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Should I be worried? Anyone with a similar experience?

Hello my bc sisters,

I'm almost 4 months post bilateral mastectomy, and have found two lumps close to my sternum on my non cancer (right) side. My onco sent me for an ultrasound, and it showed what looks like fat necrosis encapsulating calcifications. My breast surgeon is aware (my onco wants them removed and sent to pathology for testing), and is making my plastic doc aware as well, since I see him this upcoming Tuesday to hopefully schedule my implant surgery. I'm not terribly concerned about that, as I want to trust they know what they saw on the US. What I am somewhat concerned with is that I found a new small lump at the same site as my original tumor on my left side. And and in the same way....I had an itch, I scratched it, I felt a non tender lump. Now, I'm going to assume it's the same thing....fat necrosis and calcification. I also know what assuming can sometimes do.....

Has anyone else had these same recurrence scares, and how did you handle it/onco-breast surgeon handle it? There's so many emotions with being diagnosed, and going through treatment, that just the thought of it recurring makes me feel anxious, but also ashamed since I'm sure it's probably nothing. The fear will always be there though, I suppose.


  • lw422
    lw422 Member Posts: 1,414

    CactusPixie--I'm sorry you are having to go through more anxiety after being treated so recently. Hopefully the lumps are nothing to be concerned about, but you have every right to feel afraid and certainly no reason to be ashamed. All of us here understand those feelings VERY well. Here's hoping for a good outcome, and keep your chin up.

  • CactusPixie80
    CactusPixie80 Member Posts: 5

    Thank you LW422. It's difficult to not be afraid. My fingers are crossed for my appointment on Tuesday, especially with the new lump on my cancer side, in the same spot. I will absolutely keep my chin up! I appreciate your reply!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,304

    Cactus - Hopefully it's nothing of concern. But since you said you're going to meet with your PS about implant surgery, I would definitely get this resolved first. How about more imaging before another surgery procedure? CT or MRI? Or maybe even a PET.

  • lw422
    lw422 Member Posts: 1,414

    CactusPixie--I am hoping for good news for you. Report back after you see your doctor and let us know what you find out. Take care of yourself.

  • CactusPixie80
    CactusPixie80 Member Posts: 5

    Hi MinusTwo,

    I'm not sure yet what imaging they'll recommend before next surgery. Because of the expanders, I can't have an MRI, but they may want a CT or PET just to be safe. Since my BS and PS are going to be conferring on this, whatever they recommend is ok by me. I have a wonderful team, I'm very lucky.

  • CactusPixie80
    CactusPixie80 Member Posts: 5

    Hello again LW422,

    I will definitely check back in here on Tuesday afternoon and give an update on what the doc says. Thank you. You take care of yourself too! These are scary days to be a cancer patient. Stay safe!

  • LivinLife
    LivinLife Member Posts: 301

    It sounds like your team is on top of this CactusPixie! I had several lumps and bumps on my DCIS side soon after surgery - also some large areas of tissue settling though it was more obvious that was the case. When I went to see the P.A. at my PCP's office for a cording related referral I had her feel these. They were on my DCIS side near my armpit. She believed it was scar tissue. Since then the L.T. I was seeing was able to smooth out most of those though there are some remaining... I think irritated nodes and maybe cysts.... I see my MO in March though really believe these are nodes, cysts and/or scar tissue. I hope this is the same for you!!! Glad you will check back in....

  • nola70115
    nola70115 Member Posts: 61

    Good luck to you CactusPixie. I know in time the fear of everything being a recurrence does lessen, but that doesn't do anything for you now. It's good you already have appts scheduled with your doctors and they are on top of things. Once I had healed from surgery I only went for followups with the MO, but now I think I should have kept checking in with the surgeons too so they could monitor the scarring and any changes there. Hindsight 20/20 and all that.

  • CactusPixie80
    CactusPixie80 Member Posts: 5

    Thank you Nola70115.

    As much as we need to advocate for ourselves, the doctor's need to be held to a higher level and make sure they're doing everything for their patients possible, so that nothing is missed over the first 5 years post treatment/surgery...or even missed during treatments. I know they have lots of patients to care for, but no one should ever fall between the cracks.

    My doctor today is going to remove the new findings during my next surgery and send everything to pathology for testing. I'm waiting for the surgical scheduling to call and make my appointment. The next step will be determined after the pathology results are back.