Any over 40.. Birads three fibroadenoma on here

I am a 42 year old woman who was told at a recent screening ultrasound that she had a birads three fibroadenoma that needed to ultrasound again in six months... With a family history, of breast cancer this scares me to death. Has anyone been in my shoes and they go on to be diagnosed with cancer. Also, has anyone made it safely back to birads two after the watching waiting period is over?..
I am kind of in the same situation right now. I'm 50 and just had a new 'probable fibroadenoma' pop up with my last imaging (i.e. no suspicious imaging characteristics, appearance very characteristic of FA so rated Birad 3). They want to repeat mammo and US in 6 months. Because I'm high risk (prior LCIS as well strong family history), I also have annual MRI scans, which will coincide with the 6 month follow-up for this probable FA. (I seem to be pretty good at developing FAs - had 3 pop up in my mid-40s, although each of those needed to be biopsied following initial imaging because each had a 'suspicious' imaging characteristic causing a Birad 4 rating.) Fingers crossed for both of us that the 'watchful waiting' period shows no changes!
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yes! Fingers and toes crossed:) Hopefully we will both have good imaging repeats at our six month followups. So good to get your response. I was doing a lot of reading that says that I am too old for fibroids to appear. But that must not be true.
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I’m a Bi-Rad 3 45 year old. Just waiting for an ultra sound to target these lesion
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hello there Peacelady...Hope all goes well for you and you are not alone. Is your six month ultrasound followup soon?
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thank you christinadukie... I’m hoping I get booked next week, but that maybe wishful thinking bc it might be too early.
What about you...? Waiting is not fun!
I’ve been analyzing my reports trying to understand everything
Wishing you the best to
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My six month ultrasound followup is in August. So I have a good while to wait and unfortunately worry. Hope you get in soon and have totally benign results
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I'm mid 40s and just had my first ever fibroadenoma show up on a yearly mammogram. It was Birads 4B until they biopsied it, now it's a 2 because pathology came back with no atypia. Fingers crossed for everyone on watch and wait.
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So happy yours was benign:)! Hoping for similiar news when I go to get my 6 month follow up ultrasound in August:). Hoping it will look the same.
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I turned 40 in January...small and dense breasts...had an mri in May that found a Fibroadenoma (that the US/Mammo missed). Just saw the surgeon and he wants to watch it, I go back in November for another bilateral ultrasound.
My BIRAD score went from a 4 to a 2. I’m hoping it stays there 🙏🏻
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Hi All!
I'm 44, small dense breasts. Routine mammograms since 40. My annual mammogram in Nov 2018 was my first ever callback for a diagnostic and ultrasound. The ultrasound found a tiny "mass"-2mm oval, parallel orientation, etc...(I've posting my u/s report details in the djmammo thread if anyone wants the details) Anyway, I was told its likely a fibreadenoma, birds 3, probably benign, repeat u/s in 6 months.
I needed help understanding this all and unpacking what the terminology on my report meant, so at my request my gynecologist directed me to a breast specialist December 2018. That appt was very helpful for me.
I had my 6 month rescan this month, June 2019 and my "mass" was stable & unchanged. I am still birads 3 and wil have another scan in 6 months. My breast center likes to follow it for 2 years before "graduating" back to yearly scans.
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I am 47 and have two fibroadenomas, one which appeared at some point after I turned 36. One of mine is 2.5 cm. The other is 1.4. I had a biopsy on the larger one and then they followed it for a year. The smaller one has been stable since 2008. I've also had a 5mm cyst, but it seemed to go away. I've been told I have "busy breasts." It sure makes my yearly mammograms annoying. I've been called back for all but one of them.
I don't know why I get them. I am kind of anxious for menopause. I've been told that fibroadenomas usually shrink at that point.
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I am 44. Had my first call back last year. Ended up with a biopsy, and then an excision biospy. All of that for a fibroadenoma. Praying for good results at your 6 month follow up. I am amazed how many of us have busy breasts..... ugh!
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Just had a breast biopsy on Monday for a suspicious distortion on a mammogram. Did not show up on ultrasound at all and only showed on one view of 3D mammogram so required 3D stereotactic biopsy. Biopsy results showed benign fibroadenopathy but radiologist said that I should come back in two months for another mammogram to make sure she got the right spot! I questioned her about the clip placement and the x-ray they took right after the biopsy that I thought was to ensure proper placement. She said they can’t really tell from that because of the blood and lidocaine. Has anyone ever heard of this? I am not really comfortable waiting 2 months to make sure correct spot was biopsied so I am going to a breast surgeon on Monday to figure out what to do next. I am so frustrated! I should be thrilled about the benign results, but can’t be because of what radiologist said
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Hello all, I have been stalking this site reading up since May. I am 45 and have a “probably benign and favored to represent fibroadenoma “ Birad 3 mass. My first “fibroadenoma" ever. I have small dense >75% breasts that have had other things pop up before but no cancer (4-5 biopsies since about 32yrs old). This one I could feel but the mammo and ultrasound did not find it, the MRI did. With my family history and elevated lifetime risk (57-or greater%), depending on the scale or which doc is doing it, I was approved to have the MRI annually. I have an appt with a breast surgeon 22 Aug. originally was for a consultation on preventive measures but now will hopefully be a talk about getting this thing out. I read that fibroadenomas were more common in younger women?. Also I have only one ovary and no other womans parts left, so a hormone increase should not be the cause I don't think, lol.?
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Emelander - Not sure if you saw my earlier post on this thread, but I had my first fibroadenoma pop up at 45 - then another at 46, and another at 47 (alternating sides, all of which had a suspicious feature which caused them to be biopsied; only the first one was actually excised, and that was because they also found LCIS). After I turned 50, I had another 'probable fibroadenoma' pop up; this one I think looks pretty characteristically benign, so even thought I am also high risk (TC risk >65%), they decided to just monitor. I just had my first 6 month follow-up imaging (mammo, US) which coincided with my annual MRI, and so far so good - no changes, BIRad3, go back again in 6 months. (And no call-back or biopsy for the first time in years! Whew!) Hope all goes well with your appointment!
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Hi, I am 45 and just was diagnosed with two Fibroadenomas today. Two right breast ‘masses’. One had benign appearance, the other was “suspicious”. Birads 4b. I was a nervous wreck.They ended up doing biopsy's on both. Thankfully they were benign. I am also surprised these were found at age 45-had also thought they were much more common in younger women. * I did have an excisional biopsy about 11 years ago (age 33) for a fibroadenoma in my left breast that I found when breastfeeding my daughter. Just crazy all the years went by and now I have two?!
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Hello! New here but I just went to my follow up diagnostic mammo and US today. Diagnosed with a probable fibroadenoma and repeat US in 6 months. I thought this was good news! Now reading, makes me worried some again. Idk my BIRADS score or what the report reads yet...still waiting on that.
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It IS good news. Your Bi—Rads would be 3, which means less than 3% chance of being anything but benign and theyjust want to recheck in a while to verify stability.