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Starting Chemo in November 2017



  • nonahope
    nonahope Member Posts: 695
    edited March 2018

    Iris...The brand I got is Rucci.


  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited March 2018

    hope, thanks

  • klvans
    klvans Member Posts: 199
    edited March 2018

    Hope I left the socks on for 20 mins and then took them off to let my feet thaw out a bit and then put them on again. I probably left them off for 5 to 10 minutes. I did this during my infusions which is the only time I've worn the socks. It didn't bother my feet. After I got home from my infusions I left my feet uncovered for the rest of the day and evening. I tend to have cold feet but wanted to keep them colder. I wore the socks for my last two infusions before that I took my shoes and socks off during infusions. My MO is conservative and does not encourage icing hands/feet or cold capping although she lets the patient decide for him/herself. I hope you are feeling better and that your medications are working.

    Iris glad to hear your tests went well. That's really good news.

    I've joined a new gym. I enjoy working out. I have a long way to go to get back to my former fitness level. I hope I can do it. My skin, nails and hair are a wreck from chemo but overall I'm fortunate in that I feel well. After chemo and what all of us have been through I don't take what positives I do have in life for granted. Smelling the roses whenever I can.

  • nonahope
    nonahope Member Posts: 695
    edited March 2018

    Kivan...Thanks for the cold socks info. I probably won't wear them at chemo, but I will wear them throughout the day and evening when I'm home. Last night was horrible. Funny how it's worse at night. My right foot is worse than the left and by evening it's a bit swollen. I'm hoping my onco drops my Taxol dose when I go Thursday.
    Enjoy the new gym. I've always exercised with DVD's at home, but I can't even do that with any gusto....someday, maybe.


  • klvans
    klvans Member Posts: 199
    edited March 2018

    Hope I hope your MO drops the dose too. Sometimes just a small change like that can make a big difference. Whenever I don't feel well it gets worse in the evenings. I wonder if a pressure bandage would help the swelling? Maybe wrapping your feet before putting on the cold socks? My nurse told me to drink lots of water to flush the drugs out, but being the chemo pro you are I'm sure you already do that. Fingers crossed it gets better for you.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited March 2018

    morning all, made trip to gym this morn, my pt person at hospital said it was ok but only do what she has ok.....i have a really messed up back. But so nice to see my gym rat buddies! Saw one woman who said she thought my hair looked fine, she happens to have very fine hair. Any way, getting official trim of hair this pm, looking forward to it and sure hope not to have to do chemo like that again!

    I ordered some gel socks yesterday, will see how they work

  • rljes
    rljes Member Posts: 499
    edited March 2018

    Gabapentin (also known as Neurontin) made me jittery - not sleepy (I react strangely to medication)  When my Mom started on it, they upped her dose too much and her hands started shaking uncontrollably, took her down a notch on the dose and she's good. 

    I had foot issues - dry,red and cracking and my MO gave me Urea Rx - he said I might have            HAND - FOOT SYNDROME  (its in my handout of possible SE's: " It can start as a feeling of tingling or numbness in the palms and/or soles, which progresses to swelling, redness, peeling of skin and tenderness or pain ' if not treated can blister' ") The Urea Rx made my skin buttery soft quickly. 

    Stopped on the way home from the Chiro to get some of those soft square little blankets they sell for $1.99 for Truman, and shock - All blankets are gone and nothing but Spring/Summer clothes and bathing suits. YIKES!  

    Blair - have you had any Relief of your back pain?  I've been going to the Chiropractor twice a week now and No Relief.  My hip/back of thigh & calf areas hurt so bad I have tears.  The Chiro Doc said that Chemo can cause this kind of pain.  Hurts no matter if I sit, stand, walk, lay, and she said to becareful not to stretch to much. argggggggggggggggg.  

