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Chemo starting December 2017



  • Daniz1983
    Daniz1983 Member Posts: 84
    edited February 2018


    Yes that was me. Mine was at 8 I received a total of 5 iron transfusions. One every other day. Wow oh yo poor thing. How was your surgery? How do you feel? Did you have a lumpectomy or mastectomy? I'm sorry I can't remrmber. I'm glad they had the blood on standby 7 is very low it's boarderline for the need for a transfusion. Maybe they can give you some iron as well and you can start feeling better. MO said it will be weeks before it shows up on my results. I’m going for ac#4 and will talk to her tomorrow and will see what my blood results show. Hope you are recoveringwell! 💖

  • mjb1018
    mjb1018 Member Posts: 151
    edited February 2018

    Thank you, Daniz. I had the catheter in my port replaced, lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy. She took out 3 nodes. I still feel horrible, like I did since Thursday a week ago, but the surgery went well and all that is good. My MO had me go in today to get my blood rechecked. Hemoglobin is still 7, so I am being scheduled for a blood transfusion. My temp was 103, which he said is not uncommon after a surgical procedure. He said my left tonsil may be infected. It started hurting after I swallowed something that was too rough. So, I’m starting antibiotics, too. I’m so chilled, shakey and weak. I can’t wait to feel better. Good times! I hope your #4 went well and you breeze right through

  • sswp
    sswp Member Posts: 61
    edited February 2018

    Finally got #3 yesterday after bloodwork showed wbc was up. Not looking forward to how I"ll be feeling for the next few days but hopefully will not be too bad. The heaviness feeling in my head is becoming all too familiar. Hope everyone is doing ok.

  • kayakmom
    kayakmom Member Posts: 5
    edited February 2018

    I haven't said much. I have good days and less good days. Still skiing almost every day.

    Have had the usual side effects - constipation , diarrhea, nausea, fecal impaction ( every cycle). I have been on anti virals for mouth sores and Cipro for a persistent UTI.

    I am terrible at talking to the Triage nurse. Called about 3 different side effects and each time have gotten an unsatisfactory answer . So I have either just contacted nurse son for his insight or this last time I called my urologist ( Triage nurse told me to eat anti oxidants and drink water and talk to the onc in a week - I thought that was terrible advice . I had told her I thought I had a UTI )...

    Trying to stay positive but I am not doing great at it because I'm getting run down with all the co-infections.

    I did complain to beloved daughter in law. I said, I was done with the side effects. " She replied, "You are done when you are dead" . I love that girl. ..she doesn't let me get away with my crap.

    Genetics test finally set for Wednesday. Last chemo Tuesday.


  • GenevaC
    GenevaC Member Posts: 38
    edited February 2018

    mjb - sounds like a rough combination! Hope you come through it quickly.

    Daniz - strength for #4 on Monday. It really helped me knowing that the treatment- related phobia was normal for 4 AC - you aren’t weak!

    I’ve just got a normal cold but it’s totally sapped my energy. And not helping with taxol nose bleeds. Kids off school next 2 weeks and I wanted to enjoy this relatively easy period to have some little adventures together. Fingers crossed for some sunshine and an early spring.

  • Daniz1983
    Daniz1983 Member Posts: 84
    edited February 2018

    Hey ladies! How is everyone?

    I am finally done with AC. Just had #4 this past Friday it was a rough day. Friday was awful. Saturday and Sunday was so much better I even ate well and the. Monday hit and I was just soooo sick throwing up and everything. Omg I hate all this so much. MO gave me 3 weeks off now between treatments I start Taxol in 3 weeks.

    I have to admit you guys I am terrified just terrified of Taxol. Terrified I’ll have the same side effects as in AC the nausea and everything on AC was just killing me and I’m so scared it’s like a freaking fear and phobia I cannot shake. Is anyone else having this problem? Anyone reacting well to Taxol that had issues on AC?

  • mjb1018
    mjb1018 Member Posts: 151
    edited February 2018

    So sorry, Daniz. :( I know that #4 kicked my butt harder than the others. I know you’ve suffered the whole way. I hope you start feeling better soon. I’m holding on to hope that Taxol will be easier. I start on 3/2.

  • Daniz1983
    Daniz1983 Member Posts: 84
    edited February 2018

    Mjb-aghhh girl it’s been a nightmare this whole thing has been such a nightmare. I start Taxol on the very same day as you. It better be easier Bc I’m not doing this for 12 weeks if I’m gonna feel the same.

