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Biopsy tomorrow

slk12 Member Posts: 5
edited October 2021 in Not Diagnosed But Worried

Hey all! Not happy to be joining, but am happy there’s a place to talk about this! This summer I began having some heart palpitations and a strange feeling, not breathing quite right. Also a very dry mouth! It didn’t happen regularly (other than dry mouth), so I let it go a while. Found out my thyroid was off and meds needed adjusted. Once the meds kicked in, I felt great for a few weeks. Then, started having some feelings of chest pressure again. Not sure that’s the best way to describe it? I went for my appointment with my GYN and she thinks it could be an autoimmune disorder, specifically Sjorens syndrome. She did a full work up of labs and I received the results today. CBC looks good, but Dr. Google tells me that’s meaningless with breast cancer. It does look like antibodies were detected for the autoimmune disorder, so that can explain a lot of things, I’ll find out next week. BUT she also found a lump in my breast. I’m 37 and check my breasts, but I can’t distinguish the lump from the other squishing as in my boob! Today I went for my very first mammo and ultrasound. It’s worth mentioning, I’m a day or so away from starting my period and also had my Covid vaccine last week. I did have some lymph swelling from that, btw.They were aware of all of this going into it. The mammo didn’t see anything and I was told I have dense breast tissue. The u/s showed a mass and they can’t tell if it could be cancerous or not. The radiologist said that the edges weren’t perfectly smooth, so that had him concerned, but there were “other things” that made it not seem alarming. Not sure what that might be. So, since it falls in that gray area, I’ll be having a biopsy tomorrow. To say that I’m nervous is an understatement! Totally scared and freaking out! After the issues I’ve had this summer, a possibility of breast cancer NEVER crossed my mind!


  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    One step at a time, and know we're all here for you! Try to distract yourself today, if possible. We're really sorry you've been through so much this summer! Keep us posted Medicating

  • LivinLife
    LivinLife Member Posts: 301

    Hi slk! Please let us know how the biopsy goes and once you get results. As far as Sjogren's. I'm diagnosed with that. A couple of helpful resources for you: is a website full of tons of information developed by an M.D. who has Sjogren's.

    Also has a very active and supportive Sjogren's community also full of knowledgeable folks in a different way.

    Also, consider going to a Sjogren's clinic for treatment. Many general rheum's only think about Sjogren's as a dry eye and dry mouth disease, do not see or treat many Sjogren's patients or treat them well unfortunately.... It is a serious systemic inflammatory disease. It can be mild for some and quite serious or debilitating for others. Wishing you the best! PM me if you'd like to chat....

  • slk12
    slk12 Member Posts: 5

    Thank you! Yes, my gyno is referring me to an endocrinologist who has done well handling her Sjrogen’s. Biopsy is done! Fairly painless, just a strange feeling! The surgeon said she doesn’t think it looks concerning, that gave me a little comfort. But, you don’t now until you know! I also got the results of my thyroid ultrasound today. I haven’t spoke with my doctor yet, but it sounds like I’m going to need a biopsy on a nodule there too. I’m over this poking and squeezing! SickTired

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    Hi again slk12,

    We're thinking of you and just checking in to see what the doctor has told you about your ultrasound? Any news on the biopsy results?

    Sending good thoughts to you!

    --The Mods

  • LivinLife
    LivinLife Member Posts: 301

    It certainly does get to be a bit much for sure..... Checkin' in on you like the Mods.....

  • slk12
    slk12 Member Posts: 5

    I have a follow up with my surgeon on Wednesday to go over the results of the biopsy. She doesn't do call backs, she has everyone come in for results. Long wait. I also have an appointment with my doctor on Wednesday to talk about the thyroid. After reading the report again, I'm actually thinking it says it I won't need a FNA at this point because of the size. But I'll wait and see how the conversation goes. If nothing else, all of this has taught me a lesson about patience and to focus on what matters. What a crazy few weeks.

  • slk12
    slk12 Member Posts: 5

    Has anyone else experienced a slight warmth/burning feeling in your breast after a biopsy? I'm 4 days post biopsy and every once in a while feel a warm feeling come and go. I think I've felt it in both breasts though, so I'm not sure it's related to the biopsy. My CBC and platelet counts all looked normal, which was a little reassuring, until this feeeling started!

  • slk12
    slk12 Member Posts: 5

    Just an update…Got the news that it’s something benign called PASH- Pseudoangiomatous Stromal Hyperplasia!

  • salamandra
    salamandra Member Posts: 749


  • purplecat
    purplecat Member Posts: 227

    Hooray for benign! So glad for you!