Anybody had similar

dawn608 Member Posts: 17
edited January 2022 in Not Diagnosed But Worried


New here so a little background first. I am female 62 with a family history of breast cancer and other cancers, i myself had cervical cancer at the age of 27. Hysterectomy followed later by a double oophorectomy. HRT in the past. Diagnosed with a fibroadenoma of the Right breast aged 30. I do have quite lumpy boobs anyway so not altogether vigilant on self examination. Last Mammogram in 2019.

So i began to feel like my right breast was a little hardened when i carried things, hugged the hubby ect. I took no notice until i went on holiday recently and tried to lie on my front and found it to be uncomfortable and hard and swollen. I also started to get a dragging feeling with the odd sharp stabbing pain. This prompted me to examine myself. I have 2 tender areas one at 4oclock(if that makes any sense) and the other where the fibroadenoma lives which is at 12 o'clock. Now during this examine i found this breast a lot more lumpy in the 12 o'clock area with an extension of lumpy tissue going towards my shoulder on the right upper quadrant. One defined area that does not move and appears to almost be next to the fibroadenoma.. I have looked in the mirror and the right boob appears to be "smaller" with a slight misshape/swelling on the side. I have seen my GP who has referred me to the fast track breast unit so within 2 wks hopefully.

Anybody out there with a similar story/history and what was the outcome?

Thank you for any help or advice


  • trinigirl50
    trinigirl50 Member Posts: 158


    Not to scare you but I did HRT for awhile and my breast started getting hard and slightly misshapen. I also had fibroadenoma for years. Also (and this is very specific to me) my tumour was lobular (which is linked to HRT) and was not seen even with mammograms and ultrasounds. I asked for a biopsy anyway, due to the clear change in the shape of my breast.

    Fast track is a very good idea.

    Good luck.

  • dawn608
    dawn608 Member Posts: 17

    Thank you so much for replying. I have this bad feeling(went and did my xmas shopping today ) but maybe i am wrong. I took HRT after my hysterectomy, maybe 5-8 years but when i had my ovaries removed i was told i couldn't take it??

    I did go to the breast clinic about 4 years ago after my GP found thickening in my left breast and to be honest i was made to feel like an idiot, hence why i have left this so long. If my Mammogram had been due this December i would have left it till then!

    Thank you once again for replying.

  • trinigirl50
    trinigirl50 Member Posts: 158

    I was also made to feel like an idiot and I didn't have a clue about lobular BC (I thought there was only one type). If I had known about symptoms (thickening) I would have demanded a biopsy sooner. As it happens the day before I got my positive for cancer biopsy results, I got my negative for cancer mammogram results. Mammograms don't show ILC very well. The fact that your breast has changed shape is more than enough of a red flag.

    My cancer must have been growing for years before I was diagnosed.

    Anyway even with one of the most godawful diagnoses (bar stage 4) I am still here, if that helps.

  • LivinLife
    LivinLife Member Posts: 301

    I just want to welcome you dawn! Best with the appointment - I'm glad you have one scheduled... Please check back in to let us know how that goes and what's recommended...

  • dawn608
    dawn608 Member Posts: 17

    Thankyou i will .x

  • dawn608
    dawn608 Member Posts: 17


    Rang breast unit and told appointments are taking 2-3 wks but they have me in the system. Said i was concerned as now have what i assume is lymph node swelling. Got a midwife at work to check and she was like "oh god yes" .The lumps are extending from the breast to the armpit and up the side of the armpit to about an inch below the shoulder blade. I told the lady i spoke to Friday about this and they have put me on a cancellation list so hopefully not much longer. Not sure the Lymph nodes are a good thing or not as maybe its more likely to be infection????

  • dawn608
    dawn608 Member Posts: 17

    Ok Opinions please.

    I went to the breast clinic today and saw the nurse practitioner. She found a thickened area plus a swollen lymph node under arm. I then had a mammogram and ultrasound(of breast and lymph node) and was given the all clear. I asked why then did i have what feels like bubble wrap of about 2 inches wide going from said thickening to almost my shoulder and under my arm. She said hormones. So that's it.................... not entirely sure but how can i question the experts?. Will keep a close eye and if anything further developes i will be off to GP. I should feel elated instead i feel a niggle. Thank you all for the support i may linger in the background for a while.

  • DinoBiscuits
    DinoBiscuits Member Posts: 2

    Hi Dawn —

    I’m sorry that you’re going through this. I don’t have much advice to impart other than to tell you that you know your body best. If you believe that something isn’t right — don’t push that feeling away. Even in light of negative imaging results. Find a way to get a second or even third opinion. Feel free to pursue until you are satisfied that everything is okay and you have explanations for why your lymph nodes are swelling. My aunt was told she didn’t have cancer, but she followed her gut, got a second opinion, and they found her cancer. Early enough to make it treatable, which it wouldn’t have been if she had waited. That’s not to scare you — everything could be fine and the statistics are on your side. But if *you* feel like this isn’t resolved — it’s not. You know?

    I have breast cancer all over my family and have been in screening since I was 30. There seem to be two camps of medical professionals I’ve experienced — the ones that are overly cautious and pursue every little thing, and the ones that make you feel like you’re making all of your issues up. You said you’ve experienced the latter in the past — don’t let that define your future here. You are your own best advocate and you should feel empowered to push until you’re comfortable with the result.

