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Surgery August 2018

Elijahgirl Member Posts: 111

I finally will be having my surgery on August 7th, my pre-op is on the 26th July. I sometimes wonder if I'm really prepared. As it draws closer I find myself with so many questions, the biggest one is whether I should have the nipple sparing surgery. My surgeon said by having it that there would be a 10% chance of getting cancer by leaving the nipples. The whole point in having this surgery is to avoid any risk from ever get cancer. I also want to feel whole afterward and have a possible relationship with someone. So I am wondering if I should opt for nipple tattooing instead. I am supposed to let my surgeon know when I have my pre-op appointment. Other questions is more about what type of bras to where and how soon can you wear them? How long is a normal hospital stay? And how difficult to move around like getting in and out of bed. I feel ready but a little anxious and just want to get this behind me.



  • Lorih555
    Lorih555 Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2018

    I'm having surgery the same day....good luck to you! I'm so ready to just cancel and put if off. I need to post a question about how long before I can move from Pa to Fla. I'm so confused as to whether I'll be able to do it. I think I should just wait, but then waiting makes me nervous. I'm trying to work and I'm just so depressed I cannot even think straight. But I wanted to wish you the best of luck. You'll have to keep me posted on how things go. Sadly, my hangup is how i'll look and I just can't seem to get past it. Really struggling....

  • Elijahgirl
    Elijahgirl Member Posts: 111
    edited July 2018


    Girl, I totally get it, however this has been a process and now that it is drawing closer, I could not imagine postponing it only to start over. In my case my surgery is a preventative choice as I carry the same genetic gene that my sister and most likely my mom had both who just lost their battle with BC. If you have been diagnosed I would not delay your surgery. Not sure where you're going to have your surgery. But I have seen some amazing pictures of other women who have had surgery and you can't even tell that they had surgery. I to was planning to have nipple sparing but that would leave me with a chance of still getting cancer. So I have decided to go with the nipple tattooing instead. I hope your surgery goes well. Let's keep in touch and compare.

    Elijahgirl (aka LoriM

  • Marilou07
    Marilou07 Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2018

    I wish you both the best. I am 3 weeks post op bilateral mastectomy. Having a difficult time with swelling, hate wearing the compression wrap. It seems like it moves the fluid under my arm and causes painful swelling or puts to much pressure on the incision that goes all the way under my arm pits. I amand always felt like I was a strong person but this cancer has changed my thoughts. I wasn’t given the option of nipple sparing, which is ok. I am supposed to have reconstruction down the road but my husband has esophageal cancer and has had 3 different chemo treatments plus radiation. He is not doing well so I have no idea when I will be able to have reconstruction done.

    I am thankful for this sight I just found today so I can learn more. I was told some info and know they can’t teach you everything. I only stayed over night following surgery. I will not lie to you, I was sick looking at my chest, hated the JP drains but now that they are out, I feel like I am a dead animal out in the heat about ready to pop from the fluid build up. Called MD office and was told it is normal and could have it for a year. Started wearing the compression tube again (hate it, why put a ruffle on it so it irritates more).

    Good luck, study hard, and hope you can remember what you learn better than I do

  • macmomma
    macmomma Member Posts: 16
    edited July 2018

    I'm so sorry. My husband is fighting myeloma--just finished second stem cell transplant 11/2017. He's doing well, but I guess I'm speaking to your point of view as both a caregiver and a patient. It's really difficult. I felt like I used up all my fighting on him, and now have to muster it again for me. Just to let you know I'm thinking of you, and to encourage you. I hope you feel better soon--that will help so much. Hard to remain positive when you feel awful.

  • macmomma
    macmomma Member Posts: 16
    edited July 2018

    My BMX and DIEP scheduled for 8/6. They told me my skin is too thin for nipple sparing. I'm not really thrilled by either the recon or tatooing options for the nipple. I guess I'll make that decision after the first surgery and see what I think then. Good luck to you--I see your point of getting rid of the nipples too--after all, if your goal is to get rid of all of it, you might as well go ahead and do that.

