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Starting Chemo January 2021



  • BeauJoMom
    BeauJoMom Member Posts: 4

    Hi Everyone,

    I started my chemo TCHP on January 12. My third cycle was delayed a week due to liver counts being too high. One week out from 3rd cycle and this one has been tough - debilitating actually. I feel incredibly weak and tired. Sleeping most of the time. Some side effects I have had so far:

    Hair loss -- I really don't mind it. Being bald means one less thing to manage.

    Diarrhea -- The worst! Food goes right through me. Immodium helps some, and I need to remember to stay hydrated.

    Weakness -- I am so darn tired all the time. I work from home and my employer has been so supportive. But I need a nap after a couple of hours of work.

    Rash -- It looks like I have burns on the back of my hands and fingers.

    Taste -- Nothing tastes good. I put hot sauce on everything, except now my mouth gets sore.

    Motivation -- It's hard to stay motivated to do anything. I feel bored... always. Not really depressed. Just lack of life.

    I found out I have the ATM gene mutation (my sister also had BC), and since cancer is in both breasts, I will have a double mastectomy in late May/early June (if chemo goes well). I've already decided not to go through any type of reconstruction. I just want the cancer gone and to be healthy again. Any additional surgeries or reconstruction just depresses me.

    So far chemo hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be, but harder than anything I've ever faced, if that makes sense.

  • BeauJoMom
    BeauJoMom Member Posts: 4

    I have a little portable bidet. You can order them on Amazon. So easy to use and soothing. It even packs down to go in a purse.

  • redcanoe
    redcanoe Member Posts: 72

    hi Beaujo, I also started chemo on January 12. My liver counts have also been high. My second and third doses, the docetaxol was reduced by 33%. I'm now starting to think that may be the case for the rest of chemo. I can't wait for it to be over.

  • claire1973
    claire1973 Member Posts: 84

    Hi Everyone.

    Hoping for a gently Wednesday for all of you.


    Nothing tastes good to me too and the digestion is rough here, too. I felt a little relief with it this week after switching to totally bland food. I'm basically on the BRAT diet that I used to give my --now giants teenagers used to be toddlers--. I'm going for treatment 10 tomorrow, and the taste went away after a couple of weeks.

    I'm starting to feel neuropathy and will try acupuncture for the next 6 weeks. I'm also taking L-Glutamine. It's not too bad but the tingling is starting and my thumb nails feel weird...might lose those.

    Redcanoe--high liver numbers here too. my stabilized after about 4 treatments. my neutrophil number was right on the edge of bad last week...hoping it's okay this week. I do not want the shot in my stomach.

    When are your last infusions? Mine is March 25th...counting the days down on a chart in my kitchen.

  • redcanoe
    redcanoe Member Posts: 72

    I have been doing the injections all along. My oncologist was going to wait and see but I convinced him to prescribe it for all my cycles. I have four kids in the school system and knew I would for sure be exposed to illness. Sure enough, my kids got sick and I spiked a high fever, went to the ER and my white blood cells were great and I went home and recovered totally fine. I am so glad I pushed for it.

    I am done chemo at the end of April. I really hope my liver numbers go down. I want to attack this cancer with full chemo.

    My taste buds are still fine. I am finding I am almost back to normal about 10-11 days after an infustion.

  • BeauJoMom
    BeauJoMom Member Posts: 4

    Redcanoe - I read that coffee can actually help with liver enzymes, have you? Before treatment I would drink a couple cups of black coffee (no sugar/cream) each day. But I lost my taste for it and really didn't miss it. Now I've added a morning cup back. Couldn't hurt I suppose. Our poor livers have to process all of these medications! I think twice before taking anything over the counter unless my doctor says to and having had alcohol since I started treatment. I wish I would have known that cycles could be delayed here and there. It was a real mental hit to learn I was delayed by a week. Now I am mentally preparing myself for other days. Chemo for me should be done first week of May, but I now understand I need to be more flexible. I hope your liver numbers improve!

    claire1973 - I know what you mean about food! It doesn't taste the same and I never know what is going to trigger diarrhea. Now that I can't eat like I used to, I've become obsessed with cooking shows, haha :) I find myself watching them and filing away all these recipes I want to try when I am through this. I guess, if I can taste it, I can still dream about it ;)

  • redcanoe
    redcanoe Member Posts: 72

    My fourth round of chemo has been delayed due to low counts. Just a week though. My platelets were super low.

  • claire1973
    claire1973 Member Posts: 84

    Redcanoe--giant ugh. I am so so sorry to hear that. It's already such a terrible grind and there is so much anticipation to have it over and done. Rest up and sending good number vibes your way for next week.

