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Starting Chemo in July 2017



  • runnermum
    runnermum Member Posts: 346

    Hi everyone! what a busy time of year! Almost done with my shopping and started baking this weekend! Need to wrap presents and get my Xmas cards in the mail!

    Started radiation today. 1 down and only 32 more to go! LOL! I have been told once we get going, it goes quick!

    Just over 5 weeks since last chemo. Still sparse on the eyelashes and eyebrows...but hair is growing and becoming darker!! I was a little worried about that it had started to come in white! Hopeful in a couple weeks, I can ditch the hats. Since I live in the land of ice and snow, I will need hats outside for a while but it would be nice to be able to remove them when I go indoors!

    Good to read everyone's updates. You all are always in my prayers and on my mind!

  • sunnyjay
    sunnyjay Member Posts: 143

    Proud, you have an angel watching over you! So glad someone is helping you dig out your car.

    Paulette, I just noticed over the weekend that my eyebrows are growing! I didn't realize it because I've gotten used to just drawing them in every day. I also use Wunderbrow that takes a few days to fade so I didn't realize the growth until I gave them a good scrubbing and realized there was hair! Continue with the LE pump because I was told rads may cause flare-ups. I haven't had a major flare-up since rads started, but I notice my hand and arm is more swollen during the day. My PT wants to meet with me after rads to see how my LE held up.

    LoJo, I pray that the fires are contained soon. I'm in the SF bay area, and during the Napa fires, our air quality was pretty bad. Thankfully, I don't have asthma, but I did notice that my breathing was affected whenever I would be outside. I haven't watched the news in the last day or so, but I heard the fires were moving north. Hope it doesn't reach your area. So far, rads has made my tissue expander feel tighter than usual. I don't know if wearing a bra makes it worse, so if this continues I'll probably go bra-less for the rest of my treatments. With 6 more to go, I'm at the home stretch, and knocking on wood that I get through them with no significant SEs.

    This weekend has put me in the Christmas spirit finally! My niece was in our city's Nutcracker production. She had 2 roles and was amazing in both! And I'm not saying this because I'm her aunt. LOL Then yesterday, our choir had our Christmas concert, and just seeing the audience's faces light up made my day. Afterwards, my hubby and I had a lovely dinner with a fellow choir member and her husband. The restaurant had a gas fireplace and was decked out with lights and trees, creating a great ambiance. We were seated near a family celebrating an 80th birthday. Seeing the 3 generations all together was a great reminder of what the holidays are all about... celebrating with loved ones! Have a great week, ladies!

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279

    Sunny - so happy to see you! Wow, you are almost finished your radiation and without SE 🙌🙌🙌🙌 so happy for you!! Can you share your tips?? I met with my RO today she suggested that I stop my pump at least not on my breast, I can use the trunk piece. So I have to do manual massage for now, and I do worry rads will flare up my lymphedema. For sure I will go back to my Le PT after radiation.

    Runnermum - welcome to the radiation bandwagon, we could compare notes now!

    I noticed I got fuzz on top of my head, very short, inside my nose also. I doubt I can take any picture yet, need to wait couple more weeks.

  • sunnyjay
    sunnyjay Member Posts: 143

    Hi Paulette, I don't have much skin irritation from rads. The only thing my RO wanted me to use on my skin was aloe, and then they monitored my condition each day. My skin started to get dry a couple of weeks ago, and they gave me calendula cream last week. So I haven't tried anything else. I met with my RO today, and he said it may get worse the next 2 weeks after I'm done which sounds like the skin reacting to the radiation burn, so I should expect a layer of my skin to peel. It sounds like a reaction i get to sunburn. So I will keep up this regimen into the new year when I see my RO a month after rads is done. I don't use a pump, but I was told to keep up the manual lymph massage and was given arm exercises to do daily.

    For my hair, I have been using Nioxin since I started losing my hair during chemo. I was hoping it would keep my longer strands intact but I ended up shaving anyway during chemo. I don't know if it has helped my hair growth, so when I run out I probably won't buy another bottle unless I notice a slowdown in growth. My hair seems to be growing faster now, but it's growing at different lengths. I'm tempted to shave it all to the same length so that it grows more evenly but I'm afraid that will slow it down.

