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July 2020 chemo club



  • iamloved
    iamloved Member Posts: 197
    edited July 2020

    Bsjones...I am an ancient 60 year old. I feel out of place at times with the young gals who are braver then I could have been back in the day I like you was not on any rx meds but it looks like I will be making room in the medicine cabinet for quite a few!!! Keep us posted!

  • iamloved
    iamloved Member Posts: 197
    edited July 2020

    Sharon2020...I grow tomatoes green beans zucchini carrots lettice peas potatoes rhubarb Swiss chard peppers onions cabbage. Trying celery for the first time this year. I really enjoy it. Not a master gardener but an enthusiastic one!!

    As far as fasting 48 hours before, the day of infusion and part of the next day. My last meal was Saturday night so by the time the infusion starts I will be on hour 58. As far as what I am doing for nutrition, water Himalayan salt, bone broth and vegetable broth. I get my port tomorrow so I am forced to fast until that is in. I will have broth when I am in recovery. My first infusion Tuesday morning and I will drink lots of water thru that. Perhaps some Zevias too.Home to rest so sometime on Wednesday I will break my fast. Next time I will eat in the morning 2 days before. Just had a busy morning today and didn't get a meal in.

    Comment was about chemo. 60% of us will have a response to the neoadjuvant therapy 40 won't. But I will stay positive and try to focus on getting thru this. Take care!

  • Evergreenman
    Evergreenman Member Posts: 17
    edited July 2020

    Hi Ladies, glad to find a group here. I am 42 and live in Australia with two kids age 12 and 8. started chemo on 2nd July. Other than the first couple of days it has been ok. I manage to have daily walks and 5-6 hours sleep every day. Now I just feel a bit dizziness during the day and my heart beat is a bit higher (90bpm) than my usual. Occasionally I feel soreness from where the tumor is which worries because I don’t know whether it’s growing or it’s the chemo working Does anyone have the same feeling??

  • shar2020
    shar2020 Member Posts: 196
    edited July 2020

    Iamloved, thinking about you as you go for the port today and your first infusion tomorrow.

    Next week this time, you will be having a visit with your daughter and gathering the produce from your garden. It sounds like a nice variety. There will be a great selection for your fasting vegetable broths.

  • shar2020
    shar2020 Member Posts: 196
    edited July 2020

    “Hi!" to the new posters, AnnaTheBrave, BSJones and Evergreenman.

  • shar2020
    shar2020 Member Posts: 196
    edited July 2020

    Smichaels11, ask the oncology nurse today about the dark nail polish. I was told to wear only clear polish so they can see changes in nail colour that would indicate anemia, low oxygen levels, etc. Great, though, if it is ok to wear coloured polish.

  • Smichaels11
    Smichaels11 Member Posts: 112
    edited July 2020

    Sharon, I did check with my onco and she said it was fine as long as I didn't have them done at a salon or use gel or acrylic. I did have her call in a prescription for a topical cream for this crazy rash/acne I've developed on my face, back of neck, and head of all places. As if I don't feel crappy enough about my looks right now, lol.

    Did anyone see the news of Kelly Preston? Oh my gosh did that send me into a tailspin. So sad!!

  • blusteryday
    blusteryday Member Posts: 49
    edited July 2020

    Had my port placement today and am scheduled to start chemo this Friday. 4 rounds of AC and 4 rounds of dose dense Taxol, with Neulasta for each infusion. I’m so glad the waiting is over and I’m actually doing something. Hope everyone is well today! I’m in Texas and it’s hotter than blazes outside, so stuck inside to recover.

  • mtspacekace
    mtspacekace Member Posts: 123
    edited July 2020

    For what it’s worth... I asked my onc nurse and mo about mani/pedis... as that was the one thing I have done for me time. I work on a ranch, and having acrylic nails and a gel pedi was something I have treated myself to for years. I was fully prepared to give it all up after my diagnosis... but they both said it was fine. The tools used at a salon are disinfected every time...and the mo said that the chemo I am on can cause some color changes in my nails...but I could keep on getting them done. The hot rock massage and parrifin dip on my legs is just heavenly...and it’s going to be my treat the day before I go in for infusions.

    I am ready to not feel bad. I have had stomach pain and a sore throat and cramping for about 3 days. Which I think is acid reflux...and I’ve taken the otc meds, which helps, but am quickly maxed out on those... I thought I was tough and I could get over it and tomorrow will be a better day. But I’m tired and it’s not getting better. Currently waiting for my mo to call me back with hopefully some type of magic relief I haven’t tried.

