Stage II Breast Cancer
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Stage II Breast Cancer
Meet, share and support others with Stage II Breast Cancer
Discussion List
- To learn more about Stage II Breast Cancer check out this information on our main site: Breast Cancer Stage II Treatments Options by Cancer Stage: Stage IIA and IIB To connect with other members, also…
- Hi there! I was diagnosed with stage 2a IDC and one sentinel node removed was positive. I will be undergoing radiation to my regional lymph nodes. Should I be concerned about any side effects other th…
- Welcome to the newly formed Stage II Breast Cancer Club! And Thank You Mods for facilitating its creation.
- Hi. Just had lumpectomy for lower inner quad left invasive ductal ca ER, PR positive , Her 2 negative . Oncotype 22. I’m 53. Have negative sentinel nodes but positive intermammary on pet ct. They are …
- Diagnosed July 2024, started treatment Aug 24 with 7 cycles of chemotherapy with EC x3 Docetaxol x4 , completed December 24 Surgery in the form of therapeutic mammoplasty with removal of tumour bed Ma…
- My dr. wants me to join the Natalee trial which is based on the success of the Monaleesa trial for women with Stage 4 breast cancer. the drug is Kisqali (ribociclib) tablets. It was administered in 6 …
- Hi, I’m Kristine, I was diagnosed in March 2024, and my journal has been full of mixed emotions. I’ve learned a lot from my chemo experiences and tests, as well as how relationships change with siblin…
- Hi- I'm just wondering if anyone on here has experienced the need to delay chemotherapy at any point in their journey. I was diagnosed back in Feb 2024, had my partial mastectomy with reconstruction b…
- I am quickly approaching the one year mark here and have my first round of scans post treatment in a couple of weeks. However, the local newspaper has been running stories left and right this month in…
- My sister diagnosed with stage 2 dcis er + and pr+ now she is undergoing for chemo and doctor said lump has shrunk so can any one able to advise whether I need to go for lumpectomy or mastectomy Tumor…
- I’ve had just one chemo; taxotere and carboplatin. Thrush started around day 6. A horrible metal taste started soon after on day 8. I’m hoping that the metal taste will go away when the thrush does. W…
- I was diagnosed with breast cancer ,oestrogen positive -stage 1 in September.I had an operation in December and now the doctors are telling me that they found a smal amount of cancer cells into one of…
- Hi Can anyone please help .. I have been using a rowing machine for past few months and my arm is now swelling up , sorry it's got no lymph nodes. Should I be wearing a compression sleeve ? Thanks
- I am Stage IIB, and Verzenio was approved by my insurance today. I was curious how many other "early stage" folks were taking it; my MO suggested she only has three patients on Verzenio, total. Anyone…
- I am so thrilled we finally have a place to call HOME here! I was diagnosed w/IDC last year at the age of 39. It was in 2/6 lymph nodes. I was also HER2 and Estrogen Positive.I had dbl mastectomy w/im…
- I'm looking to find out what's others oncotype was and wha t they decided to do.. How old were you? I've now read so much in regards to oncotype and know they recently changed staging of breast cancer…
- Now after meeting with radiation oncology (they couldn't do anything but talk to me due to I still need to meet with Hematology oncology and discuss chemotherapy options first) I was reading over my n…
- I now have a little more information and it helps with decisions. I am stage 2a with er+90% pr neg her2 neg and Ki67 up to 90% ( not sure what that means) My oncologist is sending the biopsy off to ge…
- Not sure if this is the right place to post. But I am wondering how people learned whether they had LVI or extracapsular extension or extra-nodal extension (unless that's the same thing)? I am 100% co…
- Hello Everybody, I was diagnosed with ER+ PR+ HER2- grade 2 IDC+DCIS with a positive node via biopsy/image. I did neoadjuvant TCx4 followed by Umx. While the tumor and positive node both shrank a bit,…
- Today marks 10 years I was diagnosed with stage IIB idc breast cancer. My tumor was 3.4cm and I had 3 positive lymph nodes. When I was first diagnosed I spent a good period of my day searching and tra…
- Hi all. Asking for a relative who was diagnosed with stage 2 hormone positive cancer - what are the chances of it coming back with chemotherapy? Asking you here as it is quicker than trying to search …
- I am hoping to get feedback from others on treatment decisions for someone in my situation. Diagnosed at 51 years old, I am stage 2B, with two positive axillary nodes. I had left mastectomy with axill…
- Hello. It's been awhile since I posted in this forum, so I have to do some reading up on things, but I'd like to ask when is it warranted to have the blood test that denotes tumor spread? I was dxd st…
- I am stage IIB with two positive lymph nodes. I had left breast mastectomy with node dissection at end of October. My OncoType score was 11 so we determined chemo was not necessary. I have an auto imm…
- I have been taking Anastrozole for 22 months. one month after Starting Anastrozole my MCV (which is an enlargement of the red blood cells usually associated with anemia or folic acid and vitamin b def…
- All, I have been scouring all similar posts as well but would really welcome any thoughts and your experiences to help with decisions on chemo. I have Stage 2B IDC with 1 positive lymph node (but is 1…
- I am freaking out! My oncologist does tumors markers as part of my regular bloodwork every 6 months or so. I have always been in a range of 12.5 to 17.5 on my CA 27-29 for the last 6 years. But my num…
- Hi Everyone I have stage 2 and I am triple negative. I will be having my 4th chemo on Jan 11 2018. I have noticed on my second and 3rd chemo that it seems to throw me into super overdrive into asthma …
- Hi all, I've been lurking since my diagnosis in August but this is my first post because I'm really struggling to make a treatment decision in the next few days. In brief: I am 47 years old and premen…
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