  • Hariry
    Hariry Member Posts: 100
    edited February 2018

    No one understands my fear like you girls. I'm just done with the 4th AC and yes I dread to go into the same onco daycare. Another 12 rounds!!!! Someone strong here tell me how to do this. This round my entire body was down with numbness and pins and needles under my skin... my limbs my face. Arghhh...

    Tell me what will taxol do to me God!

  • Gigicommon
    Gigicommon Member Posts: 58
    edited February 2018

    Dear Hariry - My side effects have not been as severe as your and still I shudder to think what may lay ahead withTaxol. I've decided to stop working altogether (I was only working two days of my chemo week) to just focus on trying to get through the Taxols treatments.

    I'm praying that Taxol will be easier in you. And you are right. We realy understand your fears. You are nit alone. Stay strong, sister.

  • GenevaC
    GenevaC Member Posts: 38
    edited February 2018

    i hear you about finsh8ng AC. I was so beaten down and terrified of anything related to treatment. A therapist I spoke with this week said my reactions sounded like PTSD. This was reassuring to me to know that it is serious and also that my onco said the fear is common.

    I’ve done 3 taxol now and the fear is gone. Now I'm just tired. From taxol, from a 2-week cold and from some anemia related to taxol-nose bleeds. But that is it. Truly.

    Still feels like a very long road to go and I get down wondering how I’ll drag myself through. Especially on rainy cold days with crabby kids home on school holidays.

    Hoping iron infusion next week will perk me up.

  • LAMinders
    LAMinders Member Posts: 22
    edited February 2018

    Well, round 3 proved to be the most difficult yet. I didn't get into work for even an hour and exactly one week post treatment, landed myself in the ER with a fever. After multiple tests, I was hospitalized for 2 nights with an infection and neutropenia. I still don't know exactly what they found but I know my chest X-ray (x2) and CT scan showed them something on my lungs. Needless to say, my mind is circling around the worst case scenario. I have a follow-up with my primary tomorrow, so hoping to get answers from her.

    Like most of you, I am totally exhausted and have had more emotional days than good days. I forced myself into work for anywhere from 2-3 hours this week, but each day I came back more tired than the last, so I am taking today off. I tend to always be on-the-move and don't sit and relax well, which is one of the reasons I chose to keep working, but I don't know if I can keep this up. Even as I type this, I am so physically and mentally tired, but also stir crazy. Anyone else like this? If so, how do you keep busy?

    As for lifestyle changes, I'm not sure. I am going to watch labels a bit more when I buy chicken (no hormones etc), but other than that, my oncologist just recommended more a diet of veggies, fruit, lean meats etc, so no major changes other than cutting out the beloved carbs, but I like to try and follow the motto, everything in moderation. After a foot injury, I had to cut down on my exercise so now that that is healed (thanks to all the rest I am getting), once I am recovered from chemo and surgery, I want to build my workouts back up to 4-5x/week.

    Hope everyone has enough energy to enjoy the upcoming weekend.

    -LA Mindy

  • Dark13
    Dark13 Member Posts: 50
    edited February 2018

    Hi ladies warm hugs and belated Valentines greetings from my heart to yours.

    Well I have been enjoying the break between my last AC and the start of my 1st of 12 Taxol seem like an eternity but I cycle at a time as per usual. I had 3weeks of bliss feeling normal rocking my bald head and jus chilling out at the house.

    #4 AC overall was not bad for me at all I did not get metal mouth, I did not get that constant feeling of wanting to vomit without it actually happening, did not get the headaches, no wring pain in my stomach, did not feel like my lady parts wanted to fall out. The worsevpart was taking the injection everyday...urghhhh!!!! What I did get was an enormous appetite I was hungry and thirsty all the damn time. Before I could not stand the taste of water now I have been chugging down about 4-6 400ml btls a day since each bottle represent a glass I am trying to get to 10btls per day but its a struggle. I did feel tired tho' and my skin got very, very dry and flaky 3 of my fingernail beds turned black.

    In prep for the Taxol I went on a 'WeeklyTaxol Thread' and the amount of SEs that are mentioned have me in a state of dread. I had to come here to get some strength and encouragement. Reading all those posts have messed with my mind. Right now I am trying to get back to my centre and focus repeating my mantra:

    ....1 cycle at a time.....I can do this.....I rebuke all SE in the matchless name of Jesus.....I claim my healing in Jesus name Amen....

