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July 2021 Surgeries

NatureYogi Member Posts: 135

Hello all,

I am getting MRI next week and consulting with surgeon for a mid to late July surgery date. DMX, Lymph node removal, no reconstruction. I finished up chemo last week and I'm ready to move forward, but nervous about MRI findings. Thought I would start a July surgeries thread.



  • castigame
    castigame Member Posts: 336

    Wish all of you speedy recovery. Be gentle with yourself. Slooow and steady is way to go to recover arm movements and strength. Sleep is the best medicine after big surgery.

  • LivinLife
    LivinLife Member Posts: 301

    I agree with all Castigame stated! I would add.... ask your surgeon about arm exercises - the gentle ones you can start within days after surgery to help range of motion....

  • eowin
    eowin Member Posts: 4


  • Esther01
    Esther01 Member Posts: 229

    Hi NatureYogi,

    Thanks for starting a July surgeries thread! Mine was in June and I have to admit that I peeked at the May surgeries conversation for guidance and was so blessed by those ladies and their wisdom. And, our sweet June surgeries group has blessed my socks off. I hope that your surgery will be absolutely successful, that you heal well and get great restorative rest.



  • cgifford7
    cgifford7 Member Posts: 16

    Thanks for starting the July thread! My surgery is July 7, BMX and TE placement. I was diagnosed May 12, and for a while I had wished that things would move more quickly, but I have a feeling they worked out just as they should. Both of my daughters are home from college and I've been enjoying time with them before I enter the recovering from surgery phase.

  • NatureYogi
    NatureYogi Member Posts: 135

    Thank you all for responding! Castigame, I agree that sleep is the best medicine, I plan on doing a lot of it during week 1.

    My son is here from Colorado visiting, grateful to be with him after chemo and before I start the next steps of surgery. Lots to prepare for. Nice to have a semi "break", I still feel the effects of chemo, but hopefully in a couple weeks that will fade.

    cgifford7-Your surgery is coming up fairly quick, enjoy your daughters, will they be with you after surgery?

  • cgifford7
    cgifford7 Member Posts: 16

    NatureYogi... My younger daughter is leaving the country for a trip on July 14, but she'll be with me between surgery and then. My older daughter is doing a 3 day a week internship and will be with me throughout. I'm single, so they will be my primary support. I also have a great network of folks who will pitch in when needed. Will your son be here post-surgery, or do you have a spouse/partner in house who will be helping you through this?

  • NatureYogi
    NatureYogi Member Posts: 135

    My son is going home this coming MondayScared, my two sisters will come out and take care of me. My partner will be in Iceland for two weeks, but will be back end of July. Glad your girls will be with you. I'm sure that will be a comfort to you.

    Latest stressor is the healthcare system/hospital computer system was hacked and being held with ransomware. Really? I am supposed to get a MRI Tuesday June 29. All their systems are down and they called asking who ordered the test, etc. Probably hasn't been sent to insurance for approval. I guess I'll show up and hope for the best! This has been a crazy year to say the least.

  • cgifford7
    cgifford7 Member Posts: 16

    I'll keep my fingers crossed for your MRI.

    My sister was diagnosed with breast cancer a month after I was. She lives in a different state, but we've been talking a lot more. Her surgery (she's doing lumpectomy and radiation) is a week after mine.

    Crazy year indeed!

  • Oxbury
    Oxbury Member Posts: 9

    Booked in for bmx on 30 July. Had a phone call yesterday that I need to see the breast clinic surgeons this Friday, 25 June. Bit nervous about that one because I don't know what the appointment is about, but I assume it's just about all the logistics and prep before the surgery and answering any questions I might have. Mostly nervous they're going to tell me I need the DIEP flap surgery and not the implants after all, which is problematic due to the recovery time and impact on work and study.
  • NatureYogi
    NatureYogi Member Posts: 135

    cgifford7, Sorry to hear about your sister! Hope you both can lean on each other during this time for support. It is hard to have family in another state or hours away.

