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Starting chemo January 2018



  • WorriedMe77
    WorriedMe77 Member Posts: 93
    edited March 2018

    So I’ve been having a hard time sorry I have t checked in lately.. just did my 2nd round of CTHP and ugggg not feeling well.. pink sisters you’ve all been in my prayers and thighsy

  • jipovil99
    jipovil99 Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2018

    It is disgusting that companies are trying to make money by giving false hope. No conditioning gel will keep you from losing eyelashes or eyebrows. Penciling eyebrows is possible, but when you are sick from chemo it's too much trouble. I'm wearing a wig (avoid it as much as possible because of the itching), but I never got used to being without lashes or brows. It's not a good look. But the good thing is that they come back. I now have eyebrows again. 

  • jipovil99
    jipovil99 Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2018

    So sorry about your experience with that nurse. My experience has been that those nurses are very good with finding veins. So maybe you just had bad luck that day. 

  • insideout2
    insideout2 Member Posts: 108
    edited March 2018

    This is the beginning of a new week. I am still experiencing new things. I have stitches from my port on the outside of my skin in two places. They were hidden underneath my skin at first. I called the surgeon on Friday. Waiting for next steps.

    I cut my hair short today. I couldn't wait to go out in my new style. I know it will fall out on round 3 and will wear the wig from time to time.

    I hear from time to time "you look good" and realized for some if I am not foaming at the mouth to them I am ok. I wonder if some people want to see others miserable. How about, I put a lot of effort in functioning to minimize impact to family and my team members at work. If I say I am tired or not well it is exactly that. I'm learning my limits each round and have learned how to listen to my body. I don't plan on changing and thank God for his grace and mercy. This is how I function.

    I hope everyone stays strong. Each day we rise, we won yesterday's battle.

    Hang in there everyone.

  • Gigicommon
    Gigicommon Member Posts: 58
    edited March 2018

    Hi Worried - I'm glad you checked in. You have been on my mind. I know how hard it can be to even read, let alone post, when chemo has you in its grip. Do whatever you have to do to get past this. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    I had my first Taxol on Wednesday and everything was good for a while. By Friday I was sleeping nonstop and experiencing all kinds of aches and pains and alternating between being hot and cold. Finally thought to take some ibuprofen and that made all the difference. I won't forget ibuprofen again.

    I finally accept none of this is going to be easy for me but I am going to soldier thru it. In spite of everything we are all inching closer to the end of this chemo journey. Stay strong sisters!

  • Olesya
    Olesya Member Posts: 109
    edited March 2018

    I know many of us here are somewhere either half way or getting to the end of chemo. Does anybody know if it's appropriate to continue to post here and see everybodies' progress with the following treatments(radiation, hormonal therapies)? I kind of hate the idea to be cut off of this forum and amazing support that we give to each other.

    Gearing up for my 3rd round of chemo on Tuesday.

    Have been sleeping poorly lately due to hot flashes. And then am very weary during the day. Thank God for my family, that they can help with my toddler when I need it...

  • Olesya
    Olesya Member Posts: 109
    edited March 2018

    Was looking in the mirror the other day, and a thought occurred to me: this poor body has to take so much beating in order to get better. All these scars and bald head, and bags under eyes, and worn out face, etc., etc.....

    may all these endeavors be successful to all of us, ladies!

  • princessbuttercup
    princessbuttercup Member Posts: 161
    edited March 2018

    Has anyone here been prescribed Olanzapine for nausea after Adriamycin infusions?

    Thanks in advance. You are all the best.

  • Homemadesalsa
    Homemadesalsa Member Posts: 138
    edited March 2018

    No, I have anti-nausea meds: Zofran and Zofran odt, phenergan, and my favorite, Ativan, that helps you sleep too.

    Other things that help me: ginger lemon tea, ginger gin-gins, cannabis, chicken soup, instant miso soup, and English muffins.

  • Amelia01
    Amelia01 Member Posts: 178
    edited March 2018

    Finished my last EC - HURRAY!!!! It was touch and go whether they would do it or not or skip and start Taxol - apparently my MO thinks chemo doesn’t seem to agree with my immune system. Bloods were better than good and chest X-ray excluded anything nasty there although I’m still coughing a lot.

