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  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,883
    edited December 2020

    Image may contain: 2 people, text that says '450 7392 7,834 Donald J. Trump @r... @r...·13m STOCK MARKETS AT NEW ALL TIME HIGHS!!! 4,070 74,376 22.8K Jeff Tiedrich @itsJeffTi... 11m STOCK MARKETS LOVE A JOE BIDEN PRESIDENCY AND THE PFIZER VACCINE THAT YOU HAD NO PART IN DEVELOPING oh and the stock market is not the economy and why are you still tweeting, your bags aren't going to pack themselves 63'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,883
    edited December 2020

    I guess these are some of the things we might have to worry about if Trump can't find enough lawsuits to deal out with pal Giuliani now that the SC shut down Trump's second attempt to get relief from them. I admit, it must have seemed a low blow.

    Can no one find a way to get through to this guy that just because he is a long time law breaker and no one has stopped him that no one ever will. I mean when you get to Trump's age you don't run anymore -- you walk. You don't bound up the stairs, you trudge and you don't win all your battles anymore either. Sooner or later and in this case, it seems mainly later, life catches up to you and deals you a bum hand. Better known as karma.

    Trump Has Full-Blown Meltdown And Hints That He'll Fire Bill Barr And 'Declassify Everything'

    Trump was in usual, unhinged form on Saturday morning, taking to Twitter to unload after the Supreme Court handed him his latest defeat.

    Read more »

    I also think there is likely some way to keep certain things classified -- if only because there is some time constraint or something standing in the way, or that maybe being as late as it is, people may not follow the 'orders ' given but say they need written requests of some kind or other.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,883
    edited December 2020

    Something to focus on as well. I have felt that a lot of adjustments to laws etc. should be made so that it is not so easy for one party to bow for any reason to any president from either party. At least not to the degree that norms are ignored and daily lies and chaotic disruptions go on amid much law breaking and no accountability and or oversight. Order needs to be put back in a big way.

    Steve Schmidt Says The Trump-Stained GOP Must Never Win A Presidential Election Again

    Ex-GOP strategist Steve Schmidt said on Saturday that the fight to save American democracy has only just begun with Donald Trump's defeat.

    Read more »

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,883
    edited December 2020

    Image may contain: 2 people, text that says 'WHISTLEBLOWER made with mematic The Ipecac Twins'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,883
    edited December 2020


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,883
    edited December 2020

    Image may contain: 2 people, text that says 'Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Follow Wishing everyone a very Happy Holiday season! 8:26 AM 23 Dec 2010 Barack Obama @BarackObama Follow Merry Christmas. 11:34 AM 25 Dec 2013 Well, this is awkward.'

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,965
    edited December 2020

    If Trump tries to declassify everything he should immediately be arrested for treason. I don't think you get bail with that.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,899
    edited December 2020


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,883
    edited December 2020

    Imagine how our lives might be if everyone had even a bit more of the Wisdom that comes from seeing clearly. Suppose people everywhere, simultaneously, stopped what they were doing and paid attention for only as long as it took to recognize their shared humanity. Surely the heartbreak of the world's pain, visible to all, would convert everyone to kindness. What a gift that would be.
    Sylvia Boorstein

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,883
    edited December 2020

    Ah, I think Trump lost and quite soundly not to put too find a point on it. I did read in passing that it is possible we might hear a lot of chaotic speech going on about what Trump will be doing but it will all end up coming up empty no matter how threatening it may sound. Tomorrow, the Electoral College will count the 306 votes for Biden and name him as the only recipient.

    Also read in passing that the GOP is being put into flames by Trump and co., since they did not sufficiently keep Trump on top and winning as he should have. Since it is their fault I guess they are no good and should not be voted for again. So, wondering -- who will be voted for in their place. How idiotic although if they crash and burn I'm not going to be too concerned right now.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,883
    edited December 2020

    Well, this is one shoe that fits well.

    Image may contain: 1 person, outdoor, text that says 'Today's recipe Lame duck a l'orange'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,883
    edited December 2020

    Why enablers and anyone wearing Trump blinders are just as bad as he.

    Image may contain: 2 people, text that says 'Bandy X Lee, MD, MDiv @Band... 2h I often lecture on how the different forms of violence are interrelated. A government that causes for its population five times the death rate of global average, that leaves the people to fend for themselves in the face of starvation, is also a government that would.... 10 7 225 734 Bandy X Lee, MD, MDiv @Band... 2h incite its citizens to violence, start a devastating war, or bring the world to the brink of annihilation (which it has already done more than we would be willing to admit).'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,883
    edited December 2020

    A little overdue to start this threat working, I'd say.

    Image may contain: text that says 'Donald Trump said that if he loses, we won't hear from him again. When does that start?'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,883
    edited December 2020

    Agree totally:


  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited December 2020

    I think it's CSPAN 2 on our cable--I never watch, but was scrolling thru channels yesterday and saw them airing the rally for Trump in DC. Why? And many other media outlets reported on it. I wonder if they're gaging the interest in viewership for Trump stories now that his fate is sealed. I certainly have no interest to watch or read about a rally. My comment is: in an SNL skit, William Shatner famously told Trekkies, "Get a life!" and that's what these Trumpers need to do. What a waste of time and energy. Some people have no creativity, though, and with the pandemic limiting things to do, a Trump rally will draw the less creative types who got nuthin' better going on than try to get Covid19.