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279

    Sunny - my hair is not growing much, I can only see some fuzz. I will let you know how my skin reacts to radiation. I will continue to do manual massage to prevent lymphedema.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    sunny, when i did rads, my boobie looked like a mild sunburn, never pealed but for a time it was like a slight tan, course it i had never been exposed to sun!

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279

    Iris and Sunny - during radiation did your armpit and breast get swelling at all ?

  • Leatherette
    Leatherette Member Posts: 272

    Hi all,

    Work has been crazy the past two days, so haven't been able to check in. Props to everyone doing radiation now. Post-chemo is enough on its own, as far as I'm concerned.

    I have a lingering cough from my flu, but feel fine. Less fatigued. It doesn't make my leg muscles sore to walk up one flight of stairs. The big C is lingering, and my feet hurt in most places and are numb in the others. Hair looking a little thicker/longer each day.

    You know who popped into my mind when thinking about my hair? Susan Powter, 90's health guru/media personality........committed to "stopping the insanity!!!" Her hair could be measured in mm, and she looked good!

  • JenRuns
    JenRuns Member Posts: 299

    leatherette... I’ve been thinking of that too... not her specifically, but women I’ve seen who rock the super short look! I took my wig off and showed a colleague my hair... we both agreed it could be as soon as the new year that I could get away with wearing nothing. I have an appointment with my hairdresser tomorrow to have her “clean up” a little... my neck is hairy and it looks awful

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279

    Jen - you need to show us the picture when you are ready.

    Leatherette- Susan Powers hair style not bad at all.

    If I have a inch or so hair, I might able to get by without a hat indoor. Just make sure hairs aren’t spotty.

    Let me get through radiation first, I doubt I can show picture for several weeks. My hair doesn’t grow as fast as you girls.

  • Teese
    Teese Member Posts: 355

    Morning, I've been running around getting finished up with Christmassy things.

    Now at 7 weeks PFC energy is nearing normal, but one afternoon I just dropped like a rock after lunch, I think it was some rad fatigue rearing its ugly head.

    Saw little eyebrow stubble yesterday and then looked close and I have itty bitty lashes too. So hair is coming in. My head is such a light fuzz it doesn't show on a pic yet.

    Today is 12/30. Skin is a bit pink. It truly is going fast.

    Leatherette, so glad to hear your only dealing with the cough now. Energy wise how did you fare. I've only had the flu twice and each time it took me weeks to recover.

    Sunny, when is your last rad? So glad your skin is doing so well.

    Well, right now my hair color if it doesn't darken is heading in the direction of Susan Powter's and the length will be there in a couple of months, however the rest of me is sadly not going to look like her, sigh.

    Today I'm running to world market after rads to get some fun candy for stockings, then I need to pick up the basement and wrap all my daughter's gifts.

    Lately I've been dropping to sleep the minute my head hits the pillow. That might be my favorite thing PFC, getting enough activity to bable to sleep well at night.

    Hugs and prayers.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    i do not remember any swelling,only some pink

  • Teese
    Teese Member Posts: 355

    It's cold and dreary out this morning. Possible snow this afternoon, praying it holds off till my daughter gets in. Her last exam is this morning.

    Today is 14/30 almost halfway, this is truly very easy and everyone there is so pleasant, it's just the worry everyday about your skin and will it hold up. Sigh, it's always something.

    Heading to Mass after rads then home and some wrapping. Yesterday, I ran all over town buying the things I'll need for a gingerbread log cabin my DD and are are making this weekend. I couldn't believe I even found the chocolate candy stones to make the stone fireplace. Last bag on the shelf at Hobby Lobby.

    Paulette, I'm having an increase in fluid, have an order to start PT next week again. I'll let you know how it goes.

    Proud, did you start your new drug?

