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10 years out and looking at bioidentical hormones



  • snapple7
    snapple7 Member Posts: 18


    Wow! Bless you! Thank you for taking your time to respond so thoroughly and share your journey! You do write beautifully! Thanks for your support! I hear so many familiar feelings in your words. I also have a family history of depression. It’s a whole other disease that compounds every aspect of breast cancer. And yes, the well meaning suggestions of friends when you are being sucked down by that demon are like catching feathers in a wind storm. You cannot understand it unless you’ve been there-like most really difficult life experiences. To wake every morning to feel one of your favorite things about your body is now not only your least favorite, but is now hard to even look at...even though doctors, nurses, breast cancer friends tell you your reconstruction is one of the really great ones....and I was 42. Only married 10 months first marriage. Same thin-from healthy high libido to zero. I tell my husband he’s the victim of false advertising! He is the most wonderful man though and I’m very blessed in that.

    I went 8 years eating no soy...avoiding anything that could possibly give me estrogen in any form. I did it all by the book. Only I did not do the AI treatment after 4 years of Tamoxifen due to terrible side effects. I also have hypothyroidism, although not as hard as your experience. I had a full hysterectomy 4 years in due to reoccurring polyps from the Tamoxifen. I will say, I never had an issue with wetting myself again after the removal of my uterus and ovaries, so I didn’t regret that.

    I’m so sorry for your own terrible time. You’ve really been through it. I won’t begin to give advice or suggestions. But I will offer this, you aren’t alone! This is a terrible disease and to add other diseases on top like depression and severe thyroid’s just life changing in a very negative way. I do believe you will find your path through it, however. You sound like a very strong person! It’s a grieving process. Getting through grief and not stuck is the goal. It takes some of us longer than others. I’m at peace finally with my decision, although I do think about the what if sometimes. But I can honestly say I’m at acceptance. Finally. I do love this site. It truly saved me from day 1. I’m so grateful to be heard and understood. To find answers snd friends who get it. Thank you for your words! I’m praying this morning that you will move more swiftly though this process than I did and find ways that are right for you to get back your joy! God Bless!!!

  • jons_girl
    jons_girl Member Posts: 461

    Well said Snapple...We have to all make the right decisions for each of us. Everyone is different. We just need to support each other and respect others decisions. This thread is really wonderful. Thank you for sharing your experience Snapple. I appreciate that.

  • jons_girl
    jons_girl Member Posts: 461

    this is a old thread. But has anyone used bioidentical testosterone pellets long term? I’ve heard good things about them and just wondered if anyone here has had a pellet inserted. there is a study below. I know this is a individual decision definitely. I’m considering this option for me.

  • janehicks
    janehicks Member Posts: 50

    Sorry to say but I'm pretty sure HRT was what caused my BC. Cursing myself now for taking it. My ND prescribe it for sleep issues, when it fact, it was the upstairs neighsbor causing my insomnia.

    It did help with sleep, some, but little else. What did help with everything else, especially the gray feeling and exhaustion, was finding the right anti-depressant. (I'm not suggesting this for you, just wanted to relay my experience.).

  • jons_girl
    jons_girl Member Posts: 461

    Jane thank you for commenting on this. I’m sorry to hear about your experience with hrt.

    would you mind answering some questions? Your naturopathic dr prescribed the hrt correct? Which hormones were you on?

    I’m considering going on testosterone only at this point. I’m using a bit of natural estrogen (not taken by pill)right now. But if I go on testosterone I will have to cut the estrogen because some of the testosterone would convert to estrogen I believe. The naturopathic dr who does this (testosterone pellet implants) has been working with women who are cancer survivors too. I’m sure not all her patients would be cancer survivors. But she can also combine testosterone and anastrozole (an estrogen hormone blocker i think )if I choose.

    If you wouldn’t mind sharing tho about your experience with this I would appreciate that. I’m in the process of making a decision about this. I’ve also checked with my MO who I’m guessing will support my decision.

    Thank you in advance for answering my questions.

  • janehicks
    janehicks Member Posts: 50

    Hi jons_girl,

    My ND prescribed Estrogen via Vivelle dot patch along with a progesterone pill. She wanted to add in testosterone but my Internal medicine doctor and gynecologist flipped out about this, saying testosterone would be me over the top for BC. (This was prior to my diagnosis.)

    Sadly because of my experience I've lost some faith in NDs. Mine was well regarded in Seattle, but because of her judgement, over a two year course, I ended up severe Intersticial Cystitis, a ravenous upper respiritory infection which lead to almost permanent hearing loss in one ear, and was on an pricey supplement treatment for something called reactivated EBV with pills who's dye are notorious for causing cancer.

    And then, of course, the HRT and now BC.

    I'm not trying to ward you off alternative medicine at all. (I use acupuncture and my oncologist set me up with an in house ND at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance) but I'm now a lot more diligient about researching what an ND will suggest when I used to just blindly go along, thinking they were the more honest of the medicinal community. And I'm no expert on hormones so I can only speak to my experience.

    Unfortunately, there will be misinformation in all medical fields, so it's good you're asking questions.

  • jons_girl
    jons_girl Member Posts: 461

    wow Jane you’ve been through a lot. I’ve been told any internal hormone pills can be a bad thing. I think my MO may have told me never take hormones internally through mouth? I might be wrong tho. I have a email sent to her through my medical system to see if she would support a testosterone pellet implant. It’s possible she will say no. But will see what she says.

    Im so sorry you are going through BC. 😞I too would not be trusting of ND’s after what you’ve gone through. I think we all trust our doctors probably too much. And yes we surely have to do a lot of research and ask a lot of questions to be able to decide what’s the best choice for ourselves.

    I hope your treatment goes well and you are cancer free soon. This forum was a huge support to me while I was going through treatment. Sending you a hug. Thank you for sharing your experience on this conversation thread.

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352


    Thanks for the interesting discussion. Do you mind if I ask what your MO thought of the testosterone pellet suggestion? Are you trying it?