The International Lymphedema Framework project is sponsoring a free webinar on dealing with chronic cellulitis, and since some of you are dealing with this, you might be interested in attending. Here's the information:
5th ILF Webinar: Cellulitis in chronic oedema |
The 5th ILF Webinar will be presented by Drs. Tonny Karlsmark and Ewa Anna Burian, DK, on the topic of "Cellulitis in chronic oedema". The webinar will discuss the challenges and treatment options of cellulitis and include an interview with a cellulitis patient. Join us for the live webinar with opportunities for asking questions on 28 April 2021 (12:00 pm BST) or watch it afterwards on-demand. The webinar is free of charge, please notice that registration is required. |
Meanwhile, the four previous ILF Webinars on lymphoedema and related topics are available for on-demand watches. |
Hugs, and be well!