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Immunotherapy Tecentriq Helps Some Advanced-Stage Triple-Neg

moderators Posts: 8,799

Immunotherapy Tecentriq Helps Treat Certain Advanced-Stage Triple-Negative Breast Cancers
October 24, 2018

Tecentriq, an immunotherapy medicine, combined with the targeted therapy Abraxane was better than Abraxane alone for people diagnosed with locally advanced or metastatic triple-negative breast cancer who had not been treated yet for advanced-stage disease. Read more...



  • raemond55
    raemond55 Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2018

    I started Chemo plus Tecentriq this past Monday. Curious if anyone else here has. I’m a Stage 4 TNBC with skin Mets. So far so good.

  • summerspring
    summerspring Member Posts: 14
    edited February 2019

    I am thinking about starting this regimen. What did yours spread to? Glad to hear so far so good.

  • Amscott
    Amscott Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2019

    I started Tecentriq and Abraxane two weeks ago. Curious to here how you guys are doing. Did you have any bad side effects. Are you still taking this treatment

  • summerspring
    summerspring Member Posts: 14
    edited March 2019

    I ended up not doing this treatment. How are you doing on it?

  • sher0959
    sher0959 Member Posts: 9
    edited June 2019

    Hi Amscott,

    I am starting Tecentriq and Abraxane in a couple of weeks. How has this treatment worked for you?

    Thank you for sharing your experience.


  • boysmom5
    boysmom5 Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2019

    I was scheduled to start this treatment a month ago, then had a collapsed lung and my doctors elected to postpone the tecentriq for a while to give my lungs time to heal, to hopefully reduce the risk of pneumonitis. I'm eager to hear others' experiences with this regimen, before I start in two weeks.

  • Stilts
    Stilts Member Posts: 228
    edited July 2019

    I will also be starting this combo later this month...anxious to hear how you all are doing !

  • Deedi
    Deedi Member Posts: 27
    edited July 2019
    I confirmed My TNBC metastize to the lungs/mediastinal lymph noeds in January 2019. I started this treatment at the end of January and I have done well on the treatment so far. This treatment has held the cancer at bay. I have not progressed nor has it shrunk for the six months I have been on this immunotherapy. My doctor recently cut back on the Abraxane since I was having neuropathy. Overall, I have tolerated this treatment very well. I haven't been sick. I am tired the day of treatment and some neuropathy. I am looking at Vanderbelt as my next step for trials when or if this treatment no longer works. I hope this helps and that the treatment works well for all of you. I would love to connect with others with stage 4 TNBC.
  • jaynene
    jaynene Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2019

    Hi there I I was diagnosed as well with tnbc in January of last year and had a Reoccurrence in July of this year I started the Abraxane I've done three rounds and I am due to start tecentriq Thursday what would you say your side effects are from that to tecentriq

  • Deedi
    Deedi Member Posts: 27
    edited August 2019

    I believe most of the side affects are from the Abraxane. I am doing very well so far on this treatment. Nothing to complain about. I did have neuropathy from the initial treatments but my dr has back off the chemo some. of course I have been on treatments since oct 2016 so that may not have the same affect on you. I have completed my 2nd set of scans (6 months). And the cancer is not really growing or shrinking. I hope this treatment works well for you.

  • nayda985
    nayda985 Member Posts: 270
    edited August 2019

    i have been on abraxane and tecentriq since april of this year...i do the tecentriq portion every other friday(twice a month)...most of my side effects have been from the abraxane also....the only side effects i have experienced from the tecentriq is that it lowered my i am currently taking potassium tablets now...i also have a rash on my doesn't itch at all...just those 2 so far...but I had real good pet scan in body is responding to the abraxane and tecentriq.:)

  • Mommie80
    Mommie80 Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2019

    Hello glad to hear everything is going well with the treatment regimen you have I am currently on the same one when you say rash is that an inside rash or outside I’ve experienced some itching on my hand and seems like I’ve developed a insiderash and noticed when I put it in hot water it feels like a burning sensation just noticed it today so I didn’t get a chance to talk to my doctor yet but I figured I’d ask Here first

  • nayda985
    nayda985 Member Posts: 270
    edited August 2019


    I have a black rash on the outside of my leg, below my knee and whats weird is, that it doesn't itch at all...I asked my oncologist was it a rash and he was like, yes its a rash and its a side effect from the tecentriq because it was localized to that one place. Sorry that your's is itching and burning. Definately speak with your oncologist about it, hopefully they can prescribe you something to give you some relief:)

  • Deedi
    Deedi Member Posts: 27
    edited August 2019

    interesting. I haven’t experienced a rash, yet. It is exciting to hear that this treatment is working for you. I guess I would take that rash as long As it is working! Mommy80. I hope you find something to help relieve the itch and burn.