  • Blair2
    Blair2 Member Posts: 353
    edited March 2018

    no Rljes- my back is still a problem. I have a feeling that I have neuropathy of the back. I would think this muscle or inflammation would be gone by now if it were just that. It bugs me the most if I stand too long or physically do anything. Just grocery shopping aggravates it. The only time it doesn’t bug me is first thing in the morning after I’ve rested. I’ve been pushing myself to get things done around my home and have to stop several times to ice my back, or just sit a while. I have not over done myself with my moves. It seems chemo must have ruined my nerves in the back - or muscles - who knows! I would have to have a neurologist test it. I’m going to discuss it with my RO and the primary to see what specialist I need to see about it since they don’t seem to care. Since I’m just over half of my radiation treatment, I’ll tackle the problem later. I can’t understand why the cancer center doesn’t think this relates to their treatment.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited March 2018

    well back from my,first hair cut in about 9 months oor befor the lovely taxol! My cut is a bit like Guy Fiero although not quite as white, the hair is coming in but was shaggy so now looks more polished. It was good to sit in the hairdressers chair again. She suggested using gel on the top, i am pleased

    If you have back issues they will likely do mris to see what is going on, good luck, been there

  • nonahope
    nonahope Member Posts: 695
    edited March 2018

    Kivens...I just put my feet up at night. The swelling isn't that bad...but, it is noticeable when compared to my left foot. I have my cold socks on as I type...they feel so good. I do have a thin pair of socks on under them.

    Iris...I hope you like the Gel socks. They are so soothing. have a new "do" must post a picture. It sound really cute. Lucky you!

    rljes...The Gabapentin hasn't made me jittery or sleepy. I don't feel any side effects at all. I just heard from a friend and she got very disoriented and off balance from it. I forgot to ask what dose she was taking. Mine is a very low dose. I found some exercise videos online for neuropathy...I will start doing those. I think most people have the numbness/tingling/burning on the bottom of their feet. Mine is my toes and tops of my feet.

    Blair...Get through radiation and then tackle your back problem.

    I hobbled through the grocery aisles this afternoon. It wasn't easy. But, hanging on to the cart helped.


  • klvans
    klvans Member Posts: 199
    edited March 2018

    Blair What chemo does to us seems so unfair. I hope you can find a solution to your back pain. Yes you should tackle it after radiation. There must be some reason for it.

    My chemo after effect seems to be redness in my facial skin. It's almost like I have rosacea now. It's frustrating as I've always been careful with my skin. I hope it gets better eventually.

  • Blair2
    Blair2 Member Posts: 353
    edited March 2018

    Today I saw my RO. I told her the whole story to my back pain (although I had mentioned it to her before). She ordered a cat scan. She freaked me out by telling me that back pain could be back cancer, but not likely. However, she admitted to a possibility of my muscles reacting to the chemo drugs. At least she says it’s possible that these drugs caused a reaction, whereas my MO doesn’t seem to think chemo drugs cause back pain. It’s uncommon, but the timing of this pain, the pattern it took tells me that chemo caused this mess. Well April 3rd is my cat scan and shortly after, we will know.

    Nonahope - was your back pain only in your lower back? Mine is all over the back, on each side of spine where the backribs are.

  • nonahope
    nonahope Member Posts: 695
    edited March 2018

    Blair...My pain radiated to both sides - right under the rib cage -it was excruciating. Of note, my PCP first ordered a CT without contrast....the results came back as "degenerative" findings. When the pain continued, he ordered a CT with contrast. That's when the cancer showed in my ribs and elsewhere. Then I had a bone biopsy, which determined that the cancer was breast cancer that had metastasized to my bones. In other words, it was not primary bone cancer, it was breast cancer cells in my bones. I'm glad you are finally getting imaging and I HOPE your doctor orders a CT with contrast. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. It's probably nothing, but you just never know. Keep us posted!


  • orangedaisy
    orangedaisy Member Posts: 129
    edited March 2018

    Hi everyone. I’m having such a hard time getting back into a cardio routine. I overslept this morning. I don’t do hard stuff. Walk at Home by Leslie Sansome. I can get through it fine, but I feel so sluggish in the morning. If I don’t do it first thing, I won’t do it after work. The commute and cooking dinner is all I can take at night. I need to do it! It’s good for me.

    Blair, good luck with the scans. Hope you find an answer.

    My hair is beginning to look like hair. The dark is finally coming in and it shows up.



