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Starting chemo February 2020



  • ajminn3
    ajminn3 Member Posts: 284
    edited March 2020

    Made it through round 3 of TCHP yesterday. Half way done! (Well, of the first 6 anyways). No visitors were allowed and I was screened at the door for covid symptoms. I was kind of nervous to go in, but I want to get my treatment done on schedule and they do not have plans to postpone anything from my understanding in talking with my MO.

    Hope everyone is doing well through these strange times of cancer and covid. I’m over 2020

  • Maddy83f
    Maddy83f Member Posts: 78
    edited March 2020

    I had to go back to get the Neulesta shot the day after my first infusion. I was surprised that it didn't hurt at all. By my second infusion my doctor had gotten the patch approved. I would think that getting the patch approved would be easier now given the exposure risk. My breast center has actually rescheduled all of my other appointments to coincide with my infusion dates so that I don't have to make additional trips.

  • dysonsphere
    dysonsphere Member Posts: 135
    edited March 2020

    That's great, I had to go back in to get all 4. I don't know if someone dropped the ball or if it was my insurance but I'm done with the AC thank goodness!

  • morrigan2575
    morrigan2575 Member Posts: 807
    edited March 2020

    Congrats Dysonsphere! I got 3/6 last week. Felt like a milestone (halfway home!).

    I went for my 1 week followup bloodwork yesterday and they have gone on lockdown (sort of). All non essential staff was sent home, only medical staff is working in the office. They have a tent outside the door. If you have a treatment appointment or Face to face with a Dr/NP you are allowed in for blood. If you're just there for a blood draw, port flush, or injection (vitamin B) you go to the tent.

    If you're admitted inside you are met by another nurse who gives you antibacterial gel, takes your temp asks a bunch of questions and then directs you wear to sit (spacing people out).

    My blood counts were low again but, they matched my low from treatment 2 and, those bounced back to good levels within a week, so they're not worried but, I have to go for a blood draw next week to check. Next week I'll be in the tent and, then do a teleconference with my NP or DR from the car.

  • dysonsphere
    dysonsphere Member Posts: 135
    edited March 2020

    Has anyone started the Taxol regimine? I am done with AC and will have a ultrasound next week, then start my 12 weekly Taxol on April 2nd. Everyone at the cancer center tells me I should do better with Taxol than AC but I'm still worried!

  • Cricketdog
    Cricketdog Member Posts: 48
    edited March 2020

    Hello everyone! Looks like most are continuing with their treatments. I had my third round today. The Benadryl is kicking my butt. I cold cap so I needed to stay awake until 4:30 and then ran to the pharmacy to get some prescriptions filled. I feel like I could nap on a bed of nails right now 😊

    I’ve gained 5 pounds since the last treatment and the doctor said I’m getting edema. So, I’m picking up a prescription for Lasix. I thought I’d been eating too much but now think it’s fluid retention. I am just worried about getting dehydrated. Anyone taking a diuretic while doing chemo? Would love to hear about experiences.

  • texasmama
    texasmama Member Posts: 129
    edited March 2020

    ajminn3 and morrigan- Congratulations on finishing half of your treatment. I’m halfway done too!

    The fatigue has been bad this time around. I can’t do much before I have to sit down.

  • ysw63
    ysw63 Member Posts: 6
    edited March 2020

    Have you tried rinsing your mouth with the baking soda/salt mouth rinse used to prevent sores? I found that if I swished and gargled with it before I ate a meal I could taste the food a little more

  • Fab4mom
    Fab4mom Member Posts: 190
    edited March 2020

    I made it through round 3 or TCHP on Wednesday and then a trip back on Thursday for my generic neulasta shot. They did screen my temp and ask questions at the door, but that was about it. So many fewer patients in the cancer clinic, only essential treatments are there now. My oncologist has taken a 3 month leave, so I'm going to have to transfer to a new oncologist. No explanation besides "family leave". I think this time is going to be harder, I'm feeling bouts of fatigue hit harder. I'm concerned about my treatments, my hospital is in an area that's getting to be a local "hotspot" for Covid. They are on my treatments with no change, but i'll be interested to see if surgery in June will get pushed back. I guess it depends on how this all goes. Both the covid and my response to chemo. My tumor is much smaller, I could feel it when this all started, and now I can barely find where I think it is, so that's very encouraging.

