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Chemo starting January 2019



  • MLAnne
    MLAnne Member Posts: 65

    Welcome Carol7880. We are sorry you are in the same boat as us but we are happy to offer you support.

    Worn the wig for two days at work. Most of my co-workers know it is a wig but there are others who are in different parts of the building that I see rarely and they have said things like 'nice hair cut' so it must look decent. I just see wig when I look in the mirror and I can't wait to rip it off my head when I get home.

  • Amf5484
    Amf5484 Member Posts: 15

    hi carol, that is the same chemo I will be on. Besides the diarrhea how are you feeling besides that

  • rrshannon
    rrshannon Member Posts: 59

    One full week after treatment #1. Thankful the bone pain is gone. Which the mouth taste/texture was better. Having no appetitate so forcing myself to eat even though food doesn't taste good. Thankful even though my doctor didn't want me working during treatment he allowed me to work from home and that has been nice to keep busy. Today I did a training for our staff via Skype. It was great to see everyone for a short time.

  • gkidsnana
    gkidsnana Member Posts: 13

    I’m trying to stay positive while getting thru this deep freeze as I have my second chemo treatment on Monday. So not looking forward to feeling like crap again. Waiting for my hair to start coming out. I’m on day 10 from 1st chemo treatments have been seeing more hair when I comb it. I hate wearing anything on my head but will probably have to start wearing hats .

  • Carol7880
    Carol7880 Member Posts: 2

    Hi Amf, My biggest complaint is fatigue. My chemo was on Sat. Sunday was ok, need lots of sleep. Then the constipation came, it last about 2 days. I didn’t take stool softener. After the injection of Neulasta, my whole body ached. You need to take Claritin and ibuprofen. On fifth day came diarrhea. Prepare some otc medicine for it. No appetite the whole time and food tastes weird.I am still very fatigue right now.

  • Mgm0712
    Mgm0712 Member Posts: 12

    On the hair topic... I got buzzed on Tuesday. I'm glad I didn't cut my hair short a few weeks ago because when it started shedding I was able to put it in 2 braids or a ponytail and when I undid I pulled out all of the loose strands... I had a lot of hair. The wig I got from Wigs and Wishes is amazing, but I feel so unnatural wearing it.

    This morning I played with makeup (I usually dont wear much) and hats and hoods so I would feel comfortable without the wig to go out to breakfast. I think I rocked it and my mom said it looked good.

    A friend gave me 2 wigs that need some attention, but are nice. This afternoon I decided to braid one of them into two braids and wear under a hat. This is a style I would wear a lot. I had long hair and never blew dry in much so I would braid it to dry and flat iron the next day to style. It looked so good and I felt like me!! I'll keep this wig braided and wear under hats and scarves. It is much more comfortable than the other wig and will probably be my go to.

    Sorry for the long hair post. Today was a good day for me in terms of feeling comfortable with the new looking me. I wanted to share. If you are struggling, take some time in front of the mirror and try different looks. It helped so much.

    Besides that. I feel pretty good but need but afternoon nap. I miss my students terribly and hope to skype with them Monday or Tuesday. I am finding all of my silver linings, like my kids getting to sleep later with me home, the extra time I get with my youngest since she only goes to preschool 3 days, going out to breakfast with my momma, $5 movies on Tuesdays at AMC theaters...

    Next infusion Wednesday! Have a blessed day ladies!


    Braided wig!BRAIDED WIG


    Nice wigimage

    Dolled upimage

  • JES_in_LA
    JES_in_LA Member Posts: 8

    Anyone have experience with Low Doses of Taxol and hair loss? My Doctors say that there is a good chance it won't fall out but due to stress some was falling out before starting Chemo. I am getting Taxol once a week for 12 weeks. Has anyone had experience with low doses and hair loss? I just had my second infusion today I feel like there is a hatchet over me waiting to fall. BTW, a PA told me to start taking Biotin it is great for hair and nails. She said that side effect could be facial hair - not great but at this point it would be worth it if I also have hair on my head. Facial hair w/o head on hair, not so much!