    My mama brought my mango cherry popsicles. They are a refreshing relief. Who says 38 is too old for your mom to bring popsicles. Ugh. Trying to find the positives in this battle gets daunting at times.

  • iamloved
    iamloved Member Posts: 197
    edited July 2020 port was placed today too. We are 2 1/2 hours from the clinic so I had a pretty good nap this afternoon. The area is sore but nothing too bothersome. My chemo of tchp starts tomorrow at 8:15. Nervous but going for it!

  • blusteryday
    blusteryday Member Posts: 49
    edited July 2020

    iamloved, are you commuting for your infusions as well? We are staying overnight and making the 2.5 hour trip home, then will just do day trips for infusions

  • annathebrave
    annathebrave Member Posts: 69
    edited July 2020

    I am so glad to hear those of you with ports had the placements go well. I have mine Friday. I’m getting increasingly anxious about all this, I guess because it’s becoming real now. I’m antsy for treatment to start because I’m terrified it’s spreading with every passing day, but also scared about not being able to handle it.

    Anyone know if there’s a contraindication for taking anti-anxiety meds before or in the days after chemo? Worried I’m gonna feel panicky in addition to any other SEs I might experience. I meet my MO tomorrow (she was on vacation during the run-up to all this—I really hope she’s the reassuring sort!

  • iamloved
    iamloved Member Posts: 197
    edited July 2020

    BlusteryDay We stayed 2 nights for this trip because we had the port placement today @8:30 and chemo tomorrow at 7:15. With future infusions it will be the day trips. Kinda sucks to live in a rural area at times like this but the other 99% of the time I love it.

  • shar2020
    shar2020 Member Posts: 196
    edited October 2020

    BlusteryDay and Iamloved, I am glad to read the port placement went well for both of you today. Iamloved, that's another early day for you tomorrow. I will be thinking about you and sending good wishes.

    AnnaTheBrave, sometimes they give anti-anxiety medication to you at the clinic or sometimes they prescribe it to be taken before you go to the clinic for the infusion.

    Smichaels11, that's great you can wear the dark polish. Yes, I was given the same instructions about not going to the nail salon or wearing acrylic nails. Hopefully, the topical lotion gives you relief from your discomfort.

  • Smichaels11
    Smichaels11 Member Posts: 112
    edited July 2020

    AnnatheBrave, anti-anxiety are perfectly fine to take. If fact, my MO prescribed me some when I couldn't sleep or get a handle on my emotions after diagnosis. I now take Ativan everyday. It is also a second line defense for nausea which is helpful. I'm going to ask for some in my IV for my next infusion.

    Iamloved, I am thinking about you today. Good luck on your first day of chemo. Try and think of it as golden nectar put into your body to kill any cancer cells that tried to escape. It l has a very important job to cure you.

    Remember that chemo doesnt need to stay in your body to work, so drink more water than you think is humanly possible to flush that golden nectar out right away!

  • blusteryday
    blusteryday Member Posts: 49
    edited July 2020

    AnnatheBrave, I called my neurologist just after I was diagnosed and requested to be put back on Elavil, which is a medication I took for years as a preventative for migraines. It’s an “old school” antidepressant and works for my anxiety, too. I would definitely talk to my MO if I weren’t already on something for the added stress we are undergoing. There are many options out there, I’m saying a quick prayer that they find one that works for you!

  • annathebrave
    annathebrave Member Posts: 69
    edited July 2020

    Thanks for all the feedback about anti-anxiety meds! Great to hear they are fine (and encouraged!).

    Met my MO today and loved her! Hurray!! Starting TCHP next week, though I don’t have a date yet.

    Wishing everyone well!

  • Lifo45
    Lifo45 Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2020

    July 13 was day 1 for chemotherapy. I know some people are terrified of chemo side effects I'm so happy and relieved to be on chemo after months of test after test and some bad results. I'll admit to ignorance being bliss -although I'm usually anal retentive about doing research and becoming a semi-expert on any new project/life event that affects me, I've intentionally avoided intensive research and getting ahead of my self - I have enough to deal with navigating breast cancer and have decided not to "borrow trouble" with excessive research.

    Day one was a bit challenging - despite being given anti-nausea medication, I was feeling nauseous within 1 hr of completing my infusion (I'm on an AC-T regimen - 4 weeks on AC and 4 weeks on T with chemo every two weeks which is very manageable). I took Zofran which worked for an 1hr-1 1/2 hrs, then I took Ativan just before bedtime, I fell asleep feeling very nauseous but had one of my best nights since receiving a cancer diagnoses.

