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January 2021 Radiation Club



  • Twinkle-09
    Twinkle-09 Member Posts: 17

    I had my 5th treatment out of 20 yesterday, so only 3 more weeks. I’m tired, but my job makes me tired and then fighting traffic after work to get to treatment. I’ve been using the toll roads ($$) because I’m tired and not in the mood for traffic after work.

    I hope all of you are doing well and getting the rest you need

  • brittonkb
    brittonkb Member Posts: 81

    Hi ladies! I finished my 13th out of 25 treatments yesterday - more than half way woo hoo!! I too walk to my treatment from a nearby hotel. I do think that helps with fatigue although I do have some esp by the end of the week. My RO said in her experience everyone who goes through radiation experiences some level of fatigue. Really no other side effects yet. Maybe starting to get a little pink but nothing major. Hoping it stays mild! Happy weekend to all!

  • morningstardust
    morningstardust Member Posts: 21

    I had number 8 of 33 yesterday. It's going fine and most sessions are fast. There was a bad session last week that I'll spare you the details of (everything is fine just tech error).

    I'm definitely feeling like radiation is harder solely because I do not like having to go every day. I have a lot of energy and no side effects yet so I feel bad complaining at all but I just want this to be over with already.

    I'm having a stellar start to 2021 with my business. Someone posted one of my products on one of the social media apps and I've had a lot more orders than normal which is exciting but also stressful just because I'm trying to get everything out the door before I hit that radiation wall. My husband and I are also trying to find our first house. It's so much going on at once. All good things but I'm trying to keep my stress levels in check and it is difficult.

    Glad to see everyone is doing well and moving quickly through treatment!

  • mindig66
    mindig66 Member Posts: 41

    Happy Monday! Roads are not good here but my husband is coming home to take me to radiation. The whole week looks to be a bit dicy! I hope the cancer center remains open and I can do all 5 this week!

    We're all moving ahead so lets keep it up! I am applying "Aquaphor" twice a day - after radiation and before bed. Hope it'll keep the burns at bay!

    Give updates when you can!

    Mindi ~

  • morningstardust
    morningstardust Member Posts: 21

    @Mindi there's supposed to be major snow here this week too and I was very nervous about it interfering with treatment. For what it's worth, I asked today and they said they will not close no matter what. They told me to just call if I can't make it in but I'm going to do everything I can to keep going this week (I live one mile away, though it's hill-y, but the streets are arterial so I feel like they would be safe).

    Good luck everyone and have a good week!

  • lilbeamer
    lilbeamer Member Posts: 15

    I finished my 25th radiation treatment on Friday. So relieved to be done! It is the end of 8 long months of chemo/surgery/radiation/HP infusions. Just 7 more HP infusions to go. Final stretch! My RO warned me of fatigue after about week 2. I thought I was sailing through it and then Sunday night before my 5th week it hit me hard! Last week was exhausting, but my skin survived. My RO did warn me fatigue and skin can worsen for the 2 weeks after treatment.

    For all of you still on the journey, good luck! I hope your fatigue and skin issues are minimal!

  • mtspacekace
    mtspacekace Member Posts: 123

    Hello everyone! I finished 9/25 today! I am so lucky that my cancer center is very accommodating with radiation times. Normally, I go in at 9:45, but today they moved me to the last appointment at 2, because I was driving from home. It’s 2 hours and we had snow all weekend. I drive a 4-wheel drive pickup, and the interstate driving lane was clear sailing the entire way! Of course the coldest week this winter and I have to do a lot of traveling home this week...Thursday morning is my second covid shot, so I will go home Wednesday, and come back Thursday after my shot. So far, my skin is doing well! It hurts a little, but there’s no redness, and I’ve been using a steroid cream prescribed to me, and 2 other lotions my ro gave me. Hoping you all have a great week, and stay warm if you’re in the tundra like I am

  • mindig66
    mindig66 Member Posts: 41

    Hi friends!

