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iRestore Hair helmet - treats hair thinning

HI Everyone, I started this thread because a ton of us are having great results on the iRestore helmet and it's all buried in the post called 'thinning hair'.   The company is giving us cancer survivors a discount and I wanted everyone to know how successful it's been for me.  I'm hoping others who are having similar luck will jump on here and post their results too.  

Here is my initial post back in October: 

HI All, I've been posting in a different thread my journey, but I did find a solution and tested it too to verify it was the solution.  In March, I bought an irestore Laser Helmet.  I used it every other day per the directions and by August, my hair was 90% back to where it was a year ago and all the itching stopped too.  I then wondered if maybe my body was just recovering from all the surgeries and getting back to normal, so I returned the irestore helmet for a full refund and continued on with my life.  In September, the itching came back and my hair starting falling out again in clumps.  It took about 4 weeks of stopping the irestore for it to happen.  I just purchased another irestore and plan on using it the rest of my life - the results were amazing and now I attribute it to the helmet, not my body recovering.

I highly suggest people try the irestore for the full 6 months - if you aren't happy with the results, they give you a full refund and even pay for shipping back to them.  (I got the full check within 2 weeks of return).  It couldn't hurt you and like me, may save the day. 


  • Chemokaze
    Chemokaze Member Posts: 177

    Thanks Lisey for starting this thread

    From my last post on “thinning hair" thread yesterday:

    Wow Inna! Great results! I just sat through FIRST irestore session. Fingers crossed! My hair grew back just fine after chemo, but my time first on Anastrazole, and now Faslodex and Verzenio are the hair robbers now. I used to have really thick hair. Question: for any of you with some hair loss in the very front hairline, did the irestore help with that? I did not realize that irestore did not "study" that - per the instructions that came in the box.


  • CaliKelly
    CaliKelly Member Posts: 198

    These are my before and after pictures, after using the iRestore laser helmet. I waited almost 2 years for more hair, until I got the iRestore, nothing worked! Still not where it was pre chemo, but got a lot more coverage!image

  • CaliKelly
    CaliKelly Member Posts: 198

    These are my before and after pictures, after using the iRestore laser helmet. I waited almost 2 years for more hair, until I got the iRestore, nothing worked! Still not where it was pre chemo, but got a lot more coverage!image

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    Kelly, - your hair is beautiful! How much time between your before and after photos?

  • vt_lee
    vt_lee Member Posts: 1

    Thanks to all who shared their iRestore helmet experience, and to Kelly for securing the discount for us! I just ordered mine a few minutes ago. I told her I'd share about my AI-related hair loss (and iRestore results) on this thread:

    I started Arimidex in December 2018 and my hair has been shedding *wayyyyyyy* too much for the past couple of months. I was on Tamoxifen before that, and while that caused some thinning and extremely slow growth, it was nothing like it is now. I had a 6 week break between Tamoxifen and Arimidex and my hair growth for a couple of months was AMAZING... I'm currently scheduled to continue Arimidex through March of 2024 (at least) and I just feel so discouraged about the hair. It's alarming the amount that comes out in my fingers and into the drain every time I take a shower. But I know I'm preaching to the choir...

    If the helmet stops the hair loss, that will be amazing. If it encourages more, healthier growth, that would be icing.

    Thank you again!

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926

    I’m sorry I don’t have any good before and after pictures but after using the helmet for five months, I believe it’s definitely working.. my hair seems thicker all over. Even my hairdresser agrees that it’s better. My biggest problem was two areas in the back of my head that were thin even before the return of MBC and they are still thin but maybe getting better. It also seems like the new hair is wavy like it came in the first time I lost all my hair to chemo in 1991.

    The small downside is my head feels itchy and the hair seems very dry even with lots of quality conditioner. I’m also getting tired of using it every other day but it’s a small price to pay for having hair that looks so much better than it did.

    Bottom line, it’s worth a try especially with a money back guarantee.