    I really found that the 2nd treatment was so easier than the first because I knew what the routine was at the infusion center. I was absolute terrified and fighting (not so successfully) tears at the start of the 1st treatment. I seriously wanted to run out of the clinic and race down the street with my arm flailing. Today, I walked in confident, and in a really good mood. I can't control where I am right now, but I can control my attitude about it.

    Oh and one word of warning although most of you are already through this. After having you port put in don't use your arm. I popped my stitches and have to have minor surgery again to secure the port. Today, they didn't even use the port. The Surgery is next Friday early in the AM, then I go directly to Chemo....yippee! Now I can spend about 8 hours in medical offices instead of my weekly 4-5.

    One last question...any hints on learning how to sleep on your back? I think that did most of the popping of the stitch when while I was sleeping I moved to my side. Tomorrow I am getting a arm sling that will prevent the arm from moving because apparently I can not be trusted. Will be interesting to see if I can sleep with that on!

    Life is an adventure these days, I just want to get to 2020 when all of the infusions stop. Almost one month down! ThumbsUp

  • Nanomom11
    Nanomom11 Member Posts: 27

    Hi Ladies! I had a little bit of chemo kicked my butt a couple of days ago and spent several hours vomiting before my cancer center wanted to see me. Once they ran my numbers they let me go home on an antibiotic and instructions to start my steroids again. Now I’m back to being up all night watching crazy reruns on tv. Today has been the best day I have had so far with only the need to take a nap. Hope the rest of the week stays very boring and uneventful. My next treatment is set for Jan 31. Still watching my hair come out but I think it’s about time to let my kids get the buzzers ready. As long as dad stays nearby

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    Mgm The braids are BRILLIANT!

  • Mncteach
    Mncteach Member Posts: 241

    MGM— love the hair post. I already have my appointment to get buzzed and haven’t even had my first treatment yet! I am so stressed on wearing vs not wearing.

    JES— thanks for the tips, I was worried and wondering about port too, get mine Wednesday. I know I will have issues since I like to sleep on my side and tummy, may have to go back to recliner for a few days at least....

    Sending everyone good wishes and low SE during this battle!

  • JES_in_LA
    JES_in_LA Member Posts: 8


    If you are constantly active and use your left arm a lot I would recommend getting a sling that you can wear for at least the first few days just to remind you not use your arm. I know several times I was reaching over my head and thought...oops! Maybe a red Wristband - something to get to your head to stop and think. I am getting a device that basically attaches your left arm to your waist, I should receive it today and I am going to see if I can sleep with that one. It is so sad that I spend hours not sleeping on my back then give up and turn on to my right side and instantly go to a nice deep sleep. Now the goal is to do that w/o pulling stitches. Oh, BTW the Dr. also said apply heat to the area with the port, it helps with the healing process and settles everything down. Good luck Wednesday.

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    Jan chemo people, I have a FYI for next steps....

    I had TNBC on the left side... got pCR from chemo. I recently discovered I am covered for proton rads (via my California Obamacare plan). I want to pass the info on to anyone who is interested in Proton radiation and who might qualify. I do not know what the exact criteria are for being covered, but I suspect my cancer being left sided and it being high risk/ high grade was what did it. I would bet that residual disease after chemo might also qualify a person to be covered.

    Normally I would have had to cover 20% of it, due to the place being out of network, but the proton center I am using reduced the amount I am responsible for to my out-of-pocket max on my plan (which I will surely meet, regardless).

    Proton rads are available at only 22 places in the country. Some (U MD is one; there are probably more) have cheap housing for people coming from afar... The advantage of protons is that proton beams can STOP on a dime, rather than exit the body... so there is less exposure to healthy tissues during treatment. Left sided is of course relevant due to the heart being more vulnerable when the left breast is radiated.

    Otherwise similar treatment length, similar SEs (fatigue/ skin issues).

  • rrshannon
    rrshannon Member Posts: 59

    MGM love the hair post. I also don’t like wigs. Though I bought a short haired one for later. Figured I would want nice hair come May when my daughter graduates high school. I love the braids idea for under hats. A friend is giving me some of their sisters old wigs I’ll have to try that out. I joked that we should have saved some of my hair when I cut my long hair, to attach to a hat. By the way you looked great in all the looks you posted.

