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  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,751
    edited October 2020

    The present moment is never intolerable. It is always what
    is coming in five minutes or five days that makes people
    despair. The Law of Life is to live in the present, and this
    applies to both time and place. Keep your attention to the
    present moment, and in the place where your body is now.
    Emmet Fox

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,751
    edited October 2020

    I'm with you ladies. We do need this relief valve. The craziness gets worse and worse each day. I often feel sad at some of the people I so looked up to JCSLibrarian and their inability to see Trump as he really is. I'm not sure when they were convinced of his "goodness" as to me it was never, ever there. So many reasons -- like maybe that give him a chance sound bite that came right after began in the WH. Some of list of people are military ones and I feel it is worse yet that they can't seem to see what I see. I told one of them yesterday, I will love and respect the friendship that started so long ago but where Trump is concerned, I just can't follow you there, ever. She replied in much the same fashion.

    I will hope at some point, when we are rid of this heinous mockery of a human person, that they will come to see what we have witnessed and felt for what feels like a lifetime rather than four ( in the scheme of things ) short yrs. I will always hope it will come clear -- when maybe a Reps. party is in shambles enough due to the current stewardship.

    I will always hope.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2020

    Image may contain: 1 person, meme, text that says 'So let me get this straight The same people attacking Taylor Swift to stay out of politics and stick to singing... support a reality tv star for president CALL TO ACTIVISM'

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2020

    Image may contain: 8 people, text that says 'Middle Age Riot @middleageriot Why should I worry about who's crossing the border when these assholes are already here?'

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2020

    Image may contain: 1 person, text that says '"They're not 'militias.' They're domestic terrorists endangering and intimidating their fellow Americans. Words matter." Gov. Gretchen Witmer CALL TO ACTIVISM'

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited October 2020

    glennie, a very sobering meme.

    The plot to kidnap Gov Whitmer should send a chill up and down the spines of people in the U.S. Those who do not have this reaction apparently have no spine. At the very least, Republican Senators and Representatives should be speaking out against Trump inciting this kind of violence. Who in their right minds cannot make this connection. If Trump were to win reelection, it will only get far, far worse.

    Unfortunately, there’s always that swathe of people (yes, swathe is a favorite word of mine) who are gleeful to have domestic terrorism on the rise in this country. They look forward to it and have no concerns about trying to prevent it or trying to find some middle ground or compromise. They want to see bloodshed.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited October 2020

    From The Hill:

    Democrats surge past Republicans in early voting

    By Reid WilsonOctober 09, 2020 - 06:00 AM EDT

    A surge in absentee ballots cast in states across the country is handing Democrats an early advantage heading into Election Day amid signs that the party's vote-by-mail focus is turning out regular and new voters alike.

    More than 6 million Americans have already voted in 27 states for November's general election, according to data released by states that have begun accepting ballots.

    Registered Democrats have returned 1.4 million ballots, more than twice the 653,000 ballots registered Republicans have returned so far, according to Michael McDonald, a political scientist at the University of Florida who analyzes early voting.

    About two-thirds of voters who have already voted - 3.7 million Americans - are either unaffiliated with either party or live in states that do not register voters by party. Demographic modeling by one prominent Democratic firm, TargetSmart, estimates that almost 3 million of all votes cast have come from Democratic voters, compared to about 2.1 million from Republicans.

    Regardless of party affiliation, more people are voting by mail this year than in years past. The coronavirus pandemic and both Democratic and Republican efforts to get their most hardened supporters to vote by mail has led to an explosion in the early vote.

    At this point in the 2016 presidential contest, only around 750,000 people had voted, about 13 percent of the number of voters who have cast a ballot this year. In Wisconsin, South Dakota and Virginia, early votes account for more than one-fifth of the total number of votes cast in the entire 2016 election, McDonald's data show.

    So far this year, women, college-educated white voters, African Americans and Hispanic voters account for larger shares of the electorate than they did in 2016, a hopeful sign for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, who leads substantially among those groups.

    Noncollege educated white voters, who make up the core of President Trump's base, are also voting early in unprecedented numbers. So far, an estimated 2.8 million of those voters have cast ballots, nearly seven times the number who had voted at this point four years ago.

    But those voters make up a smaller share of the overall electorate today, 49 percent, than in 2016, when they accounted for 58 percent. The college-educated white vote has grown to nearly 35 percent of the electorate, up from 30.3 percent four years ago, while the share of Black voters in the electorate has nearly doubled, to 9.2 percent.

    "It's not that white noncollege voters aren't voting. They're voting in way higher rates," said Tom Bonier, who heads TargetSmart. "They're coming out, but their surge can't keep up with the surge of these traditional Democratic constituencies."

