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Starting Chemo December 2020

JulesFL Member Posts: 2

There's noplace like an infusion center for the holidays!

Am I the first to start December? If not, someone please direct me, I'm new. Starting chemo Dec. 3 because Thanksgiving, otherwise would've been in the November club nobody wanted to ever join.

Determined to remain calm and positive. I'm 48, stage 1.9 (I made that up...the doctors waffle) IDC triple-positive grade 3. Have a 1.8 cm tumor and a 5 cm area of suspicious calcifications, thus the indecision about stage.

Getting treated at Mayo in Florida, feel blessed to live an easy 25 minute drive away.

Look forward to getting through this, if not necessarily going through it, with all y'all.



  • Stukey71
    Stukey71 Member Posts: 3
    edited November 2020

    Well, it looks like I am going to be joining your party for December Chemo. I start one day after you on December 4th, suppose to be 6 treatments of taxotere with a splash of palonosetron. I had my DMX on October 29 & have no idea of when I will have the surgery for the implants. The news of chemo and hormone therapy was a shocker to find out after the pathology report came back with its findings. I go in tomorrow for a pet scan, checking everything else. Lost my left kidney in 2017, due to renal cell carcinoma. Good luck to you and I'll keep you in my prayers!

  • mochipie
    mochipie Member Posts: 45
    edited December 2020

    Hello - I'm new here and wanted to join the party. I'm generally more of a lurker than a poster, but may find that I start posting more often once treatment starts.

  • Stukey71
    Stukey71 Member Posts: 3
    edited December 2020

    Jules, How are you doing? MochiPie, I am not a big postered either but I thought what the heck. Read the Sep 2019 thread good info. We have this

  • marie914
    marie914 Member Posts: 152
    edited December 2020

    Hello all - I started November 4 and posting in the November 2020 chemo thread.

    JulesFl - Mayo is great! I guess you are near Jacksonville. I am way down southwest in Naples/Fort Myers area and I am using local but I did get a second opinion at Moffitt in Tampa. How did it go yesterday?

    Stukey71 - Hope today goes great for you!

    I am having 4 cycles taxotere and cytoxan TC. I had two so far. November 4 and November 27 (delayed two days because of Thanksgiving). MY next two are December 18 and January 8. The day of chemo has gone smoothly for me. I can drive myself and I feel fine throughout. I am getting cold capping DigniCap so I have to stay longer. The biggest side effect has been the dry mouth and no taste but no mouth sores. I use Biotene toothpaste, mouthwash and oracoat xylimelts dry mouth relief moisturizing oral adhering discs. I have had an upset stomach - cramping but no real problems with diarrhea. The main thing that helped me is when I felt good for two weeks in between infusions. Just knowing that I will have two good weeks makes the one week of not feeling great manageable. I had headaches from not hydrating enough I think but I just can't seem to drink enough.

    If you are getting Neulasta, take Claritin every day for a few days before and after. I had severe bone pains for two days after the first cycle Neulasta but this second cycle wasn't as painful.

    I used icing booties to prevent neuropathy and tried to use the mittens but I think just holding frozen ice bottles work better for me. I can provide amazon links if you want.

  • Stukey71
    Stukey71 Member Posts: 3
    edited December 2020


    I have stalked your group and have the mittens and the booties. However, I didn’t sleep last night and forgot both last night! I found out last night that I will be getting the Cytoxan after the Taxotere. Today is my first of six of chemo. Then I’ll have to go through 25 rounds of radiation, then hormone therapy for who knows how long. I’ll do it as long as all of this kicks cancer butt!

  • flagmama
    flagmama Member Posts: 7
    edited December 2020

    Hi December Clubmates!

    I'm 59, dx with IDC early November. Due to grade 3 and High Risk Mammoprint I'll be starting 4 cycles of TC on Dec 10th, then surgery in late Feb.

    I'm trying to stay positive too, trusting in God and many prayers!

    Stukey71, I'm praying for you today for peace and comfort, and will continue as the chemo kicks in.