  • countca04
    countca04 Member Posts: 33

    ACy x 4 ends Jan 30 2019

    T x 12. starts Feb 13 ends May 1 2019

  • gkidsnana
    gkidsnana Member Posts: 13

    jess in L A, I found I could sleep on my side by hugging a pillow as it kept me from curling my shoulders. I’m now almost 3 weeks post port and almost 2 weeks 1 chemo with next on Monday, will have to go in even during snowstorm and deep freeze here(40-60below with windchill )

    Mncteach, I have a port and sleep on my side hugging a pillow. Tho for first couple weeks could not sleep on that side so used other.

    Guess I got lucky not to pop stitches when I had to lift patients while working on ambulance.

    Love the hair pics, I’m on the fence about wigs and have always not liked wearing hats. My hair was chopped couple days before first chemo and now at almost 2 weeks out am noticing more falling out will soon have to buzz and decide what to wear as it’s very cold here to be newly bald

    Good luck to everyone for few SEs

  • Kathy03
    Kathy03 Member Posts: 44

    I love the wig with braids. Has anyone tried a partial wig or hairpiece to wear under a hat? I have a full wig, I'm wondering if I may also want a low-maintenance simple option like that.

    I kept waiting for the SEs to hit me... well, I’m now in the hospital with gall stones and an inflamed gall bladder. This wasn’t actually caused by the treatment, it’s a problem I likely had anyway, since I’ve suffered from periodic gastric reflux over the past few years. MO says I probably had another minor flare up, but since my WBC is so low, my body couldn’t fight it off and led to a bigger inflammation. Now I’m on infusions and injections to raise my WBC, and I’ll have surgeries to remove the stones and gall bladder in a few days.

    MO says that this won’t affect my overall treatment and prognosis, it’s just something we need to pause and deal with. I can probably continue my Herceptin infusions on schedule since that won’t affect my immune system. My infusions of the 2 chemo drugs may get delayed until my immune system is where it needs to be before and after surgery.

  • Ruffian188
    Ruffian188 Member Posts: 11

    Oh no Kathy03, I wish you a quick recovery so you can get back on track.

  • gkidsnana
    gkidsnana Member Posts: 13

    Kathy03, will be thinking positive thoughts for you to have a speedy re

  • Jenkins00
    Jenkins00 Member Posts: 99

    Kathy03-Wishing you a speedy recovery! I looked online for hairpiece under a hat. I didn’t find many choices and wouldn’t be able to wear it to work.

    Jes In LA- Pillows! Pillows! I made a cocoon around me with pillows so I could semi lean on my side and not always be on my back. I was a stomach sleeper before all this.

    MGM - Love the hair pics!

    Stay warm everyone and minimal SE’s!!

  • ErinMFerrell
    ErinMFerrell Member Posts: 6

    Hi all from Maine! I had my first AC Treatment Friday. Its now Sunday and I'm taking all the meds so not feeling nauseous. My main side effects are irritability and a bit fluelike. Waiting for the side effects.

  • alden722
    alden722 Member Posts: 22

    Hi Ladies, I get my port tomorrow, and start chemo wednesday. This thread has been so helpful, I already have a script for lidocaine to use before my first treatment since the port will be "fresh". I'm not usually a sissy but I don't want to make this any more uncomfortable than it has to be. They will give me a Neulasta patch that automatically deploys about 27 hours after treatment. I wish this feed had a search function, when did you ladies start taking Claritin?

    Wishing you all the very best!

  • TriMama
    TriMama Member Posts: 3

    Alden722, I've had 2 rounds of chemo and Neulasta now. The first time I took Claritin about an hour or so before the Neulasta. This last time I took a dose a day ahead of time. I don't think I noticed a difference taking it a day earlier. I'm still sore and tired and blah today. The Neulasta injection was Saturday night.

    Is anyone getting chemo through an IV and not a port? I have 2 more rounds left, and I don't have a port. My veins look good, but have been rolling terribly. The nurses don't like me too much, and they are probably going to be unhappy to see me come in today for some hydration. Anyone else having trouble with their IVs? I'm getting really frustrated and sore from the poking, but I don't think it's worth getting a port for 2 more treatments. Any advice is welcome.

