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Chemo Starting August 2018



  • wanderweg
    wanderweg Member Posts: 487

    Bostonian - I had a bilateral mastectomy. I tested negative for BRCA and several other linked genes, although that came back in after the surgery. Of course, they are finding new genes all the time linked to breast cancer. I had extremely dense breast tissue and just felt like it was a matter of time before I had cancer in the other breast.

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    I played tennis yesterday. It was "different"-- as I had to sit down and pant every 5-10 mins-- but figured that it was just like interval training. And I played about 45 mins, rather than the normal 2 hours. But I love to play tennis, and it was a symbolic gesture that I am glad I did.

    The main thing I notice getting worse, as chemo goes on, is recovering my wind after chemo is taking longer.

  • determinedat54
    determinedat54 Member Posts: 4

    I just found this site today. It looks like it will be a great source of info. I've just finished 4 rounds of biweekly A/C. I started 4 rounds of biweekly Taxol last Thursday. My question is about neuropathy. Is there something I should be doing to help prevent this?

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    I have been icing my hands and feet (and scalp) during taxotere to prevent neuropathy. So far so good on that though I did not do it the first round and did lose a lot of hair. I ordered some socks with gel ice packs in them from Amazon, and I put my fingers in ice water during the drip.

  • benji69
    benji69 Member Posts: 88

    last A/C coming up. How is taxol different side effect wise

  • Lavenderlee
    Lavenderlee Member Posts: 11

    I have also been icing fingers and toes to help prevent neuropathy - just bags of ice in bowls and dig right in. I start about 10 minutes before Taxotere and about 5-10 after and take quick 30 second breaks if needed.

    I really appreciate the diet tips Santabarbarian - my doctors encouraged the Standard American Diet with red meat and cheese to up the RBCs - I’m not thrilled about it. I really am over the bloated balloon feeling. I guess I can’t complain if that’s my biggest upset. Well, that and my eyebrows and lashes are really starting to fall.

  • determinedat54
    determinedat54 Member Posts: 4

    I'm only a few days in after the first round of taxol. But so far just body aches like the flu. It's uncomfortable, but tolerable. With AC, I had nausea for at least 12 days after treatment. No nausea with the taxol.

  • Hughope1
    Hughope1 Member Posts: 116

    Hello All day 3 after round #4, Hanging in there just tired. Hope you all have a good week, I'm going to try and work in the morning. Will write more then. Be strong! Hughope1

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    determined-- do they give you neulasta shot ? The neulasta can have bone pain SEs and taking claritin (begin 2 days prior to chemo, for 7 total days) takes care of that...

  • SmilingDawn
    SmilingDawn Member Posts: 27

    Hey all! I haven't posted in a while but want to let you know I pop on here when I can to read what I can. I appreciate being able to read what everyone is dealing with.
    I started AC on the 18th of Sept and had my second infusion last Tuesday. The first treatment I experienced my heart pounding very hard and fast like I had run hard and fast a couple of miles, when I went to bed that night. Also, I experienced racing heart at time through the week. They cut back the steroid slightly at my second treatment and I have not experienced that at all. My biggest side effects have been lack of energy day 1, 3, and 4. Day 3 and 4 I spent most the day in bed feeling week. I had a nauseous feeling day 1, got chronic hiccups day 2, and heart burn. No constipation. I found Senokot to be a wonderful tool for that. On day 3 I did not experience the "brain fog" this time but I did feel depressed/sad for no reason. It made for a very long day. Has anyone experienced this?
    Today is day 5 and I finally am starting to slowly regain my energy. I did work M-F. I have awesome employers who are working through this difficult time with me.
    I mostly crave fresh fruits like watermelon and grapes this time and then get weird random cravings, but found it's harder to eat this time. My appetite was diminished.
    Thank you all for all you add to this! It's been such so valuable to me!
    Happy SuNDaY yall!!!!

  • SmilingDawn
    SmilingDawn Member Posts: 27

    Also, I start Taxol for 12 weeks in November. Is it easier and more tolerable than the AC?

  • determinedat54
    determinedat54 Member Posts: 4

    Yes, I’ve had neulasta with all 5 treatments I’ve had. And I take Claritin daily. The flu like aches are definitely from the taxol. Had not experienced the aching with AC

  • Bostoniangal25
    Bostoniangal25 Member Posts: 177

    Wanderweg- smart choice, my breast are dense too and I wish I would insist on double mastectomy!!!

