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Waiting sucks

kim575 Member Posts: 18
edited November 2022 in Waiting for Test Results

Hi all,

I recently discovered a weird area of thickening in my right breast that feels totally different from my left. I had a fibroadenoma in my left breast 5 years ago. I'm 45. I don't do regular self exams but am pretty familiar with my breasts and my body in general so I know that what I am feeling is not right for me.

Quick recap: I had a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound done before Christmas, both were negative. The radiologist referred me to a breast specialist if I was still feeling concerned, which I was. I then noticed a divot/dimple in my areola right above my nipple. The breast specialist agreed that I have some more density in the right breast. I asked her if one breast could suddenly become more dense and she didn't really have an answer. She ordered bloodwork, thyroid levels and prolactin, which I just had done on Monday so I am waiting for those results. She also ordered an MRI which I scheduled for 1/27. I had to wait because it needs to be done 7-11 days after the first day of my period. I absolutely hate waiting like this and am driving myself insane. I know that no one on here can diagnose me but it's the only place where I feel I can vent.

Anyone else have nipple dimpling with a negative mammo and ultrasound? I'm worried about ILC, specifically because it seems that my symptoms match closely with that kind of breast cancer.

Thank you for letting me ramble. :)


  • melissadallas
    melissadallas Member Posts: 929

    It would really help if you posted this in your original thread so that people (the same people respond to “not diagnosed” threads) can respond to you in context of the entire situatio. That also keeps you from having to repeat yourself and to remember to update multiple threads concerning the same situation.

  • kim575
    kim575 Member Posts: 18

    Oh, ok. I thought I should post it in a new thread under the waiting section? I can move it. Sorry.

  • hannah1962
    hannah1962 Member Posts: 9

    Hi Kim,

    I think it’s fine to create a new thread, and I remember you! Waiting does indeed suck! Feel free to vent in a new threa. I’m glad you are getting the MRI. That’s good news and it reduces waiting overall.

    I’m trying to think how I managed the waiting. My only suggestion is try to stay as busy as possible. That seems to make the time pass faster. I wonder if anyone else has suggestions? It might be tougher in the age of Covid - I remember I actually went to a play the night before my surgery - that worked very well as a distraction!


  • kim575
    kim575 Member Posts: 18

    Hi Hannah!

    The more time passes the more I'm convinced I have breast cancer. I guess I won't be convinced otherwise until I get the MRI on the 27th. My nipple looks even weirder and I have been having pain throughout my breast. I'm just not convinced that this is nothing. Also, and this is something that's been happening for months, I have been absolutely exhausted. Like, so tired. Napping almost every day and getting 9-10 hours at night. I'm thinking maybe it's just this pandemic and the quarantine (my husband and family and I are still keeping our contacts with others very limited, I have cardiomyopathy so I really can't afford to get sick), I was furloughed from my job as a lab assistant at a hospital last March and haven't worked since. So I hope it's just boredom and general lack of motivation that's causing this fatigue.

    It's just so hard to sit around. Thanks for listening.


  • hannah1962
    hannah1962 Member Posts: 9

    Hi Kim,

    Am I correct that your MRI is this week? Good luck, and let us know how it goes.

    Waiting does indeed suck - you will be better off with the MRI over with!

    Mainly I just wanted to send a hug and "hello" and wish you a very good week. I hope you get good news.


  • LivinLife
    LivinLife Member Posts: 301

    Let us know how the MRI goes..... Also I know someone who had a nipple inversion out of the blue and in the end was not cancer. I hope the same is true for you - I hear your concern too....

  • kim575
    kim575 Member Posts: 18

    Hi LivinLife,

    Thanks for responding. I am obviously hoping it's benign but I am preparing myself for the worst. I don't want to be blindsided. The thing that bothers me the most is it's just my one breast that has the area of thickness and the weird symptoms. I know that there is a chance it could just be fibrocystic changes but looking at my past mammograms, my breasts were actually more dense on my first mammogram compared to what they are now and from everything I've read, fibrous areas decrease as you get older so the fact that I have an area that has increased in one breast concerns me. Even though that's not what the report says and it does look similar to my first mammogram. I've had over a month to drive myself crazy reading and analyzing things D:

    I am happy that I only have to wait two more days and am hoping that I will at least get some answers.

    Thanks for letting me ramble.

  • 2019whatayear
    2019whatayear Member Posts: 468

    thinking about you! hope you get some good news this week-

  • LivinLife
    LivinLife Member Posts: 301

    Hang in there kim! I know you're doing the best you can while waiting... just around the corner now....

  • melissadallas
    melissadallas Member Posts: 929

    i would take comfort in the fact, along with the clear mammogram and ultrasound, thatthe breast specialist said he or she wasn’t very concerned.

  • kim575
    kim575 Member Posts: 18

    Thank you for your well wishes, Hannah! And everyone else, too! I really appreciate having this place to go to. I will let you all know what the outcome is. I am hoping that I don't have to wait too long. My test is first thing in the morning so hopefully I'll hear something tomorrow. I don't know if they read it right away or not.

    Hugs to everyone!!

  • kim575
    kim575 Member Posts: 18

    I just wanted to take the time here to update everyone who has been so generous with their support and taking time to see how I am. I got the results back today and I am happy to report that there is no malignancy seen on the MRI. I am supposed to follow up with the breast specialist in a couple of months and then I'm pretty sure I am going back to regular yearly mammograms.

    I would like to let others know that you absolutely have to get checked out if you think there is a problem, but sometimes there's no reason for changes that occur. I said to my best friend that it must just be a case of middle age titties. Loopy

    Again, thank you all and I wish you all well. Be safe out there!


  • melissadallas
    melissadallas Member Posts: 929

    So glad that things look okay for you

  • hannah1962
    hannah1962 Member Posts: 9

    Fantastic news!!!!!! Thank you for letting us know

  • 2019whatayear
    2019whatayear Member Posts: 468

    Great news! thanks for the update!

  • LivinLife
    LivinLife Member Posts: 301

    So happy for you kim! Enjoy now....

  • hamster_fan
    hamster_fan Member Posts: 18

    Hey Kim, did they tell you what the changes were due to...? All this stuff can be so confusing lol.