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Cold Cap Before and After Photos



  • TWills
    TWills Posts: 509

    It looks amazing, do you mind saying how much it costs? Installation and the future visits.

  • angiepie
    angiepie Posts: 15

    The hair piece was $1000 (Similar to Microline which is $3000 but my guy has his own made so its cheaper). Custom made from human hair. He then colored and highlighted it based on pictures I showed him of my hair. Installation was $500..that included wash, cut, installation, glass of wine etc :) The piece was pretty long, I had him cut about 2 inches off then layer in. It looks identical to my former hair/hairstyle. I go back every 4-6 weeks (every other time is $100 for him to move the piece up and re-tighten. This includes any cutting of my real hair. And then every other time, he completely takes it off and then reattaches it to different pieces of my hair). I paid $1500 for cold caps and my friends generously donated and paid for all that so I figure this is my cold capping cost I had planned to spend not having my hair done from July-March saved a lot of money. Just got sick and tired of crying about my hair and feeling bad about myself. My confidence is restored!! I had no idea how much i identified with my hair.

    * At first my husband balked at the price and I said, don't even..I need to do this for me....

  • TWills
    TWills Posts: 509

    Thank you for the info, it really does look amazing:)

  • Pamela23
    Pamela23 Posts: 394

    Cali58--Did you purchase a halo? I bought the 16" and she trimmed it for me. Now that my hair is even shorter than last August from falling out, I want to go get another 1-2" off my halo. Here is me without it and with it. I wear a hat most days out, but socially put on my halo. It photographs better than my real hair and I feel it takes 5 years off me!

    March 2018


    with halo:


    Hanging in there--hope this gives yo a reference--you should post some pics!!

    Angie--I LOVE your topper!!! My struggles is how short my front & sides are compared to prechemo. I went from an 80's mullet the first 6 months to now more of a Rachel from friends 'do (90's) now. I'm thinking a decade every 6 months, right? Hopefully 1 year to go and I'll have the look I'm going for.

  • Angiepie - love it! I wear a topper as well, just a clip in - thought about the permanent style like yours - will investigate --

  • SarahSC
    SarahSC Posts: 20

    Just finished my last round of chemo on Tuesday April 3rd. I had 4 rounds of T/C. I used penguin cold capping. I had the rep come out and stay for 3 hours to show my husband exactly how to do it and then he took over from there. I cold capped 1 hour prior to chemo, the 4 hours of chemo and then 5 hours after chemo for a total of 10 hours : ( It was long and hard but i was able to tolerate. I have a low pain tolerance and was really scared the first time but it was not as bad as i thought. I took 3 advil and 1 tylenol 1/2 hour prior to first cold cap. I tried to do everything by the book or at least what my cold capping rep said. I only washed my hair once a week, combed hair once a day, no heat, no products, no hats or working out that would cause sweat on head. I used room temp/cold water to wash it and used the hand held shower. I had to wear a rash guard in the shower because it was so cold. honestly the chemo day was easier than all the maintenance after. i took some before and after pics. These are not the greatest pictures but hopefully they can give u an idea. I know i will continue to shed for awhile post chemo but i'm happy with the results so far. I highly rec PCC.

    3 days prior to 1st chemo infusion




    after last round of chemo (4th infusion of T/C)





  • sherryowang. So glad I stumbled on this tread. Your situation is very similar to my journey right now. Low-grade ovarian that was surgucally removed , but still needing 6 sessions of the same cocktail you had.

    Today I had my second infusion. About day 18, my hair started to shed. It's been shedding a lot ever since that date ( about 5 days now). Did you ever experience a massive shed? If so, how long does that massive shed last? With the costs associated with cold capping, I want to ensure that it will work to a high degree.

    Any information about your experience with cold capping, like shedding, would be greatly appreciated.

    thank you,

    No rouge cells

  • Your hair looks great! Did you experience a major shed? If so, how long does it last?

  • SarahSC
    SarahSC Posts: 20

    NoRougeCells: Thank you!! 21 days after the first chemo infusion i had a big shed that lasted about 5-6 days. It was weird seeing it come out in the comb but after that I didn't ever shed that much again. I part my hair usually on the side instead of down the middle and that is where i got my small bald spot. Its easy to hide and it was under my top layer of hair so u only see it if i pull up my top layer of hair. I corrected the problem by parting my hair down the middle so that my hair was dispersed evenly. After that I didn't shed as much. Don't get me wrong, i shed daily, but it just looks thinner (no big spots) and most people can't tell. Good luck!!

  • SarahSC
    SarahSC Posts: 20

    NoRougeCells: Thank you!! 21 days after the first chemo infusion i had a big shed that lasted about 5-6 days. It was weird seeing it come out in the comb but after that I didn't ever shed that much again. I part my hair usually on the side instead of down the middle and that is where i got my small bald spot. Its easy to hide and it was under my top layer of hair so u only see it if i pull up my top layer of hair. I corrected the problem by parting my hair down the middle so that my hair was dispersed evenly. After that I didn't shed as much. Don't get me wrong, i shed daily, but it just looks thinner (no big spots) and most people can't tell. Good luck!!

  • Thanks SarahSC! My first chemo was on March 21st. Didn't have any shed until day 18 which was last Friday/Saturday. I have been shedding a ton of hair since that day. It just falls out without me even touching it. I am on day 6 of the shed and hope I start to see smaller amounts. Had my second chemo yesterday and have been following all instructions to a T.

    Thank you for your response!

  • MamaFelice
    MamaFelice Posts: 165

    Hi NoRougeCells! Love your name!