    Danzi, mjb, Ejean,Hariry ...hope by now you all are feeling plenty better.

    Swewing, Diveslikeagirl...thanks for the list and website I really wish my ONC had told me about the B6 etc I would having been taking it already sometimes these doctors really raises my ire.

    Swewing, GenevaC...hope you gals are feeling better seems u 2 are the 1st out the gates on the Taxol track I wish we could get a list of all the symptoms and the possible treatments. Keep us posted.

    Ejean...I have changed my lifestyle a lot since my diagnosis this is what I have maintained... I was never a snacker so I do not snack in between meals. I have recently stopped drinking milk again (I started drinking milk after many years during AC because it was the only thing that I could have kept down during the metal mouth days not sure whats going to happen during Taxol), I drink a lot of green tea and I basically eat meat once a week. I eat lots of eggs and peas. I exercise every other day whether feeling good or bad. On the good days for 30mins. On my bad days during chemo I did it for 15mins on the days that I had the strength.

    The new stuff...started eating lots of fruits, nuts and veges (spinach, dasheen bush, cassava, sweet potatoes, plantains, cucumbers, watercress, tomatoes, carrots, watermelon, pawpaw, pineapples, almond nuts, chickpeas, coconut water etc.) I live in the Caribbean so basically whatever is in season, its readily available. I have started juicing mainly beets, carrot and pumpkins and drink this about 3days a week. I still cannot tolerate limes or ginger. Started drinking lots of grape gatorade (one of my subs for water on the bad days) I have cut back on my sugar intake not too much sweets (e.g.cakes, ice cream, chocolate) I do have an occasional pastry. I am trying to cut back on the white rice and breads, trying to drink more water....but its a struggle.

    I plan to incorporate more natural or herb related items after treatment is finished as I truly belive you are what you eat. I also read that soursop/graviola is good for persons with BC so I am going to incorporate this after the treatment is finished as it can affect the effectiveness of some chemo drugs and there are some side effects. I think you all should look into this as there have been some studies done regarding this.

    My weakness is I like my drinks juices etc to be sweet so finding an appropriate sweetner has been a challenge I am currently using Agave. (Any other suggestions will be appreciated) I was going to switch to honey but read in the Taxol thread that this is a no no with Taxol so I will make the switch after treatment.

    I find that knowing what to eat is a struggle damn I can only eat and drink so much veges I get fed up of it...the endless salads etc soooo boring....I feel like i'm eating grass all the but its about my life so i'm pushing thru I guess that's why its called a life style

    Stay strong my lovelies....."the race is not for the swiftest but for those who endure to the end"....We Can Do This......1 Cycle at a time.....


  • Daniz1983
    Daniz1983 Member Posts: 84
    edited February 2018

    DARK13, agh I know exactly what thread you're talking about I was reading it the other day. Freaaaaaaaked me out I got so annoyed and went to a Facebook support group I'm on and asked the ladies on there about side effects. So far 6 people responded saying no nausea for them. One girl had minor neuropathy but hasn't started icing her hands and feet and no issues. Some had low blood counts. But at least no nausea. One had hot flashes and had a reaction during Taxol #2 and that’s it I’m definitly staying off that blog!!! oh I was freaking out and had me so scared like you had to come here for some encouragement.

    I’m literally having phobia and living in fear at the moment so scared of Taxol. But I don’t have a choice for now I’m teyong to still recover from ac #4 I’m still not myself. And then force myself somehow to Taxol. I’ll give it my best shot and pray God helps us all through this.

    I’m glad though you said that about honey I had no idea. I use honey instead of sugar. But don’t eat right at the moment it’s impossible. I did when I got diagnosed but my energy levels are so low now that’s we have a meal train going and they’re helping a ton. I realllllly need rob find some energy to work out

  • Dark13
    Dark13 Member Posts: 50
    edited February 2018

    Hi ladies,

    Laminders, Mjb, Hariry, GenevaC, Gigi, Kayakmom, sswp, Swewing.... hope you all are feeling much better today and that you all will have a good week.

    I had my Taxol#1 and it was not bad at all so far no side effects, but then this is just day 2 after the actual treatment still enjoying the bliss of being drugged up. I also suspect that the effects will be cumulative as the treatment advances after all its 12rounds so I am going to keep you all posted. I asked my ONC about the icing of the hands and feet to prevent neuropathy but was told they don't advocate that because then the medicine will not go to those areas.