    This morning I woke up with a great energy level, took Zofran when I woke up which helped mitigate nausea after breakfast.I'm feeling sligthly more nauseous now so will take Prochlorperazine before lunch.

    So far side effects have been less severe than I thought. I'm really happy that I have no fatigue. Should that be the case on day 4 and if my nausea is still manageable, I'll be a very happy camper as I'll likely be able to work quite productively during chemo. I hope everyone else has an experience that is less severe than you'd expected!

  • Lifo45
    Lifo45 Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2020

    Iamloved - glad to see another gardening enthusiast! We live in a townhouse community which has feral cats that poop anywhere you dig up soil so I'm limited to pot gardening. I grow grape tomatoes (in my experience they require frequent watering but the upside of that effort is that the plants are prolific and you'll have a good harvest in 60 days if you've been feeding them and have manure). I also grow basil, thyme and rosemary.

    While most people fantasize about winning millions my dream is to move to a lower cost of living area with good weather and buy a home with 1. to 2 acres of outdoor space for gardening, a modest fruit orchard and a dog. I'd love to grow zucchini and potatoes. Maybe next year I'll grow sweet peppers which I've successfully grown in pots in the past. It's nice to talk about something fun for a change and I'm looking forward to reading more about what hobbies people are starting/maintaining for peace and contentment and mitigating depression.

  • Smichaels11
    Smichaels11 Member Posts: 112
    edited July 2020

    Lifo45, I'll have to take some pictures of my garden boxes this year! I have a pumpkin patch (totally by accident!), pickling cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, celery, lettuce (both romaine and red leaf), and scallions.

    Too bad nothing tastes right for me, lol.

  • Seilien
    Seilien Member Posts: 27
    edited July 2020

    I have found this topic encouraging to read, thank you everyone.

    I am actually getting a port added and starting chemo in a couple weeks for the 2nd time. I didnt quite get to experience my 1st time like everyone else here because it happened so fast but it is encouraging to know we all have anxieties and there are other hopeful and supportive people. I am going to cope with and get through this hopefully as well as I did the 1st time! Good luck everyone.

  • iamloved
    iamloved Member Posts: 197
    edited July 2020

    Lifo45...for those pesky cats try cayenne pepper sprinkled on the plants an soil. Trust me they will stop pooping after a sniff or lick of that.🤭

  • iamloved
    iamloved Member Posts: 197
    edited July 2020

    July 14 Day 1 Infusion day. I did not have any trouble with the infusions. In fact I slept through about 2/3 of it. I would definitely recommend the port.

    July 15 Day 2. Slept well last night. I feel pretty good this morning. Working on getting my liquids in today. Because of my distance to the breast clinic I have an on body shot of Neulasta to be delivered tonight at 6pm. Spent the morning with my coffee on the patio and got a good dose of natural vitamin D🌞 I see from other posts day 3 4 5 can be the hard ones. So I will enjoy these first few days of ease. I am going to sleep when my body says to and try to outside when I can. Tend to my garden and just be in the present moment. Avoid the news for sure as it can be so depressing to watch the divide within our beautiful country. This is by no means a political statement so Please don't take it as one. My motto for my journey is FAITH OVER FEAR. I bracelet with it and need to get a printed on to post on my mirror. My friends from my hometown plan to come next week and we are doing an old fashion potluck picnic. So I am looking forward to that. I told them that if my hair was starting to go they could buzz it off for me!👨🦲 I already have my wigs and a few headwraps are on their way from Amazon. I even have to caps for the winter months already.

    If you haven't checked out the Lydia Project I would recommend it. They sent me the cutest bag(holds our tablets and chargers perfectly.) Plus the bag was filled with goodies! Their website is

  • iamloved
    iamloved Member Posts: 197
    edited July 2020

    Helpful hint...


    If you get dry mouth try these!

  • kukalona
    kukalona Member Posts: 12
    edited July 2020

    Hi Ladies,

    How is everyone doing? Sounds like most of you are powering through well. I'm sorry to hear that some of you are dealing with anxiety on top of everything else - hang in there!

    I'm on day 6 now. The first few days weren't too bad, meds worked well for nausia. Day 4 was the hardest so far, bone and muscle pain, tender stomach and a lingering headache. I took claritin after my fulphila (same as neulasta) but didn't feel like it was helping at all. Only tylanol is my friend. I felt like it was getting better last night and then got my period this morning, so now I have craps and lower back pain from that too. But dry mouth is better, and so are the muscle and bone pain. I'm hoping by tomorrow I will have a little more energy.