    Just wanted to lead you to another thread that I pasted below that is active with women cold capping and sharing their experiences as well as alum answering questions and offering guidance. I think you will find great capping comrades there! I too completed 6 infusions of TC, and had great success capping with Penguin caps. I just posted my update 10 weeks PFC at the other threadand getting ready to post photos on this one. Best wishes to you, and sending giant hugs your way!., 🤗❤️

  • Rwns
    Rwns Posts: 103

    image8 days past round 3 of TC. Lots of shedding, but still able to avoid the wig/scarf. Fingers crossed.

  • Hi ladies! I posted previously in this thread. I finished chemo on July 20th 2017. I had amazing results from cold caps. I did 17 rounds of carboplatin/taxol. Here are some updated photos. My hair feels thicker than before I started chemo!


    This is my most recent color and cut, 11 months post chemo.


    This was roughly 6 months post final chemo


    I kept my braids in for nearly 20 weeks! The hair loss was so traumatizing for me. Keep going ladies, it works, and its WORTH IT!

  • GoKale4320
    GoKale4320 Posts: 580

    Hello, it's been a long time since I last posted, but I felt compelled to share some pics. I did Taxotere and Cytoxan for 4 rounds in February-April, 2017.

    Before chemo - just a few weeks before I started.


    2 months PFC - that's cornstarch darkened with toppik stuck to my head. I struggled with dirty hair and having to be presentable at work and thought corn starch was the way to go. Definitely don't do this! The cornstarch built up on my scalp and I had to scrape it off - taking much hair with it.


    One year PFC - haircut and highlighted hair.


    I used Wish Caps from Texas because it was the cheapest I could find. Customer service was not very good, but once I got through the first round, I didn't need anymore help from them.

    • Hi pink sisters! Yesterday I did my 4th and last chemo - taxotere/cytoxan. I lost a looot of my hair, had some balds as you can see but I can hide.The last picture I took just befor goig to the hospital. My biggest shedding happened between second and third round. I'll post morr pictures as soon as my hair starts to grow.
  • angiepie: Wow! You look great! This is amazing to read and see! What an inspiration! I did not even know about cold capping when I started chemotherapy. I ended up losing all my hair. After one year, my hair has grown back somewhat but is very short and thin. Because of that, I am still wearing my remi hair wig which looks just like my original hair before chemotherapy. I never thought I would still be wearing a wig this far out, but I have never had short hair and it just doesn't look right on me for some reason. Wish my hair would grow faster. I take hair, skin, and nail vitamins and use Nioxin shampoo and conditioner but the process is slow going. I may start researching other options like what you did to finally ditch this itchy wig once and for all.

  • Everyone looks great! What amazing transformations! I'm stunned how well cold capping works! Wished I knew about it at the time. Also,the hair toppers seem like a great solution. It's great to see everyone's progress! Congratulations to all! You all are strong and amazing ladies!

  • I started using Penguin Cold Caps on 12/13/2018 with my first round of Adriamycin/Cytoxan. I was scheduled for 4 rounds, every other week, followed by 12 rounds of weekly Taxol. This is me, before chemo


    I unfortunately developed a reaction from my previous cancer treatments, 11 years ago, called radiation recall. My skin did not tolerate the AC and after only 2 AC, I moved on to weekly Taxols.

    This is after cold capping, 2 rounds of AC


    Of course, AC is the biggest, baddest boy out there, and the real shedding starts 3 weeks in. I've stuck close to the hair care guidelines, and only wash my hair 2 days before and 4 days after. I have lost a lot in the top, and scattered all over. I've been able to cover it, so far.

    I'm 3 Taxol treatments in.


    I've noticed less shedding with shampoos. I still have a long way to go! Prayers for all my Cold Capping Sisters out there! I will update!

    This is my current look.


  • kathymd
    kathymd Posts: 1

    Angiepie (or anyone else with the information)-- Your hair topper is beautiful! I have had only one treatment with the Dignicap and already I have bald spots on top. My next treatment is tomorrow. I know you mentioned that you were 3 months out when you got the topper piece-- my question is do you know if it would be safe to get one earlier than 3 months out? My son is graduating from high school one month after my last treatment and I would love to have it then. Thanks so much for your time.

  • kathymd,

    Are you thinking of this type of Halo?

    I know Penguin recommendations babying your hair, no wigs, no hats, etc. But I also know ladies who have used a wig for a special occasion. You could always email Halo or your cap people to be sur

  • I am doing the same exact treatment. Are you doing the cold capping through the weekly taxol too? Would you say it’s been worth it?

  • Yes, as I said, due to complications, I only made it through 2 of 4 ACs. Adriamycin is really tough and according to the Rapunzel Project, Penguin has the most success with it. My shedding was the worst on AC and has stabilized through Taxol. I have read that taxene shedding tends to be more uniform, where harsher chemos cause shedding in certain areas. My thinnest is at the crown.

    There will be shedding and that’s different than your hair coming out in clumps. It’s important to adhere to the hairstyling tips as well. There’s a great video on You Tube by a guy who did the whole capping thing with his girlfriend. They aren’t paid by Penguin but it was helpful for us to know what we were doing.

    I have 4 rounds to go and people tell me if they didn’t know I was losing hair, they wouldn’t know. I’m waiting til the end to post more pictures. Hoping that I’ve seen the worst of the shedding. It’s definitely gotten better through my shampoos.

    Good luck with your treatments and capping!

  • meow13
    meow13 Posts: 1,363

    bumping for bco member looking for ac&t chemo and cold cap results.

    I would also contact the Rapunzel project.

  • image

    Before chemo



    4 months exactly post final chemo December 2019


    I used Dignicap for 4 doses of TC. I had lots of hair to start with and I think I lost about 70% to 80%of my hair. No bald patches....just even thinning throughout.
    I see lots of new growth now. Shedding did not stop until around 4 months PFC.