    JulesFL, you too, I'll pray for the coming days

    Heck, I'm praying for healing and comfort for ALL of you!

    marie914, I'm glad your side effects have been managable! Thanks for the suggestions. Have you lost any hair? My MO said it starts 2 weeks after first

    infusion. Also, I was told the cold cap costs around $3000, even to rent. Cool idea about holding frozen water bottles, but ugh! That sounds uncomfortable.

    Hang in there, everyone!


  • nicole_bei
    nicole_bei Member Posts: 12
    edited December 2020

    hello there,

    I am 35 and I diagnosed TNBC a week ago and will start my chemo next Friday. My plan is DD AC-T. I am in Toronto,CA. Any one have any suggestion or information is welcome. I am so afraid of side effect. BTW, the hospital did not mention the port or picc line. Is anyone here get chemo without these port or picc line thing?



  • mochipie
    mochipie Member Posts: 45
    edited December 2020

    Hi Nicole,

    My first chemo is without a port or picc. Port placement is several days later. Side effects are also terrifying me. The list is daunting and endless.

  • nicole_bei
    nicole_bei Member Posts: 12
    edited December 2020

    hello MochiPie,

    Thanks for your reply. Hope you are fine with your first chemo...

  • marie914
    marie914 Member Posts: 152
    edited December 2020

    Flagmama - thinking of you on the 10th.

    Nicole and Mochipie - When do you two start your chemo?

    I had TC Taxotere Cytoxan twice so far and two more times. 3 weeks apart.

    The side effects have been very manageable but I know everyone is different so what is not bad for one could be bad for another. I had an upset stomach for a few days but no nausea or smelling problems. Everything tastes bad for about 12 days starting at day 2. Just ate soups and stews and pancakes/waffles were good too. You have to find what works for you. My hair started falling out about day 20 of my first cycle just in time for cycle 2 but I am doing cold capping Dignicap so it didn't all all fall out so I wear it in a loose ponytail and wear a ball cap when I go out somewhere. I am trying to think of other side effects. I did have bone pain the first cycle after Neulasta but I was more diligent with Claritin and ibruprofen and it is was better the second cycle. I did have some times of fatigue but I also had some times of high energy - weird. This is Day 12 (day 1 is the day of infusion) and I feel pretty good. My taste is starting to come back but not all the way yet. I will be great for another 9 days when I have my 3rd infusion.

    check in anytime. People have so many different side effects someone will have something that will help you.

    I do brush my teeth with biotene, use biotene mouthwash and these dry mouth lozenges at night. I haven't had any mouth sores so far.

  • nicole_bei
    nicole_bei Member Posts: 12
    edited December 2020

    I will start my chemo @18 Dec..hope less se..

  • sharon0706
    sharon0706 Member Posts: 80
    edited December 2020
    nicole_bei: I am doing four rounds of TC and do not have a port. I was told that there can be an increased chance of infection. They stick the tube it in on the back of my hand and it worked fine for me.

    I learned a couple of things from my 1st round of TC.

    Re frozen socks and mittens: one thing that helped me somewhat tolerate the cold (I so, so hate being cold!) was wearing a pair of hospital socks on my hands and feet inside the gloves. I actually had two pairs of hospital socks inside the frozen socks.

    Re scalp cooling: I put a lemon drop under my tongue and just held it there. It distracted me a little and maybe gave me a little extra dopamine. The first 10-12 minutes were tough but then it got easier. The cold feet and hands were actually harder for me to tolerate than the cold cap.

    If it helps anyone, I was expecting the TC side effects to be much worse than they were. I had antiquated visions of vomiting endlessly and being in bed for days, neither of which happened. The nausea was manageable with Zofran and Ativan. I was tired but still absolutely needed Ativan to sleep. I had a yucky taste and feeling in my mouth and rinsed with salt water several times a day. I was constipated and ended up taking Sennikot twice a day for at least the first week.

    After Neulasta, I did have some of that "bony pain" in my back even though I took Claritin for a week before, but it was okay. That was over in a week or so.