    Debert, I have the same heart racing. SE it’s from steroids but once after each treatment of TC I take atavan right away because I m afraid to faint ...

    Ac is stronger I believe! Good luck !!! With taxol.

    Hughope, best wishes and happy after chemo days!!!

  • SarahNola
    SarahNola Member Posts: 45

    hi y’all! hope everyone had a good weekend!

    Anyone doing treatment every three weeks ask about doing it every 2 instead of 3? I am on TCHP.

    I have three more left and really just want to get through them before Thanksgiving. Thinking I might ask my MO if this is an option.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,801

    determinedat54, thank you for sharing your experiences. VERY helpful! We're pleased you found us, though very sorry for all you are going through.

  • SmilingDawn
    SmilingDawn Member Posts: 27


    Thank you for the reply!
    After round 2 of AC, it kicked my butt more this time. It's kind of a relief to know the Taxol will be easier.
    Hope you all have a great week, and prayers to you all!

  • Hughope1
    Hughope1 Member Posts: 116

    I am not on neulasta, I take zeroxio shots, same thing I think. Day 4 since chemo #4, I am able to work today. Tumor seems to be responding well to treatment. They say lumpectomy may be back on table, figures now that I have decide probably mastectomy. Several women I have check with would still choose this option again, not sure why since it comes back in many cases. Maybe I missing something, with the choices. I'm sure my plastic surgeon will have plenty of info for my Wed.

    Best of luck girls, stay strong. Hughope1

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    Sending good vibes to all and hopes for a speedy return to feeling good.

  • Lavenderlee
    Lavenderlee Member Posts: 11

    Hughope so glad to hear tumor is responding well to treatment. I hope it continues.

    SarahNola I am on TC every three weeks and asked to dose dense, but my MO said they do not practice that as they feel many need the full 21 days to recover.

    Bostoniangal25 I believe I read a post where you said you had a rash - well, almost two weeks after TC #3 I have developed a pretty big rash on my body like raised bumps. Waiting for the doctor to call me in for this one. Ugh!

    Hope everyone's week is going well!! Good luck to those with treatments or scans this week.

  • Bostoniangal25
    Bostoniangal25 Member Posts: 177

    lavenderlee, rush I developed after third TC not right after but almost 2week later and the nurse said it not related to chemo. But I think it is liver misbehaves, whatever I eat- I don't know what exactly, but it is eatchy , red raised bumps sometimes lines on my back, front , neck- hives. So I was told to take Claritin, but instead I started yesterday Allegra- it is stronger, non- drowsy, but at nite I take liquid Benadryl 20 ml and still wake up to eatch. Also I bought over the counter Sarna cream it has menthol and camfora to ease eatching!

    Let see what nurse will tell me , I believe they withdraw blood pre- chemo and look at liver as well, right?

    Hope no more hives!!!

  • mactaz
    mactaz Member Posts: 592

    I haven't written for a bit so I apologize this is long but just wanted to update y'all. It was a busy week. I met with my oncologist , breast surgeon and the plastic surgeon.

    I had a lot of questions for the oncologist to discuss future plans for what is next. First, all bloodwork came back at acceptable levels so was able to get treatment today. This is #3 so I'm half way through chemo after today, hooray. He is going to have me go in next week for fluids to help me with some of the crappy big D side effects. I am hoping this will help to shorten my bad days, I'm pretty down and out until day 12.

    I also found out that after the 4th treatment he will do an ultrasound to see how the treatment is working, hopefully will see some shrinkage in the tumors.

    He is planning to continue both Herceptin and perjeta after chemo which is tentatively scheduled for Dec 13. If everything goes well I should be done by July sometime. I do know others have had some issues so time will tell.

    I found out the he will also put me on AI to treat the hormone positive receptors. I believe this is what many of you with triple positive are using. I will have to be on this for 5 to 10 years.

    He did support the breast surgeons recommendation for a mastectomy-with now having three instances of cancer in the same breast the risk is high there could be other cells that might not have been identified. The risk to the other breast is hard to determine, it doesn't run in my family and unfortunately there are not adequate tests currently to do further testing of genes to give a good indication. I have decided to take the risk and go for a unilateral versus bilateral mastectomy.

    My BS set a tentative surgery date is January 28th for the unilateral mastectomy. I will met with her on December 21 to discuss process and finalize date.