    @morning- so far I think the cancer center will remain open! I think most of the country is cold and snow-covered! So strange! It took a bit longer to get there yesterday - normally a 30 min drive and it took 50 min. Not a huge deal. Glad you won't be having to deal with a closure it doesn't sound like.

    @Lil - congratulations!!! That's so fantastic and thrilled your SE were minimal. Thanks for the tips on the skin and fatigue hitting later possibly. What did you apply to your skin? You can see the light at the end of the very long tunnel! So good!!

    @mtspace- ugh a 2 hr drive in good driving conditions is no easy thing! I'm glad they're accommodating you well. Glad you're skin is doing well too!

    I've got 4 down and it seems so long to go, but each one is a step closer! I meet with my RO today for my weekly check in. I don't really have any questions other than what to apply to skin in the event it does get red/sensitive. He told me to use Aquaphor which I've been doing after treatment and before bed. So far so good.

    Schools are closed and it's 22 degree highs for the next several days. Looks like a chance for more snow Sat and Monday but praying roads remain passable! My appts are at 1:30 so it's usually okay by then.

    Those of you who did chemo - How's your hair coming??!?! My hair is sloooooowly coming in. It's so grey! But, I don't care! On top seems to be much less growth than the sides but assume that'll fill in. Thankfully eyelashes are still good. Prob a bit thinner but there so I'm happy! Brows thinner for sure but everything should start growing in time for spring/summer! My nails are rough. They look awful. Putting Tea Tree Essential oils on and hoping that helps them.

    Stay safe out there!


  • iamloved
    iamloved Member Posts: 197

    Mindig66...Yes my hair is coming in slower than I had hoped for. And yes my top is thinner than the sides. Who know maybe it was like that befor e chemo🤔 11 of 19 completed this AM. I am going to put the Xeroform Occlusive gauze strips on my nipple today. My RO's nurse gave them to me last week to try. I spoke with my Naturopathic doctor yesterday and she said the Calendula is great for healing. So I will keep using that along with the steriod cream znd the vanicream for now. It is really only the nipple area that is sensitive. The rest has a slight pinkish color. My RO sais also to expect side effect 1 or 2 weeks after treatments. I have managed to continue to walk to and from my treatment even in the deep freeze of these last few day. I know it is helping me with the fatigue. I also have walked extra at the mall and the hotel's workout room. Prayers for all who are taking the treatments with us. 🙏🤗🙏

  • lilbeamer
    lilbeamer Member Posts: 15

    @Mindig66... I used mainly a calendula cream ( that a friend recommended--went through 2 tubes of that. I applied that and then a thick layer of Eucerin original healing cream 3-4 times per day. I have heard Aquaphor works well for people but for some reason after I used it my breast got really red after my next treatment so I didn't use it again (may have been completely coincidental). Around week 3 I started getting an itchy spot. I added aloe vera straight from the plant and that helped a lot! Then the doctor prescribed Denoside cream in my 4th week for the itchy part. It took forever to apply all these things but I'm now 5 days post-radiation and things are looking pretty good!

    Hair is coming back thicker I think than it was before. I ended chemo in late October--it is a full head but only a little over an inch in length. What I didn't expect was extra hair Singing which left me in a panic when I started getting peach fuzz on my sides of my face. I since read that this is not uncommon after chemo and goes away. Just FYI in case anyone else experiences that!

    @mtspacekace, goodness 2 hour drive! So glad they were able to accommodate you. I'm curious what your doctor said about getting the Covid vaccine so soon after chemo. I had read that it might not be as effective if blood counts are down and since my white blood counts are still a little low I'm in a quandary about whether to get now or wait a bit. Would love to hear from anyone who has gotten it in the few months after chemo what their experience was.

    For all of you hit by snow, stay warm and safe out there! We rarely get snow here in Portland (just a lot of rain) but are expecting some this week. Maybe? If so, I'm sure the whole city will shut down. lol.

  • mtspacekace
    mtspacekace Member Posts: 123

    @lilbeamer, my oncologist recommended getting the vaccine, in fact, he is the reason I was able to get it so soon. My blood counts are in the normal range.