    My second treatment is 12/14 and I feel a little better knowing that the side effects (I hope) will be more tolerable than I was expecting.

    Pubic hairs started falling out at around day 14. I am at day 16 and am bracing myself for shedding. The only real side effect I feel besides getting tired easily is dulled taste buds.

    Hope this helps you know that you can get through this.

    Take care,
  • MsMurphy
    MsMurphy Member Posts: 32
    edited December 2020

    Joining the December club.

    Nicole_bei, I start the 18th as well. Here's hoping all goes smooth for us.

  • nicole_bei
    nicole_bei Member Posts: 12
    edited December 2020

    Thanks Sharon0706. I am still confuse why need cold it for special chemo se? Glad to hearing your se is manageable. I spent 3 years studying in Boston so excited to see people from Massachusetts.. I already prepared worry about hair loss. Just terrified about nausea and vomiting happened a lot with AC...

  • nicole_bei
    nicole_bei Member Posts: 12
    edited December 2020

    Good luck for us and ladies in this thread...

  • rmayfair2011
    rmayfair2011 Member Posts: 5
    edited December 2020

    Hi there, I am joining the December club!

    I just today had my port installed. I am pretty freaked out having this thing in me but I'm told after it heals up, you barely feel it. I have 4 cycles of A/C (I forget the long names but was told this is what everyone calls it lol) and then 12 weeks of Taxol. Theeeeen radiation. I am still waiting on an echo heart scan to be cleared to actually start the chemo but I'm aiming for either late this week or next week to start. Want to get this started and over with!

    Nicole, from what my Dr told me with AC there is 100% hair loss. Some people are getting different chemo drugs that may not cause full hair loss so the cold caps benefit them. But will not benefit those of us doing AC.

    I have a friend that is dying my hair purple soon and I'm going to have fun doing different things with it til it falls out, then I'm going to have fun with different wigs lol. That's my silver lining with all of this, I get an excuse to really go crazy with different looks!

  • marie914
    marie914 Member Posts: 152
    edited December 2020

    Hello December chemo. I started in November and had two TC taxotere and cytoxan so far. I have my third of four infusions this Friday the 18.

    I am doing cold capping. Dignicap. I am not sure what you heard from your doctor Rmayfair201… but cold capping is for every chemo and even though they say 100% hair loss (taxotere causes 100% hair loss and it can even be permanent for 3-5% of patients) that is not with cold capping. You can still lose 30-70% of your hair but they say it comes in quicker. If I had to do it over, I might just go with bald and getting fitted with a wig and wear hats/scarves. Because with cold capping I have only lost about 40% of my hair and I can still wear a ponytail and go out even though I usually wear a hat too. It just seems like I have to be so careful with my remaining hair and only wash it 2 times a week and then it still sheds all over - not as much as if I didn't cold cap but enough.

    If you want more information on cold capping I would go to the thread on here that has a lot of information. Most people after it is all done seem happy they did it so I hope I will too.

    Sharon - we sound a lot alike. Even though this time (after 2nd infusion) the week before chemo I feel pretty good but I just feel tired and achy and if I just walk a little bit I seem to start breathing heavy and my heartrate has been up even while resting I go in Friday for my 3rd. We will see how it goes.

  • sharon0706
    sharon0706 Member Posts: 80
    edited December 2020

    Hi all. I am day 4 after my second TC and even though I am pumped up on steroids still I am feeling sad about my hair loss.

    I've been using Paxman scalp cooling but have lost enough hair that I am finally starting to look sick.

    I had already gotten a pixie cut prior to chemo, but even with the shorter hair-do, it was just such a pain to clean all the hair out of the shower and off the bathroom floor. I was spending what felt like ten minutes cleaning up the bathroom after every shower. Probably an exaggeration.

    My hairdresser very kindly came to my back parking lot yesterday and did an outside buzz equivalent with scissors. I really don't look like myself and have taken to wearing soft caps around the clock. My husband supports this.

