Not Diagnosed and Waiting for Test Results? Start Here
Often, the hardest part of screening and testing isn't undergoing the tests themselves, but WAITING for results to come back. If you're like most people, you will want your test results as soon as possible. Read here for steps you can take to feel more in control of the process: * Test Results and Medical Records,…
Forums: Benign Conditions & Dx and Waiting for Test Results
If you haven't been diagnosed with breast cancer, but have a benign breast condition that you have concerns with, please post in our new Benign Breast Conditions forum, a safe place for those to worry who have not been diagnosed with breast cancer, but have concerns about their breasts. If you have already been diagnosed…
The wait begins...lumps between breast & collarbone
Scans scheduled for next week, already told will likely also be biopsied. When I saw the lump last week had no idea it could be associated to breast cancer. Don't think anyone has ever even looked at or felt this area, even during breast exams. About 1" above the right breast, 2-3" below collarbone. Largest near the…
MRI after benign breast biopsy
I wanted to see if anyone else had this happen after their biopsy. My mammogram showed an asymmetry and distortion and the US showed an hypoechoic mass and another hypoechoic area with shadowing. I was thrilled when they said the biopsy showed benign fibrous changes. The radiologist wants me to have an MRI in 4 weeks to…
2nd time around - mammogram showed a mass
Hi all - I had DCIS in right breast in 2008, 2 lumpectomies and radiation and fine every since. I started having ultrasound along with mammogram a few years back upon recommendation of my surgeon. This year, I scheduled mammogram but could not get u/s till March. Mammogram usually shows architectural distortion, scar…
Needing another MRI
This past September I had a screening MRI (strong family history of ovarian and breast cancer, BI-RADS D breast density). It showed a "10 x 9 x 11 mm homogeneously enhancing but slightly spiculated nodule in the axillary tail of the left breast". BI-RADS 5. The radiologist recommended targeted ultrasound with possible…
was supposed to hear at 2:00 about biopsy results it is now 4:00. just happened to check mychart and they said results were not finalized yet, may be tomorrow. you think they could have called in case I hadn’t checked mychart! now anxiety over why they haven’t been finalized ☹️
Waiting on Biopsy results
Happy Monday all - So I had my core biopsy today for my BIRADS 4 mass. It was up as a hypoechoic mass or complicated cyst. Biopsy pulled solid components, no fluid for needle aspiration. I’m stuck in the waiting game - but the doctor performing the biopsy said the likelihood of cancer was low, but couldn’t narrow down what…
Itching after biopsy this morning
Silly question probably - I had ultrasound guided biopsy this morning. It’s been six hours. Not much pain but my nipple is itching like crazy. The biopsy was 3 cm away from the nipple. Is this normal? The aftercare instructions didn’t say anything about itching. I had an mri guided biopsy and a stereotactic biopsy and…
Architectural distortion - good outcome
Hi, I recently found this group because of "scanaxiety" due to an abnormal mammogram. In case it's useful to anyone, wish to post about my good experience with a Birads 0 "area of architectural distortion" on my screening mammogram. This resulted in diagnostic mammography, ultrasound, biopsy, and more mammography with a…
Waiting for MRI results
on Friday I had an MRI due to some ongoing armpit pain and swelling as well as breast pain. I was told 2-3 days for results. I was doing well on Friday, not as well yesterday, and now today I can barely keep it together. I’m petrified of what the test could show. On one hand I just want to know what’s going on, and the n…
Biopsy tomorrow
this is my first post here. Feeling completely overwhelmed. I had a mammo and u/s in January. A cyst and hypoechoic mass was seen. Went back for follow up u/s in July. Everything was stable. Advised to come back in 6 months. Birads 3. A nurse called that day and said my lifetime risk is a 28% and a second opinion is an…
Discordant finding - sent to tumor board
So frustrated and stuck in limbo. Just turned 41 and long story short, I’ve been having a rollercoaster of mammos, dx mammos, US, biopsies, MRI, and more biopsies since April. Side note: also found out then that I’m highly allergic to MRI contrast. Last pre-biopsy meeting, I find out that one area of architectural…
Accuracy of markers in Bone Mets
Hi All Just wondering if anyone knew accuracy of CA153 and CEA in detecting bone mets I am very anxiously awaiting results Initial blood test showed ALP was above 200 however CA153 and CEA were well within normal ranges etc Were your markers elevated when bone mets discovered?? and any other symptoms?? Many thanks Love to…
Birad 4
Hello Ladies, I had an abnormal screening mammogram and then I had a diagnostic mammo and U/S. The U/S showed a suspicious spot, so they want to biopsy it. I decided to switch breast care centers because I didn't like the radiologist. I felt like it was now processing number 20. I went to get the films from one place to…
Waiting for Onco test result…..