    Oxbury-I understand being nervous! Have you had an MRI or surgery consult yet? They may want to go over the procedure and what to expect with recovery, drains, etc. We don't have any control and its scary not knowing if a surprise or change will come up. Hang in there and keep us posted. Also, just thought about Plastic Surgeon, have you met with them yet? This may be a meeting to get set up with them to discuss game plan.

  • cgifford7
    cgifford7 Member Posts: 16

    Things are getting real. I go in for pre-op labs and EKG on Monday. And, I want to bump this up so other folks having surgery in July have a chance to see it.

  • Dlphnsgl
    Dlphnsgl Member Posts: 11

    Hello everyone,

    Thank you NatureYogi for starting a July surgery thread, and Castigame for the well wishes and speedy recoveries. Like cgifford7 and Oxbury, I too am preparing for upcoming surgery. Mine is scheduled July 6th. I'll be doing DMX with DIEP flap. It took a lot of researching/reading, several PS consults but I felt this was best direction for me. But I gotta say...I'm terrified of the long surgery! :-o

    Another concern is I have one son that lives here but his job takes him all over the state (AZ) and may not be able to assist in post surgery items as we thought. He'll be there surgery day and be able to stay with me a couple days post surgery but after that I'm on my own. I've been here 2-1/2yrs and during this time I haven't really met anyone due to 12-16hr work days 6 days a week and then COVID. It's been a challenging getting to meet folks. I had a friend that was going to be here but then found out her son's wedding was scheduled the weekend before and then she's moving that same week. She lives in CA so she's not in town. Timing has not been on my side for having someone be able to come and help due to the 4th holiday is that weekend before and a lot of folks already had travel scheduled. I didn't know of my surgery date until last week so I would never ask anyone to rearrange their travel. From what I've been being told it will be the 1st week that is the toughest so I think I'll be covered there as I'll be in the hospital for 2-3 days and then my son will be with me for a couple days after I get home so I think I'll be okay. <fingers crossed!>

    Oxbury (or anyone else), feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions on DIEP Flap. I've done my homework and feel pretty confident I'm making the best decision for me but if you just want to hear about findings and doctor discussions, let me know. I'd be happy to share with everyone. I'll also post my post surgery status once I'm at a good point in my recovery.

    cgifford7, I too am sorry to hear your sister is also experiencing BC. It is not good you both are going through it, but must be reassuring to be able to talk to each other through it all.

    I wish each of you the best surgery experiences and the speediest of recoveries! Hug

  • cgifford7
    cgifford7 Member Posts: 16

    Dlphnsgl... Not sure if you're in a major metro area in AZ or not, but is there a breast cancer resource center near you? I'm just outside Austin and have access to the Austin Breast Cancer Resource Center. I'm pretty well covered between my daughters and friends, but if I needed extra assistance I think that is who I would call to ask about it. If they didn't directly offer the assistance I'm sure they would know who to refer me to. I also have a patient navigator through them and she has been hugely helpful to me just in terms of answering questions.

    From what I've read, recovery from DIEP Flap is a lot more challenging than having tissue expanders placed. Even if there was a resource that could deliver groceries or meals that might be helpful for your recovery. Best wishes for a complication free surgery.

  • Oxbury
    Oxbury Member Posts: 9

    Thanks all for the well wishes! So, I met with the plastic surgeons on 11 June where they said implants was fine - which is a huge relief to me because I was terrified of the prospect of the DIEP flap surgery that the first surgeon had advised. Saw that first surgeon - breast clinic specialist - this Friday just gone and she explained that it's actually a skin sparing, not nipple sparing mastectomy. Being 31 years old and not having had many serious relationships in my life, I'm experiencing an odd sense of grief at the realisation that I won't have real nipples anymore. I've seen photos of nipple reconstruction and I'm not keen on the idea, so will most likely go for the tattoos. But that's for me to think about at a later date - months of other unpleasant stuff to get through first. The surgeon explained the sentinel node biopsy and possibly axilary clearance plus risks in great detail, which nearly made my poor mother pass out. That's going to be one of the bigger challenges I think - I've only got mum to help me with all this and the poor woman is so hopeless with medical procedures generally. Going to have to have a stash of emergency jellybeans so she doesn't faint.