    I thought an even shorter cut would just be easier. Which I guess it is? But STILL in the shower last night, as many times as I rinsed my hair and ran my hands through it, there was always still more hair coming out.

    I can't decide if I should keep using the Paxman. I'm on a Paxman FB group and they will probably advise me to keep using it and remind me that the most shedding happens between rounds 2 and 3.

    I remind myself that being able to wear a soft hat in wintery Massachusetts for the next several months is a gift of sorts, but today just for ten minutes I am not feeling like looking on the bright side.

    Having said that, I am going to force myself out for a bundled-up walk while these steroids are still in my system. Sorry for the grumpy report but I imagine some of you get it.


  • nicole_bei
    nicole_bei Member Posts: 12
    edited December 2020

    Thanks Rmayfair2011 ,

    when will you start your chemo? Good luck ..

  • Lisa1958
    Lisa1958 Member Posts: 22
    edited December 2020

    Sharon -

    The hair loss is disheartening but at least it doesn’t hurt! I had shoulder length, naturally grey/white hair. Before chemo I had a backyard shorter cut and red for fun! Even with hair 4 inches ling or shorter I couldn’t stand seeing the long hair in my hands! Had my daughter use a clipper on six and it turned out pretty cute but the handfuls of tiny hair in the shower and sink! Yuck! And now visible bald spots. I bet i shave by next week. Ordered a bunch of head coverings. I hope I like them.


    Having a port is weird. I think I feel it the most in my neck but so happy because my arms are hard to stick so anything that makes life easier! Enjoy the purple! We are allowed to be grumpy!

    Marie -

    Glad cold capping is working for you!

    Ms Murphy-

    Good luck with round one!

    December is flying by! Can’t believe Christmas is so close! Hope everyone gets some joy in there life this month!


  • MsMurphy
    MsMurphy Member Posts: 32
    edited December 2020

    Hey everyone, tomorrow is the big day! I'll be starting TCH. Looking at my appointment, it looks like they scheduled the infusion for 30 minutes. Does that sound right for those of you who have already started or gone through chemo? From what I've read, 3-4 hours seems more the norm but I certainly won't complain if it can be done in less time.

    I also have another question that might sound silly. I've already cut my hair super short, which is not unusual for me as long hair drives me crazy and I'm not really concerned about losing my hair but once you are bald, how do you care for your scalp? Continue shampooing/conditioning, switch to face or body wash? Will I need to moisturize it too?

    Thanks all!

  • sharon0706
    sharon0706 Member Posts: 80
    edited December 2020
    Lisa1958 - If you find your scalp gets sensitive you could try this cap I found on Amazon by Caplord called "Satin Bonnet Lined Sleeping Beanie Hat." I swear I am not a rep. So far it's my favorite soft cap. It's big enough that when I sleep I pull it over my eyes and it doubles as an eye mask.

    MsMurphy - good luck tomorrow. Re scalp care, I am using just a smidge of the brand Free and Clear conditioner on my remaining hair. Maybe reach out to the women in the chemo groups from earlier this year. My skin is so sensitive up there that I'm just leaving it alone for now. Have you looked into argan oil?

    take care everyone.
  • Lisa1958
    Lisa1958 Member Posts: 22
    edited December 2020

    msMurphy - shaving what’s left today. Thought I wasn’t going to get a wig but now just for fun I’m considering it. Turns out it is tax deductible!

    Sharon - might have to look into that sleeping hat. Sounds cozy.

    Tried to find some cute caps but they all scream Cancer. Guess there is no way of hiding it. I should be glad I can’t go anywhere because of Covid, I guess :)

    Feeling much better this round, but sleepier

    LBARKER30 Member Posts: 3
    edited December 2020

    Hi Everyone-

    I am a newbie to this thread.  I am just starting TC chemo on Monday.  I got my port put in yesterday and I have some weird pain.  It feels like there is a sore spot in my throat - especially noticeable when I swallow.  Anyone else have this? I called the on call physician to check in and be sure it was nothing to worry about since they didn't mention it as a possibility. He thought it was normal as long as it doesn't get worse.