  • beachmomof5
    beachmomof5 Member Posts: 2

    I am new to this, just started my tchp on January 29 . Just finished round 3 as well. I feel you with all the unwelcome side effects. No one can really understand unless you are going through it. at this point Dr says lumpectomy and radiation after, but deciding whether to just be proactive and have mastectomy with reconstruction of both.

    stay strong, you can do this!

  • msphil
    msphil Member Posts: 185

    hello sweetie my mini story found lump in shower while preparing for 2nd marriage. Diagnosed idc stage2 0/3 nodes 3mo chemo before and after Lmast got married then 7 wks rads and 5 yrs on Tamoxifen. Was thinking about lumpectomy against oncologist advice fiance at time said go with mastectomy. I did. This yr will be 27yr Survivor Praise God was 42 at diagnosis. Inspiring others is my purpose now. msphil

  • Ista
    Ista Member Posts: 8

    Hello ladies, I had my third round on Friday, my creatinine levels are low and hemoglobin too. I had a very crazy heavy period a week & 1/2 ago too. It was worrying me so I called nurses & they didn’t think it was related to chemo and it went back to normal after a while but last longer for sure. The oncologist thinks I’m just dehydrated so I’m back to trying to drink 100 oz. hopefully this helps. Now, I’m constipated and have to pee constantly.
    I’ve been having headaches behind my eyes but I wonder if it’s part of the dehydration. When I wake up for an hour or so and sometimes before I go to bed. I haven’t needed any pain meds for it. And it is a side effect. The nurses said it might be sinus or changing of seasons or barometric pressure again they weren’t concerned. anybody else get this ithas been off and on again for 2 weeks.

  • claire1973
    claire1973 Member Posts: 84

    This isn't something I've had to deal with but so sorry you are! I haven't had a period since I was diagnosed....stress + chemo I guess. I know the stock answer for everything is more water---but aren't we all SICK of water? more power to you getting down that 100oz. My doctor suggested not drinking within an hour of going to bed. I go to bed so early--this means cramming it all in during a short period of time. I tried that, but I just feel better if I also drink throughout the night. I drink a full glass every time i get up to pee. Sending strength vibes to everyone.


  • Mememee
    Mememee Member Posts: 33

    Would love to know if anyone started chemo before their port area was fully healed and what their experience was like. I had my port placed in last week.

    Per usual for me, I developed a deep red rash on and around my port that is bigger than the palm of my hand. It is blistered and itchy, drives me crazy. I am very sensitive to surgical cleanser,dermabond, steri strips, basically anything with adhesives. Taking a lot of Benadryl helps ease the itch. My onco finally sent a steroid pack Rx to yesterday which I know will clear it up in a week.

    My chemo date was moved forward because of my rash. Now supposed to start it on Friday this week. Worried that they won't start it if the area is still red and inflamed. I don't have any veins that can handle an IV since the one viable vein was used during my port surgery. The 60 day post surgery mark is coming up quickly.



  • claire1973
    claire1973 Member Posts: 84

    Hi Meememe

    Mine healed up after about 10 days. My skin is sensitive but not to the level of yours. Every time they access your port, tell the nurse you need the sensitive dressing. I don't always remember to ask for it. It's a large square plastic covering to protect the site from unwanted stuff but it is an adhesive and can be irritating. There are options if you ask. Also, when they remove everything and dress the port for me to leave, I always ask for gauze and paper tape instead of the bandaid (which also gives me a rash).

    hope it heals up quickly for you.


  • Mememee
    Mememee Member Posts: 33


    Thanks for the heads up n the adhesive they use during chemo and that they may have other options. I will definitely request gauze/ paper tape after I finish. Thankfully the steroids & Benadryl have cleared 85% my rash. I am very nervous about going to my fist treatment today. It’s quite overwhelming but once I get started my anxiety should subside. cheers Mememee

  • claire1973
    claire1973 Member Posts: 84

    Mememee...yes--that first one is VERY overwhelming. you start to feel like the resident pro immediately, though, starting with the second one. If you have a steroid and benadryl in your pre-meds (I did) then hopefully that will be built in help for the skin.

  • Ista
    Ista Member Posts: 8

    Hi Ladies, my fourth round of TCH is this Friday. I need some suggestions for drinks. Usually I drink Gatorade(Red, Blue or White) berry infused water or herbal teas or steep tea. I tried lemon water and didn’t like it. I don’t like soft drinks, they are too sweet. What else can I try?