  • Blair2
    Blair2 Member Posts: 353
    edited March 2018

    Thanks Nonahope - I’ll call them tomorrow and ask what kind of Cscan I’m having. I can’t imagine how I would have gotten bone cancer from just being diagnosed with breast cancer, or even having two cancers one after the other if not related. It all started with those chemo treatments. I never heard of getting back cancer along with breast cancer, but I suppose it’s not impossible. My pain is bothersome if I stand too long or do anything physical. It only stabbed at me 6 days after each treatment, went away for a while, but stayed as a nagging pain after treatment 3. Did you have pain when you sat down?

    Orangedaisy - look at you - your darker hair is coming in. How exciting! I think I see more of my darker hairs in the back, but the sides are very white. It’s got a long ways to go. Good luck with doing those exercises. You’ll get into a routine that sticks eventually

  • klvans
    klvans Member Posts: 199
    edited March 2018

    Blair so glad you are getting your back checked out. Good to get some answers. Hopefully answers lead to relief.

    Orangedaisy you are looking good! That's really nice hair growth. I just started back at the gym. I can't believe how hard it is to do exercises that were a snap before bc. It's hard but I feel better afterwards. I guess for me it's something I feel I have control over, unlike the hair thing, lol. I bet you'll get your routine down soon.

  • nonahope
    nonahope Member Posts: 695
    edited March 2018

    Blair...Yes, I had pain sitting and especially lying down. I think "back" cancer is a bit far-fetched. Remember, what I have is metastatic bone cancer -- breast cancer cells in my bones. My bone cancer is not a primary cancer - it stems from my breast. I'm just happy you're finally getting imaging for your peace of mind. I would push for a CT with contrast, but sometimes that's easier said than done.

    Orangedaisly....Looking good!!

    Off to chemo in a bit....have a good day!


  • Blair2
    Blair2 Member Posts: 353
    edited March 2018

    Thanks Nonahope- wish you the best today with chemo. I wish that your side effects calm down and you can do things comfortably. This journey is such a drag for many of us, but I do try to look at myself as being more fortunate in many ways. I’m a worrier all right.

    I found out that I’m having a PET scan and not a cat scan. Here’s the difference:

    One of the main differences between PET scans and other imaging tests like computed tomography (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is that the PET scan reveals the cellular level metabolic changes occurring in an organ or tissue.

    When I asked if it was a contrasting scan, the RO nurse said there wasn’t any difference as a type of cat scan with one being contrasting. She then said I was having a pet scan instead. It’s all confusing to me. I guess they are checking my muscles and organs. It does see tumors of the back. I don’t have as much pain when sitting, but as the day goes on, it gets worse. If I stand too long, I have to sit down to relieve the pain. At night, I can sleep fine with my knees up or in fetal position, but if I move to change a sleeping position, it hurts a little. I don’t know what to think. I don’t even know for sure if this is bone or muscle pain, but I was getting spasms for a time when I was going through chemo. So thought that meant muscle pain

    Well - life goes on in crazy ways. I was sent home with a preparation list - more medical costs to face. Ugh! When will it ever end?

  • klvans
    klvans Member Posts: 199
    edited March 2018

    Blair I think if it's muscular rather than structural it's more likely to resolve with time.

  • rljes
    rljes Member Posts: 499
    edited March 2018

    Hi Everyone -

    Just got back from the chiropractor, going twice weekly, but no relief.  I still believe that the Chemo caused it, and under, it does say chemo can cause nerve pains. 

    I hope Blair your pet scan shows something that is fixable. Its kinda dbl edge sword - you hope nothing shows up, but you want a reason your hurting so much.  I'm talking to my Pharmacutical MO Tuesday when I get my Herceptin - maybe she can refer me to some speciality for this pain.  I've already had a MRI.  

    Orangedaisy - lookin' good! Hi klvans & Hope

    Question - For those who are on HERCEPTIN ONLY now,  any SE's? 

  • rljes
    rljes Member Posts: 499
    edited March 2018

    ps - i just noticed my fingernails are turning a yellowish orange color.  Like a smoker's. Hummmm. 
    17 days post last Chemo.

