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atypical vascular lesion

I've had radiation twice on the same breast. (Not sure that was a good idea). I had some spots appear on and around my mastectomy scar two years out from my second bout with breast cancer. I had a routine follow-up with my surgeon the other day and he biopsied one of the spots right there in the office, which the pathology reports deemed an AVL (atypical vascular lesion). His nurse called to schedule an updated and closer appointment to see me again on August 2nd, instead of the 16th.

Anyone here been diagnosed with AVL? It is a rare complication of radiation. What is the treatment for it? I'm reading a complete excision to rule out angiosarcoma. My surgeon actually wrote a paper on AVLs in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. Two weeks is so long to wait. If anyone has been diagnosed with this, please let me know what your experience was and what I can expect next.

Hugs to you all.