    I'm incredibly grateful for the internet's ability to connect us all together. My thoughts are with all of you having yours done earlier in July, and sending you best wishes for a smooth process.


    We've just gone into lockdown here. Even though my surgery isn't scheduled until 30 July, I can't help but be anxious it'll get delayed. I don't know if with just DCIS it's sufficiently high priority. Can only hope for the best, I guess.

  • emotionalpond
    emotionalpond Member Posts: 31

    Hello all!

    I have my lumpectomy scheduled for July 07th. I will have sentinel lymph glands removed at the same time. I'm a bit nervous about the pain afterwards. I have already completed chemo.


  • cgifford7
    cgifford7 Member Posts: 16

    Emotional pond... My surgery is also July 7. I went in yesterday for pre-op labs and an EKG. Two days before I'll go in for a covid test. They've stopped testing everyone and now just test folks whose doctors specifically request it, which apparently mine does.

    Oxbury... I can understand feeling nervous about lockdown potentially derailing your surgery. I'm glad my surgery is soon because I suspect the US will be seeing a delta variant surge in the next month. My small consolation on that front, if no other, is that I live in Texas and no way, no how would the governor allow another shut down so I'm assuming I'm good to go (unless I actually catch covid).

  • Dlphnsgl
    Dlphnsgl Member Posts: 11

    Hi all,

    cgifford7 and emotionalpond I'm right there with you both on it getting week for us 3! So I can fully empathize with you both on the anxiety of the surgery and post surgery fears, especially with the pain! :-o I'm with you cgifford7 about the lymph node removal as well. Because I've opted for the double M my Breast Surgeon is going to also remove a couple nodes from each under arm. They provided me some PT exercises I'll be doing after surgery and then I'll be having PT, but I'm sure that will be tough to wanna move anything post surgery! I didn't have chemo or radiation and they don't expect I'll need it. However, they aren't saying for sure until after the Oncotype results come back. <fingers crossed> I won't have to have either.

    cgifford7 thanks for the info. I'm going to call the local cancer center here in Phoenix to see if I can get assistance with local travel and deliveries for sure.'re so young! I can imagine how you must be feeling with the sensations and what the nipple recon will look like. That was one of the reasons which assisted me in my decision to go forward with the DIEP Flap. All of what we are going through is a personal decision so you have to make the hardest and best decisions for you. No feelings you're having is odd with what you're going through. That's why thankfully we have the internet and can talk to one another as you stated. We're here to support one another.

    I was given some PT exercise info from my docs office if anyone would like them let me know and I'll forward to ya. I'll be seeing a PT for 8 weeks post surgery. They start ya on small ones at first and then work ya up to the tougher ones a few weeks post.

    I sure hope we don't go back into lock down again too!! :-o

    Positive energy and thoughts go out to each one of you on safe and healthy surgeries, recoveries and treatment!


  • NatureYogi
    NatureYogi Member Posts: 135

    Emotional pond, cgifford7, and Diphnsgl- Best wishes to you all on your upcoming surgery! I know you all have lots to do, but try and relax as well.

    I had my MRI today, have a pre op PT exercise appt on Friday. Will meet with surgeon July 8. Hope he can get me in mid July, starting to get concerned about any lockdowns. etc.

    Hang in there and keep us posted!

  • cgifford7
    cgifford7 Member Posts: 16

    Dlphnsgl, I would love the PT exercise info. I assume one of my surgeons will get around to giving me some info on that front but I'm a planner! I want the info in advance.

  • suezq1962
    suezq1962 Member Posts: 1

    I am finally having my DMX with expanders on 07-07-21 after two unsuccessfull lumpectomies in May, I am asking the surgeon to some how add another 7 into the mix :)

    a little anxiety at times but not as bad as when I was waiting on test results over the last couple of months

    I'm ready to get as many rounds of golf in as possible to help distract me until then ......if only the weather would co operate !