    I had to call today to see about scheduling my kadcyla infusions because they were supposed to call 2 weeks ago and nothing. Apparently someone scheduled that for tomorrow and no one ever told me. Which, does not work because I will be traveling. I will start next Thursday I guess. I really hope the side effects are minimal!

  • morningstardust
    morningstardust Member Posts: 21

    I was having a bad day and then my radiation oncologist said she's considering letting me skip my last week of radiation! I was originally slated for 33 but she said the last week of boost might not be necessary because I had a nipple sparing mastectomy. I'm good either way but I will cry tears of joy if I can be done sooner (safely).

  • mindig66
    mindig66 Member Posts: 41

    Hump day! Hallelujah!

    @Lil thanks for the recommendations! I am being a bit lazy in that arena! I apply it 1x or maybe 2x a day! I need to step it up!’ That’s great about your hair! I cannot wait to have 1” of a full head of hair!!! I’m a couple months behind so I’ll wait a bit longer LOL I always dermaplaned my face for peace fuzz. Painless and just makes your face smooth for several weeks. The hair on my legs is growing fast!! I listen to a podcast out of Portland that is so good!

    @Mtspace - sorry you had a scheduling mishap! Frustrating for sure! I hope you have little to no SE from the infusions you’ll begin Thursday.

    @morning! That is good news! 33 (what I’m doing as well) seems like so much and trying to do 1 day at a time mentality but I get it!

    I’ve got 6 down. Still feeling fine. Met with RO yesterday and it was simple and uneventful. Today they took ‘films’ and said they do that once a week. I didn’t know that until today. They said just make sure there are no adjustments to make.

    They’re calling for big snow for us Sunday/Monday! It’ll work out but I do not want to miss or delay a session! Hope everyone is doing well!


  • lilbeamer
    lilbeamer Member Posts: 15

    @Mindi thanks for the dermaplaning tip! Never done it but I'll have to check it out. I hope your treatment isn't delayed by the snow. As for x-rays, that took me by surprise too. Radiation on top of radiation!

    @morningstardust... great news about not needing the extra boosts!

    So far so good post-treatment. I'm drinking a lot of water. A week out now and my nipple is the only spot that is a little painful. I guess I didn't always pile enough cream on. The rest of the big squarish shape is turning into a lovely shade of brown.

    I hope the rest of you continue to have minimal side effects as treatment goes on!

  • lilbeamer
    lilbeamer Member Posts: 15

    @mtspacekace thank you for the information on the vaccine. I had received recommendation to get but hadn't heard from anyone in active treatment who had received. Very helpful to hear! Good luck with the kadcyla infusions. A friend of mine mentioned no notable side effects from them.

  • mindig66
    mindig66 Member Posts: 41

    Happy Saturday!

    The sun is out for the first time in many days! Calm before the winter storm due overnight and tomorrow! I am praying that the cancer center remains open and no radiation treatments are delayed! Have any of your RO said if it's okay to miss a treatment? I thought I remember being told it's important to go 5 days a week without interruptions so that makes me a bit antsy!

    @Lil I'm also drinking a ton of water! I am not seeing any skin issues but I've only had 8 treatments. I apply aquaphor and am also trying Jeans Cream someone recommended. It's mostly Aloe which I think is good of course.

    Hope you all are doing well! I'm 25% through! Seems this daily thing is a long road but one step at at time!
    I'm meeting - assuming snow doesn't interfere - with my MO Monday as a check up and will discuss AI among other things. I am glad to touch base.

    Hope you all enjoy your weekends! Stay warm!