    Being home with the 4 kids and my husband has it plus and minus. They keep me entertained and I enjoy our very much slowed down pace of life. But sometimes, it's hard to feel bad and keep a happy face for the kids. Congrats to all the other who just got through #3 as well. I agree, 2020 stinks!!

  • morrigan2575
    morrigan2575 Member Posts: 807
    edited March 2020

    @Fab4Mom - I'm in the same boat. Treatment #3 hit me harder, I don't know if it's just cumulative treatment or because the H/P portion was delivered quicker (30 vs 60 min).

    I had watched a video diary of a woman on YouTube who did TCHP she said #3 and #5 hit her the hardest. I'm going to see if that holds true for me.

    I'm hoping that by the time #6 hits I'll be so excited to have it over with that I'll be able to deal with anything knowing it's over with.

    I am also worried about my surgery in June. I've heard various things. I know my cousin's C-Sec is still scheduled for May but, that's kind of a no brainer, baby has to come out. They did put new rules in, only patient allowed in the hospital so her SO can't be there for the delivery.

    I'm also thinking I'm on my own post surgery. I live alone and was going to have my mom stay with me post surgery but, given the risks (she's 83). I'd rather go it alone if I can manage.

  • texasmama
    texasmama Member Posts: 129
    edited March 2020

    I got my 3rd round yesterday. I’m already feeling like poop. My daughter hurt her eye and I really don’t want her to go to the urgent care where she can pick up an illness. These are not fun times!

  • dysonsphere
    dysonsphere Member Posts: 135
    edited April 2020

    i received results of my progress Ultrasound after 4 rounds of AC. One of the tumors in my breast can no longer be seen and of the 4 lymph nodes, only 2 are visible and they have shrunk! It definitely makes the last 2 months worth it. I had the 1st of the 12 weekly Taxol today as well. So far it seems okay. I guess I will know more when the steroids wear off.

    Any updates from you guys? Hope everyone is staying safe.

  • morrigan2575
    morrigan2575 Member Posts: 807
    edited April 2020

    Congrats dysonsphere!

    I won't know anything until after my last Chemo, that's when they plan to do another MRI. 😔

  • ajminn3
    ajminn3 Member Posts: 284
    edited April 2020

    TexasMama- round 3 took me longer to bounce back from! I hope you’re feeling better now that you’re a few days further out. One day closer to the finish line!

    Dysonsphere- yay! That’s such wonderful news. Seeing and hearing that response to chemo is so great! Hopefully the taxol regimen won’t be too hard on you and will continue to take shrink/eradicate all that cancer crap!

    I’m finally getting my taste buds and energy back after round 3. Took longer to bounce back this time but that could also be because I’m extending more energy having all my kids cooped up at home with me, doing “distance learning” with my kindergartener, and managing the distance learning of my classroom/students. I just wish I knew the timeline of this COVID crap, but don’t we all want to know!? Oh well, hoping you’re all doing well

  • morrigan2575
    morrigan2575 Member Posts: 807
    edited April 2020

    A little joy in these crazy times. A Turtle Dove nesting on my deck


  • Fab4mom
    Fab4mom Member Posts: 190
    edited April 2020

    Ajminn3 - round 3 has taken me alot longer to bounce back from too. I can't imagine how hard it will be by the time we get through 6, but then we'll be done! Halfway seems exciting and also a little depressing, so much more to endure in this battle.

    dysonphere - so exciting! I don't think I get a scan until I'm all done, so probably in June, my last chemo is May 26. I can tell that my tumor is significantly smaller, mine was really large and I could feel it. Now I can't really feel anything, and my oncologist was very pleased with the breast exam she did after just my first treatment.

    My oncologist went on leave, so in addition to all the uncertainty with COVID, now I get to meet a new oncologist at my next treatment. I asked around on local Facebook boards and have gotten good feedback, but it's definitely just another thing.

