Triple Negative IBC and Adjuvant Hormonal/Systemic Therapy

I am being treated as triple negative IBC even though I do have a 12% PR, making me ER-/PR+/HER2-. I understand that there are not many treatments specific to my cancer's hormonal makeup so TN was my designation. Of course as far as tri-modal treatment for IBC, it's a moot point; everyone gets the same chemo/surgery/radiation for the most part (at least at MD Anderson.)
I noticed in the notes from a meeting with my SO prior to surgery this month that I have a followup with my MO to discuss "possible adjuvant hormonal/systemic therapy" which surprises me because I have heard that options for TN are slim-to-none. I'm wondering if I'll be offered a clinical trial since I'm a patient at MD Anderson, but that remains to be seen.
Is anyone aware of AI for TN patients? I believe Xeloda is one possibility but I don't know anything about it. At this stage (just completed chemo and on to mastectomy), I'm not of a mind to consider adjuvant therapies. Of course if there is something available that would provide some level of protection against recurrence, I must consider it.