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Mushrooms Estrogen Independent Cancer


  • Purpleisland
    Purpleisland Member Posts: 9
    edited January 2017

    aggressive cancer treatment with mushrooms

  • husband11
    husband11 Member Posts: 1,287
    edited January 2017

    I've been following the subject of the medicinal properties of mushrooms for approximately 8 years now since my wife's diagnosis with breast cancer. I recommend the book, "Medicinal Mushrooms, a Clinical Guide" by Martin Powell. I've been following the published research on pubmed for many years now, and the supporting evidence grows. Through monitoring of her blood, we have proven that medical mushrooms boost neutrophil counts on my wife. Maitake D 4x and AHCC seems to have a marked positive influence on her neutrophil counts. Of course its impossible to say what benefit they may be to her cancer treatment, aside from reducing the interruptions in chemo cycles that would result from low counts. Other mushrooms we have tried include whole maitake, chaga, making tea from it, and 6 mushroom blend, which is a water extraction of 6 medicinal mushrooms that have purported anti cancer benefits.

  • Purpleisland
    Purpleisland Member Posts: 9
    edited January 2017

    My boyfriend just bought me this. Hopefully it will help and he's been making me soup with lots of kinds of mushrooms.


  • Purpleisland
    Purpleisland Member Posts: 9
    edited January 2017

    Good info both! Miatake is in that blend. Do you know if it's better to eat the mushrooms or take supplements?

    I know for example turmeric is good but curcumin extract is really what you need.

    What is AHCC

  • husband11
    husband11 Member Posts: 1,287
    edited January 2017

    AHCC is a proprietary extraction of a blend of mushrooms. It's processed in a manner to produce short glucan chains and increase absorption. There's a fair bit of research behind the product. As for extract vs whole mushroom, there is something to be said for both. Whole mushrooms contain a wider range of compounds, several of which may have anti cancer effects. Extracts tend to focus on concentrating a certain compound, delivering more of it per gram, and attempting to focus on what the source believes is the most active part of the mushroom. Some extracts or tinctures are water soluble portions, others are alcohol extractions. Each contains different compounds depending on the solubility.

    Maitake D extract for instance is a particular molecular weight of a water based extraction. It has probably the most research in the world on it, and likely the highest quality of research, by North American standards. Yet Japanese hospitals have prescribed both D fraction and whole mushroom taken together.

    From what Martin Powell writes, it seems there is a synergistic effect of combining various mushrooms.

    At the same time, it is good to keep dosages within previously proven limits, because as the Memorial Sloan Kettering dosage trial with Maitake D extract demonstrated, the effects of dosage on various parameters of the immune system are complex, with some being stimulated more as dosage increase, while other parameters become supressed when the dosage exceeds a certain level. They determined that 6mg/kg of bodyweight produced the near optimal stimulation with maitake D extract. I would be loath to exceed that, or combine that maximal dosage with another mushroom, whole or extract for fear of ill effects.

  • Kiki57
    Kiki57 Member Posts: 2
    edited April 2017

    Hi Timothy,

    Do you know anything about ABM mushroom? Is it safe for estrogen positive? I am did take it for a yeat, not extract, just dry powder, and switched now to extract..but i am hesitating...any information will help..til I can get the book you mentioned.

    Hope your wife is OK.

  • yhendrix
    yhendrix Member Posts: 5
    edited April 2017

    Hello. I also posted this on the Treating estrogen responsive cancer naturally board. Not sure about protocol. Part of my quest for a natural estrogen blocker pertains to Miatake and Reishi mushrooms.

    Here's my story. I was diagnosed with ILC in February of this year.

    I had a lumpectomy and lymph node biopsy on March 17. I am ER/PR+, HER2 negative, Grade 1 Tumor (estimated size 1.8 CM), Ki-67 proliferation rate 1%, 1 node with a metastatic focus of slightly > 2mm. My lumpectomy didn't come back with clean margins. I had a contrasting MRI on April 10 and it showed no further sign of ILC, but because the pathology report shows not clean margins I am going in for a second lumpectomy on May 11. My CBC and CMP blood panels all came back excellent. No genetic markers for cancer. Waiting for my Oncotype test results.

    I have chosen not to do the Tamoxifin because I have Crohn's, which I finally have under control. My doctor really want's me to try it and see if it agrees with me. Knowing my body the way I do I just know it will flare up my Crohn's. So I'm seeking out alternative estrogen blockers that women in my situation have had good results with.

    Here's what I'm doing:

    I'm making a shake once a day with the following:

    1 scoop Garden of Life RAW Organic Perfect Food® Green Super Food
    2 caps Garden of Life Vitamin Code® Women Raw Whole Food Multivitamin
    2 caps Garden of Life Vitamin Code® RAW B-Complex™
    1 cap Garden of Life Vitamin Code® RAW D3 -- 5000 IU
    1 tbs Ground Flax Seed

    NOTE: You can empty all Garden of Life Vitamins in to your smoothie and drink them vs. having to swallow a whole bunch of vitamins.

    3 tsp of the following:
    1pt Maitake Mushroom Powder to 2 pt Reishi Mushroom, powder (Ling Zhi)

    In addition to the shake I'm taking:

    20:1 CBD Tincture (cannabis not hemp) - 7 drops, 3x daily
    Reishi Extract - 7 drops, 3x daily
    2 softgels Terry Naturally CuraMed + OPC (French grape seed extract)

    I keep seeing good things about DIM and AHCC and am wondering if it's a better alternative than what I'm doing. Any thoughts or insights anyone can share will be greatly appreciated. I really want to do all I can to beat this.

  • sarahrae
    sarahrae Member Posts: 52
    edited April 2017

    start around minute 8

    DIM can be very helpful for estrogen metabolism.

    i take turkey tail, ahcc, dim, pulsing reishi and a mushroom complex as needed.

  • gardengypsy
    gardengypsy Member Posts: 499
    edited April 2017

    Paul is my hero.

  • gardengypsy
    gardengypsy Member Posts: 499
    edited February 2021

    I am seeking information regarding Verzenio and whether or not it can be used in conjunction with mushrooms (ie Turkey Tail, Maitaki, etc.). I’d appreciate hearing any thoughts you have or research you’ve located. Thank you.

  • husband11
    husband11 Member Posts: 1,287
    edited March 2021

    My wife is combining maitake D extract with her verzenio, and getting good results. I can't say its due to maitake, but it would appear that for her, there are no negative interactions. In fact, maitake is highly unlikely to have a negative interaction with anything. It does increase insulin responsiveness, so that would suggest it might lower blood sugar levels too far if combined with metformin, but my wife also takes metformin and has no problems with low blood sugar levels.