    Met with PS on Wednesday and now feel comfortable with an implant and will be moving forward with reconstruction surgery which will start on same date as UMX. He said that there will be two or three surgeries spanning 4 to 6 months. I know others have said it taKes longer so I'm optimistic but know it could change.

    He will place tissue expander under the muscle the same day as the mastectomy. I will need to go in weekly for about two months getting fills until I reach the desired size. I have decided to go smaller but won't figure out size until we are in the midst of it. After that, surgery two to put in implant and work on other breast to make as symmetrical as possible, lift and possible reduction. The third surgery, might be some nips and tucks to breasts then doing a nipple tattoo or nipple reconstruction, haven't decided yet what to do this phase.

    Not knowing was the worst for me, now I have a plan, realizing there will be jogs in the road but I can deal with that.

    Thanks to all for the support and information to help me make these decisions. Sending hugs and good thoughts out to all of you.

  • Bostoniangal25
    Bostoniangal25 Member Posts: 177

    mactaz!!! Good luck for you!!! I also did unitelar mastectomy -although I think many did bilateral for prifilactic !!! Wish you luck and less bumps on your trip to recovery!!! Prayers to you!! Everything eill be alright!!

  • mactaz
    mactaz Member Posts: 592

    Thanks bostoniangal25. I believe it was a post you did regarding your MX and said the pathology report said they found other cancer cells, this did make me more accepting of the MX.

    I am still at the center, did have an allergic reaction today on taxotere, they gave me another steroid and then started it again a little later. It worked - call me crazy but I do not want them to take me off of T, I want my 6 treatments and be done. 🤞

    Thanks again

  • kwilli
    kwilli Member Posts: 94

    MACTAZ: having a plan in place is the best! The in between is so hard. I’m happy for you!

  • Sunshine89
    Sunshine89 Member Posts: 56

    Hi all, i hope everyone is doing well. on Day 11 this month i had sore throats, alot of sneezing with flue and fever whent to MO she gave me medicine for 4 is day throat and fever was gone on day 2 but still have flu...and i hate it.. it makes my eyes watering and head heavy :( i was wondering why the hell this flu is not going away :( my fourth AC is on 19 of this month. I also asked my MO if we can do 2 weekly cycles instead of 3. She said no :

  • Hughope1
    Hughope1 Member Posts: 116


    Glad you have a plan in place now. It is not easy doing the unknown, that has been the worst for me.

    My surgeon made me get a flu shot last Wed. I was not in favor of it, don't like taking things I don't think I need but she was in control of that decision. So it's done now. Only felt it for a couple days.

    Hope you all are doing well and stay strong my group of strong women. Beating cancer one day at a time.

  • mactaz
    mactaz Member Posts: 592

    Hugehope1, I'm with you, I have never taken one and I just don't need to get sick. I asked my MO last month and he said first it is to early, they don't even know if it is the right strain. That might have changed by now, not sure. There are also different types of vaccine, he said you need the non-live vaccine and currently the supply is limited, in fact at the time he couldn't even get it. So that was good new for me, not sure if this has changed either. I just don't want it - I'm being very cautious and washing my hands all the time. Hoping this works.

    My PCP tried to give me the flu shot this week and I said NOOOOOO. Let me know how it goes for you.

    Take care....let me know you it goes for you.

  • Kelly-Anne
    Kelly-Anne Member Posts: 62

    It has been a few. Days since I posted. My waiting for scan results ended with lots of appointments. They found a bone met on my spine. It downgrades me from stage 2 to stage 4. I’m pretty devastated. Given my age and general good health they have decided to spot treat the met. We’re setting up for scans and radiation in between chemo treatments. I’m warned I will be very tired but they don’t want to stop chemo or let the spine met go a day longer than necessary so we’re doing both. The regular planned breast radiation is still scheduled for after chemo.

    I decided I’m not going to be a statistic. I’m going to fight this. Stage 4 stats aren’t going to be me. I’m going to have my life back.
  • Bostoniangal25
    Bostoniangal25 Member Posts: 177

    Kelly Anne fight like a girl, kick ass if cancer!!! You are strong for you daughter !!! How old are you? You will have strength because young!!! We are here for you!!! Big hug, sister!!!!❤️❤️

  • Bostoniangal25
    Bostoniangal25 Member Posts: 177

    hughope mactaz I did my flu shot in August , I and my family does it every year! My hubby works in medicine, so we always do!

    I didn take tdecadron much instead of 10 tablets after chemo I took 3 in those days I have hives! Better hives than decadron