  • Mommie80
    Mommie80 Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2019

    thanks for the insight got sone relief gonna talk to my oncologist tomorrow blessings to

  • nayda985
    nayda985 Member Posts: 270
    edited September 2019

    Hi all:)

    I wanted to ask, is there anyone only on tecentriq right now and how long and how is it going?

  • Deedi
    Deedi Member Posts: 27
    edited September 2019

    I have noticed we are all metastatic tnbc. I feel like I learn so much from this site. Have any of you considered trials or other treatment options? I felt good while on the abraxane and tecentriq but recently had some slight tumor growth and my onc wanted to change treatment to stay ahead of it. We discussed trials, Gem/carb combination or Xeloda. I took Xeloda after my stage 3 treatment and did well so I chose that option for quality of life. I’m starting to question my decision.. i wasn’t expecting the news and made a quick decision. I am researching trials and nothing is standing out. It’s a little overwhelming. I was wondering if others had insight on trials for tnbc or other treatment options.

  • martaj
    martaj Member Posts: 307
    edited September 2019

    Hi all,

    I'm triple neg also. Found out July 8th 2019. I have had 8 treatments with Taxol,(4 more to go) 3 carboplatin,( 1 more to go) and clinical trial atezolizumab/placebo. after phase 1 finished, 4 doses of AC, then surgery, most likely lumpectomy, tumor is gone. Then radiation. I'm stage 3, my tumor was 2x3 cm with lymph node involvement. Side effects of the chemo are whipping my ass, but by day 4 after chemo, start to feel better. I had a funky rash on extremties in the beginning, that was biopsied and showed taxol reaction along with photosensitivity, so no more sun. I live on RI coast line!!!!! I also had very itchy sores on my bald head, has started to clear with steroid cream prescribe by Derm. I'm very much looking forward to have this chemo done with. I will be on trial atezolizumab/placebo for a year every 3 weeks. My oncologist wanted me to do neoadjuvant therapy first. I have to say CANCER is a HORRIBLE disease. I was a healthy very active person. I have lost that at the moment. I'm feeling positive that I will get it back, or at least hope.


  • Deedi
    Deedi Member Posts: 27
    edited September 2019

    Marta, I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis’s. welcome to this site. I hope you will find the shared experiences and support you need here. I am also glad that you are extending treatment to prevent reoccur ace with the trial. I found the ac and taxol to be the hardest for me. I found the radiation to be easy until the last week or so of treatments. I did burn that last week but after radiation was complete I healed quickly. So that is a positive. I also felt fairly good and found the immunotherapy treatment much easier than the initial treatments ac and taxol treatments. Hang in there. The treatments will go by quicker then you of luck and keep us posted on your success and completion of each step in the process

  • martaj
    martaj Member Posts: 307
    edited October 2019


    Thanks for the update. I'm trying to hang in there. Good thing is tumor is no longer there by ultrasound and biopsy, but I do have nodal involvement. They are shrinking. #9 chemo of Taxol this Friday, then next week taxol, carboplatin, and atezolizumab/placebo. Meet with genetics on Tuesday to find out results. Side effects of chemo starting to take it's toll. Extreme fatigue and some neuropathy in thumbs and heaviness in lower legs. Funky rash on extremities has cleared up, non itchy, sores on bald scalp finally clearing up, those were very itchy. My blood counts stable but low. Being watched closely. I can't wait to finish up with taxol and carboplatin, then 4 doses of AC. Met with breast surgeon a month ago, unknown at this point if surgery is in cards, being that tumor is no longer there, do know that radiation is. I just want my life back. Unable to work being that I've been an ED nurse for over 45 years and can't risk being exposed to infection. I don't think I could physically do it anyways. Always exhausted from doing nothing. I'm starting to get really down, will meet with therapist soon. My husband has been great as have my large support group. I'm so used to being the care giver being on the receiving end is hard for me. I worry about my hubby, he has extensive cardiac disease and this has taken it's toll on him as well. 6 vessel bypass, 3 of which have clotted off and 3 heart attacks. Thanks for reading, I feel better now that I have vented.