  • Elijahgirl
    Elijahgirl Member Posts: 111
    edited July 2018

    macmomma, praying for a speedy recovery I know it can be tough caring for a love one and being sick too. I am glad your husband is doing well and he can be there to support you now.

    Lorih555 & macmomma we will have share and compare notes on our recovery since we are so close together.

    Marilou07, how are you doing, I saw some posts today about how the swelling was effecting some others I didn’t realize how bad it could be. I can only pray that it is smooth sailing post op for me. How are you doing now

  • Catdog7
    Catdog7 Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2018

    Hello, first I want to say sorry to hear that you and your husband are going through all of this. I have not been diagnosed with breast cancer, I got my results from my surgery Wednesday. I have atypical ductal hyperplasia. I thank God it was caught on mammogram and then ultra sound early. Did the needle biopsy then the wire excursion surgery. ( I hope I spelled that correct) this entire thing has freaked me out. I had a malignant brain tumour almost 3 years ago and a rare disorder that required the right side of my head to be peeled back and the bone over my ear and temple rebuilt. I am monitored every 3 to six months for high cerebral spinal fluid pressure .... they think I probably had since I was born? Specialist at Vanderbilt University in Nashville Tn where I had all my surgery and still travel for all my follow up and maintenance... talk about putting a shunt in my brain to control the pressure. I tell this background info. Because I am considering the double mastectomy with reconstruction. I take medication for my brain/ head disorders and I can’t see myself signing up for more stress every six months for my breast. My mom sent adopted so we have no background health info. She had lumpectomy at 40? She never had. A. Mammmogram after her forties. I’m sorry this is so long. The meds. For five years, no way , with my other meds. I am asking you ladies for your thoughts please. . Blessi

  • Elijahgirl
    Elijahgirl Member Posts: 111
    edited July 2018


    I had lymphoma almost eight years ago and went through chemo and radiation. I had a scare in January as they found a spot on my right breast so I had a biopsy. Fortunately, it was benign but needless to say my nerves were fried. I can only share why I am having my surgery. I have a immediate family history as well the genetic gene mutation. The risk is high and I don't intend to ever have cancer again if I can help it. It sounds like you have had some serious health issues since you were adopted I would see a geneticist to see if you have genetic mutation such as the BRCA gene. I would also talk to your doctors an see if you could withstand a mastectomy with reconstruction. Having to possibly get a shunt is a big deal too. If I did not have family and the gene mutation I personally would have the breast exams and MRI’s but that is me. You only can make this decision. There are a lot of good blogs here with women who have already been through this that could possibly have tbetter than me. I hope this helps

  • Catdog7
    Catdog7 Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2018

    Elijahgirl, thank you for your advice. I am not adopted, my mother is. I am praying for you and will follow along here. I hope all wonderful healing for you. My journey has just begun.- K

  • SoozyCue
    SoozyCue Member Posts: 4
    edited July 2018

    My BMX is August 1, so I'll be alongside you ladies, too. I'm so sorry to hear about some of the husband and some of the other health challenges you ladies have. I can't imagine how I'd be faring with all of the additional worry and stress.

  • kk2018
    kk2018 Member Posts: 54
    edited July 2018

    My BMX is 8/2, so I'm joining you all. Just got the date yesterday and feeling a bit panicky about everything I "should" accomplish before surgery with 2 grade school aged kids at home!

  • rrobin0200
    rrobin0200 Member Posts: 80
    edited July 2018

    I had a dmx, nipple sparing. However, a friend of mine had her nipples removed, and received tattoos not too long ago. They look amazing!! Swollen and red for a few days, but after that, you couldn't tell the difference. I guess it depends on the tattoo artist that your doc recommends.

    What is your diagnosis?