    Good luck,


    P.S. thanks Callikelly for starting to talk about it.

  • lisey
    lisey Member Posts: 300

    For me, the helmet, worn every other day for 25 minutes, is so much easier than the messy oily rogaine I was trying... and all the other serums.  My hair is naturally dry and I have had to get deep conditioning treatments at the salon every quarter because it's really dry.  Faith, I bet the lasers do dry it out.. which is a good thing for me because I think the Tamoxifen sweat was making my scalp itch on fire and the helmet makes the itching go away.

    My hair is still thinner than it was before Tamoxifen, but the hair fall has stopped using the helmet and the itching as well.  I'll take that.  

  • Chemokaze
    Chemokaze Member Posts: 177

    Update....I started iRestore 3 months ago. I was shedding a lot before starting treatment and it seemed to worsen....and I think that is slowing down now. I am beginning to see a few sprouts at hairline at top of my forehead. I need a mirror with stronger magnification! ...and of course I cannot really see what is going on at the top of my head, so my husband will check with magnifying glass and bright light soon.....maybe if he sees the sprouts, he will use the helmet for himself!

  • miranda2060
    miranda2060 Member Posts: 207

    Hi ladies,

    Just checking in with my fellow iRestore helmet users. I am still using mine, though not as frequently. I do believe it has helped! Part not as wide, hair generally feeling thicker. I also stopped coloring my hair, and am transitioning to salt-and-pepper, not without some reservations about it, but glad to be free of the dye.

    How is everyone else doing?

  • lisey
    lisey Member Posts: 300

    I'm still using the irestore. Itching has gone down to nearly nothing. My hair is thinner than it was before Breast Cancer 3 years ago, but most shedding has completely stopped. It was the easiest best solution I've made.

  • miranda2060
    miranda2060 Member Posts: 207

    Lisey, great to hear this! I'm glad you have had good results. Smile

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534

    I still use it 3 times a week except for twice when I was away a week. I noticed more hair loss by the end of the week. Guess my scalp is addicted. My hair is not as thick as it was before chemo, but it's better than before the helmet.

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926

    I’m still using my IRestore for about 10 months now. My hair is definitely thicker than it was, however, I have two areas in the back of my head which were thin even before I started the Letrozole and they are still fairly thin. I’m still coloring my hair and that seems to plump it up and not look so thin. I’d love to stop the color but I have ugly black and gray hair. If it was a nice silver, I would quit the color but it’s not.

    Also, there are times when I only use it 3 times a week so that may explain the thinness I still have but I do get a little tired of getting it out of the closet all the time. And, I do forget on occasion. Thank you Letrozole for one more side effect. All in all, I’m happy with the results I’ve had.

    Faith (in the future).

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    After 10 months, I'm still using mine, too, but hair still thin, especially on top. It may be slightly better than before, but I still wear my top piece most of the time. I've thought about stopping use of the helmet, but I'm afraid my hair will get even thinner!

  • Babasmom
    Babasmom Member Posts: 11

    Hi. I just celebrated 2yrs cancer free! I am of course extremely grateful however as more time goes by I am more and more frustrated and depressed about everything that breast cancer has taken from me. My age and stage in my life has a lot to do with that. So in addition to breasts, fertility, ovaries, youthful skin, and causing hair growth on face, I am now losing hair at an alarming rate. If it continues I won’t be able to hide the thin/bald spots much longer. I used to have thick curly hair. I’m left w using hair powders to cover up spots and hair falling out so much that my toddler son picks it up and puts it back on my head to be kind.

    I've been using 10% minoxidil from derm and aside from a few spots close to hairline it has not been successful.

    I am very encouraged by hearing some positive results with the helmet. If nothing else I need to at least keep what I have. Any new growth wound be too wonderful to describe.

    Can anyone provide info on the discount and/or best place to buy a helmet?

