Left breast larger than right suddenly

arpz2035 Posts: 2
edited February 2017 in Not Diagnosed But Worried

My left breast has suddenly swollen in this past 2 weeks. I have a pain on one small area of the breast that pains while touching. I tried googling and all it comes back with is Inflammatory breast cancer. Meanwhile I went to a gynae and she did a thorough clinical breast exam and said that there is nothing to worry but I am still scared to death. Should I wait or do a biopsy or is it that I am just panicking. Please help.


  • djmammo
    djmammo Posts: 1,003
    edited February 2017


    If I may ask how old are you? Have you had any imaging of your breasts recently and/or in the past? That would be a good place to start if you are concerned about those symptoms. Biopsies are usually reserved for something that is felt on physical exam or seen on an imaging study. One step at a time. And remember sometimes Google is not your friend.

  • arpz2035
    arpz2035 Posts: 2
    edited February 2017

    Thanks for your response. I had an ultrasound of my left breast and auxilla before they were swollen and the test came as a small less than 1 cm swollen lymph node. I am 35 and do not have any children. I am really worried and loosing my sleep over this. I had a brain tumor surgery 4 months ago and this is impacting my health a lot. The left breast is actually very visibly larger than the right and has become more lopsided . I have read that inflammatory breast cancer is not detected via imaging and breast enlargement is a symptom. Please suggest me what to do.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,441
    edited February 2017

    aprz - you need to make an appointment to see your doctor. None of us can diagnose on line. Do stay way from 'dr google'. There's lot of old & misleading information out there.

  • djmammo
    djmammo Posts: 1,003
    edited February 2017


    I would contact the doc that has already examined you and ask her to order a mammogram and ultrasound to start. If she won't order these tests, call your primary care doc next. Ask if you can have the imaging done before they see you if that will save some time. Some facilities will also allow the request from your doctor to include "additional imaging and biopsy to be performed if deemed necessary by the radiologist" which can be a timesaver as far as scheduling goes. If you can't find a doc to order these for you find a breast clinic or hospital breast imaging department that takes walk-ins. Depending upon where you live some facilities will do a mammogram without a doctor's order if you can give them the name of a doc that will accept the report.

    Let us know how it goes. Everytime I hear of someone's doc saying "don't worry about it" without doing any imaging I become concerned.

    Good luck.

    (The notion that IBC cannot be seen on imaging is not completely accurate.)

  • Rashone
    Rashone Posts: 1
    edited February 2017

    Hi my name is rashone I'm 28 and I am going through something similar when examining my monthly breast routine I found a hard lump on my right breast. I called my fiance in the bathroom to see if he felt the same things, he did. The next day I called my Pcp doctor for an appointment. When the examined my breast she seemed a bit worried and said she was going g to send me to get an US. When I got there soon as they looked at me (I look super young) they made my diagnostic right there.... When she took the US she didn't touch my breast at all she just asked me where did I feel the lump and puts mark SMH they said I THINK you me have extra tissue. I'll see u when u turn 40. Now my doctor wants my other breast examined. so waiting for my appointment on Thursday what should I do?

    I know my body and it don't feel right my breast hurt so bad that I can't sleep.my nipple is changing and ariola is way bigger now and swollen and I've had discharge the lump it huge