    My nurse recommeded 'Neuronbine Forte' for neurpothay. I also heard about 'l-glutamine' for neuropathy. Have anybody heard about these drugs? I have to read up on it some more. I also asked about taking B6 and B12 vitamins and I was told its fine so i'm going to start taking it anything to shore up/strengthen this body. Is anybody else taking vitamins?

    Daniz/Hariry - keep courage girls I believe the worst is over with the AC that was a biotch but its behind you now. We are starting fresh 1 cycle at a time counting down Taxol. I am not going back to that weekly Taxol thread its like fear factor and I aint got time for that I am all about giving out positive vibes.

    How I get thru....There is power in your word and it stars with the mind... when I wake up in the morning I say.."I rebuke all SE in the matchless name of Jesus"...say it out loud and claim it. Everyday I have to reset my mind so that the doubt and fear don't overtake me. I hope this helps you.

    Stay strong my lovelies....."the race is not for the swiftest but for those who endure to the end"....We Can Do This......1 Cycle at a time.....


  • GenevaC
    GenevaC Member Posts: 38
    edited February 2018

    Yes - one at a time. It’s such a long journey. I’ve been slowed down with a sinus infection (definitely recommend NOT doing this!) and it’s bad for morale. Also having kids home on school break is exhausting. Trying to tell myself I’m half way done as a pep talk but it’s been such a long road already, I cannot believe I still have 50% more to go.

    Hope I’m cleared for taxol #4 Tuesday- don’t want any delays.

    Best wishes to all for all the SE.

  • Daniz1983
    Daniz1983 Member Posts: 84
    edited February 2018

    Dark, I’m sooooo glad you are doing well!! No nausea? Did you have nausea with ac? Sorry I can’t remember. I don’t start Taxol until March 2nd. MO gave me three weeks. MO also told me they recommend the icing of toes and nails agh so many different things it’s hard to figure out what to believe anymore. I also reward girls pairing their nails black to prevent it rays goin into the nails and allegedly it helps their nails but idk I’m scared to try anything.

    GenevaC, sorry to her about your sinus infection. Those are a pain!!! How are you doing with side effects??? Are you having any? Any nausea??

    Good luck everyone. I hope the rest of the girls are ok.

  • LAMinders
    LAMinders Member Posts: 22
    edited February 2018

    Thanks Dark13. :-). Doing well physically today- even got out for a 20 min walk this afternoon. Felt very good to get out of the house for a bit.

    Mentally, I'm all over the place. The results of my chest x-rays and CT scan were finally explained to me by my primary MD on Friday. Basically, more tests are needed, but there are some growths on my lungs and they couldn't clearly determine if it is an infection or possibly "the C word" as she put it. I had a chest x-ray less than a month prior and it didn't show anything, and the sentinel node biopsy did not show any cancer in my lymph nodes, but just hearing the doctor say it is possibly cancer freaked me out. My primary deferred to my MO, so I emailed him to ask for a PET scan and anything else available to put my mind at ease. Have you ladies ever heard of cancer growing during treatment? I am not allowed to drink alcohol during chemo, and probably not until a month after my last chemo (which is this Friday), but damn can I use a stiff one right about now!

  • GenevaC
    GenevaC Member Posts: 38
    edited February 2018

    LAMinders - that does sound worrying. I don’t mean medically (obs not trained) but uncertain test results and “growths” would make my mind leap around too. I just had a smalll fever on Friday evening and with the pain from my sinus infection, it was enough to make me worry. This whole C word thing is stressful to live through. I hope you get reassuring results very soon. Meanwhile I guess it’s best to try to be busy doing things you like, like walking.

  • Hariry
    Hariry Member Posts: 100
    edited February 2018

    Hey everyone, hope you're all doing well. Thanks Dark13, I will do that- shout out and knowing the Lord is by my side! LAMinder, it must be worrying- but they could be just something subtle... Let's not worry too much

    Most of us have completed all ACs let's have a toast for that ladies. I don't know what to expect in the days to come but yes, let's do it one at a time. Gentle hugs to all...