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    Re Claritin,

    I began Claritin 2 days prior to chemo day, and took it daily for one week. Never had any Neulasta pain.

  • Kstinekd
    Kstinekd Member Posts: 12

    Hi All. ALden722, I start taking Claritin 2 days before my Neulasta shot and take it for a few days after the shot as well.

    I have finished 2 AC treatments and have my third this Thursday (then 1 more AC, 4 Taxol, 25 radiation sessions, and wait three months before surgery again). I easily get car sick, so the nausea has been challenging. This week I am scheduled for acupuncture right before my treatment. I will let you know how that goes. My friend bought me CBD gummies. Has anyone tried them? It may help with nausea and pain. My hair started falling out right after my 2nd AC treatment. Five days later my hubby buzz cut it for me. I have to lotion my head now because it's so dry here in CT. I can't stand my wig - it poofs up on the sides - my original hair was very thin and straight. I look like a newscaster or something with poofy styled hair. I have the ball cap with attached hair to make it easy. The other day the ball cap was tipped to the side and my hubby told me my hair was crooked. ha! Hang in there, ladies!! I am thinking of you all every day.

  • Jenkins00
    Jenkins00 Member Posts: 99

    Alden722 - For my first round I started the Claritin the day before and took it 4 days after. I experienced hip pain and took Tylenol but I also had a fungal infection going on at the same time so hard to say. My next round I'm going to start taking it two days before and see.

    TriMama - I have a port which I think many of us do. Even though I am only getting 4 rounds the doctor and nurses encouraged the port to prevent any issues with veins. When my husband had chemo he didn't have a port and the nurses were pretty successful with his veins. They just encouraged him to be hydrated. I never heard of rolling veins before.

    Kstinekd - I take CBD oil so I am not sure if the gummies are the same?

  • Kathy03
    Kathy03 Member Posts: 44

    I know I read it somewhere .... what’s the purpose of Claritin with Neulasta? Helps to manage the side effects? I’ll be taking Neulasta starting with my next treatment. Is the Claritin given with it, or something you take OTC at home? Is that standard protocol?

    Thanks for the well wishes. My blood counts are improving, so hopefully I can have the gall stones removed in the morning and go home soon. Will likely have my gall bladder removed next week after my immune system has more time to bounce back.

  • gkidsnana
    gkidsnana Member Posts: 13

    re: Claritin. My dr has me take Benadryl besides taking Claritin especially as I’m already taking it for my allergies year round. I also took Tylenol for hip and leg pain.

    Trimama, I had a port placed before my chemo started as my veins have always been rolling.

  • Imagine923
    Imagine923 Member Posts: 5

    I buzzed my hair off after my first AC chemo treatment. I read that most people started to lose their hair 10-14 days after their first treatment. I wanted my daughters and granddaughters to be part of this process, so we had a party of sorts and they each took turns cutting my hair and gave me a Mohawk. So much love and laughter that day.....helped with dealing with the issue of hair loss.

    So, now I am 4 days after my second treatment and my nubbies are falling out. They are all over inside the beanie hats I am wearing. On the advise of someone in my support group, I use a lint roller and roll it over the surface of my head and man o should see the hairs it picks up! question is......should I just let them fall out......or shave it off? Will I end up with stubble if I shave it? Has anyone else done this

  • Imagine923
    Imagine923 Member Posts: 5

    My chemo start date was 1/10/19

  • rrshannon
    rrshannon Member Posts: 59

    I also take Claritin the day of Neulasta and then for 7 days. Tylenol helped but when the pain was the worst Advil was much better. I also did CBD oil every night.

    Trimama, I am having 4 rounds and they are doing IV as it is only 4. I also had 4 rounds of AC in 2003 where they only did IV near the end it was struggle with the veins but doable. So far this time I have had 1 infusion and it took 4 tries to get a good vein. They said as long as I didn't have a reaction they would do the IV again for #2.

    I am now day 11 of #1 and feeling pretty good. Working full time from home and getting a walk in every day. Food is starting to taste a little better than it did last week.