    Targeting experts on both sides cautioned that early vote tallies are not rock-solid indicators of the results on Election Day. Four years ago, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton held leads over Trump among those who decided to vote early.

    But Democrats have early leads today that are more substantial than those they carried in 2016.

    In Florida, registered Democrats had out-voted registered Republicans by a slim 37 percent to 35 percent margin by this point in 2016. Today, almost 53 percent of votes cast in Florida have come from registered Democrats, while Republicans account for just 28 percent.

    In North Carolina, registered Democrats have cast 52 percent of all ballots so far, up from 36 percent four years ago. Registered Republicans account for just 17 percent of the ballots, down from 37 percent in 2016.

    And in Pennsylvania, a state at the heart of Trump's reelection strategy, registered Democrats have cast more than three-quarters of all ballots. Republicans made up just 15 percent of ballots returned to date.

    "The fact that you have such a massive Democratic head start, that to me makes it much more difficult for the Trump campaign to play catchup," said John Couvillon, a Louisiana pollster keeping tabs on early vote statistics.

    Full article:

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited October 2020


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,751
    edited October 2020

    This piece is from Raw Story:

    He'll look weak: CNN doctor predicts Trumps proposed week-end rally will blow up in his face.

          CNN medical analyst Dr. Jonathan Reiner had a stark warning for President Donald Trump on Friday about trying to hold a campaign rally as soon as Saturday.

            During an interview with hosts John Berman and Alisyn Camerota, Reiner said that it was highly unlikely that Trump will have recovered enough from his novel coronavirus infection to hold up for an entire rally.

            "The president has had a respiratory infection, probably a relatively severe respiratory infection," Reiner explained. "He will the not be able to speak for his usual 90 minutes, he will start coughing. He'll have trouble standing at the podium for an hour and he'll look weak."

            Reiner then urged the president's advisers to tell him that doing rallies right now has the potential to backfire politically.

            "If I were his adviser, I would use just that word," he said. "I would say, sir, you're just recovering now. If you try and give your typical speech, you will look weak."

            This is along the lines of what I had been thinking as well. The crowds have always energized him, but then he was in better condition then. Unless he plans to hang onto those steroids' as hard as he can I just don't see it. If he keeps hogging his steriod fix that might put him over but I too think he is asking for troubles.

          • dogmomrunner
            dogmomrunner Member Posts: 502
            edited October 2020

            This morning I was listening to NPR and they were interviewing people who had either stayed home or voted 3rd party in 2016. At least two of them said that they didn’t like Trump but weren’t sure about Biden. WTH?!
            I mean it’s like saying you are starving on a desert island and you find two plates. One has an egg salad sandwich (but you’re not that fond of egg salad). The other has a poop sandwich. And you sit there and try to decide which one you are willing to eat. The difference is that real

          • illinoislady
            illinoislady Member Posts: 40,751
            edited October 2020


          • illinoislady
            illinoislady Member Posts: 40,751
            edited October 2020

            I am incredulous at the voting stories. Apparently there hasn't been much of a learning curve since 2016. It is obvious that Trump is between a rock and a hard place where re-electing is concerned. Also obvious that he is a hideous representative OF the people. Then I think -- okay people, even if you are not sure about Biden, we are likely only going to have him for four yrs. By the logic ( not that we enjoyed one second of it ) all of us here have put up with orange lunatic for four yrs., and knowing the whole time he was off his rocker -- and we are here now and able to work very diligently to right the wrong that was done in 2016.

            I for one don't even come near thinking Biden is wrong, but I do know he is way older than I think is a good thing. Still he is a decent man -- with a real heart and VERY empathetic feeling. He knows the government and you can jaw all you like about what you think he did wrong in any of those many yrs. he has been around. But while some think he did things they just can't abide -- did they look at the why's behind those choices. A lot of time if you know why -- it makes a big difference. Also, how would he vote now about something similar -- with things as they are today. Lastly, to me it is not actually a matter of REAL choice. One is a madman and one is human. Just as you said Dogmom -- these two men are a world apart and will never, ever be any closer. If this is a problem for those people they definitely have one heck of a weird yardstick.

          • illinoislady
            illinoislady Member Posts: 40,751
            edited October 2020


          • illinoislady
            illinoislady Member Posts: 40,751
            edited October 2020


          • illinoislady
            illinoislady Member Posts: 40,751
            edited October 2020


          • illinoislady
            illinoislady Member Posts: 40,751
            edited October 2020

            Sad but true;


          • illinoislady
            illinoislady Member Posts: 40,751
            edited October 2020


          • illinoislady
            illinoislady Member Posts: 40,751
            edited October 2020

            Cracking me up.


