ymphovascular invasion not identified.

On July 6th almost a month ago now. I found out my 67 year old mom had breast cancer. My world completely changed. Instead of looking at articles about celebrities having affairs online. I've been looking biopsies and the terms that are included in them. Keep in mind I've been having to go to work 40 plus hours a week. Take off to have lumpectomy last week. Take off to go to the breast surgeon and take off to go to the oncologist with my mom. It's been very daunting. I called the American Cancer society for emotional support only to be talked to very rudely by a so called cancer specialist named Nick who takes calls on the weekends. They won't tell us the stage the cancer is in until we get the results back from the sentinel node biopsy which was done last week during the lumpectomy.
Maybe you guys can give me some Lee way into what might be next. Her results from the biopsy done when the did the core needle biopsy on June 30th were.
Invasive Mammary Carcinoma. (Didnt say whether it was ductal or lobular)
Tumor specimens measured 0.8cm to 1.2cm at greatest dimension.
Lymphovascular invasion. Not identified
Estrogen Receptor percentage 95 percent
Progesterone Receptor percentage. 3 percent
Her2 3+ immunochemistry. Indeterminant FISH
Ki67. 7 percent (which the doctor says is very slow growing)
It also said. As of June 30th the cells found in the specimens looked normal with only a small cluster of a typical cells
it also said the tumor was low grade. A 1 out of 3
My question is if the surgery was done on July 27th. That's 26 days from the 1st. Would the results of the sentinel node biopsy be almost the same since it was done 26 days later. Would the tumor still be low grade and not be in her lymph nodes. The breast surgeon examined her on July 14th and told us there was no spread to the lymph nodes.
We had the surgery on July 27th. Which is only 2 weeks from the 14th. Would it basically be the same in 2 weeks time period. That is was on the 14th
Also sidebar. ( I check under her arms every evening and I see no swelling
Any feedback would be helpful!