    Best of luck to all of you with impending surgeries. It's not a walk in the park, but it's doable. Take care of yourself.. rest, rest, rest! Drink lots of water. Listen to your doctors. Don't over do it.

    Please let us know what we can do from afar.

  • Elijahgirl
    Elijahgirl Member Posts: 111
    edited July 2018

    kk2018 and soozyq

    Wow we are getting one big party here! I think the nerves are kicking in now, my pre-op appointment on Thursday we definitely have to share the comparisons with one another.

    Rrobin0200, my surgery is pre emptive as I have several factors that make me a high risk factor. Thanks for the great advis

  • rachelcarter35
    rachelcarter35 Member Posts: 256
    edited July 2018

    Hello August surgery warriors. I hope I'm not imposing. I had a double mastectomy in mid April of this year. I have prepectoral TE's in. I'm currently undergoing chemo and will have my implant exchange in September. After my surgery I often didn't feel very brave or courageous. I worried every step of the way, Looking back on it I see that it was by no means easy but most of my worries didn't come to fruition, At this point I'm pain free and have complete range of motion. I hope hearing this helps. So my advice is to drink lots of water. Walk everyday as soon as you can. Picture your future when you are done with all this. Time to be brave and prepare for battle. Loving prayers.

  • nellabella
    nellabella Member Posts: 74
    edited July 2018

    Hi warriors, 

    I am with you all August 19th surgery, entire left breast mastectomy with clumped nodes including subpectoral nodes and no skin sparing. They don’t want to do immediate recon due to needing rads after. I was hoping immediate recon was an option just because first I feel I will lose it looking down at nothing and second I don’t think I’ll go back for another surgery for recon. But I also don’t want to remain flat and have to be reminded daily omg. I’ve looked at pictures and it freaks me out. Pre op is July 31st. As someone in another board said “ you don’t have to be brave, you just have to show up”. Good luck to all that are having surgery soon also. Let’s continue to keep posting and keep giving each other support. I just wish once we were done we were done and recurrence wasn’t an issue. It’s just so messed up.

  • Elijahgirl
    Elijahgirl Member Posts: 111
    edited July 2018

    So I had my pre-op appointment today and I have to check in at 5:30 in the morning, do they think I am in the military? Oh wait I am lol. The surgery they think will be 8-10 hours and a 5 day in the hospital and will be taking home 4 drains. So this seems to be the the standard for everyone that I heard and talked too, ( Thanks Ladies ) My plastic surgeon said that he is more concerned about how the DIEP heals than the BMX.


    It is messed up,and it is sad that so many have to deal with this. I have lost both my mom and sister to BC and I have the same gene mutation as my sister so my surgery is preventative. And I know what chemo/radiation myself for lymphoma. I don't intend to ever have to again. So with that lets show up and walk this path together one day at a time.


    Thanks so much for sharing and welcome. We need ladies like you to help guide us down this path and thanks for being honest about the pain you had with your surgery it helps to be prepared

  • nellabella
    nellabella Member Posts: 74
    edited July 2018

    hi all,

    Yes Elijahgirl sorry for your family history an terrible losses. And wow what you went through. It sucks it just all sucks excuse my French.


    Put my surgery is the 19th, it’s the 10th omg so close. Part of me just can’t wait to get it over with, the other part wants to run. But run where ? Lol can’t believe we can also laugh at this. Pre surgical testing is Tuesday and seriously yeah the entire day. Then the 8th H&P IV which is every 3 weeks. Darn thing gives me the big D. They better have a bed pan close by.

    I’m just gonna go in and not think about it, treat it like another test and go to sleep and deal with the reality when I wake. Sick of this already

  • Elijahgirl
    Elijahgirl Member Posts: 111
    edited July 2018


    Is your surgery on the 10th or the 19th? I want to make sure I checked in on you after your surgery either way it is just around the corner.

