Concerned About Benign Breast Conditions? Start Here.
If you are here, you are probably concerned about benign (non-cancerous) breast conditions. Take a look at our helpful links to find some answers to your questions. * Benign Breast Conditions * Symptoms of Breast Cancer * Breast Cancer Risk Factor: Certain Breast Changes * Research News: Keeping an Eye on Benign Breast…
Radial Scar - Observe or Take Out?
I'm recently diagnosed with a benign radial scar. First seen on a screening mammogram as an area of "focal distortion." Called back for diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound. It persisted on the diagnostic mammogram as architectural distortion and a 0.7cm irregular mass was found on the ultrasound. The radiologist came in…
Prophylactic Mastectomy
Looking for anyone with shared experience. From my 1st mammogram 15 years ago at 40, I have had issues. Multiple biopsies and lumpectomies, tons of scar tissue as a result. I have extremely dense breast tissue, complex cysts, breast disease, multiple bilateral papillomas and just recently diagnosed with LCIS. I do not have…
Hi Just wondering if there is anyone that is dealing with PASH and would love to discuss whom they are seeing and what direction their surgeon is taking. If you know of other websites or physicians that deal with PASH in the Chicago or the NorthShore area would like if you could provide that info. Found lump two years ago,…
Chronically itchy nipple...Dx'd with PASH in 2020
Hi, all- Just a brief history: I am a 50 year old post-menopausal woman with dense breasts and a family history of BC. In 2020, my annual mammogram revealed a small cluster of calcifications in my right breast, after which time I underwent a stereotactic needle biopsy. The results were benign showing columnar cell changes…
History of Multiple, Bilateral Rapidly Growing Fibroadenomas
Hello everyone! I am mostly looking to hear of similar stories and to get advice for monitoring strategies. A brief background of my history: Don't have much breast cancer family history, besides my grandmother who got diagnosed when she was around late 70s. I found a lump in my breast when I was 14, further testing with…
Radial Scar
Hi All, Just looking to connect with people who may have had similar experiences or diagnosis. I went for my first breast check, age 32 due to a concern on my right side. This was clear on imaging, however the ultrasound found architectual distortion on the left. This lead to a mammogram, mri, core biopsy and lumpectomy.…
Breast abscess
Multiple Fibroadenomas and Axillary Cysts
My 24 year old daughter noticed a lump in her armpit last year and I dragged her to get an ultrasound, given my BC history. During the ultrasound, they discovered a mass in her left breast as well as the cyst and decided to do biopsies of both. The axillary mass came back as "undefined" with evidence of foamy macrophages…
Breast lump, firm. Hope!
Last 2 nights my hands found a lump in my left breast. It's large, smooth, but firm and doesn't seem to move. It's doesn't hurt much. Like all the others, I panicked. I am 4 months postpartum, with a history of cystic breast bilateral. I recall to have a 1.5cm cysts on the same side I felt the lump. But I didn't think much…
Can fibrocystic breast be misdiagnosed?
Can fibrocystic breast be misdiagnosed? Below are my results from my MRI and biopsy, when I research fibrocystic changes, I can't find anything related to birads 4b, plateau enhancement, etc but I do find cancer being misdiagnosed as fibrocystic changes. In the last few months, I have been misdiagnosed due to radiologists…
Risk Assessment after removal of radial scar
Hi - My daughter had a radial scar removed at age 39. She is currently 43. We tried to do a risk assessment on her using Tyrer Cusick calculator, but radial scar isn't on the calculator. How do you determine risk if radial scar is not one of the questions on the calculator?. Are there risk assessment calculators that…
Mammogram findings
Can all oddities in breasts be explained? I was told I had something that didn’t look good, but the doctor didn’t think it was cancer. It was a 12 mm nodule with irregularities. He said it could be an infection or scar tissue. Shouldn’t I find out? Thanks
Lumpectomy results
So I had my lumpectomy 2/27 for a radical scar that was found during my biopsy and it all went well. My pathology came in and I haven’t had it discussed with my dr yet this is what the results follow: Radical scar with sclerosing adenosis with focal atypical ductal hyperplasia p63 immuno stain is positive anyone know what…
Complex sclerosing lesion aka radical scars
Hi everyone my story starts out like this in 2017 I had my first mammogram for spontaneous nipple discharge which ended up being clear but my dr wanted me to have them yearly since my moms mom and her sister both had breast cancer. Well being young at the time I didn’t keep up yearly. The next I had was 2019 which came…