    Have a good weekend. Hugs and prayers.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    tesse, yes i have started my new med, i need to take 4 pills in morn and 4 pills at dinner. Takes some getting used to, ou yeah and drink, lots of water. I get tummy aches in evening but it passes , definitely takes planning, oh yeah, one week on then a week off, sure need a chart to,track it all

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279

    Teese - enjoy your time with your daughter, I know you are looking forward to see her. Let me know about the PT, I’m going to see my MO next Thursday maybe I should ask him to put an order for Le PT during radiation. It is hard for me because the distance between radiation and PT hospital is far away. Too much Travel on the same day. That’s why I plan to do PT after radiation.

  • sunnyjay
    sunnyjay Member Posts: 143

    I have my last rads on Monday! Would've finished today but my first treatment day was a mapping session which ended up taking longer than expected so they had to add a makeup day.

    My skin is still intact but is pink in some areas and dark in others. I feel some tenderness in my armpit area and the left side of my chest. (I'm only doing my left side). My expander feels tight and my RO said it was due to inflammation from rads happening under my skin. I just do chest stretches throughout the day to alleviate the tightness. No other swelling in other areas.

    My hair growth is crazy right now. Soon I'll need to get my eyebrows waxed to clean up the stray hairs. My armpit hairs are also back. Since I have lymphedema I'm really afraid to shave there. Does anyone have recommendations on an electric or battery-operated shaver?

    Paulette, my PT didn't want to see me until a couple of weeks after rads, since the swelling from rads may take a while to settle. But if I did have a significant change in fluid retention during rads she wanted me to see her. Your MO should be able to advise you as well.

    Proud, what a crazy schedule for your meds. Hope the SEs are minimal this time around!

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279

    Hi Sunny, congratulations you will be finishing next Monday. Even I have only 7 sessions, I can feel my armpit is much more hotter than the other Area. I was thinking the same thing about going to see PT after couple weeks finished radiation, when our skin is so sensitive they can’t do much, isn’t it? I’m going to see my MO next week, I could ask him also.

    I can see my eyebrows beginning have a little bit of hair and I have some white fuzz on my head now, still long way to go for hair. No picture yet.

  • lojo100
    lojo100 Member Posts: 92

    Hi sunnyjay!

    I also can't believe that I almost need a waxing appointment for my eyebrows, but I'll take it!

    For shaving, I bought this Conair and have been pleased with it for underarm shaving. I haven't used it for any other shaving areas, so can't speak to that.

    I hope this helps!

  • Teese
    Teese Member Posts: 355

    Proud, hoping SE are few with this new med, glad it's every other week too. I'm terrible with keeping up with meds and have to use those dispensors with the days of the week on them.

    Paulette, couldn't fit PTin till the 28th and by then I doubt anyone will be able to touch my poor skin by then.

    Off to 15/30, halfway done and skin is itchy and irritated, still intact at the moment.

    My hair is still fuzz, but with some color coming in, so not going to be completely gray I'm thinking. Brows and lashes are coming along.

    Have a good day, I'm meeting friends for lunch.

    Oh pooh, just got a call the machine is down and they'll call if they can get it up today. Here's hoping.

    Prayers and hugs

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    well woke up yesterday with back ache, had to call pt and cancel, no way would my bake let me do therapy so will try some heat and for now

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279

    Teese, I’m going to play wait and see on my PT, my skin still looks fine just a little pink after rads then it returns back to normal at night. But it is too early to tell, today is #8 only.

    I got some fuzz on my head hope I get some color as you do. Eyebrows are beginning to come back, no lashes yet.

    Proud, would stretching help?? Prayers for your recovery.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    paulette, back is better so stretching seems to have helpedbee a while since it went crankiie

  • Leatherette
    Leatherette Member Posts: 272

    Hi All,

    I miss being on here! I have been lurking, but don’t have anything to add to the rads discussion. I’m doing pretty well, watery eyes the last active side effect. I had some days of major depression/panic, but it has subsided. Pruny fingertips, keeping a close watch on my nails. Hair progress:



    Anyway, reading, and glad to see Proud, Paulette and Teese doing well! Hope everyone else is, too!

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279

    Proud, hope you feel better soon.

    Leatherette - we can talk about different things here, we are here when we have bad time. I’m starting to gain some weight back, now I have to watch so I won’t gain all the weight back. Your hair looks good, I just started to see some fuzz, and eyebrows is starting to grow.