    The cold cap sucked this time too but I took enough Xanax to just about knock me out.

    Three weeks of break before the weekly Taxolos. I can’t imagine icing hands, feet and head for that. Oiy!!!!

    PrincessButtercup- I’m prescribed Emend for nausea and cannabis.

    Olesya - this too shall pass! You look gorgeous even at your most vulnerable time! Big hugs to you!!! Xx

    I’m going to ask my plastic surgeon if she can add some little helpful tucks or injectables when she does my boobs. I’d love to walk out of this with something positive! Bring on October!!!

  • okkate75
    okkate75 Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2018

    Yay, @Amelia01! My last round of TC is Friday, and I'm really looking forward to putting this part of treatment in the rear view mirror. Go team go!

  • murfy
    murfy Member Posts: 259
    edited March 2018

    When this thread was started our posts reflected how scared, apprehensive, and in-the-dark we were. NOW, so much hope and experience! I will continue checking in on this thread as the weeks, months, and (hopefully) years go by. Hope you all do too as your help and sisterhood have been a huge support to me through this ordeal.

    I finished my final dd TC yesterday. Feel good for a couple of days and expect to crash Fri-Sat. Shots on M-W and will be able to start the big heal after that. Doc doesn't want to see me again until 3/30. Will start Fosamax when start feeling good in a couple of weeks. Doc discussed starting me on TAM because I have so many estrogen receptors, BUT I'M POST MENOPAUSAL! Have researched and want to start on Aromasin. If can't handle any of the AI's THEN will consider TAM.

  • Olesya
    Olesya Member Posts: 109
    edited March 2018

    lmurphy - I agree with you on this, that we are more stronger and more experienced now, after finishing this chemo battle:)

    Okkate75 and Amelia01 (and all other girls who are almost, or already done with this leg of the journey) - Yeay!!!

    WorriedMe77 - hold on there, girl. One day at a time!

    I have finished my 3rd round of HTC. went in today with sore throat: my daughter brought on Friday yet another cold from day care. the doctors took their precautions to ensure it was ok to go ahead with the chemo. There was a student nurse, who suggested to take a throat swab in case it's a strep - so they did it. hoping it's not:))

    My finger nail beds become very tender every time i touch them, so I iced my hands during Taxotere infusion. don't know if it helps, but if it does-why not! also munched on ice. I believe that it might have helped with mouth sores(or the fact that i was very religious about brushing my teeth and do soda/salt rinses after each meal).

    I slept so poorly last night, and steroids keep me going all day. didn't have a nap either....

    Hot flashes are getting stronger and more frequent. I sweat buckets now. However not to the point of changing sheets at night yet. Hopefully never.

    Im typing from my computer, but took a picture on my phone of a frame that is in the clinic. will post it later. Its very inspiring.

    Started to read a book "Cancer ward" by Alexander Solzhenitsin. It is in Russian. my local library was able to get it through the library loan form Toronto Libraly - im very exited! read this book years ago. and now i have a chance to read it again from the perspective of a cancer patient.

  • Olesya
    Olesya Member Posts: 109
    edited March 2018

    Okkate75 - where are you from?

  • okkate75
    okkate75 Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2018

    @Oleysa I'm from Idaho, but I live in Baltimore. You?

  • Olesya
    Olesya Member Posts: 109
    edited March 2018

    Okkate75 -Hanover, Ontario. But originally from Ukraine.

  • Coach1216
    Coach1216 Member Posts: 16
    edited March 2018

    I am currently laughing at myself as I read these comments because I just finished crying over nothing. Very emotional day today.

    For the most part I have been very fortunate with side effects as they are inconvenient but not debilitating. In fact I struggle with convincing my support network that I am doing well. I am currently living with my in-laws and they do everything for me. I know I should just enjoy it but I am a very independent person and want/need to do my own errons. I can’t believe I am complaining about this, just venting and emotional.