          • chisandy
            chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
            edited October 2020

            Remember, not everyone votes for the same party in which they've registered. I'm sure that a sizable contingent of those "registered Republicans" who early-voted cast their ballots for Biden. Trump loyalists are delusional enough to feel safe voting in-person on Election Day.

            My BFF is a solely-Canadian citizen, born & raised in NS, despite having been a Chicagoan for nearly 40 years. She holds a Canadian passport. Yet she is not permitted to visit her brother--who has heart failure--in Halifax, because she lives in the U.S. Only lineal first-degree relatives (parents or offspring) can cross the border into Canada. Sibs are not considered close enough relatives.

            As to Drumpf's doctor clearing him to return to public events as soon as tomorrow, that is so bogus--Conley ought to have his medical license pulled. Back in late March, at the V.A. hospital where he gets dialysis, my housekeeper's DH tested coronavirus+. He had to isolate in a room in their house for two weeks, after which a PCR test was still positive. He had to isolate another 10 days, after which time he tested negative, and again tested negative a week later. Only then was he allowed to go anywhere other than a special dialysis facility for COVID+ patients. Mind you, he never developed symptoms. (During the first two months of the shutdown--till Memorial Day--the only contact I had with my housekeeper was to hand her her paycheck every other week--both of us masked, and me opening the door just enough to hand it to her on the porch. She tested negative the whole time, but still stayed home except to get her checks).

            Rush Limbaugh let it slip that Trump has had COVID for "the past two weeks." So he knew he was infected yet still held maskless, un-distanced rallies and receptions. His WH security chief is seriously ill (and still hospitalized, perhaps in an ICU). And once again, he left his isolation in the residence to work in the Oval Office today.

            Anyone here watch HBO's series "The Vow," about the NXIVM (pronounced like the heartburn drug) organization and its ESP (Executive Success) Program, which spawned a women-only group called DOS, with "masters & servants?" It became a full-fledged cult, with members living at organization centers (many of whom lived in a compound at NXIVM's suburban Albany HQ). Every aspect of their lives was ruled by the board and its heads, ultimately Keith Raniere, who insisted on being called "Vanguard." When members fell in love they were allowed to marry only each other; those on the outside were called "suppressives" (just like in Scientology & the Children of God cult). The group was finally prosecuted when former members came forward with evidence of it being a sex cult--DOS members had to have their pelvises branded with a logo incorporating the initials of both its female "Grandmaster" and Raniere, with whom they also had to sleep.

            Why do I mention this? I just read WaPo's article about People of Praise, the New Orleans-based charismatic (as in praying in tongues) Catholic group to which Amy Coney Barrett belongs. Except for the forced sex (PoP members must either marry or if single remain totally celibate), the parallels are striking. PoP has "heads" (male) and what used to be called "handmaids" (as in Biblical "handmaids of Jesus") but renamed to something more neutral to counter accusations it was the inspiration for Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale." Women are to submit to their husbands, who are "heads" of their families. Husbands must grant permission for their wives to pursue educations and careers--most PoP wives are stay-at-home moms. PoP decides where members can live (Coney Barrett's dad had to turn down a lucrative promotion which required moving to Houston), their household budgets, and whom they marry (both spouses must be members). PoP members often share homes (not unusual for single celibates to reside with married families) and don't socialize outside the group. Members follow the strictest tenets of Catholicism. On Sundays they can attend Mass at their home churches, but then hold PoP services in the afternoon. They must tithe 5% of gross, not net, income to the group. South Bend has a large PoP group, centered around Notre Dame.

            Not even Opus Dei, the extreme subsect of Catholicism to which Justice Thomas belongs (OD members must wear a barbed chain on their thighs and self-flagellate when praying) and described in The DaVinci Code, is that cultlike.

          • glennie19
            glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
            edited October 2020

            Divine: ""The fact that you have such a massive Democratic head start, that to me makes it much more difficult for the Trump campaign to play catchup," said John Couvillon, a Louisiana pollster keeping tabs on early vote statistics."------ I hope so!!! I have already dropped off my ballot at the box at the Supervisors of Election office, and several of my Democratic friends have also. My neighbor told me that he hung out at the box for a while on Tues, and said it was a constant stream of people dropping off ballots, and taking selfies of themselves doing it. Now, I live in a blue county of FL, but still. Remaining HOPEFUL.

            That is really terrifying about PoP,,,,

          • chisandy
            chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
            edited October 2020

            I feel so worried for journalists assigned to the WH beat--the briefing & press room is inside the bldg. All the WH reporters in the press pool must wear N95 masks except when reporting from a small closet-sized room containing nobody else, and they are rapid-tested daily. They have to do this job, as they are the only source of truth for the public. WH staffers choose to work for the Orange Monster.