  • sunnyjay
    sunnyjay Member Posts: 143

    LoJo100, Thanks for the link to the shaver. I think BCO cut it off, but I was able to figure it out. :) I may have to hold off on shaving at least my treatment side... A couple of days ago, a little section of my armpit has gotten irritated. It looks like a dry patch, but my nurse saw it today and said to use Neosporin in that section.

    BTW, today was my rads graduation day! Everyone was so excited for me. I didn't have a bell to ring, but when they finished my session, the streaming music stopped and there was a trumpet fanfare. it made me laugh and happy to be done! My skin ended up being dark and pink and the area where I have the tissue expander is really sore and sensitive. I'm anticipating more side effects for the next couple of weeks. My RO added Aquaphor to my arsenal. He advised to stop the aloe, and move forward with calendula cream during the day and aquaphor before bed. He anticipates my skin may get worse since my armpit started to get irritated. I've been wearing a bra this whole time, but now that the area is so sensitive, I think I will have to forgo the bra and just use camis or tank tops until it heals. I also have to really take the time to stretch my chest throughout the day to relieve the tightness. But otherwise, this went better than expected up to this point.

    Leatherette, great hair growth! Mine is similar. In the last week, my hair had another growth spurt. I hope it continues, and doesn't slow down (one can wish... ).

  • PauletteK
    PauletteK Member Posts: 1,279

    Sunny, thank you sharing your radiation experience, also congratulations! I’m on session 8 now, still have 22 more to go. My RO asked me to use Miaderm for all time, I used to use Aquaphor before bed. So what would be the next step for you?

  • runnermum
    runnermum Member Posts: 346

    6 weeks post chemo. There is hair, some is still pretty white but it is getting darker and filling in nicely. I had been coloring my hair for several years prior to chemo. I told my friends we truly do not know what color my hair is! 😊 Have eyelashes too! They are pretty light and thin but they are there!! More eyebrows fell out this week though! 😣image

  • runnermum
    runnermum Member Posts: 346

    Hi ladies!

    Leatherette... Love the hair growth picture! Looks awesome! Are you going without hats or wig yet?

    Paulette...great to hear radiation is going well for you!

    Proud...praying for good results with the chemo pills. Keep stretching that back, glad to hear it is better!

    Teese...sounds like rads is moving along nicely for you too! Hope you are enjoying time with your daughter!

    Lojo.....YAY for waxing appointments. My checkbook has sure enjoyed the break from my cuts, color and wax appointments ,(My hubby too 😉) but I can't wait to axhedule those appointments again!

    Sunnyjay...BIG CONGRATS on finishing radiation!! YAY!!

    I started radiation last Monday. Have 33 treatments total. It's going smoothly so far! Using Lubiderm during day and aquaphor at night. RO said not to expect skin changes until 3 wks in. Celebrated my 47th birthday last week. Celebrated with friends and family over the weekend and was very spoiled by all. Ran my longest run since finishing chemo on Sunday..5 miles. It was a beautiful winter run and reminded me of the many reasons I am blessed!

    You all remain in my daily prayers!

  • emily_mh
    emily_mh Member Posts: 53

    Hi everyone,

    I haven't posted in awhile but I lurk and read everyone's comments. All of you and your posts are so important to me. Thank you all for all of your updates and good information!

    I go for my mold tomorrow for radiation and then I'm not sure when I'll start. I know I'll go for 6 weeks. I'm going to head out and buy the necessary lotions today.

    Thanks again!

  • JenRuns
    JenRuns Member Posts: 299

    hey all... home from my exchange surgery, and wow, what a different experience than the bmx! Done outpatient, on,y took a little over an hour, went home 2 hours after start time, and now home to relax. No severe muscle pain, no issues getting in or out of my recliner, and most significantly, no drains!! He only did two small vertical incisions (over past incisions) so I’m super excited to see what it all looks like in a few day.

    Rads simulation (or re-simulation since it’s now implants and not TEs) is next Thursday, with rads starting in (likely) three weeks.