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Starting Chemo September 2015; join us!



  • twiggyOR
    twiggyOR Member Posts: 246

    I am 3 weeks PFC tomorrow. I've been trying to exercise on my eliptical this week but I'm still very tired and weak. Just trying to force myself to get moving knowing it will get better. After only a minute my pulse is quite fast, I'm breathing hard, and my legs feel like I have climbed a steep mountain. 😟. I keep telling myself I have to start somewhere and it will get better.

  • Skittlegirl
    Skittlegirl Member Posts: 138

    For those with young kids (6-15), you might want to look and see if there's a Camp Kesem in your area. It's a free week-long summer camp for kids with a parent who has fought the cancer battle. It looks like a lot of fun and a good chance for the kids to get away and be with other kids who are going through the same thing. My girls are incredibly excited for camp. Registration for new campers opened on Friday.

  • cajunqueen15
    cajunqueen15 Member Posts: 689

    Hiya ladies!

    Re the ooph, for me it's because I'm going on AIs for sure and BRCA2 is not associated with uterine cancer. If they find anything suspicious (pgma died of ovarian cancer), they are going to take it all out.

    Ready for my children to ring the bell tomorrow! I feel like a kid in a candy store. Bring it, Taxol, I'm ready!! Countdown to absurd bone pain in t-minus 3, 2, 1...

    I started back on Lexapro and my night time hot flashes have decreased, fwiw.

    Love you all! Xo.

  • Minnesota_LisaFR
    Minnesota_LisaFR Member Posts: 316

    Cajun - Congratulations on ringing the bell for the last Taxol today!


  • el_tigre
    el_tigre Member Posts: 453

    Congrats Cajun!

  • Artista928
    Artista928 Member Posts: 1,458

    Congrats to all finished and best wishes for those still doing it. Labs and MO appt today for me.

  • cajunqueen15
    cajunqueen15 Member Posts: 689


  • Shopgal2
    Shopgal2 Member Posts: 594

    yay canjun! Congrats🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • el_tigre
    el_tigre Member Posts: 453


  • Artista928
    Artista928 Member Posts: 1,458

    Congrats Cajun!

  • exercise_guru
    exercise_guru Member Posts: 333

    This gave me a big smile. Love it!

    Huge congratulations its a stinky long road but you did it!


  • Lila-claire66
    Lila-claire66 Member Posts: 73

    Great news Cajun! Ring that bell really loud!

    does anyone know when eyesight is supposed to return to normal after chemo? I have not been able to wear contacts and my glasses just don't allow me to see clearly but I know it's temp. Can hardly wait for normal eye sight!

    Taxol #9 tomorrow, yahoo! How soon after last chemo does radiation typically start?

    Here's to a better week for everyone

  • el_tigre
    el_tigre Member Posts: 453

    Lila-claire - rads where I am start 4-6 weeks after chemo ends. I'm signed up for about 4 weeks after chemo

  • edwsmom
    edwsmom Member Posts: 270

    Hi everyone! I'm really glad to see everyone doing so well and checking in.

    I'm a few days shy of 3 weeks PFC and I'm finally starting to feel better. I can taste food again. I'm still fatigued and wear out easily though - it's really frustrating.

    The one issue I'm dealing with now (and likely will be dealing with for a while) is problems with my fingernails. I have 4 nails that have come loose from the nail bed. It's really gross and creepy feeling. I soak those fingers in peroxide 2-3 times per day to keep them clean since this makes me very prone to infection. I also wear bandaids over them to keep the nail down tight to the nail bed so that I'm not constantly catching them on things (which hurts!). I had to buy a huge bottle of peroxide and an enormous box of bandaids yesterday since I'm going through those things like crazy. I have no idea how long this will last this way or how long it will take to grow this out. It really sucks.

    I'm still scheduled for surgery next week - though I still have not heard back about the radiation decision which will impact which surgery I will get. Very annoying.The RO was supposed to call me by Friday with his decision and didn't. I left a message for him this morning to check in.

    I'm finally starting to prep for surgery - getting some things to ease the process. For those of you who have already had MX or BMX are there anythings that you were glad you had or had gotten to have on hand post surgery that you'd recommend? I ordered some pink pockets to hold drains and I've made sure to have several tops that either button up the front or zip up to wear after surgery since I won't be able to lift my arms. What other things would be good to get?

  • Minnesota_LisaFR
    Minnesota_LisaFR Member Posts: 316

    Cajun - WOO HOO! You rocked that look!