          • chisandy
            chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
            edited October 2020

            Unsurprisingly, children raised in PoP families have a high "escape" rate--exceeding 50%. That is higher than FLDS, Scientology, and Hasidic Judaism.

          • glennie19
            glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
            edited October 2020

            I couldn't resist this one!

            Image may contain: text that says 'Middle Age Riot @middleageriot Call me old-fashioned, but I think it's perfectly acceptable for there to be no photos of Jill Biden's breasts on the internet.'

          • divinemrsm
            divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
            edited October 2020

            Sandy, on your comment that some Republicans are voting Democrat, do you think there are Democrats voting Republican this election?

            I don’t get HBO but I read Catherine Oxenberg’s book “Captive” about her attempt at getting her daughter free of NXIVM. It is extremely creepy to hear about AC Barrett and People of Praise. Having a high rate of children escaping this oppressive cult disguised as a so-called religion speaks volumes.

          • divinemrsm
            divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
            edited October 2020


          • divinemrsm
            divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
            edited October 2020


          • divinemrsm
            divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
            edited October 2020


          • divinemrsm
            divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
            edited October 2020

            Oct 7, 2020

            Donald Trump came for Steve Schmidt (founder of Lincoln Project) on Twitter this morning. It did not go well.

            Trump: "Because I've beaten him and his very few remaining clients so much, and so badly, that he has become a blathering idiot. He failed with John McCain and will fail again with all others. He is a total loser

            Steve: "You've never beaten me at anything.

            This is our first dance. Did you like #covita @ProjectLincoln@TheRickWilson@stuartpstevens@reedgalen? We are so much better at this than your team of crooks, wife beaters, degenerates, weirdos and losers. You are losing.

            We heard you loved Evita. You saw it so many times. Where will you live out your years in disgrace? Will you buy Jeffrey Epstein's island? One last extra special deal from him? Or will you be drooling on yourself in a suite at Walter Reed? Maybe you will be in prison? I bet you fear that.

            The Manhattan District Attorney may not be around to cover for you or your crooked kids anymore. Eliza Orlins doesn't believe in different sets of rules for the Trumps. What about the State Attorney General? You know what you've done.

            Oh, Donald. Who do you owe almost $500 million in personally guaranteed loans to? It's all coming down. You think you and your disgusting family are going to be in deal-flow next year? Are you really that delusional?

            You are lucky Chris Wallace interrupted you after Joe Biden said you weren't smart. You started to melt down. That's the place that hurts the most. Right? Fred Sr., knew it. You've spent your whole life proving it. You aren't very smart. You couldn't take the SAT on your own. What was the real score? 970? We both know you know.

            Are the steroids wearing off? Is the euphoria fading? Do you feel foggy? Tired? Do you ache? How is the breathing? Hmmm. Are you watching TV today? We will have some nice surprises for you. Everyone is laughing at you. You are a joke. A splendid moron turned deadly clown.

            Did you watch Martha McSally in her debate against American hero, fighter pilot, test pilot, astronaut Capt. Mark Kelly? She is so embarrassed by you. She is ashamed and full of self-loathing for the choice she made in following you over the cliff. She is in free fall now. She will lose, like most of them, because of you.

            We hear from the White House and the campaign everyday. They are betraying you. They are looking to get out alive and salvage careers and their names. It's Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner vs. Donald Trump Jr., and Kimberly Guilfoyle on the inside. They are at war over scraps and who gets to command what will be the remnants of your rancid cult.

            It's almost over now. You are the greatest failure in American history. You are the worst president in American history. Disgrace will always precede your name. Your grandchildren and great-grandchildren will grow up ashamed of their names.

            One day, I suppose there will be some small and not-much-visited library that bears your name. It will be the type of place where a drunk walks by, staring at the wall for a minute, before deciding it is beneath his dignity to piss on. That's what is waiting for you.

            Joe Biden is a better man. He's smarter. He's winning. Do you remember when you didn't want to name Donald Trump Jr., Donald because you were worried about him being a loser named Donald? You were right about that. He is. But it is you who will be remembered as America's greatest loser. You will be crushed in the election.


          • illinoislady
            illinoislady Member Posts: 40,751
            edited October 2020

            Wow -0- quite a mouthful Steve Schmidt gave Trump. It is though very well deserved. Do you think Donald Trump could read all of that ?? Were I Trump I think I'd do my best not to tangle with any of the Lincoln Project people. They have been on his trail for some time now and have it down pat forwards and backwards I bet.

          • illinoislady
            illinoislady Member Posts: 40,751
            edited October 2020

            Glennie -- love the middle age riot you dropped in there. Jill Biden is a lady with gentle class. Something the Trump woman would not know too much about.