    The stories of Trump claiming he'll declassify everything is both him trying to get more media attention and the media still trying to milk Trump stories for ratings. Donnie is watching as public interest in him is waning and he becomes less relevant. He has no interest in the pandemic other than to get his name attached to the vaccine. It's not about saving lives whatsoever.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,353
    edited December 2020

    If it’s a comfort to anyone, I was up rather early this morning and turned on CNN. They went for almost and hour without mentioning trump and instead focused on the pandemic and vaccine distribution. Than G-d

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,899
    edited December 2020

    WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—A furious Donald J. Trump attempted to fire the Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett, sources report.

    According to the sources, Trump was so irate about the Supreme Court's dismissal of his election challenge on Tuesday that he phoned Barrett directly to inform her that she was "history."

    "I hired you to get a job done, and you didn't get it done," Trump angrily informed Barrett. "You're out of here."

    Sources say that Barrett had the unenviable task of informing Trump that Supreme Court Justices are appointed for life and therefore cannot be fired, a revelation that left Trump "flabbergasted."

    "If I can't fire anybody I want, maybe I don't want to be President anymore," he reportedly muttered.

    (Editoral note from me: We can only hope!!!!)

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,243
    edited December 2020

    Hilarious, Ruth! Too bad it's only satire. Up until the last line, I wouldn't have put it past him. xD

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,883
    edited December 2020

    It is quite funny. I've always like The Borowitz Report -- but sometimes you do have to look closely.

    I'm dropping something in here -- even though we are all tired of the orange thing. It was news to me about the lawsuits that have gone on. I had no idea that the figure was up to 59 for starters, but also was not totally aware that there weren't now any new ones. Just re-going over the old stuff that won't change. Well, I guess as it is said -- it could keep a bit of coin coming in. All those ridiculous people -- if they were so anxious to give away money we all could think of some wonderful things it might have gone too.

    Trump Handed 59th Election Lawsuit Loss By Georgia Supreme Court

    The Georgia Supreme Court handed Trump yet another loss as they rejected his appeal to overturn the state's election results.

    Read more »

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited December 2020

    I thought this article was interesting. It explains a lot about tRump and his legion of fan/atics.

    What the Science of Addiction Tells Us About Trump

    It turns out that your brain on grievances looks a lot like your brain on drugs. And that's a problem not just for the outgoing president, but for the rest of us.

    By James Kimmel, Jr., POLITICO, 12/12/2020 (the author is a lecturer in psychiatry at the Yale University School of Medicine and co-director of the Yale Collaborative for Motive Control Studies)

    President Donald Trump has made grievance a primary feature of his life and presidency, from the thousands of lawsuits he has filed to, most recently, his repeated claims of national election fraud. His opponents, and even many of his supporters, have wondered why he can't seem to control his urges to lash out at perceived enemies.

    I am a violence researcher and study the role of grievances and retaliation in violent crime. Recently, I've been researching the way grievances affect the brain, and it turns out that your brain on grievance looks a lot like your brain on drugs. In fact, brain imaging studies show that harboring a grievance (a perceived wrong or injustice, real or imagined) activates the same neural reward circuitry as narcotics.

    This isn't a metaphor; it's brain biology. Scientists have found that in substance addiction, environmental cues such as being in a place where drugs are taken or meeting another person who takes drugs cause sharp surges of dopamine in crucial reward and habit regions of the brain, specifically, the nucleus accumbens and dorsal striatum. This triggers cravings in anticipation of experiencing pleasure and relief through intoxication. Recent studies show that similarly, cues such as experiencing or being reminded of a perceived wrong or injustice — a grievance — activate these same reward and habit regions of the brain, triggering cravings in anticipation of experiencing pleasure and relief through retaliation. To be clear, the retaliation doesn't need to be physically violent—an unkind word, or tweet, can also be very gratifying.

    Although these are new findings and the research in this area is not yet settled, what this suggests is that similar to the way people become addicted to drugs or gambling, people may also become addicted to seeking retribution against their enemies—revenge addiction. This may help explain why some people just can't let go of their grievances long after others feel they should have moved on—and why some people resort to violence.

    It's worth asking whether this helps explain Trump's fixation on his grievances and ways of exacting retribution for them. The hallmark of addiction is compulsive behavior despite harmful consequences. Trump's unrelenting efforts to retaliate against those he believes have treated him unjustly (including, now, American voters) appear to be compulsive and uncontrollable. The harm this causes to himself and others is obvious but seems to have no deterrent effect. Reports suggest he has been doing this for much of his life. He seems powerless to stop. He also seems to derive a great deal of pleasure from it.

    The science of addiction provides another cautionary insight: Trump's revenge habit hurts not only himself and the targets of his retaliatory wrath, but the rest of us, too.