  • Beekc
    Beekc Member Posts: 31

    Dear July and August Surgeries,

    I agree completely with the peaking idea. I was an April 7th surgery and I’m just doing great. I wish I’d known to read posts of surgeries a month or two prior to mine! If you read the April group, one of us is rock climbing! I just returned from our big family anniversary reunion in Colorado. You will be encouraged to hear the challenging process and thenthe success. It’s not private! I still have some questions but I’m very able to live along quite “normally.” Best wishes!

  • beachnc
    beachnc Member Posts: 5

    Hello all,

    I am so glad to have found you. It's been a whirlwind 3 weeks from routine mammogram to sonogram to biopsy (mucinous carcinoma, right breast) .... My lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy is Tuesday 7/6; I had the Magseed insertion this morning. (it was unnerving; the first one "did not deploy" and she said she "found it on the counter"). I emailed the surgeon just FYI --- i want her to make sure there aren't two in there after surgery Tuesday.

    I've read your posts and am admiring, respecting and enormously grateful to have found you.

    I wish you all the best with each next step.

  • cgifford7
    cgifford7 Member Posts: 16

    Welcome, Beachnc. There's a few of us now having surgery on July 6 and 7. We can all report back in on how recovery is going.

    My physician required an EKG along with the pre-op labs (not sure if that is standard). I got a scare when I logged in and saw my EKG results. It said "Abnormal EKG, septal infarct, age unknown". I immediately googled to see what that meant... either I had some heart event at some point I was unaware of, OR they placed the EKG tabs incorrectly for my physiology. My big fear was that it would derail my surgery. Thankfully people were responsive and helpful as I tried to figure it out. At the end of the day it ended up as they will re-do the EKG the morning of surgery but even if it comes out the same it isn't really a problem. I'm healthy as a horse today (other than the whole cancer thing of course) and they are not going to cancel the surgery because I may have had a heart event in my past. All the other lab results came back good.

    Five days until surgery for me.

  • Tudi
    Tudi Member Posts: 1

    I am having a lumpectomy July 6, 2021 and I am scared. This is my first breast surgery. Last week on a new mammogram they found a hematoma at my biopsy site which is significantly larger than my DCIS. My breast is still sore and I had the corebiopsy five weeks ago. I have not been able to discuss this with my surgeon because he has been on vacation all week and I am having surgery the day after our National July 4th holiday. Has anyone here had a large hematoma from their biopsy going into breast surgery? If so, was the hematoma removed during the surgery along with the DCIS? Were there any complications because of the hematoma. My DCIS is 3 mm and my hematoma is .9 cm.

  • BettyMorgan
    BettyMorgan Member Posts: 7

    I have surgery in 2 days on 7/7. I am so nervous. Skin sparing mastectomy left side. I found out on 6/18 IDC 5cm with multi focal.

    I’m not sure why I am so nervous. This will be my 4th surgery this year. 2 for thyroid cancer and 1 for emergency D&C. Still to come is a hysterectomy and 2 reconstruction.

    I guess I am feeling overwhelmed and scared. So much has happened this year.

    What have you done to ease your anxiety

  • pudelpointer
    pudelpointer Member Posts: 20

    I will be having a second surgery after my double masectomy that was last month. They found cancer in my lymph nodes that they didn't expect. Cancer didn't show on the initial pathology during surgery, or any imaging for that matter, until further testing after surgery. Now I have an auxiliary node dissection on July 12th

    Healing wishes to those who have already had surgery and positive vibes to those with surgery coming up.

  • Esther01
    Esther01 Member Posts: 229

    Hi Betty,

    I wish I could give you a hug. You have been through a lot this year and sometimes it seems cumulative and overwhelming. You might also be feeling anxiety because you already know that aftercare from each surgery is its own experience. I have only had one surgery, three weeks ago, and I'm not even fully recovered from that. You have three surgeries behind you and you are pressing on.. you're stronger than you know. I hope that your fourth goes very well and that you will have something special to focus on afterwards, to pamper yourself as you begin to heal. For me it was pretty basic.. fuzzy slippers, sitting in my yard watching the yellow cardinals, laughing at Pink Panther movies and a relative dropping off one of my favorite foods. I tried not to think about anything but the present day and finding peaceful moments.

