you lots and lots of healing and positive energy and strength.

    May you have many wonderful days ahead too. Do take care.

    Best regards, NAT

  • 2/1/2023- Hello Everyone

    I’m in my 8th year of complete remission now. But the main reason for coming back is to wish every single one of you the very very best regardless of the stage of your journey. You are all in my prayers and thoughts. Think positive daily and nightly. Watch stand up comics if need be to keep you smiling. I truly believe a positive mind can influence and accelerate healing.

    Take care now and God bless


  • edwards750
    edwards750 Posts: 1,568

    Congrats on your 8th year! This August will be my 11th year. While I feel more optimistic there is always that fear that will never go away.

    What a nice thought sending prayers. Back at you!