    Some things I found that helped me over the last couple of days, maybe it'll help you too - I'm finding out that soup/broth is the best food for me these days. Chicken soup, vegetable soup, any non-heavy soup really. I'm definitely going to be making a big pot of soup before my next chemo cycle (This cycle we have my mom staying with us - which is a huge help). Also water, lots of it. I walk around the house with a water bottle and just sip from it all the time. I've also found that lying around too much is not helping me, only makes my back feel achy so I walk a little in the house and outside, just to let my body move.

    Now I'm hoping to get stronger everyday until next time.

    mtspacekace - I know what you mean about the stomach ache + acid reflux. It's tender all the time and cramps painfully before every bowl movement. I'm going to talk to my MO on Friday and ask if there's anything I can do/take for it.

    Sending good energy to all of you!

  • mtspacekace
    mtspacekace Member Posts: 123
    edited July 2020

    I ate broth this morning as well, and realized I should have been doing that all along. Today has been the first day I’ve really been able to eat much...even though everything tastes like plastic or cardboard. I feel really body is still tired and vision and focus a bit foggy... but for the most part, good. I don’t want to be out in the heat much or over exert myself...but I’m pretty comfortable thru the day. My MO gave me omeprazol for the acid reflux and it worked wonders. Don’t! The worst side effect im dealing with is the diarrhea...which Imodium seems to be working ok for. Oh! And the’s so dry and yucky. I’ve just gotten some biotene which I’ve started using along with salt water rinses.

  • shar2020
    shar2020 Member Posts: 196
    edited August 2020

    Lifo45, your dream to own a home with 1-2 acres, an orchard and a dog sounds lovely.

    Smichaels11, a garden with a pumpkin patch! It reminded me of a pumpkin patch I saw that had a mason jar of milk beside every pumpkin and a straw inserted in the milk and pumpkin. I have to do a Google search to see if anyone still does that.

    Seilen, good luck to you, too, and best wishes with your treatments as you get your port and go through chemo again.

    Mtspacekace, glad to read that you are feeling good now.

    Kukalona, that's great the first few days were not too bad, but sorry to read about the pain. The soup, water and walking sound helpful.

    Iamloved, glad to read that your infusion went well. I like your motto, Faith Over Fear. Thank you for telling us about the PerioBrite Dry Mouth lozenges. A potluck picnic with your friends will be fun. How was the fasting?

    My first infusion for today was cancelled and rescheduled for July 23 to do additional testing in follow up to CT results.

  • annathebrave
    annathebrave Member Posts: 69
    edited July 2020

    Sharon2020, I hope you get quick answers regarding your CT. I’ve found that having to wait for the next thing and having delays to the plan both can be trying.

    All this talk of pumpkin patches outs me in mind of fairy tales. Your gardens sound beautiful and tranquil!

    Those of you who’ve gotten your ports, do you happen to remember what you were told regarding lifting things? I get my port tomorrow and will ask, but I’m wondering how much help I need to have in place next week (before I even start infusions) if I’m not supposed to lift anything over 10 lbs—I have an 11 month old.

    So glad to have the advice about soup and broth. I will pick some up before the fun begins next Thursday

  • mtspacekace
    mtspacekace Member Posts: 123
    edited July 2020


    My sirgeontold me there was no real limitations after getting the port. I asked if I could golf... and he said if you feel up for it you can. He did say no swimming or soaking for 2 weeks after getting it, and that was it. I had more restrictions after getting biopsies.

  • iamloved
    iamloved Member Posts: 197
    edited July 2020

    Sharon2020 Sorry to hear you had to reschedule. What happened? The fasting went well. From Saturday evening until Tuesday after chemo. I hit a bump getting my port in Monday morning. When the RN asked the last time I ate I told her and she couldn't believe it that someone could go that long. So she did a glucose test and sent it the doctor who immediately ordered a 50 ml of dextrose be put in me. Sent my sugars to 155. I was so 🤬 By evening I was back down to normal. I am not sure how that effected the fast but continued it Tuesday until about 6pm. We stopped at a gas station on the 2 1/2 hour drive and I had my hubby get me a stick of cheese. So I went from that to Wednesday at 11:30am. Day 3 and feeling pretty good. I am anxiously awaiting day 4 and 5 as I understand that can be the worst. One round of diarrhea but 2 imodiums took care of that.