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Tissue Expander Exchange Surgery - What do I need to know?

I have been so eager to have my tissue expanders removed. They are uncomfortable and painful. In short, I hate them. But now that the exchange surgery is right around the corner (January 28) I’m wondering what to expect. I feel ill prepared for this surgery and I’m worried that it may catch me off guard. I have a few questions for the plastic surgeon but right now I’m overwhelmed with getting my work, home, and family prepared for this next step. I welcome any advice and knowledge that you ladies have to share with me regarding the exchange surgery. Thank you


  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Posts: 4,762
    edited January 2020

    Hi SweetpeaJ,

    I can tell you that my exchange surgery was NOTHING compared to the mastectomy!!! Same day and home in a few hours. I took just a couple of days off and scheduled mine at the end of the week so I also had the weekend. I did still need follow up afterwards to be checked.

    Pain---wise though it is a MUCH easier recovery!!!

    Hope it goes well for you!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,451
    edited January 2020

    Sweetpea - You'll find much of what you'll need and lot of support on this thread.

  • sweetpeaj
    sweetpeaj Posts: 6
    edited January 2020

    Thank you! I’ll check it out

  • sweetpeaj
    sweetpeaj Posts: 6
    edited January 2020


  • JaynerK7
    JaynerK7 Posts: 34
    edited January 2020

    Hey Sweetpea, I’m right behind you, getting my expander out of right breast on Jan 31, and mastopexy on left. Good luck!

  • GalleySlave
    GalleySlave Posts: 17
    edited March 2022

    I started to take a look at the thread that MinusTwo suggested, but it's almost 1400 pages long. That's a lot of reading!! I'll try and work through it, but in the meantime,,,

    Can someone give me a feel for what to expect after the Tissue Expander is replaced? I had my last fill at the end of January so I'm ready for the "swap" now. But I have some travel I'd like to complete at the end of April and in May and in June. (The trips will involve a long car trip, a couple flights, a couple cruises and a lot of fun!!) If I take it easy with regards to lifting etc, can I have the surgery in early April and recover in just 3-4 weeks? Or should I give myself more recovery time and wait until the end of June after my travels are all complete?

    Thank you.