  • Elijahgirl
    Elijahgirl Member Posts: 111
    edited July 2018

    kk2018, just checking in on you, how are you doing? Do you have to travel anywhere for your surgery? Keeping you in my prayers and looking for a good report

  • nellabella
    nellabella Member Posts: 74
    edited August 2018

    Elijahgirl it’s on the 10th. Thank you you’re so sweet.

  • kk2018
    kk2018 Member Posts: 54
    edited August 2018

    Tomorrow is the big day! I still can’t believe my breasts are just going to be gone...I’ve been pretty emotional since last night. I keep telling myself that reconstruction (tissue expanders until radiation heals-so at least a year from now-not sure if I’m doing implants or DIEP)will soften the blow, but really I don’t think the mind will process it until it happens. I’m just going to ride on the positivity that both my chest and bone scans came back clean and that once my breasts are gone the cancer is gone(with chemo and rads cleaning by up anything that is floating around). But today is hard.

    I hope you all are finding the strength you need to get through the waiting. I’ll be sure to update you post-op. I sincerely hope I can come back here in a few days and say it was not as bad as I feared. Hugs....

  • Elizabeth9
    Elizabeth9 Member Posts: 31
    edited August 2018

    Hi. I am 2 days post op, bilateral mastectomy with lymph nodes removal. The morning after I felt great, no pain but that changed about 12 hours later. I am taking my pain meds every 4 hours to stay ahead of it. I was terrified of the nuclear Medicine injections but that was a piece of cake. Mine was day surgery. I am glad to be home but need to force myself to go into my bedroom away from the hustle of the house. I find the drains, the pain and the noise of my busy house overwhelming. When alone I feeL calmer. Overall I am feeling much better than anticipated and moving more than I thought I would. No appetite. Have to force myself to eat toast. Now I need to wait for pathology results. Asked my GP to send to me as she gets them in as I know they will come in bits before my actual follow up on Aug 28. Hope this helps calm your pre surgery nerves. I too, was very anxious and terrified. Onward to recovery now.

  • rachelcarter35
    rachelcarter35 Member Posts: 256
    edited August 2018

    Elizabeth9. I'm 9 weeks out from where you are today. It gets easier and less scary every day. Stay ahead of the pain. I took my meds a good three weeks before I started to drop down slowly. You'll read about people on this forum who are on Tylonal after three days. They are the exception I think not the rule. Don't be a hero on that front. You already are being courageous every minute. The meds can make you constipated so stay on top of that too. My hubby made me walk everyday before I felt up for it but I think it helped with my healing...getting the blood flowing. Drink water all day long. Waiting is hard. My oncologist gave me my pathology report; node involvement and margins pretty quickly but I had to wait for the oncotype DX a full two weeks. They've made such strides in our treatment and we are so blessed to be able to get the best there is but its still brutal and we need to be so good to ourselves through it. Looking back on it I see my scars now and I've become acutely aware of how we can heal. It really is a miracle. I'm in the throws of chemo now and have learned from my mastectomy surgery part that most of my daily worries didn't come to fruition so I'm trying to be more at peace in this new adventure. Don't get me wrong I'm still hyper vigilant as we should be but trying to expect that things will go right as often as not. I feel like during my mastectomy recovery it was where I not only had to heal physically but because diagnosis to surgery was sooooo fast I also had to really come to terms with having cancer and accepting it...the stages of grief in a way. Hope this helps. I hope I'm not butting in where I shouldn't but hindsight helped me at the beginning stages. My manicurist is ten years out and has been one of my best balms through all this. Rubbing elbows with survivor warriors is the best medicine.

  • piksie
    piksie Member Posts: 132
    edited August 2018

    Hello ladies. I'm officially joining this group of warriors. I'm currently scheduled 8/17, but might be moved up to 8/14 if the OR opens up.