    Thanks for being a community to vent to

  • Olesya
    Olesya Member Posts: 109
    edited March 2018

    Coach1216- after my second round of chemo i had an emotional breakdown due to luck of control of my life. i couldn't stop crying about it for half a day. being bound to the house and delegate errands to someone else is somewhat diminishing. so I move light furniture around the house, rearrange room settings, and do light house work. that gives me a sense of accomplishment and usefulness.

    i write to-do lists, and it's such a satisfaction to have some(not all) items to be stoked off.

    I am off work for the period of treatment(for a year, as I will have to complete my herceptin treatment). that's my husband's wish. i don't know if will be able to do it. i hate not to be able to contribute financially to the house budget.if anything i am considering fostering,as i may not have another child. And another option is crossing my mind to volunteer somewhere, either in the community leaving, or perhaps somewhere related with children. I am an preschool teacher(not allow to say early childhood educator, as i have temporary resigned from the College of ECEs). Also was thinking to apply to a part-time position as an EA(educational assistant) in the elementary schools, and to be supply teacher for day cares. but it's just the thoughts, plans for now. I want to be useful. I already sat on my bum for a 1,5 years while waiting for my immigration to go through. It was very tough on me emotionally.

    after my 1st round of chemo i felt very empowered, i wanted to arrange a local breast cancers support group. but as of now, i feel very drained and unmotivated to proceed with this project.

    Of course, all of these ideas and plans occur when i feel good. Today day 2 post 3rd round of HTC. Steroids run me crazy. I've been buzzing around the house since 4:30am till 1:30pm. Had an hour nap and I'm up again.

    My sore throat is still bothering me, but i'm hoping my frequent gurgling/rinsing with salt/soda help to keep this various at bay. Also i thought maybe the super expensive chemotherapy wipe out the cold cells too:))

    Hugs to all, my sister-warriors!

  • Olesya
    Olesya Member Posts: 109
    edited March 2018


  • princessbuttercup
    princessbuttercup Member Posts: 161
    edited March 2018

    Good morning, all-

    Thank you for feedback on anti-nausea meds. You are all very helpful, as usual!

    And now I have another question! Has anyone had a problem with their Adriamycin infusion going outside of the IV injection site (underneath the skin) and causing severe bruising? The infusion began to hurt, and was almost immediately removed and a new IV put into a larger vein. But 4 days later I'm noticing a deep purple bruise under the skin. Going to put a call in to the office this morning when they open, but I am wondering how often this happens. I don't have a port, and have one infusion left to go.

  • Homemadesalsa
    Homemadesalsa Member Posts: 138
    edited March 2018

    Getting ready for hour drive to go get #4 of 4 of AC. Whew. I'm tolerating it pretty well, but Saturday after Thursday infusion is the worst day, stacking anti-nausea meds and soup. Glad to have this set in the rear view. A three-week wait to start TPH (taxol, perjeta, herceptin) so I'm going to Arizona to soak up some sun.

    Happy International Women's Day, ladies. Keep fighting the good fight!

  • Olesya
    Olesya Member Posts: 109
    edited March 2018

    I accidentally took an extra dose of steroids this morning. Boy, i need my sleep! these last 3 three days i was running on no more than 5 hours of shut eye per day. and eat everything in sight. I ate non stop from 9pm to 2 am last night when i was watching the 6th season of Sex and the City , where Samantha was diagnosed with breast cancer. Oh, how i can relate to those hot flashes!My, at night they come fast and furious!

    Hope you are all doing well:0)

  • princessbuttercup
    princessbuttercup Member Posts: 161
    edited March 2018

    Olesya- Ativan to the rescue?

    I'm in Dex hiccup mode tonight, but it was my last dose until the next round! Wishing you better sleep tonight.

  • Homemadesalsa
    Homemadesalsa Member Posts: 138
    edited March 2018

    Ativan? Oh Savior of my bad nights- it's the first one I reach for when things dire after 9am (and occasionally before).

    First day post AC, still riding high on all pre-meds. So relieved to be (almost) done with this regimen. Saturday is always my worst, so preparing for that, but then 3 weeks off til TPH.

