Ca 27-29 Tumor Markers increasing



  • chapagonzo
    chapagonzo Posts: 9
    edited March 2021

    I am five years post stage one breast cancer. Today I was told my tumor marker for CA 27- 29 went from 37 to 41.2.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,447
    edited March 2021

    chap - tumor markers are only an indication and only if there is consistent, continuing change. Many docs won't even do the tests because of that. I wouldn't worry about a one time number change that small.

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Posts: 956
    edited March 2021

    Chap, have you had a recent infection or illness? Surgery? My oncologist wouldn't even draw tumor markers until I was a few weeks post-op because the inflammation would cause a little rise. When I moved I had to find a new oncologist, and he doesn't order tumor markers because they're unreliable and can lead to unnecessary worry.

  • chapagonzo
    chapagonzo Posts: 9
    edited March 2021

    my doctor has ordered cat scans on my lungs pelvis and abdomen. He is old school and this is his regiment. My anxiety has now hit an all time high.

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Posts: 956
    edited March 2021

    Has he been following your tumor markers since you were diagnosed? Have they always bounced around on the high side of normal, or does this 41.2 represent the highest of an upward trend?

    I've never heard of an oncologist ordering full body scans with no other reason besides a single tumor marker result being a few points over the normal range.

  • chapagonzo
    chapagonzo Posts: 9
    edited March 2021

    I found out today that I was steady around 28. Last time InMarch 2020. Jumped to 38 in September 2020 then 41.2 in March 2021. So all still in or close to normal range there were two upward trends. The second being smaller than the first. I am five years out from stage one and it certainly has put my anxiety on a whole new planet.

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Posts: 956
    edited March 2021

    Chapagonzo, scroll up in this thread and read the posts from women whose tumor markers were elevated because of recurrence or progression. Not only did they go up, they went WAY up, not just a few points. I understand your anxiety, particularly since your oncologist is concerned and ordering scans, but this little blip could easily be a reflection of a cold, a minor infection, or some other inflammation going on. Don't let it wreck your peace.

  • patk
    patk Posts: 11
    edited September 2021

    I too have had an increase in my CA 27-29 It went from 28 to 41.9 Onco didnt seem too concerned but I have to wait until next March (6 months) to see if it has increased again. It has gone up and down several times but still worrisome. I do go for my yearly mammogram in November. Just lost my husband to colon cancer and dont know how much more I can take.

  • kbl
    kbl Posts: 3,056
    edited September 2021

    PatK, I’m so sorry about the loss of your husband. I am sending you hugs.

    Is there any way you can ask for a three-month redo on the markers so you don’t have such a long wait?

  • serendipity09
    serendipity09 Posts: 769
    edited September 2021

    PatK - so sorry for the loss of your husband <3