  • Mom4gma3
    Mom4gma3 Member Posts: 123
    edited March 2018

    rljes- I haven’t noticed any side effects from the herceptin. My numbness in my feet is still there, but it started after chemo 5 so I don’t think it has gotten any worse. Still have swelling, again I think it’s left over from chemo. So I really can’t tell what’s hanging on and what hasn’t left yet. Hair is like a baby duck. Soft, fuzzy and white. My nails are worse. It’s like they aren’t attached from halfway up, I just keep them real short so they don’t rip off. One tore off pretty short. Still have heartburn. But no nausea, or tiredness. Still have weakness in my muscles. I signed up for a free 5 day at the gym, but waiting until I know I have may strength back. It’s much better. I am 5 weeks post last chemo, I hadn’t my firstborn herceptin only 2 weeks ago.

    Blair2- praying for good results on your PET scan.

    Orangedaisy- so excited for you getting to see your hair again. I think I would go cap free with what you have now. I can’t wait. (Hair envy going on here).

    Radiation appt next Wednesday, still on the fence there. Lost one more person at work temporarily, she had a bin close on her hand at work and broke it, has to have surgery to pin it. I’m beginning to think our clinic is cursed. That’s or my radiation scheduling is, maybe that’s it.


  • nonahope
    nonahope Member Posts: 695
    edited March 2018

    I had Taxol #15 yesterday. After telling my onco how much pain/burning I was having with the neuropathy -- yesterday was my final infusion. He said it's too risky to do 3 more because Taxol can cause permanent neuropathy. So, I will now be switching back to an oral chemo-combo of Ibrance/Letrozole. I am very fortunate that I just got a call from the pharmacy that works with my oncologist and have been approved for a grant. This is a very costly drug -- even after my insurance pays, it would still be close to $3,000 out of my pocket every month. The grant will take care of this. My oncologist works fast....I am so blessed. My income is SS - no way could I afford this.

    I will still be checking in on this thread. I need to keep up with you gals and see how things are going and I can still answer questions if asked. So, a new journey begins for me in a couple of weeks.


  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited March 2018

    good luck Hope, pray the new med will work better without nueropathy

    Great on the grant. I had a grant for my first chemo drug but since then it has not been as bad

  • star2017
    star2017 Member Posts: 370
    edited March 2018

    hi everyone,

    I started chemo at the end of November. Ac + t dose dense protocol. I finished last week and am overall feeling good. I did get aches from taxol but they are mostly gone. There is a general stiffness in my muscles and joints that I hope walking and starting yoga or something will help. I do have some occasional tingling and itchiness in the hands and feet that I think is a result of the taxol as well.

    I think my hair has started to grow back, but it’s very fine at the moment and I’m still mostly bald. I am much more bothered by the loss of eyelashes and eye brows that has suddenly occurred in the past few weeks. It really makes me look like I’m sick.

    I am scheduled for reconstruction of the affected breast and a prophylactic mastectomy in a few weeks. Then I start radiation mid May.

    It feels great to be done with chemo. Hoping the worst is over for us

  • lizabethm
    lizabethm Member Posts: 105
    edited March 2018

    Hello Ladies,

    I wanted to pop in and check on my former chemo-mates! I finished TC back in January, finished up radiation almost three weeks ago. After all that, I became very weepy. I think my 15 year old son figured it out for me, his words "while in treatment, you were under an umbrella and now you are not." I do think that is what has been going on with me. While I'm so happy to be done (I still will start Tamoxifen shortly) with treatment, it feels strange and a little unnerving to not be heading in to the cancer center with the regularity that I had before. Anyway, I am ROOTING for each one of you as you count down chemos.

    And, sweet Nana Hope, I specifically wanted to see how you are doing. You are in my prayers.

    Also, on a "hair note" I used the cold cap throughout chemo but still lost a lot of hair on top. I had a bald spot and I was doing a very creative comb-over. I wanted to share that 6 weeks PFC, I had some action going on up there on the top of my head and now, at almost 11 weeks PFC..I have 2 inches! We measured it! I'm not sure how that was possible to grow that fast as hair is suppose to grow 1/2 " per month BUT it's there! I have been hitting the supplements (Biotin, B12, B6, Iron, Magnesium, Coconut Oil, Vitamin C, Vitamin D) like nobodies business so I'm sure that helps, too.