    It does feel a bit better after I take OTC pain killers.

    I am also starting with the dignicap and I am very worried about the cold headache.  My sister in law had bad headaches.  I hope I am not worrying myself into more symptoms!  LOL


  • Lisa1958
    Lisa1958 Member Posts: 22
    edited December 2020

    Ihad my port put in last month. Still feels weird. And I can see it poke out of my neck.I guess we just have to get used to it. Put it on the list of things we didn't know we would have to endure!

  • Lisa1958
    Lisa1958 Member Posts: 22
    edited December 2020

    Had a fun day yesterday. My cancer hospital has an Positive Image Center. Got an appointment to look at wigs. FaceTimed with my 2 daughters while I tried on wigs. We had a blast. Almost felt like a normal day. Went home with a wig. Not sure where I will wear it but it was a fun escapade and I could tell they really enjoyed encouraging me and telling me how great I look. Nice to have a good day.

    Haven’t shaved yet. Very close but not quite ready

  • marie914
    marie914 Member Posts: 152
    edited December 2020

    LB and Lisa - I had my port put in end of October but the first two weeks it felt weird. Every since then it has been great. No pain and it looks better (once the glue all came off) and it works so good. So nice not to get IV poked all the time. At first I thought my neck looked really weird - it either got better or I got used to it. No one seems to notice unless I point it out.

    LB - I am using DigniCap - third time yesterday. The 30 minute cooling up period is the hardest but it only felt funny to me for about 10 minutes at the most. I tried to keep myself busy doing something else. I never got headaches. After that 10 minutes, my feet felt worse than my head. I was using cold packs on my feet too. I think it will be fine but you just have to think positive too. I don't even really feel it the rest of the time.

  • rmayfair2011
    rmayfair2011 Member Posts: 5
    edited December 2020

    Marie, thank you for the info, I will look into it! My doc basically said to me that I would see other people wearing the cold caps during treatment and that I would wonder why I wasn't doing the same and she explained that it wouldn't help me at all. *Shrug* so I will look into it myself more!

    Nicole, my first chemo is scheduled for Tuesday! Anxious but ready to get it started and closer to being done!

    So have some of you had your port installed in your neck or is that just where you're feeling it? Mine is below my collarbone and almost in my armpit. It's still healing with the bandage on and can feel it tug a bit when I do certain things or chew in a certain way but I think it will be more comfortable once the bandage and stitching is out. Such a weird feeling though. But yes I agree that it seems a lot better than an IV stick all those times! I have only had the 2 IV sticks for getting this installed and the lumpectomy, so I'm cool not having any more of those if possible!

    Interesting and helpful info about the hair! I have long hair and shed a lot so I am used to having a lot in the shower, but was unsure how it may actually come out. I guess in my head I see it all cleanly falling out all at once, not here and there but that makes sense. I have a friend on hand waiting to buzz me whenever we get there! Purple fun hair happening tomorrow!

    LBARKER, were you knocked out for the port install? I had a sore throat for about 2 or 3 days after my port was installed but it was because they knocked me out and so I had the breathing tube that cause that.

    Lisa that sounds like a fun day! <3

  • nicole_bei
    nicole_bei Member Posts: 12
    edited December 2020

    hello team,

    Today is third day of my first chemo. AC. I felt fatigue and really foggy head and a little nauseous. I lost my appetite but tried to eat something. I like something cold such as yogurt and fruits. I don't know how long the SE will last...

  • Kat2020
    Kat2020 Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2020

    Hi..shaved what was left also😢..can't look in the mirror though. I found some cute turbans on Amazon, they are soft and comfortable. I use the twisty turban hair towel in the shower. Glad I purchased the wig already, just have to go back to the salon for a final fitting. (They are great and also have private rooms for wig fittings 💖)

    2nd treatment finally tomorrow after having...C19 😨, what. a. trip.