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311
    edited October 2019

    Martaj I had exactly the same situation as you, and a good response to chemo as well. My axillary node persisted longer than my tumor but it too went away. May I recommend HEAT. Look up Hyperthermia. Very simple for an aillary node right there at the surface. Heat the F out of it a couple of times per week. You need to get it to apx 108 degrees for about an hour. Healthy cells will not be damaged but it really damages (or kills) malignant cells to get this hot. They put out "heat shoc protein" which removes their invisibility to your immune system. Lots of benefit, free, and no SE.

    105 is the hottest possible hot tub (which I love)... So I could imagine a few degrees past that to YIKES. I had a magenta-colored side boob and armpit (very mild burns) through chemo due to all the heat. But it all healed fine and looks perfectly normal now. It's very low tech to use a hot hot hot water bottle but that's what veterinarians do if an animal has a tumor they need to shrink, so that's what I did. 3x per week+ especially the day before the chemo. It won't hurt and it might help!!

  • martaj
    martaj Member Posts: 307
    edited October 2019

    thank you for that advice I will try the heat! Anything at this point

  • mike3121
    mike3121 Member Posts: 280
    edited October 2019

    My wife is scheduled to begin treatment on Tecentrig as soon as they find an alternative to the abraxane (taxol). She's had a violent allergic reaction to taxol. She is TNBC as her ER/PR+ turned TNBC when taking Xeloda. She was doing fine on Halaven when the cancer went to her brain. Brain surgery followed by whole brain radiation. While all this was taking place the cancer (bone mets only) was growing. She's very frail now and her Dr. wanted to know if she even wanted to try anything else. According to her Dr. this is her last chemo, her body can't take much more.

    What are alternatives to the abraxane (taxol)? My wife has very high PDL-1, and with the right chemo, this treatment could be very successful for her.

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311
    edited October 2019

    Has she been tested for androgen receptors? My MO tested my TNBC for AR in case of maybe Xtandi or a similar prostate cancer chemo would have potential.... Sending a hug to you and your wife.

  • mike3121
    mike3121 Member Posts: 280
    edited October 2019

    Santabarbara, I don't know if she was tested for androgen receptors. What is the relation to Tecentrig? She had the Foundation 1 BRACA 1 & 2 testing - Negative. She had a Strata Test and the only thing was a very high PDL-1. If no alternative is found for the Taxol it's probably Hospic care for her. I'm just numb from it all.

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311
    edited October 2019

    I thought if she were AR+ there could be likely chemos

  • martaj
    martaj Member Posts: 307
    edited October 2019

    I have TNBC estrogen, progesteron HERS neg. Stage 3, So far I have had 10/12 taxol infusions, 4 carboplatin infusions, 4 Tecentrig/palcebo, After 12th taxol, move on to 4 doses in 8 week period of adrianmycin, and cytoxan, then surgery then radiation. Every 3 weeks tecentnig/palcebo for a year. Breast tumor has disappeared, so something is working

  • Deedi
    Deedi Member Posts: 27
    edited October 2019

    Mike. I am hoping your wife was able to start the tecentriq immunotherapy. It could be promising since she is pdl1 positive.

    Martaj. Congrats on no more tumor. So exciting. That is just what we all what to see more of on this site.

  • mike3121
    mike3121 Member Posts: 280
    edited October 2019

    My wife's (TNBC) Oncologist attributes her exhaustion to the cancer. However, from what I've read it's more likely from the Whole Brain Radiation (WBR) she's had, not to mention the brain surgery. She's frail and not much interested in food so I have to play bad nurse Rachet to get her to eat.

    It seems my wife has a very high PDL-1 which would fit in perfectly with a new recently FDA approved Atezolizumab or Tecentriq. This new drug has few side effects, just perfect for my frail wife. However, it's best and most effective when taken with the recommended chemo paclitaxel. My wife is horribly allergic to taxol and almost died in the infusion room from it. So it's the old rock and a hard place. With Atezolizumab the higher the PDL-1 the more successfully it works. Yet there's the taxol. Her Kaiser Permanente Oncology is really going the extra mile for her. I found out just yesterday they are going to have a meeting between some Pharmacy people and some of her Oncology staff. They are confident they can find an alternative to Taxol.

    Recently she's doubled her potassium intake as she is always deficient in that. And, as a lady from this forum stated (I think she was from Argentina) recommended Vitamin B Complex which she's now taking.
  • martaj
    martaj Member Posts: 307
    edited October 2019

    Hang in there MIke,

    Tecentrig has shown to help with those with TNBC. It also has helped with other cancers too. I'm currently inrolled in clinical trial for TNBC will received an infusion for a year from start. I don't know if I get the med or not, Double blind study. I like this think I'm receiving it. Marta