    Yesterday I had a sad day, I'm usually really positive and upbeat, but my side effects wouldn't leave and I was exhausted. I started working on cleaning up my photos off my phone, and I was overwhelmed by the difference in my life in a few months. My photos were filled with happy, healthy looking pictures with me and the kids, with hair, out doing so many fun things. Now I'm bald, and stuck home and the world is so different. It just hit me how fast things can change. Thankfully, I slept better today and feel so much better. I think I just needed a sad day to process the cancer, and covid and my bald head and new look. Today I feel ready to be a cancer worrier who looks at the bright side again.

    I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy through these scary times.

  • lam64
    lam64 Member Posts: 4
    edited April 2020

    dysonsphere, I have completed AC and 1/2 thru 12 weeks of Taxol. My tumor and large lymph node unpalatable now. I’m a little concerned about continuing with the Covid-19 pandemic. I will see my onc this week and hope to discuss. Taxol is no comparison to AC with fewer side effects so far. Mainly having node bleeds and some mouth soreness. My nails are sore and appear to be separating from beds, but I am icing hands now in hopes to slow this down.

    Anyone out there holding off on chemo due to Covid? Has anyone changed Taxol reg from weekly to q3weeks in mid-stream

  • morrigan2575
    morrigan2575 Member Posts: 807
    edited April 2020

    I have no plans to postpone chemo due to COVID but, i'm on TCHP so i go every 3 weeks for chemo. i pretty much only leave the house to go for Chemo or Bloodwork (so i go out once/week).

    I asked my MO office to see if they can get me the Onpro/Neulasta patch this time so i don't have to come back in for the shot but, that's up to my Insurance and who knows what they'll do.

  • morrigan2575
    morrigan2575 Member Posts: 807
    edited April 2020

    I had treatment 4 of 6 (TCHP) today. Everything went ok, they have created new policies again. I appreciate that they're trying to find the best practice but it is a lot of growing pains.

    This time they limited the number into the lobby to 8 patients (plus nurse and admin - 10 total). This caused a bottle up outside so they sent everyone back to their cars to sit and, wait for the nurse to wave us in. I think they need to change it to calling us instead of waving from the door but, that's me.

    Other than that they're running a skeleton crew so there were long waits for blood work and meeting with the MO. After that it was business as usual. The Chemo room was fully staffed so the infusions were timely.

    My WBC was good but, my hemoglobin and platelets never bounced back. They were still in acceptable range but, if they drop further the MO said they could lower the dosage. I will talk to them about it next week. I want to keep on track and, get this over with so if i need a blood transfusion or if they need to lower the Carbo (which she said was a high dose, 840) then I say go for it.

    I'm a little annoyed with my insurance, they wouldn't OK the Onpro patch so I have to go back in Friday for the Neulasta shot. Hopefully they can do that in the tent, I don't want to go inside.

  • Fab4mom
    Fab4mom Member Posts: 190
    edited April 2020

    mmorigan_25 Sounds like a mess with the check in. I go on Tuesday for infusion #4. My insurance doesn't cover Onpro either so I have to go back the next day, and I'm annoyed by that too. I hope your next week isn't too hard after #4.

    My stomach is still kind of wrecked from #3. It's not awful, but I still need to have immodium, and I'm less than a week from the next infusion. I'm worried that my last three are going to be hard on me.

  • morrigan2575
    morrigan2575 Member Posts: 807
    edited April 2020

    @Fab4mom - I had the same issue, was taking 6-8 Immodium per day. I finally asked for a prescription for diarrhea. They gave me Atropine, I haven't tried it yet but, will start using it once I get my next bout

  • Craftylife61
    Craftylife61 Member Posts: 34
    edited April 2020

    This was day 9 after my third infusion of TC. Honestly the worst thing for me has been my mouth. I brush my teeth before and after I eat with biotene toothpaste, I gargle with the baking soda and salt, I use the biotene mouth wash. My mouth feels like a desert. Don’t suggest the magic makes me gag so badly.

    I am so glad I only have one more treatment.

