I say YES. YOU say NO....Numero Tre! Enjoy!
pingpong - Definitely! The Montreal mayor got in trouble for her congratulatory tweet earlier this week. Harris attended a high school here. I liked the tweet!
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I heard on tv that Trump plans on Monday to get his lawyers and go to work to overturn this mistake. He totally seems to believe he won the election. They need to get him to a rubber room. I don't know -- the news must have ruined his golf game. He shoulda just stayed where he was. They likely took him to the golf course while PA got called for Biden. What a disgraceful show to put on --vowing to fight on. SIR you are a loser and believe me I only said SIR to get your attention.
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I will gladly join you in a large gin and tonic as soon as I finish report cards (for students I have never met in person, very weird)! I am actually working on them with the TV on.
I am heartened to see that thus far, all of the street celebrations have been jubilant and peaceful. I hope it stays that way. Trump and company need to stop whining and if they have solid evidence of voter fraud they need to go through the proper channels. However, like all of the other false accusations that have spilled forth from this administration, I doubt the evidence exists
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I only surmised that Trump may have been" encouraged" to go golf while PA was called for Joe Biden. I don't know that at all. It certainly seems that it was not taken well by Trump ( I could give a dump less ) at all. So perhaps that was one of the reasons that their was a delay in the call knowing Trump would not take it well. He does not know how to lose. I'm still amazed at all the things he did and said that he thought would not make a difference. I presume he thought people would forget them as easily as he seems to. Nothing matters to Trump. He is his own island where all is to go right and he is pampered and gets his way. It was far, far past time that he get his come-uppance. So now it is here. If there was ever any doubt -- the mobs of people out should give voice to we wanted Trump gone. He did not make it easy -- kept popping right back up after every incident that should have done him in -- but at long last -- millions of people got to say I DON'T WANT YOU TRUMP and like it or not ( by the way Nevada is on Biden's side of the board now ) at some point he is going to have to accept it.
He truly must have thought ( mentally un-sound as he is ) that when the dust settled there he would be in all his ORANGE glory re-elected so he could keep on plundering and living off the fat of government land.
Joe Biden -- in addition to all the wonderful other things I know you are going to do -- I want to see those horrible yellow/gold drapes taken down. I've hated seeing the Oval Office ever since they were hung there. Not because they aren't nice curtains -- they just reminded me of a gaudy person who never belonged in the room they were in, in the first place.
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I needed alcohol. I went out and bought champagne and now have a nice buzz going. I will read all the reads here later, but for now, I will quote lyrics by Lizzo:
I do my hair toss
Check my nails
Baby how you feelin'?
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Excellent memes. Grinning from ear to ear.
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I keep looking for the "like" button for all the memes!
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Unless they have totally lost their minds I cannot see the Repugnicans supporting the drumpf for a run in 2024. He can barely construct a grammatically correct sentence now, does not know how to identify goals (other than his next golf outing & cheating) and will most likely have a felony conviction (one can hope) for income tax fraud as well as slew of other legal infractions. I think there will be some infighting within the party for the 2024 ticket baiting FL and Texas senators seeking what they feel is their destiny.
I have contacted Toomey on multiple occasions and all you receive in reply is a canned message which bears no concept of reality. His last on his lie about why he was supporting ACB for the SC was the last straw. He reneged on what he had said in 2016 and was shameless about it saying past precedent supported his change of heart. He doesn't listen to his constituency but it is worth a try to get him to turn on Moscow Mitch the turtle man. Consider it done.
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Time to call him Slayer Pete!
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Better make them Chuck's!
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She's a Westmount High School graduate!
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glennie: Loved the show girls meme. He should have known better than to say Philly is trouble. Paybacks are a bitch and so are some (many) of our women.
I'm just beside myself with happiness after feeling down in the dumps for the larger part of this week. I hope Kamala gives Pence a huge kiss good-bye to shake both his and his wife's sensibilities. Maybe she can swat that fly on his head now? LOL
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She's always had a great smile!
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Pete Buttigieg has a brilliant future!
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pingpong - Look forward to see all he will do!
I'm not at all worried.
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