  • diveslikeagirl
    diveslikeagirl Member Posts: 69
    edited February 2018

    Dark13: In a post on the previous page, Swewing posted a picture of a list of neuropathy treatments from the Dana Farber Cancer Institute that included B vitamins (Neuoronbine Forte is a combination of B vitamins). It also included acetyl-l-creatine and alpha lipoic acid which my nurse practitioner recommended and which I found on Amazon less expensive than a vitamin store. She noted that their full effectiveness is reached after 30 to 60 days, so don't stop taking them even if you don't feel an immediate change.

    I hope I'm not deluding myself, but I do notice that my neuropathy seems to lessen during and after my strength and conditioning workouts. It may be about circulation, or I focus on other complaining muscles, but I relish these momentary respites. Nevertheless, I'm gearing up to ice my hands and feet again for my next full cycle of TCH. My hands and fingertips hurt all the time and twisting anything with ridges like a bottle of water or a lamp switch, is really daunting.

    I'm queued up for Cycle 4 of 6 this Friday and I'm DREADING the days 3-7 after (the bad effects seem to be stretching longer each time). My family and friends are all "you're halfway!!" and I'm looking at a hill that just seems to go up relentlessly (I refuse to think of it as a hole or I might never be able to recover). Nevertheless, I feel like I'm in "bring it" mode because this hasn't killed me yet and I actually have a good 2 weeks of pretty normal days after Week 1. Still have neuropathy, nosebleeds, random bouts of fatigue, etc, but that's my new normal, for now.

    LAMinders (my name twin): I'm praying for you to get the test and results to put your mind at ease. We're forever going to be watchful, but for Pete's sake, can't you catch a break just while you're going through treatment?

    Congrats to all of you who have gotten past your AC.


  • diveslikeagirl
    diveslikeagirl Member Posts: 69
    edited February 2018

    One more thing. From the "this is the absurdity of being sucked into the cancer complex" department.

    Last week my cell phone rang showing my OBGYN number, which I took even though I was in the middle of a one-on-one with a colleague. It was my OBGYN who delivered my BC diagnosis and referred me to my BS and cancer team, so I still break out in a sweat when I see her number. Turns out it was an office tech who apparently calls with patient reminders to get their yearly mammos. I had mine in February 2017, where they did NOT catch my tumor (I say with still not quite resolved anger).

    So the tech wanted to know if I had scheduled this year's mammo or had already had one since February. Trying not to make my colleague uncomfortable, I told the tech "yes, I have had a mammo since then and she should review my file so she would understand (meaning: how could you have missed a breast cancer diagnosis in my file?)." She said she did review the file and didn't see the results and could I tell her what they were? I just told her to check with the doc, read the file and get back to me if she had questions. But she kept asking so I finally had to brush her off saying I was in a meeting and had to go.

    I am blessed by having good insurance and so many resources in my metropolitan area. But for about 15 minutes I was stunned by (once again) observing how many times the right hand doesn't know what the left is doing and how hard we must all work to be our own health advocates/consumers. I know of many examples where individuals are not particularly aggressive with their doctors and treatment plans, or they struggle to understand their medications and instructions and I pray that their health teams take the extra time needed and give a little more consideration to them. Like this journey isn't hard enough that someone should be adversely affected by their paperwork.

    Off the soap box now.


  • Gigicommon
    Gigicommon Member Posts: 58
    edited February 2018

    Dark13 - You made me laugh comparing the weekly Taxol thread to fear factor. I thought I was the only one who felt like that! I'm with you. Ain't nobody got time for that.

  • Gigicommon
    Gigicommon Member Posts: 58
    edited February 2018

    KB870 - Thank you! I start Taxol and Herceptin next Wednesday and have to admit I am pretty nervous as AC has kicked my butt. Your post gave me hope that this leg of the journey may not be so rough.

  • Dark13
    Dark13 Member Posts: 50
    edited February 2018

    Hi Everyone hope you are having a better evening than the one yesterday. Today is day 3 after my first Taxol and the feelings was not bad at all. No nausea...thank God. My mouth (roof and tongue) kinda felt funny but its not like the metal mouth with the AC more like a tingling don't know how to explain it. Tonight I am feeling a slight headache the pain is sharp coming and going so I am taking a sleeping tablet and knocking out early.

    KB870 - thanks for that post its good to know that the Taxol may be better tolerated even though its an indiviual thing.

    Diveslikeagirl- which brand of the drugs did you get. Let me know please.

    You are all in you in my prayers....

    Stay strong.