    Thank you so much

  • lisey
    lisey Member Posts: 300

    HI Babasmom, CaliKelly was pming people the details, but she hasn't been on the site since July. Perhaps send her a PM? Or contact the company directly and let them know you are a with the group from breast and would like the discount. :) Best of luck to you.

  • Babasmom
    Babasmom Member Posts: 11

    Thanks so much! I’ll do that

  • Babasmom
    Babasmom Member Posts: 11

    thanks so much Lisey

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821


    I hope all here are well and avoiding this nasty virus that the world is dealing with!

    So besides washing my hands a hundred times a day, and trrrrrrying to wipe down everything that comes into the house, I have been wondering if you are all still using the helmet and what your results have been.

    I do have some improvement on top, but not too terrific. I know that I Restore has come out with a new, stronger helmet, but I am not rushing to purchase it. Have any of you used the original model more often than every other day? If a stronger helmet is safe, I am thinking to try using my old one every day. Opinions?



  • lisey
    lisey Member Posts: 300

    I use it regularly. It keeps my itching at bay... I haven't had the hair loss I had a year ago and things have settled down into just a new normal for me. My hair is coming back to being curly, which I'm stoked about. I figure so long as I'm not shedding, it's a total win... I haven't heard about the new one, that is really interesting. :)

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    Lisey, I'm glad it's helping! You use it every other day?

  • lisey
    lisey Member Posts: 300

    It's probably more like 2 or 3 times a week that I use it. I do like that it resolves the itching, and hey.. if it helps me keep that curl, it makes it worth it for me. I've also started using the 'curlygirl' styling protocol, which involves ONLY combing my hair under cold water after showering with a very wide comb, then using product and letting air dry. That has helped me reduce the shedding too. I don't brush my hair dry anymore, and really only lightly twice a week when I shower. (I'm a red head and have very dry skin so showering twice a week is enough for me.) lol. I promise I'm not an ogre.

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926

    I’ve seen that there is a new stronger helmet but it’s really expensive. I never thought about using the helmet more often. I would think your scalp would need a break from the lights but who knows. I think my hair is still better than it was when I started using the helmet but the two areas in the back of my head are still very thin almost bald. I think I’m going to get a hair piece to cover them if I can ever get out of the house to shop for one in this stupid pandemic.

    Faith (in the future).

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    I may try adding an extra day here and there. I figure if a stronger helmet can be used, it may be ok to use the weaker one more frequently?

    Although my hair has a LITTLE more on top since using it, I am very self conscious of how thin it is. I do have a couple of top pieces that I wear when I go out, unless I have a baseball cap on!

    Lisey, - Thank you for sharing your routine! I will look into the curly products! I always had curly hair, and used to have it straightened. Since chemo, it is straight on top and still curly on sides and back.

    Faith, - I dont know if it would match your hair, but I like Raquel Welch toppers, - I have Sonata and Lyric and both are good! I ordered them online from ( They are having a 30% off sale for a couple more days if you are interested!

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926

    anotherNYCgirl, thanks for the topper recommendation. I’ll check them out.


  • cm2020
    cm2020 Member Posts: 530

    Those of you that are using this, do you still recommend it? Any discount codes? Also, do you think it could help hairline is receding and also super thin around my temples. I am using Minoxidil, a fist full of "hair" vitamins, and yet I am losing the battle. This is SO expensive so I really want to have a reasonable hope that it will help those areas. I am just upset that I am dealing with this and it is killing my confidence.

    Edit: I am also using Nioxin shampoo/conditioner

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    Hi cm2020.

    Although some people seem to have success with the helmet, I gave up using it a few months ago. It may have helped me slightly while I was using it, but I am reluctant to continue not knowing if there are any negative long term effects. My dermatologist still suggests minoxodil, but I dont want to add yet another hassle to my days, so I'll have to rely on top pieces (or hats).

    I'm disappointed, but if the meds and chemo did what they are supposed to do, that's what matters most!

  • cm2020
    cm2020 Member Posts: 530

    anotherNYCGirl..........Thank you!