Sharp pain under left breast

I have mets in my right lower lung lobe and had fluid buildup. They placed a Pleurex catheter and I've been draining since July and it has gone from a liter a day to 150ml every 2 days.

2 days ago I started having a sharp pain under my left breast, this is also my mastectomy side and I have an implant but haven't had any pain in it for a long time. I also seem to be having some shortness of breath but it could be from the pain bc my spo2 is normal. I'm on oxygen 2 liters. I can go to the bathroom and short distances w/o it.

I've read a few things and it doesn't sound like a heart issue. I think it might be fluid now on the left side. Has anyone else had this before? Sharp pain under the left breast that almost feels like a muscle clinching sometimes and sometimes it's just sharp pain.

I'm on short break from chemo 'and I'm afraid it might be spreading.