    Like substance addiction, revenge addiction appears to spread from person to person. For instance, inner-city gun violence spreads in neighborhoods like a social contagion, with one person's grievances infecting others with a desire to seek vengeance. Because of his unique position and use of the media and social networks, Trump is able to spread his grievances to thousands or millions of others through Twitter, TV and rallies. His demand for retribution becomes their demand, causing his supporters to crave retaliation—and, in a vicious cycle, this in turn causes Trump's targets and their supporters to feel aggrieved and want to retaliate, too.

    Keep reading at:

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited December 2020

    The Republican-controlled Joint Committee on Finance is objecting to reimbursing Dane and Milwaukee Counties for costs incurred the recount.

    GOP committee withholds payments to Dane and Milwaukee counties for recount costs

    Patrick Marley, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Dec. 11, 2020

    MADISON - The Republican-led Legislature's budget committee is holding up reimbursements to two counties for their recount costs.

    President Donald Trump's campaign paid $3 million for recounts in Dane and Milwaukee counties, Wisconsin's two most Democratic areas.

    But two top Republicans said Friday they were withholding the money from the counties for now. They did not explain why. ...

    Dane County Board Chairwoman Analiese Eicher said on Twitter her county should have its costs covered.

    "Expenses were incurred," she wrote. "We did our job. Time to pay the bill. We're not a contractor Trump and his allies in the WIGOP can stiff."

    Full story at:

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited December 2020

    I'm glad this judge allowed the tRumpists a chance to make their case. No more excuses about judicial refusal to hear the case.

    Federal court judge dismisses 'extraordinary' Trump lawsuit seeking to overturn Wisconsin election

    Patrick Marley, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Dec. 12, 2020

    A federal judge threw out one of President Donald Trump's election lawsuits Saturday, dealing the Republican president and his supporters their seventh legal loss in 10 days as they seek to flip Wisconsin's results.

    U.S. District Judge Brett Ludwig — a Trump nominee — concluded Wisconsin officials had followed state laws when they conducted the Nov. 3 election.

    Ludwig described the case as "extraordinary."

    "A sitting president who did not prevail in his bid for reelection has asked for federal court help in setting aside the popular vote based on disputed issues of election administration, issues he plainly could have raised before the vote occurred," he wrote.

    "This court allowed the plaintiff the chance to make his case and he has lost on the merits. In his reply brief, plaintiff 'asks that the Rule of Law be followed.' It has been."

    Full story at:

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited December 2020

    Not that that will stop the Whiner-in-Chief....

    Trump says election challenges 'not over'

    By Zack Budryk – The Hill - 12/13/20

    President Trump said in an interview broadcast early Sunday that his attempts to overturn the vote are "not over."

    In the "Fox & Friends Weekend" interview recorded Saturday, Brian Kilmeade asked the president whether his challenges to the election results were "over" after the Supreme Court on Friday rejected a Texas lawsuit seeking to toss the results in four states. "No, it's not over. We keep going. And we're going to continue to go forward," the president replied.

    Trump also continued his broadsides against Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) for refusing to overturn President-elect Joe Biden's victory in the state, accusing him of harming Sens. Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.) and David Perdue (R-Ga.) in their upcoming Jan. 5 runoffs, which will determine control of the Senate. "We have a governor, Republican governor, that's worse than a Democrat. He's terrible, and he's hurting Kelly and David very badly, the senators that are terrific people," Trump added.

    Kilmeade went on to ask how Monday's meeting of the Electoral College, which is expected to elect Biden as the next president, and Congress's count of its votes on Jan. 6 would affect Trump's efforts.

    "I don't know. We're going to speed it up as much as we can. But you can only go so fast. They give us very little time," Trump said, going on to repeat conspiracy theories about widespread voter fraud. Experts, local officials and Attorney General William Barr have all said there is no indication of widespread fraud in the 2020 election.

    Asked by Kilmeade if his legal team had proved election fraud, the president responded, "We never get a chance to prove it because a judge will say, 'Well, I'm sorry, you don't have standing.'"

    Kilmeade later challenged Trump on the lack of proof of widespread fraud, with Trump insisting that "we've proven it" without elaborating. "But no judge has had the courage, including the Supreme Court. I am so disappointed in them. No judge, including the Supreme Court of the United States, has had the courage to allow it to be heard," he added.


  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited December 2020

    I watched this video clip and wondered if it's for real.....sounds real to me considering how Trump often looked like he was wearing an adult diaper--or SOMETHING back there, anyway.....but wow--this is something else---Trump "evacuating" at a press conference......!!


  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited December 2020


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited December 2020

    Trill, I found the #DD clip on the Meidas Touch website. Sad!

    This link brings you to their videos page.

    Click the "Load More" button to find the #DD clip.

  • trill1943
    trill1943 Member Posts: 1,135
    edited December 2020

    Badger--Found it... thanks! Yes, tis sad......

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2020


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2020


    I do like Bill Palmer❤️❤️

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,899
    edited December 2020

    If they can replace DeSantis with any decent man, woman, child, animal or even plant (which at least could do no harm), Florida would be much better off!