Getting the surgerical tape off

I had a DMX 2 with immediate reconstruction 2 weeks ago. Drains were out after a week. Surgeon said i can remove the tape that is running on top of the incisions which are from my nipples down to the base of the breast and also along the whole base, sort of like an anchor design. The surgeon would have removed the tape himself but it is still on real tight, not at all close to falling off on it's own, and he did not want it to hurt. He suggested i start taking longer showers to help it loosen (I was limited to 3 minute showers before). I took a longer shower today and it's still not budging, started to pull the ends but I'm scared that i might be pulling the incision open. He said I would not be but it still worries me. I'm going to shower longer for the next few days and see if that helps. Does anyone have any experience with this? I dont want to use alcohol because its right on the incision. I was thinking about coconut oil.
All I can think of is to use a warm cloth soaked in Domeboro to loosen the adhesive.
I didn't have recon after my UMX but had no external sutures or tape on skin as my Surgeon used surgical glue to secure external incision line.
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I was told to let it come off naturally. Supposedly, the longer it stays on, the less scarring. You might have a different type of tape. Mine stayed on for a couple of weeks. My scars are not pretty, but soft and pliable. Helps with long term healing.
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I know exactly how you feel! After my BMX I was terrified of that tape and it was actually traumatic for me to remove it. Was so afraid I was opening up my incision, but it didn't. Now I'm almost 3 weeks post exchange and I'm back to the tape trauma! Doesn't help I have an infection now in left incision, so not touching that one. I'm in same boat as you, just letting it come off by itself for now. Good luck to you
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I think your instinct not to pull is right. Let the tape be for now. I bought some medical-type adhesive remover called Unisolve from Amazon at about the three(?) week mark when the darn stuff was still not coming off. Doctor's office suggested this. Dab that on there with a cotton ball or something, let it soak, then peel carefully. It did not sting.
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Thanks ladies! It's so interesting how different doctors give different advise and instructions. Yes the tape they use may be different so that could be why. I have not been squeamish at all through this whole process of biopsy, lumpectomy, second surgery to get clearer margins and lymph node dissection and not even with this dmx but THIS... the tape.... YUCK! So I called the doctor back today and they said now that i am three weeks out the tape has to come off because it will cause the scar to have a dark color if i don't get it off. I would have never guessed that and most advise was to just let it fall off on it's so I'm glad I called them back! Took a super long shower (instead of a bath) and pulled them off, done! I put my finger over the incision and pulled gently a tiny amount, then put my finger of the part i just pulled off and pulled a little more and repeated until it was all off. That way it was a little less painful and less scary. I'm sooo glad it's off, but now I see that I look like Frankenstein. It's only temporary though. Wishing you all positive thoughts and healing energy.
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Simplelife, yay for getting the tape off!!!Nurse removed mine today. So nice to have it off, I agree. Good luck and continued healing to everyone!
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Yeay Bluebirdgirl!