    Elijagirl, I think you made a wise decision to forego the nipple sparing. I had a skin-sparing, nipple-sparing mastectomy with immediate reconstruction 2.5 years ago and the cancer is back. My nipple is not affected, but there is a 1 cm tumor right next to my scar that would likely have been avoided with a more traditional mastectomy. And nipple "sparing" is misleading. If they do a great job of removing all your breast tissue, they'll also do a great job of decreasing blood flow to your nipples and perhaps you'd lose half of it anyway - like I did.

    Elizabeth9, I hope you're doing well today and can get some relief from the hustle and bustle of your busy house! Perhaps earbuds and a peaceful playlist? Or put your foot down and tell everyone to leave. :)

    KK2018 and SoozyCue, sending peaceful recovery vibes. Hope everything went better than planned!

    I'm in a good place with all of this, but a little concerned about removing all Level I and Level II lymph nodes this time around. I'm reading up on ways to prevent and treat lymphodema and hope to stay ahead of it.

    Take good care of yourselves, ladies. You're all WARRIORS!

  • SoozyCue
    SoozyCue Member Posts: 4
    edited August 2018

    My surgery went as planned yesterday and I was released from the hospital right around the 24-hour mark today. Thanks to a scopolamine patch, a few other meds, and a local nerve block, I woke up alert, nausea free, and practically pain free. I went straight to reconstruction, and to put a reference point on the tissue expanders, I'm probably about a B cup. VERY surprised to look down into the surgical bra and see a nice little cleavage. I'm photo documenting everything. The pain still hasn't been bad enough to require medication. At the nurse's suggestion, I did hit the pump a handful of times to "stay ahead of it" but I doubt that was even necessary. I was out of surgery at noon, in a room by 2, eating dinner by 6, and joking and laughing with three visitors all evening. Now I am comfy cozy in a recliner around 36 hours out, feeling the faintest dull pain when I am still and perfectly bearable pain when I move.

    I don't think mine could have gone better.

    My plastic surgeon put loops on my drains and a belt around my waist to hang the loops on. It's very secure and comfortable and feels a lot more comfortable than the lanyards sound. I'm clear to shower tomorrow, 48 hours after surgery.

  • piksie
    piksie Member Posts: 132
    edited August 2018

    SoozyCue, how wonderful!!! Your positivity will take you far. Keep up the good work!

  • Elijahgirl
    Elijahgirl Member Posts: 111
    edited August 2018

    Picksie, first let me tell you that I am so sorry that your cancer has returned. But thank you for your encouraging words. It really helped with me confirm that I made the right decision. My surgery is on Tuesday and I have been busy taking care of some last minute stuff and clearing my desk at work this week. I won't lie the nerves are building as the date draws closer but I know that I will be thinking of my mom and sister when they wheel me into the OR and that they will be with me in spirit. I have grown to love everyone here as I have made this journey you have all been an encouragement. I hope to be able to pay it forward. Maybe someday we won't have to ever have to have blogs such as this because there will be a cure. Thanks again

  • Careninnj
    Careninnj Member Posts: 9
    edited August 2018

    my surgery is august 16th. Ill be having a bilateral max. Im brca2+ so it was go big or go home. Im a nervous wreck, but what am i going to do? Its gotta be done. I just pray that will all have speedy, uncomplicated recoveries. Happy

  • stherye
    stherye Member Posts: 3
    edited August 2018

    I am having a PMBX because of two papillomas, one of it with small atypia (FEA). I know maybe it is too extreme but peace of mind is very important to me. My gyn told me I am crazy, that it is not recommended a pmbx just for FEA. As it is not recommended in my situation it is not covered by my insurance, so I will pay for it.

    It is planned for the 25th of September. I am really scared but I have decided to do it.

  • kk2018
    kk2018 Member Posts: 54
    edited August 2018

    I’m a couple days out -so far everything has been manageable. I think I’m still in shock at being so flat, even though I am far from flat-obviously this is the most emotional part, especially since I was a DD! The drains are a pain, and the expanders are uncomfortable (I am so thankful that they are pre-pec) but overall it is better than I expected. Glad to have this behind me. Good luck ladies