  • trinigirl50
    trinigirl50 Member Posts: 158

    Does the NP know about ILC, that it often does not show up in mammograms or ultra sound scans? That a symptom of ILC is thickening of breast area?

    Honestly the thickening area would be a concern for me, and if your breast has changed shape in any way.

    Also how is hormones a good answer? You aren't still on HRT are you? I just remember being sent off home being told it was nothing and ending up with stage 3C, so I feel compelled to tell you get a second opinion.

    I hope that it's an infection or something like that, it may well be. And I am sorry if I am scaring you, but you did ask for opinions.

  • dawn608
    dawn608 Member Posts: 17


    I will watch and wait for say 2-3 months and if till having symptoms with go back to gp. Thnakyou for all you help its very much appriciated.x

  • dawn608
    dawn608 Member Posts: 17


    Not taken HRT since both ovaries removed in 2006. 63 and no ovaries i struggle to believe hormones are the cause especially since this is only in one breast! Thanks for your reply and you are not in any way scaring me as a 35 year cancer survivor i have been there already.x

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,702

    Dawn, are you in the UK? You may want to try a second private opinion on this where there may be a bit more time to speak with someone and explore what is going on. As others noted above, go with your gut and keep going until you feel satisfied with the outcome and understand the evidence - even experts make mistakes.

    Have you recently had a covid or flu shot?

  • dawn608
    dawn608 Member Posts: 17


    Yes in uk. Thanks for the reply. I am going away in a couple of weeks so will revaluate it all then. Even hubby and fried who felt my breast said "so what the heck is it then" so i know its not all in my mind at least.x Sorry missed the covid/flu shot question but no to both.

  • dawn608
    dawn608 Member Posts: 17


    Letter from Nurse Practitioner.

    "On examination both breasts felt lumpy. No discreet lump was felt in the left breast. In the right breast in the upper aspect there was thickening at the site indicated by yourself, but no discreet lumps were noted. There was slight fullness in the right armpit. The left armpit and neck all felt normal.

    I arranged a mammogram of both breasts which reported as showing benign appearances only. A ultrasound scan of the right breast did not show any focal abnormality in the upper outer quadrant at the site indicated by you. The remainder of the breast looked normal and the were no abnormal lymph nodes noted in the right armpit"

    So i still have enlarged lymph nodes going from the thickening to almost my shoulder and under my armpit......................does anybody think i should take this further and go for an MRI? OR AM I JUST BEING PARANOID?

  • kipani
    kipani Member Posts: 13

    I'd get a second opinion, at least for peace of mind. Go for that MRI

  • lw422
    lw422 Member Posts: 1,419

    Dawn608--I'd ask for a lymph node biopsy at this point. Sorry for your frustration. And no, you are not being paranoid; you know your body better than anyone. Good luck to you.

  • dawn608
    dawn608 Member Posts: 17

    Going back to GP 28th to get her opinion. Thanks for your reply.x

  • dawn608
    dawn608 Member Posts: 17

    GP agreed that it needed more investigation so she is referring me for an MRI later today so hopefully not much longer to wait. If that comes back clear then all's well that ends well.x

  • dawn608
    dawn608 Member Posts: 17

    My daily "feel" has resulted in a pimply rash under the skin which is visible and where my main area of thickening concerns me. Nothing from the radiology dept.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,404

    Dawn - the best thing you can do at this point is to keep your hands off. It's hard to wait, but your constant prodding will not help.

  • dawn608
    dawn608 Member Posts: 17

    Thanks Minus two i know and i am not prodding just a gentle I do it more to reassure me its there and not all in my mind. I am not the first and i sure as eggs wont be the last. But i do appreciate your input so thankyou.x

  • dawn608
    dawn608 Member Posts: 17

    Hi All

    Just a quick update as i am aware i have been quiet for a while but then nothing to report. I tried to arrange a private MRI but apparently not allowed(reside in the UK) unless i have a surgeon allocated me. Spoke to my GP who was happy to refer me to a female breast surgeon who i have met on several occasions due to my work, and who i have confidence in. I did ask for a NHS referral as when i found out the cost i nearly had puppies!. A private consultation has come through and its tomorrow so hence the update tonight. I still have all the previous symptoms but i do feel the thickening has spread and now have a gross armpit overhang. Will update again tomorrow evening but wanted to thank all the ladies that have messaged me either on this page or via PM, you have helped enormously. Niight and God Bless.x

  • pato58
    pato58 Member Posts: 5

    Please Dawn, let us know. Good luck!

  • dawn608
    dawn608 Member Posts: 17


    I went and although the consultant agreed with me she wasn't worried but has requested a scan of the armpit and of the breast so will update when i have had that done.

  • elamom
    elamom Member Posts: 37

    my situation is different, but I just wanted to comment as I’m also here in the waiting with you. I’ve also been fast tracked, but it’s not fast enough! Haha. I have a biopsy later today. Hope everything checks out for you, let us know

  • dawn608
    dawn608 Member Posts: 17

    Elamom Fingers crossed for a happy outcome.x