  • LAMinders
    LAMinders Member Posts: 22
    edited February 2018

    Thanks for your messages and kind words of support and encouragement. Got some “good” news from my oncologist yesterday. He reviewed the reports as well as said while they can’t rule out cancer in my lungs, he believes I have pneumonia. Never thought I’d be so happy to be hear I have pneumonia! He is planning for me to have my LAST chemo as scheduled on Friday. Then will set me up to have scans sometime after my treatment ends as part of my monitoring. No doubt it will still be in my head until I get the official “all clear” from the scans but at least I’ve moved out of “crazy town” for now. (If you haven’t seen the crazy town thread on this site, it’s a must read! Helped me realize I’m not alone in this crazy mental state!)

    Yesterday was a good day for me. Got out to brunch with some friends and even got in a light weight workout with my trainer. I was totally exhausted during and after but it felt good to be active again.

    For those with a treatment scheduled this week- here’s hoping for the least SEs possible.

    For those who finished part one (ie AC) or all chemo treatments- congrats!

    Sending positive healing thoughts to everyone!

  • diveslikeagirl
    diveslikeagirl Member Posts: 69
    edited February 2018

    Good evening, all.  

    LAMinders, "congratulations" on the pneumonia and your exit from Crazy Town.  I swear in any other forum, the words we string together on these boards would completely unnerve mere mortals.  We are a unique, resolute bunch.  Most of all, I hope your last chemo is SE-free and your recovery begins as soon as possible.

    Dark, I wish I could say I exhaustively researched my supplement choices but on my PA's recommendations, I chose based on customer ratings and price.  For the L-acetyl carnitine, I got 1,000 mg capsules from Mental Refreshment Nutrition and take 2/day (PA suggested between 1,500 and 3,000 mg daily).  For the alpha-lipoic acid, I got 600 mg capsules from Doctor's Best, Inc. and take 1/day.  I've been taking them now for about 5 weeks and I think I have noticed an improvement.  But starting Cycle 3, they reduced my Taxotere by 10%, so I can't be sure what the source of any improvement is.  I am going to ice my hands and feet again on Friday for Cycle 4 and I will keep taking the supplements because the PA said they will help rebuild the nerves after chemo is over. 

    Sometimes I think we're all (MO, PA, nurses, me) just flying by the seat of our pants.  I quizzed my MO the other day about why, if Herceptin is such a "silver bullet" drug for HER2+ tumors, they still blast me with 6 full chemo rounds of taxotere and carboplatin.  Then I answered my own question:  it's because Herceptin is so new (approximately 10 years) and there isn't much 5-years out or 10-years out data to go on.  So the docs hedge their bets and treat with full chemo as well because they know it has given good outcomes.  At this point, if they're not sure enough to prescribe Herceptin only, then I'm in for the full Monty, too.  When I'm 10 years NED, I'll look at what the "new" studies show with no regrets.

    Question:  does anyone on this thread take Lasix for fluid retention?  Just days before Cycle 3, my ankles, legs and hands became very swollen so my MO gave me an infusion of Lasix and it helped.  He also prescribed a Lasix pill to be taken as needed and I'm taking it in these last days of Week 3.  It's more discomfort than pain, so I guess I'll live with it.  The Lasix definitely makes me pee a lot, so I'm slamming more water than usual and also taking a potassium supplement the MO prescribed to keep electrolytes balanced.  Sometimes I feel like a chemistry experiment.

    Hang in there everyone.  Shout out to Ejean, who has been pretty quiet lately.  Hoping your treatments are going well and you're busy being "normal."


  • mjb1018
    mjb1018 Member Posts: 151
    edited February 2018

    I received some very unexpected news from my MO today...GREAT NEWS! No Taxol for me! My cancer was so responsive to AC (see my signature for details), that I’m going right to Herceptin every 3 weeks. From Day 1, I thought my treatment plan was set. There is nothing left to treat. I’ll be calling tomorrow to get radiation going, too. So happy I won’t have to worry about any new side effects, especially neuropathy! Maybe my hair will start growing sooner, too. Hugs to everyone

  • diveslikeagirl
    diveslikeagirl Member Posts: 69
    edited February 2018

    mjb, that's huge! Congratulations! I get Herceptin alone in the 2 weeks in between my full cycles every three weeks. Walk in the park. No drugs to treat the side effects of the drugs, no GI issues, no bone pain. You can do this

  • Gigicommon
    Gigicommon Member Posts: 58
    edited February 2018

    Congratulations Mjb! You go, girl. What amazing news. Go forward and slay!