  • CarolinaAmy
    CarolinaAmy Member Posts: 215

    Cajun!  Woohoo!!! You look amazing, girl. Happy

    lila-claire, I'm wondering the same thing about eyesight. It's really getting on my nerves. I'm getting Taxol #9 tomorrow as well! I'll be thinking of you.

    Over the weekend, I sat down with DH and my pages listing pros/cons of LX, BMX, TE/implants, and DIEP. I've decided to do a bilateral mastectomy with DIEP reconstruction. I'll call the surgical offices tomorrow and tell them. I'm definitely nervous and not thrilled about such a major, invasive surgery, but I have the most peace about this. There's something in my gut that's telling me I should do this.

    On happier news, I am booking our family's very first cruise for the in-between time from chemo to surgery! (Yes, I bought a travel insurance policy first.) I think DH, who is usually unenthusiastic about cruises, understands that this will be a very good break for all of us after six months of chemo, plus the hospitalizations, and before the sh*t hits the fan again with the surgery. I realize I'll only be just under 3 weeks PFC, but that's the beauty of it--the cruise doesn't require me to do anything.

  • Hazel_Nut
    Hazel_Nut Member Posts: 70

    ok, I've been on Tamoxifen for a little over a month now...I've started to get really itchy spots. I would breakout in hives, but then it goes away. I wonder if it's related to taking the meds...or something else. Haven't switched anything e.g. detergent, soap, etc.

  • cajunqueen15
    cajunqueen15 Member Posts: 689

    thanks, ladies! Feelin strong but tired today. Couldnt sleep with the steroids. Hoping for the Fentanyl patch this go round to get some zzzzzzzzs and pain relief.

    I start rads in 2-3 weeks. Meeting with the doc Wednesday. I need to get moving to start estrogen suppression.

  • cajunqueen15
    cajunqueen15 Member Posts: 689

    Carolina amy, what a great idea!!! Lay out, eat, snorkel... Just de-stress. :)

  • Lila-claire66
    Lila-claire66 Member Posts: 73

    El Tigre thanks for comment on rads. I had hoped it would start sooner! Oh well, time to recoup from chemo.

    Edwsmom and Carolina Amy (anyone else facing BX or MX...the most helpful and comforting thing I had during my MX was a small, 13x10, pillow given to me by our local breast Cancer Center volunteers. I keep (6 months later!) the pillow under my arm next to surgery site and it helps keep the pressure off that area. I made two for a dear friend who just had a BX and she loves them! she took them to the hospital with her.

    If you don't sew, please let me know and I WOULD BE HAPPY TO MAKE YOU ONE OR A PAIR for free cuz they are so wonderful and we are sisters! Let me know then we can exchange contact info. Really, seriously, I will do this for any one of you!

    Also re surgery, don't start the stretching excercises too soon and do too much. I did and had really bad bruising. Let your fam baby you too!

    Carolina Amy will be thinking of you too tomorrow during Taxol #9! And the cruise sounds perfect for everyone

  • ShannonCannon
    ShannonCannon Member Posts: 3

    Hello All -

    Its been a while since I have been on here…Busy getting my "strength" back after my 4th and final round on Dec. 1

    I have a question for all of you.. I know I am 37 and going through menopause on the fast track and all but dang!!! Does anyone else still get the full blown hot flash sweating soaked then you start freezing….?? Happens on the daily mostly am and pm.. Just wanted to know if I am the only one living in a pool of my own sweat still??? agh thanks chemo

  • el_tigre
    el_tigre Member Posts: 453

    Lila, I bet you can convince them to start sooner, they just wanted the blood counts or our bodies to bounce back some before chemo.

    Mine actually wanted to start on 1/22 (22 days since last chemo) but I would be out of town. celebrating our 20yr dating anniversary with my hubby at the beach.

    Carolina Amy - great idea a cruise is perfect!

  • AnnieB43
    AnnieB43 Member Posts: 724

    Yay Cajun! Love the pink hair. I wore mine to rads today.

    Finished 11/36 rads today. See my BS wednesday for my 6 month exam.

    Congrats to everyone finishing up chemo. Hang in there to those still slogging through. It does

  • cajunqueen15
    cajunqueen15 Member Posts: 689

    shannon, im 35 and my hot flashes are intense. I would wake up bathed in sweat. I started lexapro and it has helped at night. There are other ssris that also help. I may switch to Zoloft.