I didn't know where else to go
Hi, I am not diagnosed with IBC but i didn't know where else to go with my experience. If you read all the way through my post you will understand why I don't have anywhere else to go. Anyways I am a 28 year old mother of 2 (7 and 10). In mid december of 2023 I noticed a hard nickle sized lump on my right breast around the…
Sclerosing adenosis
Hi everyone I'm looking for some advice. I'm an American who lives in Mexico. In may I went for a 3d mammogram and they found suspicious lumps in both breasts and did 2 immediate core biopsies. Thankfully 1 came back as good and the other side they said had schlerosing adenosis which is benign. The doctor recommended…
ADH and LCIS treatment recommended is anastrozole for 5 years
Hormonal Therapy recommended for LCIS and ADH by an oncologist. Medicine they are asking me to take is Anastrozole and I am looking for feedback from the community on the side effects experienced from this drug. It is not actually FDA approved for this prophylactic treatment of post menopausal women and these types of pre…
Phyllodes Tumor Diagnosis Advice
I had a lumpectomy of a benign phyllodes tumor with clear margins on 6/14/23 followed by a bilateral breast reduction on 6/22/23. On 10/19/23 I had an ultrasound of a new lump that I found in August of 2023. An irregular hypoechoic solid lesion was identified, but the findings were indeterminant so a needle biopsy is…
Suspected intraductal papilloma
Hi there, I’m in the process of getting answers but curious what others have experienced. I am 41, likely perimenopausal. Over a month again I first had spontaneous clear discharge from one breast. That happened a few times. One month ago I woke up and had a circle of clear discharge on my shirt. Over the next few days it…
ADH saga
Hi I just needed to reach out to someone somewhere. I’ve been in limbo since Feb 2023 and it’s now June 2023. I’ve had a basic mammogram - next level mammogram/US- 3 core biopsies, 2 confirmed ADH and last one done yesterday and awaiting results. I have a surgical biopsy for the 2 confirmed areas and if the 3rd shows ADH…
Risk of dcis
Hi hope all is doing ok. Apologies if im posting to the incorrect thread. I didnt get responses from my other discussion. Moderators please feel free to move this to a more appropriate space. So a little history, im 41, no children, menstruation started at 10, never been pregnant , never breastfed. Family history with…
Lumpectomy after bloody discharge
hi all. im looking for anyone to shed light on my risk with the following. im 41. two years ago i had a lumpectomy for what turned out to be a fibroadenoma. just had another surgery to remove a duct that was seen to be dilated with a lesion on ultrasound. i had bloody nipple discharge with this. my pathology reports showed…
Prominent Ducts ?
Hi, So I had an ultrasound done a while ago, and it said I have prominent ducts in the retroareolar region… I have absolutely no idea what this means. Is it significant? Every time I look up prominent ducts it automatically shows me everything about duct ectasia, but I don’t know if I have that, I haven’t been told that.…
Biopsy showed PASH
Hi Ladies, Had a core biopsy last week and my radiologist had called and said it was b9 and see you in 6 months. My GYN sent me a note and he full results and said there was a finding of PASH and I should follow up with a breast surgeon and possible excision. I've been reading like crazy since of course and will call…
About PASH
Can anyone share your experiences of suffering PASH? I am now extremely worried about it...i had heard PASH can go away naturally. Can anyone share more experiences here??
About PASH
Can anymore share your experiences of suffering PASH?
Anyone breast with PASH??
anyone diagnose
What could this be?
Hello all, I'm 29, no family history of bc. If you are interested you can take a peek at my post history, this has been going on for a few years now... but the tl;dr is that in one breast I've been noticing the tissue get thicker/firmer than the tissue on the other side. It still feels like normal breast tissue according…
Just diagnosed with Atypical Ductal Hyperplasia (ADH)
So... I was just diagnosed with ADH (had steriotactic biopsy after single cluster of microcalcifications appeared on mammogram). Which they said is "not cancer", but cells that are at risk for turning into cancer one day and puts me at moderate risk overall for developing breast cancer in either breast in the future, based…
Intraductal Papilloma questions
Hi there! I've read some posts on here and gleaned a lot. I'm a 27 yr old, and found out recently that I have a 10mm intraductal papilloma in my right breast. (For what it's worth, over the last year this breast has doubled in size, and a few years ago I had another round of biopsies done on breast so there's a lot going…