  • morrigan2575
    morrigan2575 Member Posts: 807
    edited April 2020

    @craftylife - i have the same issue only this is the first time my Dr gave me Magic Mouthwash. Sadly it hasn't helped.

    I've been reading up on dry mouth and I'm doing everything it says, using a floride toothpaste, baking soda and warm water rinse, biotene mouth wash, drinking plenty of water and, I just added suger free candy to the mix.

    The only thing left is over the counter artificial saliva which I don't want to try without the DR signing off on.

  • ajminn3
    ajminn3 Member Posts: 284
    edited April 2020

    Similar to others on TCHP I have tI use Imodium daily from days 6-10...this round (3) lasted a little longer. Hate to see how long round 6 immodium use lasts! I haven’t had much trouble with mouth sores, but my eyes and sinuses are making me nuts. My eyes are super watery, lots of sinus pressure, constant drippy nose and an occasional bloody nose. Nasal decongestant and ibuprofen help, but it’s annoying. My eye lids have also swollen a little around day 14 these last 2 rounds. My MO said last time when I brought it up that it can happen with taxotere. Anyone else have this SE at all

  • morrigan2575
    morrigan2575 Member Posts: 807
    edited April 2020

    i was getting nosebleeds although they stopped recently. I do have the sniffles all the time and was getting major sinus pressure. I bought Tylenol Sinus and that helped. I have a nasal spray but, I try not to use it too often, I think that might have contributed to the nosebleeds.

    I have not had watery or swollen eyes

  • morrigan2575
    morrigan2575 Member Posts: 807
    edited April 2020

    Happy Easter. ❤🐇

  • ajminn3
    ajminn3 Member Posts: 284
    edited April 2020

    Happy Easter! ❤️🐰 Hope everyone is having a good weekend

  • Fab4mom
    Fab4mom Member Posts: 190
    edited April 2020

    ajminn3 - I have alot of trouble with my eyes. They are watering all the time and leave salty tears down my cheeks. My eyelids aren't swollen, but the outer corners of my eyes are tender and my eyelid looks weird and folded over, kind of creasy. I think it looks like an old lady. My nose runs alot and I have so much bloody nose this time. I have to use AYR saline gel multiple times a day.

    My diarrhea went longer this time too and I needed more immodium. It was still managed with the immodium fine, but I'm also worried about how bad it will be by infusion #6. I go back tomorrow, and I have that dread feel for the week that follows. I'm happy to get the medicine in me, but I'm not looking forward to the bad week. The weather here is cold again, and I feel so bad when I'm dragging around while my four kids are here. They are understanding, but it's just hard to be sick mom, and have all the kids home all the time, and my husband trying to make sure they do school and eat ok, and all that stuff. I'm very lucky he's a great dad, but I still feel bad about the whole thing. When they went off to school, I had time to just be home, rest and feel all the blahs, but it's so different with everyone home.

    I hope everyone is doing ok with their treatments and managing the stay at home/covid-19 situation. Last treatment 3 weeks ago, I didn't wear a mask the whole time, but this time I'm going to try, even though they are so hot and uncomfortable.

  • ajminn3
    ajminn3 Member Posts: 284
    edited April 2020

    Fab4mom- I feel so mush of your post. I also go back this week for round 4 and I’m just mentally struggling because I know I need the meds, but hate how I feel for those days (and it seems to get longer each time) following treatment. Prayers for you going into tomorrow- May your side effects stay minimal. One step closer to the end

  • morrigan2575
    morrigan2575 Member Posts: 807
    edited April 2020

    A little bit of hope for you, I'm 1 week into Treatment #4 and it was nowhere as bad as #3. I had more energy, my nosebleeds stopped (about 2 weeks ago), I don't have an appetite by when I do eat, food tastes (mostly) normal and, I have energy again (worked out Thursday -Sunday).

    My mouth is still messed up, I don't know what it is, I'm thinking dry mouth syndrome or something. None of the Thrush treatments work, I just start to get better on Day 8 and I'm usually good by the weekend (after each treatment).

    Best of luck this week. Just remember you're more than halfway there ❤