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Sebaceous cyst that erupted under left breast on bra line

Q-Tee Member Posts: 2
edited September 2016 in Benign Breast Conditions

Back in May, I went for my yearly mammogram. I was called back because they wanted additional films of my left breast. Had the mammogram and an ultrasound. At that time, the Radiologist told me that he did not see any signs of cancer, and the area that they were concerned about was benign. He recommended that I come back in 6 months for a follow up. In the meantime, I found this tiny lump under my left breast, right on the bra line. I had an event to attend, and unfortunately, all my bras have underwires. I was hesitant about wearing it, so I put a few band-aids over the bump. A few days later, I noticed that the area was starting to get red and swollen. I got an appointment with my OBGYN, and he told me it was a tiny cyst, not to worry, it was not cancer. He told me to see a breast specialist/surgeon for peace of mind. I called their office, and the doctor wanted me to get another ultrasound. I explained to them that the area was red and swollen. The doctor prescribed an antibiotic because she felt that It was becoming infected. A few days after that, the cyst grew in size, and it looked like an infected sack with a white tip on the end of it. It finally burst, and drained itself. When it was completely healed, I went for the ultrasound, and everything was fine. No signs of cancer. Now I have to go back for another mammogram in November just as a 6 month follow up. If they keep telling me that there is no cancer, why would I have to go back for another mammogram? I would assume it is because they want to be sure that there are no changes to the area. I have been so stressed out since May. I can't wait until I can get passed this.


  • Jmktmob
    Jmktmob Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2016

    Hi there, I am sorry to hear that you are struggling with this. Like us all it can be nerve racking.

    From my recent personal experience, believe it or not I too had a sebaceous cyst At The Bra Line left breast. I am in a year out recovering after a lumpectomy to the same breast. I made an appointment to see my breast surgeon. He assured me it was not important to worry about (for me according to him) that it was not breast cancer. He gave me an antibiotic cream. I just went to see him 8/1/2016. But I felt like a ninny and apologized for taking time out of his day. He said for me to NEVER be sorry about bugging him. It is best to stay proactive.

    I would not cancel the November appt you have. The mammo covers the entire breast area and better to be safe then sorry. Please remember that Cancer can only be determined through a Breast Biopsy. The diagnosis I believe starts with the size of a lump once the mammo is complete for staging purposes. If there is a new area or change in the area you originally went back for additional films for you would know afterwards only if there is an area of concern. Results would be sent to your OB/Gyn

    Or if you are unsure of what exactly to do, then maybe call the Doctors office for advice. I am not sure of your age but see that you are from NJ (same here) I have several friends who were treated for Breast Cancer and let me know about the several Comprehensive Breast Centers throughout NJ that they were going to. I have all of my doctors in one place. My BC Surgeon, Medical Oncologist and Radiation Oncologist.

    The reason I mentioned this is the Breast Surgeon and Mammography Center are both right there together. It is just easier for me. I hope this helps you

  • Irony
    Irony Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2016

    I'm a breast ultrasound tech. I see sebaceous cysts all the time commonly under the arm, under the breast where your under wire rubs it, and in the cleavage area.

    These have a very specific look on ultrasound as they are NOT in the breast, but in the skin. If you look, you can often see a pore leading to the outside of the skin.

    If your doctor wants to follow you, that is fine, kerp the appointment, but he really should refer you to a dermatologist, not a breast surgeon.

    The one thing you don't want is a needle biopsy. The material within the cyst is staph and can cause infection around the surrounding tissue. A dermatologist can lance it, completely removing it.

    Either way then tend to come and go and are not dangerous. I hope this helps.