    God bless each one of you beautiful women!

  • Blair2
    Blair2 Member Posts: 353
    edited March 2018

    Hope - that is great you got a grant to cover the cost of the drug. I hope they do a better job without side effects. Neuropathy has got to be very annoying to put up with!

    I’m just now receiving medical bills from last October for the lymphangiography - that blue dye procedure they do prior to surgery. I can hardly wait for chemo and radiation bills. I pay $45 every time I see a doctor, except my RO is included in the radiation costs. I have no idea what that will be - not cheap I’m sure. About two weeks ago I got the tail end bill of my surgery, and ER bill for my busted lip. Ugh! $88 here, $78 there and so on.

    Rljes - Tina, thanks for thinking of my upcoming PET scan. I just learned I get an IV of some radioactive substance in my body. How much radiation can I take? I have had some ankle swelling, lost a few more lashes and I see tiny eyebrow hairs coming in, and my head hair is almost 1/4 “ long in the back but so thin and bald at the top of my head. I think I’ll have darker grey at top, but all white around the bottom. It’s real fine white hair. Ug. I just can’t believe it.

    Star - that’s great you have finished your chemo! I still cringe thinking how awful I felt on such a short treatment I had. The weakness it causes is too overwhelming. My body can’t tolerate it. Now this back issue - which just like Rljes and her awful hip pain has got to be caused by the chemo. The oncologists just don’t want to accept these types of side effects. I never had back pain before chemo. I’ve suffered muscle soreness in my back from doing too much yard work from time to time, but it always went away in a day. This pain has been with me since Dec. 8. I did nothing that could have hurt it physically. I was too sick and sedentary. The fall I had did not include my back as I fell forward, but I did jerk my head pretty hard - so it would be I think a bizarre reason for my whole back to hurt from the way I fell. My spine was ok, but the pet scan should show some kind of irritation.

    My radiation is going fine. Getting a tiny bit pinker, but no pain, so far. 24 finished out of 35.

  • orangedaisy
    orangedaisy Member Posts: 129
    edited March 2018

    mom4gma, I went without a hat to work today. My coworkers encouraged me yesterday. They said lots of women are wearing the buzzed look. It's very fashionable. I still think I'll wear a hat to church on Sunday. In my Easter bonnet, with all the frills upon it....

    Blair, I think the radioactive stuff for a PET scan clears your body quickly. Most people tolerate it fine.

    Star, I lost my eyebrows about 3 weeks ago, eight weeks post chemo, right in time for a business trip. They've already grown back. They are a different texture, but same color. Now I'm losing my lashes. First lower. I had about 3 left on each side, so I trimmed them. Now I'm losing upper. I can see new coming in, but they are still super short.

    Lizabeth M, I'm jealous of 2 inches of hair. I finished chemo Jan 10, and only have 1/2 inch. Seems like the younger you are, the faster the hair comes back. Since you are taking Tamoxifen, I presume you are premenopausal. I am taking Armidex, an aromatase inhibitor to block estrogen. It can cause hair thinning, but mine seems pretty thick. Just short. I’ve done supplements and oils too.

    Nonahope, glad you are done with Taxol and the grant for your drug is great news. I've seen that drug advertised on TV.

    Klvans, thanks for the hair praise and encouragement on working out. I'll get there because I know it makes me feel better in the long run.

    Rljes, my fingernails are horrible. I think I see a horizontal ridge for each chemo treatment, so I guess I have to go through this lifting and splitting each time one of those ridges grows out.Weirdly, my toenails don't look too bad.

  • Meowmmy65
    Meowmmy65 Member Posts: 125
    edited March 2018

    And my fingernails are starting to lift. I'm so bummed. Was hoping to avoid this.

    Congratulations to everyone with good news! It's good to hear when positive things are happening.

  • star2017
    star2017 Member Posts: 370
    edited March 2018

    I’m having similar issues with my nails. I was planning to get a mani pedi tomorrow. Do you think it’s going to make things worse? Is it a bad idea? Are my nails too rbittle