  • melbo
    melbo Member Posts: 266

    I officially start radiation on Monday, but at my first meeting with the RO they mentioned that if I have to miss an appointment for weather or some other reason, we would just tack those appointments on the end. They made it seem like no big deal, which also makes sense because they have no problems with taking weekends off

  • Ctrunningmom
    Ctrunningmom Member Posts: 4

    Hello all, I started radiation in January and was doing fine until this past week. I have 8 sessions left (will have a total of 25) chest wall radiation and my skin is super itchy. I’ve also noticed small blisters in the cleavage area where I blister if I sunburn. I’m using the thick steroid cream I was prescribed 2x per day but it doesn’t stop the itching. I’m worried I will scratch in my sleep which could lead to open skin and infection. My radiation doc says it’s normal and not to worry. He checks my skin weekly. My plastic surgeon (implants for reconstruction after) told me to get on antibiotics if I started to blister. In my mind these are blisters but the rad nurse and doc say it’s normal. I plan to go to my plastic surgeon next week to ask him if this is the blistering he was concerned about but thought I would put this out there in case any of you had suggestions. Thanks in advance.

  • iamloved
    iamloved Member Posts: 197

    I finished my whole breast radiation today 15 total. Tomorrow I will start my 4 boost. The skin is still in pretty good shape. Slight pink. I am prayering it makes it through the boosts without any issues. 4 MORE days and I get to go home for the first time in 31 days. So excited!

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 377

    @Iamloved - so happy to hear you are doing well and even happier to hear you can go home in 4 days. You got this!

  • lilbeamer
    lilbeamer Member Posts: 15

    @Ctrunningmom I had a lot of itchiness in one spot on my chest. Aloe vera straight from the plant was the only thing I found that helped relieve the itchiness--better than the steroid creams for me. I hope you are able to find something that works! Maybe wear mittens at night?I think blistering only becomes a risk for infection if the skin is pulled off and the underlying skin becomes weepy. But definitely worth asking about.

  • mindig66
    mindig66 Member Posts: 41

    Good morning!

    @Iam how exciting! So happy for you! I know home will be the happiest place on earth for you. Glad to hear your skin is doing well!

    @Melbo- thanks for that insight and I'm sure it's true that postponing 1 won't hurt. How'd your session go?!

    @CT- I heard that Jeans Cream is good. I asked the front desk if they had samples and they did so you might ask at your center if they have samples of a few kinds and see what helps??

    My MO appt and radiation was cancelled due to snow yesterday! We're just not equipped for it around here. Today we are on but my appt with MO rescheduled. More snow due in tonight and I'm praying no more sessions delayed. I am hopeful it doesn't affect the effectiveness UGH! UGH UGH!

    Hope everyone is doing well!

  • Ctrunningmom
    Ctrunningmom Member Posts: 4

    thank you lilbeamer! I have an aloe Vera plant and will start using ASAP, sounds like most of you are having good luck with radiation. My skin is super red and blistered and itching but I sunburn easily so I’m not surprised, I hope everyone else continues with strong skin!!! My docs also shared that it leaks two weeks after treatment ends, anyone that has finished - what have the two weeks after been like? Stay strong al

  • lilbeamer
    lilbeamer Member Posts: 15

    @Iamloved I hope you are back at home when you read this!! Congratulations on making it through 31 days away from home!!!

    @Mindi I hope your radiation hasn't been too interrupted by the snow. I heard that the Portland hospital where I did my radiation was running on a generator earlier this week and cancelled all non essential procedures.

    @Ctrunningmom Good luck with your skin!!! I really hope the aloe helps. Drinking lots of water is also supposed to help. MY RO told me the same thing about the 2 weeks after. I am 2 weeks out from radiation now and the breast tissue is still a little swollen but the skin itself has healed. It got a little worse the first few days after and then started improving. I hope yours improves quickly once you're done. Just a few more days, right?

    Good luck with your continued treatments everyone!

  • shar2020
    shar2020 Member Posts: 196

    Iamloved, in reading through some of the posts, I see your last radiation treatment was scheduled for today so I am ringing a virtual bell for you. I am excited for you! 🔔🔔🔔🎉🎊👏🏻🙏🏼

    To all of you, I wish you the very best as you go through your treatments.

