Tingling/Buzzing in leg

Anyone had tingling in their leg? I’m not experiencing any pain. It started in January. My primary said it sounded like sciatica and prescribed a steroid pack. It didn’t help so I went to the chiro. The adjustments have helped with the tingling in my upper/outer thigh and calf. But now I feel like it’s moved to my shin, sometimes my knee and only sometimes faintly feel in in my upper thigh. I’m not numb and it doesn’t feel like pins and needles, no sharp pains. It feels like a vibration and it will last a few seconds, on and off, sometimes all day, a few hours or every other day. It’s driving me crazy. I had called my oncology nurse when it started and she was not concerned. The longer it goes on, the more I worry. June will be my ten year cancerversary. I’ve gone through many ups and downs with health anxiety. I will be visiting my primary again tomorrow and thought I’d finally ask you guys if you’ve ever experienced this “buzzing.” I’ve been a long time lurker.


  • wallycat
    wallycat Posts: 1,503
    edited April 2021

    Not sure how old you are, but that is one of the most common symptoms posted by women entering menopause. If you've been on antihormonals, that could also be the cause.

    And since many of us are getting our covid vaccines, that can also be a side effect.

    Best to you.

  • summerangel
    summerangel Posts: 182
    edited April 2021

    I had a similar feeling a few months ago. After looking up possible causes I realized it could be the new calcium supplements I was taking. I cut the amount in half and the tingling went away.

  • VickE
    VickE Posts: 3
    edited April 2021

    Thanks for your responses! I’ve been in menopause the last 10 years, since I had my ovaries removed at 35. The tingling started before I had my Covid vaccine. My PCM ran some labs to check my iron, B12, magnesium and Vit D levels today. I’ll hear back from her later this week. I did start a different calcium supplement around the time it started, so maybe the calcium has something to do with it. She worried me a little bit when she said it could be MS but not likely. If my labs are normal, she will order imaging.

  • mountainlover
    mountainlover Posts: 59
    edited April 2021

    VickE, I've had that too for a few years. I had brain MRI (all good) and two neurological evaluations over the years. Both were for other symptoms which were then attributed to a cervical hernia, I mentioned this feeling too but it didn't lead to further testing. It is not too bothersome for me now, I got used I think.

    Wallycat, I had never heard of the link to menopause very interesting. My hormones started to fluctuate at the same time this feeling started, so maybe that could explain. Calcium could not be the culprit in my case as I was / am not supplementing.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Posts: 1,503
    edited April 2021

    This is the most concise list I've found (though I no longer need it, LOL). #28 talks about that "buzzing"/electric shock feeling/tingling and #33 about the tingling:


    Sadly, we aren't allowed to balance our hormones, so whatever symptoms we are having we just need to remind ourselves it is "normal" and not to worry.

  • LivinLife
    LivinLife Posts: 301
    edited April 2021

    Some meds can cause that kind of feeling. Look up akathesia and see if that fits... kind of like electric bones though buzzing could also fit...

  • VickE
    VickE Posts: 3
    edited April 2021

    I’m still waiting for my lab results. Waiting is making me anxious. After I started visiting the chiro in February, I had a few sharp pains in my middle back. Felt it again 6 weeks later, then 2 weeks later, and the other day I felt it on and off, this time more of a pulsating pain. Feels like it might be a rib. My primary, chiro and onco nurse aren’t concerned about cancer. The oncology nurse said I would feel more of a dull, constant ache if it was a bone met. She thinks it’s nerve related and not connected to the sensations in my leg. The sharp pains are random, nothing specific brings it on, including nighttime vs daytime. I’ve read on these boards that others have felt sharp pains with mets. I’m trying to find comfort in that 3 professionals aren’t worried. Wish I could put my brain on a shelf and take a break from myself.

  • humblepeace
    humblepeace Posts: 89
    edited April 2021

    VickE- I’m sorry to read that you’re feeling anxious. I totally understand wanting to put your thoughts on hold and pick them up once all the results are done. Waiting is neasy. I pray for a good report for you.