  • Minnesota_LisaFR
    Minnesota_LisaFR Member Posts: 316

    Think I may have had my last chemo (Taxol #9) without realizing it at the time. I developed muscle weakness in my legs this past week and it has been worse each of the past several days. This morning I had to concentrate and grip the railing to descend the staircase and even short walks (taking laundry out of the dryer) are making my legs ache like I've run a marathon.

    Doc told me two weeks ago she'd be okay with me stopping after 9 or 10 Taxol session - I thought I'd be able to make it one more treatment since the neuropathy hasn't gotten seriously worse in the last week. Surprised the muscle weakness came on so quickly. It will be interesting to see what the PA advises. I would be okay with this level of weakness temporarily. Just spooked by the "sometimes it's permanent" aspect....

  • CarolinaAmy
    CarolinaAmy Member Posts: 215

    Minnesota Lisa, that's a brutal decision to have to make. I know what you mean about deciding when it's enough--i can live with anything short term, but the pucker factor goes up when we start talking about the things that COULD be permanent. Ugh.

  • CarolinaAmy
    CarolinaAmy Member Posts: 215

    Oh, and Valerie, could you send a picture of the pillows? I do some basic sewing, although I can't imagine pulling it all out right now with the way I'm feeling. 😣

  • el_tigre
    el_tigre Member Posts: 453

    Minnesota, sorry that a tough one. I hope your muscle weakness fades fast

  • Shopgal2
    Shopgal2 Member Posts: 594

    Lilaclaire my eyesight seems worse since chemo ended. I am also wondering when it will stop getting worse so I can get an eye exam. No point in getting a script for new glasses until my eyesight stops degrading. And I started rads last week, 5 weeks pfc. I was delayed due to holidays.

    Edwsmom on no with your nails! That's awful. Maybe mo has some ideas to help? The only thing that saved mine is keeping them polished and short. I can actually see the new growth from the cuticle. Keep us updated from your surgery next week. I will be sending you healing vibes.

    Amy glad you made the final decision on surgery. I always say you gotta go with your gut. And a cruise too! Enjoy gal!

    Annie good to hear from you.

    MLisa that's a tough decision but you have to do what's best for your quality of life. I had issues with being able to urinate right after DD taxol #1 that only got worse and turned into bladder neuropathy. That's why I had reduced doses for the last 3 infusions. I actually wasn't going to do my last dose, but mo reduced it to almost a weekly dose amount. Thankfully the bladder issue improved and went away after 2 weeks pfc. It's a scary thought if the pain and numbness could be permanent or come back, but it's a choice we are faced with whether to end chemo early or take the risk. I went ahead because I am triple neg and chemo was my one shot because I can't take any pills after due to ER, pr, & her2 neg.

  • DLcygnet
    DLcygnet Member Posts: 152

    Cajun: Congratulations! I love the wig & hat. Gonna have to steal that look with my purple wig!

    Amy: Sounds like you made a great decision. (It's the same one I'm going to have to make within the next few years.) Love the travel choice too. My only cruise has been to the islands of Tahiti - loved every minute of it.

    Shannon: I'm 34 - between the Lupron shots and neuropathy occaisionally have me sweating buckets off the top of my head while my feet feel like they're iceblocks. It's rediculous!

    Minnesota_Lisa: My oncologist just cut my Taxol dose by 20% in the hopes that none of my neuropathy becomes permenant. She was apprehensive about telling me (apparently some people freak), but I was so excited to hear her say that. Chemo dosages are just a best guess based on height/weight etc. so I had no qualms about her making adjustments based on symptoms. I've got my 10th infusion coming up on Wednesday. So far the toes still feel like ice even with the L-glutamine and B-6.

    It's been awhile since I logged in. Son gave me another cold over the holidays, so my final infusion date has been pushed back to 3 February. Skipped my brother's new year's eve wedding on the other side of the country, but people were texting me pictures constantly for 2 days. More relatives coming to visit in February to help out with the hubby (who has been trying to hide his PTSD for some time now). The brain fog is lifting; I think I'm getting a little more sleep (except when my body is full of steroids). A little of my head hair has returned (so soft and fuzzy!). I'm planning to attend my cousin's wedding in April and start radiation after I return. My sister finally got engaged to her 5 year boyfriend (He proposed Christmas day!) and I'm looking forward to a vacation/wedding in Kauaii at the end of September! My 19 month old son is talking up a storm and desperately needs some more outside time - he LOVED the trampoline, basketball hoop, and train set he got for Christmas (thanks for the suggestions!). Aside from just going to day care, work & home, it feels like I can finally start living my life again. When do they take the port out???