  • iamloved
    iamloved Member Posts: 197

    I finished my treatments this morning. It was a bit emotional for me when I got to the dressing room. My thought was "now what"? After focusing my time and life on this cancer since last May I let the thoughts swirl about my "old life" before cancer. A few tears fell. I have been fortunate not to experience the fatigue so far. She recommended ginseng for the fatigue if it starts. She also prescribed pentoxifylline and vitamin E for the prevention of fibrosis. She said 50/50 chance the skin will break down over the next 2 weeks. I did not ring the bell so thank you Shar on2020 for the shout out. I am happy to have nothing scheduled except my herceptin treatments. I will go home tomorrow. My excitement is like a kid on Christmas! My prayers for all as we turn 1 more corner. 🥂🍻 Cheers to our new norm!!

  • Ctrunningmom
    Ctrunningmom Member Posts: 4

    Hi iamloved, your post made me tear up. I feel the same way and am still scared 90% of the time. It seems tough to celebrate when you know the skin continues to break down for a few weeks, when does it end, this journey? I’m glad you are finished though and heading home. I did grab a book from Amazon called “what the f just happened” which is very focused on how to get as close as possible back to yourself after treatment. I’m not ready to read it yet but I have it when I’m ready and feel I’m finished/recovered/whatever the right word is. Grateful it’s the weekend and a break!

  • mindig66
    mindig66 Member Posts: 41

    Happy Saturday!!!

    @Iam - I celebrate with you!!! I am certain it’s emotional. The whole process is a rollercoaster at times. 1 step at a time! It’s been traumatic for us all and healing won’t come immediately. I am trying to process as I go and deal as they come up.

    One bit of advice from someone who had a 2nd primary diagnosis...I spent a lot of time during the 17 years between diagnosis worrying, wondering, obsessing over every ache and pain and never mind the anxiety yearly mammograms caused!! Don’t rob yourself of peace Or rehearse a tragedy that likely will never come.

    I am meeting with my MO this week. I plan to ask why I can’t start on AI now instead of waiting on radiation to finish. Also wanting to know about a baseline hormone test and a baseline bone density. Did you all do that?
    I am looking forward to getting back on my Vit D, antioxidant supplements etc once this is finished. I am not really sure what is safe anymore tho! I don’t want to put things in or on my body that might trigger estrogen. Something else to navigate!

    Hope you are all doing well! It’s above freezing, snow is melting and the sun is shining! I Am 1/3 though with radiation. 11 down, 22 to go

  • mtspacekace
    mtspacekace Member Posts: 123

    Hi ladies!!! I am almost finished with treatments, and the countdown is on! I have 5 left, and am so ready to be home and rested up. I had my first kadcyla treatment last Thursday, which seemed to go well. I have only had a few body aches and a little feeling of unwell, nothing I can’t handle..On top of feeling extremely tired from radiation, I just take it easier than normal and have a nap during the day. Monday morning I did start to feel a heaviness in my chest. I’m not sure if it is from radiation, kadcyla, or something else. It just feels like there is a weight sitting in the middle of my chest. They did say if it gets any worse to go to the er...which it has not gotten any worse! They also said it could just be tightening of the chest wall from radiation...hoping it resolves itself soon! So far my skin is holding up fairly well, a little redness under my arm, but the steroid cream seems to help everything quite a bit.

  • iamloved
    iamloved Member Posts: 197

    mtspacekase Happy to read you are almost done! It is pretty exciting to finish. I hope the chest issues resolves itself quickly.

    Fortunately I have yet to experience the fatigue but I am not doing much either. I have a few tiny itchy bumps by my collar bone but the rest of the skin is holding up pretty darn good. I am waiting for the pentoxifylline to get here so I can start that with the vitamin E. I have no problems doing my stretches so I hope that continues as I am a bit concerned about golfing and my swing. Can you tell I am anxious for spring!! I feel I missed out last spring and summer on so many things I just want to live my normal life again. I will head back to work today and tomorrow and get a Herceptin infusion on Friday. Praying for all and for spring to arrive soon! 🤗