    I don't want to say anything objectionable, so please forgive me if I do, but for my own anxiety I have found prayer comforting. I kept visualizing putting myself in the loving hands of God and letting him care for me. I didn't even know Him until about ten years ago after a terrible crisis when I asked him to be near to me and felt a weight lift from my shoulders. Since then I've clung to a support that is always with me. Right before surgery, when I had terrible insomnia and my heart was racing with anxiety in the middle of the night, I started telling myself, "These hours are my time with God. I'm going to sleep and rest. I am not going to worry about anything at all while he watches over me. I kept clearing my mind and it really helped me. I still do it even past surgery.

    Animals can also be so therapeutic. I don't know if you have a dog or cat or like pets, but I have thought more this year than ever about adopting (or fostering or visiting) a dog, just for the sweet, loving companionship. Such a wonderful and healing distraction.

    We all get anxiety from time to time. This too will be past in a few more days and you'll be moving ahead. I'll be thinking of you on Wednesday and will check back to see how you are doing.



  • BettyMorgan
    BettyMorgan Member Posts: 7

    thank you. A good solid cry tonight while talking with my Mom has helped a little. I appreciate your kind words and encouragement

  • Esther01
    Esther01 Member Posts: 229

    Beachnc, CGifford, Diphnsgl, Suezq and Pudelpointer: I hope that all goes well with the rest of your pre-planning and that you're going to have successful surgeries with good recovery. Pudelpointer, I hope they give you a good lymphatic massaging PT who will measure your arm (baseline) and show you safe exercises to do after surgery. They didn't give me any of that in advance so I am hoping it comes through for you! My surgeon gave me a brochure for a cuff-like device we can use (not sure if it's covered by insurance) that decreases our risk of lymphedema, but they haven't called me yet so I don't know much about it yet.

    Suezq, I loved your idea of golfing right up until surgery. Very inspiring! Beautiful, healthy, peaceful and a great distraction.

    Hi Tudi: I haven't heard of that but I'm hoping your doctor gets back to you right away or another surgeon in his office while he is away can respond to your concerns. I had my lumpectomy about three weeks ago. I was really sore for weeks after my core biopsy. I don't think they would have delayed my surgery for it but it would give you peace of mind for your surgeon to weigh in. I will be thinking of you!

    I was a June lumpectomy with sentinel node biopsy (they took out 11 nodes, 5 of which had cancer) and partial reconstruction and still flew with my family for a vacation literally two weeks afterward. We are still on vacation and it has been helpful to get my mind off the surgery while walking a lot and slowly seeing healing. I am so relieved and glad I did this. I was quite apprehensive about flying so soon after surgery, but both my MO and the plastic surgeon said it was fine! I drank a ton of water on the flight and wore a compression sleeve and stockings. My integrative MD started my systemic enzymes again on the day after surgery (VitalzymXe) and told me to double up, especially the morning of the flight (they aid with blood thinning and break down scar tissue for faster healing after surgery). The reconstructive plastic surgeon took my stitches out a week early and finished me up with steristrips which are still on. I was nervous about the stitch removal because the nipples were still sore and sensitive and not healed yet, but they applied ice and I hardly felt the stitch removal. I came home feeling giddy with relief.

    Before surgery, when they do the lymphatic mapping dye, I recommend asking your Onc. for numbing cream to apply 1.5 hours before, then covering with saran wrap and tape on the way to your appointment. I was well numbed for the wire placement and pray all goes well with each of you that have these ahead of you.

    My favorite preparation items were a cheerful floral lumpectomy/mastectomy pillow and chicken soup for that first day after coming out of surgery. My attempts to find a comfortable sports bra were totally fruitless and downright comical. Fortunately, healing comes slowly day by day even when we're uncomfortable and wearing the wrong size sports bra, especially when we catch some good rest. I hope this helps anyone who may be traveling after surgery. It CAN be done and the relaxing distraction can do wonders for catching our breath and easing tension and worries. Thinking of you as you prep for surgery!