Had lumpsectomy and now waiting for onco test score to determine if I need chemo or not. Oncologist doesn’t think so based on my other data - eg Stage 1A 1.5cm tumor size . Grade 2 Can anyone tell me what the ER and PR mean below especially the 3+ want to work out my H score ? Pathologic TNM Staging (AJCC 8th edition) pT1c…
The tests seem neverending
Hi all. I've been on a breast "journey" for almost 2 years. I've had more mammograms and ultrasounds than I can count and it seems like they find something(s) new every time. I just had an MRI and it found even more areas that they want looked at again. It feels like I'm swimming in a sea of tests with no answers. Does…
History of ADH; breast biopsies in April to May 2023
Hi All, Thank you very much for your kind support this past month. I really appreciate it. I had core needle biopsies and an excisional biopsy in 2009 when I was found to have fairly diffuse atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) on the right side. I have been on the 6 month screening alternating MRI with mammograms for about…
Confused about my test results
Hi, I had a routine mammogram the radiologist said the concern was BIRAD 5. Then I had a biopsy. The radiologist said it was cancer. He went on to say he would not believe my results if they came back benign. Which is a pretty confident answer. What do I do with that comment? I went home believing I had cancer. The biopsy…
Unofficially Diagnosed?
Hi all! I am 42, and went for a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound yesterday. I’ve been going since I was 30 since my mother had bc at the age of 40. I had noticed some tethering of the underside of my left breast and then felt around and found a new lump. I have firbrocystic breasts with multiple cysts and fibroadenomas…
Have initial biopsy result but missed doctor call
Well, first hi to everyone here. I’ve seen a lot of info come in other posts, and I’m hoping for some help/confirmation here. Just got the initial biopsy result back - invasive ductal carcinoma, histologic grade II, tubule formation: 3, nuclear pelomorphism: 2, mitotic activity: 1. No results yest on er, pr and her2. Mass…
Waiting for biopsy results
I can’t believe I’m actually here, venting, hoping for any positive feedback. I had a breast reduction 2 years ago. My screening mammo came back negative one year after (so last year) and now this year something has popped up, a focal asymmetry. I had 3d mammo, US, and biopsy. Report said it could be from surgery but “due…
quick MRI Biopsy Results are already in MyChart, but I'm not looking...
Hello- I had an MRI guided biopsy today for a BIRADS-4 designated 5mm non-mass enhancement (focal with washout kinetics) that was found on a baseline MRI two weeks ago (dense breasts, multiple u/s biopsies and high risk assessment score got me approved for the MRI); the procedure itself went fine. Lengthier than the…
Increase of Tumor Markers Within Normal Range
Has anyone had experience with tumor markers increasing within the normal range? Since completing treatment I had been staying in the 13-14 range on the CA 15-3 since completing treatment. I just had it increase to 19.6. I know that's a "normal" range, but it is still concerning to me. Thank you all - what a great…
BIRADS 5 Awaiting Biopsy Results & Very Anxious
I very well understand that I should not dwell on all the possible diagnoses that might come back from my biopsy. However, quite honestly, this is consuming all my thoughts and energy. I am so scared of the unknown and of what a cancer diagnosis could do to my family and my life. Only my husband, my sisters, and one friend…
Waiting on Biopsy
I just had a mammogram and ultrasound done and the radiologist put Birad 4 and told me I needed to get a biopsy. Looking at the details, it seems that I have two areas of "fine pleomorphic" one with grouped distribution and one with linear. I have a biopsy scheduled next week. I am very very upset with this news and am…
Bi Rads 4 Suspicious Hypoechoic Lesion
Hello everyone, I had a lump pop up out of no where back in December. Reached out to my doctor a month later to let him know I was feeling a possible lump. At this point still thinking it was period related or a cyst or something like that. Two months later the lump had not gone away so I went into the doctors to get his…
I am between tests..
I was just diagnosed with breast cancer from a biopsy and waiting for full pathology report The ultrasound found the following 1.6cm longest side of tumor “No enlarged or suspicious appearing lymph nodes in the right axilla” if my tumor is less than 2cm and lymph nodes appear to be clear I would be Stage 1A…. I know more…
Possible DCIS?
I am waiting a biopsy for recent mammogram for clustered calcification findings. I have researched (yes, I know we are told not to Google things, but I'm scientific and information minded and this helps me manage anxiety and anxious thoughts if I can make a plan for both scenarios). My physician said if it is anything it…
Discordant benign - excisional biopsy follow up
I had an MRI guided core needle biopsy and the results came back as discordant benign. The doctors recommended I follow up with a breast surgeon for an excisional biopsy which I have scheduled for next week. Has anyone been in this situation and if so what was the outcome? I have mixed emotions that it's benign but it…
I wanted to thank all the women who responded to my concerns. It turns out that the irregular nodule was actually a cluster of small cysts. There is no cancer evident. I will see the breast cancer surgeon in six months for another mammogram and ultrasound. After a month of waiting, I have my answer. The good news is that I…
US found an irregular small mass, non vascular,no calcifications
RESULTS FROM MAMMO/US Tissue Density: The breasts are heterogeneously dense, which may obscure small masses. There is a persistent nodular density noted in the 6 o'clock region of the breast. No associated calcifications are seen. Ultrasound: There is an irregular solid nodule with posterior shadowing at 6 o'clock 3 cm…