  • Olesya
    Olesya Member Posts: 109
    edited March 2018

    I am kind of shying away from sleep aids as I still have my 2 y.o. to tend too. My dear hubby is helping, but i like to in tune with family anyways.

    Still fighting the cold i have contracted from my daughter. if it wasn't for it, i would say i have a pretty good round this time. it's day 4. haven't crushed yet. who knows maybe my visit to chiropractor/ energy healer on a 3rd day helped to reset my immune/hormonal systems towards faster recovery.

    Here to a happy and easy weekend, ladies:)

  • krose53
    krose53 Member Posts: 74
    edited March 2018

    Hi Everyone, I’m on day 5 of my third round of T and C. My best day 5 yet! The first round I had s horrible time due to an autoimmune condition I have and chemo not mixing well. Second round I got the flu virus on day 5 and then was hospitalized. So I’m excited that it’s going well so far. I have shooting pains in stomach and bones and fatigue. Today I went out to lunch with a girlfriend and then grocery shopping. I’m hoping everyone else is hanging in there.

    Still have eyebrows and eyelashes. Anyone out there with experience on when and if they do fall out?

  • okkate75
    okkate75 Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2018

    Last TC in the bag! Tonight I am all hiccups (I see I'm not alone) and GI upset. Hoping for a decent next couple of days and a tolerable week. I felt good leading up to today, and I'm excited to feel good again. We're doing it!

  • Shlomit
    Shlomit Member Posts: 68
    edited March 2018

    Congrats, Okkate! 

    I completed #3 of 4 yesterday without too much fanfare. It was still touch and go as to  whether it would go off yesterday until after I met w/my MO. Although the issue likely was in my system, the last 2+ weeks I was being treated for a strep infection which had developed in a small (pinhole size) opening in a portion of the re-excision of my lumpectomy (my breast surgeon had to go back for 3 contiguous areas where she didn't get clean margins in the original procedure). I had tried to treat it myself, as there was some discharge, but when it wasn't healing, I asked about it, a culture confirmed there was strep. I "got religion" as it were about the prescribed antibiotic, and was first cleared last Monday by my breast surgeon for Friday's chemo, and then yesterday by my MO. Amazing at this point, I was/am bound and determined to remain on scheduled to get through the chemo and eventually move on to radiation, after I so resisted the chemo (almost in denial) after first receiving my Oncotype score.

    Wishing and sending much strength to all of you this weekend and as we all move on in our fight. 

  • insideout2
    insideout2 Member Posts: 108
    edited March 2018

    Congratulations to everyone who finished their first leg of this journey.

    I am gearing up for my third round Monday. My daughter is coming with me this time. She stresses when I go for treatment and it impacts her at school. She is in highschool and on Spring Break. She has been asking to come. I think seeing the process will ease her stress. The rooms and process is different than what she is imagining. I am more uncomfortable after I am done.

    The nurses know she is coming and are prepared for my mini me. She asks as many questions as I do.

    Wishing everyone the best.

  • SarahSC
    SarahSC Member Posts: 20
    edited March 2018

    hi everyone. I haven't posted anything in awhile because I have been extremely depressed lately. after my first infusion in January my eyes started to twitch on and off. I figured it was due to stress or lack of sleep. after the second infusion on feb 20th, they got worse and eyes are getting blurring and I'm getting massive headaches. I was driving my son home last Sunday night from his arts festival and my eyes started to get blurry when I was in the tunnel. all I kept thinking was that I was going to get in a car accident with my child in the car. luckily we made it home safely and I emailed my MO. She called me the next day and said it was a SE of taxotere. Here I was wondered about my hair loss and neuropathy and now I find out my eye sight can also get messed up. I can't see an ophthalmologist because I need to wait for chemo to end because it could get worse each round. On top of that my eyelashes have all fallen out and my eyes are puffy around the whole entire eye. I look and feel horrible. my next infusion is on tuesday and my anxiety is really high. I have been taking lorazepam but its not helping much. I just want this to be all over with. I also have been feeling really sick to my stomach these last view days and these are suppose to be my good days. wth!! Is anyone else having the eye site problem?